Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 197 Tang San wants to catch the leak

Chapter 197 Tang San wants to catch the leak

"The injuries on your body will heal in about five days after applying the medicine. The swelling on your face will probably take a month to disappear. Before then, you will inevitably have a crooked mouth, squinted eyes, and soreness."

"If you can't stand it, apply medicated oil. It will make you feel much better. It's just a little expensive. You can buy a bottle first."

Finally, Dr. O'Hara looked at Dai Mubai and the two people next to him and hesitated, "Excuse me, what is the relationship between these two people and you?"

"Of course we are good brothers of Boss Dai."

"That's right, Boss Dai was injured this time and it was the two of us who carried him to the clinic."

Looking at the two people next to the hospital bed, Dai Mubai was also a little moved. Who would have thought that the sisters left him and ran away, and it was these two guys who were usually unreliable who extended a helping hand.

"Yes, doctor, these two are my beloved relatives, friends, and brothers. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Okay then." Dr. O'Hara no longer tried to hide it, "Young man, I think you are quite strong, but your bones are a bit weak. It's better to avoid sexual intercourse as much as possible. As long as that kind of medicine is used, It’s even better not to eat it again.”

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Dai Mubai's face turned green and he regretted it on the spot.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar subconsciously covered their mouths to suppress laughter. Who would have thought that the tall and mighty Boss Dai was actually fake.

Dr. O'Hara coughed lightly, and his voice was deliberately serious, "This is not a joke, young man, your health is not good to begin with. If you indulge like this and take those tiger and wolf medicines, you will probably end up with mutton tail or even infertility when you become an adult." .”

"Okay, doctor, you don't have to say anything anymore." Dai Mubai was filled with grief and anger, and shouted to the doctor while holding back the swelling and pain on his face.

If he continues to talk, his reputation as the evil-eyed white tiger Dai Shao will be completely ruined.

No, to be precise, the way he looks now is a naked joke in the eyes of acquaintances.

Fortunately, tomorrow is the day when Shrek Academy starts recruiting students. Dai Mubai was relieved thinking about this. At worst, he would hide in the academy for a month wearing a mask and sunglasses to recuperate.

Dai Mubai is also aware of the situation in his own college. They are the only three lowly students now. It is still unknown whether they will be able to recruit new students this year. After all, the four levels set up by Dean Flanders are called "neither lack nor excess."

Juniors and juniors basically don’t have to worry about anything except the situation in Soto City. Manager Wang and the twin sisters won’t talk nonsense, right?


After finding a hotel again, Tang San felt much better after taking a bath and changing into clean clothes. He also chose to rest in the afternoon and evening to dissipate the fatigue from the long journey.

After regaining his energy the next day, he chose to go shopping around Soto City to relax and take a look at his living environment in the next few years.

In fact, because Notting City is close to the border between Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire, the situation is better than that of ordinary small cities. Border trade makes business relatively prosperous.

However, it was nothing compared to Soto City. Tang San naturally didn't care about restaurants and clothing stores when he was out for a stroll. He mainly looked at Soto City's ore and herbal medicine markets, blacksmith shops and the relatively obscure "lawless zone".

When he finally returned to the street after shopping, a small storefront attracted Tang San's attention. The signboard on the storefront was not fancy and didn't even have a name, only three symbols.

Most people didn't know these three symbols at all, but Tang San knew exactly what they meant. These three symbols were exactly the same as the symbols on the teacher's third-class Wuhun Palace warrant.

A sword, a hammer and a blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex represent the three top martial arts spirits in the world. It must be a bit special for this store to use such symbols as its house sign.

Tang San's curiosity was aroused and he walked towards the store. Although this store was not very popular, there were probably only a few people in Soto City who could recognize the three symbols. It was normal for the threshold to be so high that there were few customers.

The store door was open, and Tang San entered directly. The entire store was small and very dark, with no shelves or counters, and only three walls hung with various old and inconspicuous products.

A faint energy fluctuation permeated the store, which was similar to the room used to test soul power in Wuhun Palace but was much weaker.

Is this the fluctuation of the soul guide?Tang San recalled the teacher's guidance and realized that all soul guides contained soul power fluctuations. If they were not used and bound to their own soul power, the soul power would be released.

Soul guides are generally more valuable because the production technology is lost, but except for storage soul guides, most of them are not very practical and are mostly collectibles.

Soul guidance devices can be sold for a good price even as antiques. However, Tang San looked at the products on the wall and shook his head. Unless the products were ranked first for soul power testing, there was no way to be sure.

As for the shop owner, Tang San shifted his attention to a creaking wooden deck chair. The quality of the chair itself was not bad, but the person lying on it was not light.

He was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 50s, with a shoehorn face, a hooked nose, and square-framed black glasses. When he saw him, he felt an aura of profiteers coming towards him.

The shop owner looked like he was sleeping soundly, breathing evenly. He didn't show any reaction to Tang San's visit. He was still rocking the recliner leisurely and sleeping with his eyes closed.

There was a soul guide among the pile of worn-out goods. Tang San's eyes flickered. He probably knew what the boss meant. It was just a fake product, and whether he could buy the genuine product all depended on the customer's discernment.

He didn't have any money left to buy an antique collection of soul tools from his boss, but Tang San was really interested in the storage soul tools.

It doesn't matter if it's the cheapest one with the smallest space. With that thing, it will be much more convenient for him to store hidden weapons.

Just as Tang San looked around the three walls, focusing on the soul guides in the shape of rings, bracelets and necklaces, a crystal the size of a human head fell into his eyes.

The crystal was closest to the entrance. Tang San turned around and saw that the crystal was translucent, with a lot of yellow impurities inside, and it looked very ordinary.

But this thing made Tang San's heart beat faster, his eyes were gleaming and he couldn't move away.Tang San knew the goods, and this was a slab crystal.

Among conventional crystals, in terms of ornamental value alone, amethyst is naturally the most beautiful and the most precious.

But if crystal hair is formed in the crystal, that is, some natural crystals are affected by the outside world under certain circumstances, and some golden thread-like objects are produced inside the crystal, then this crystal can be called hair crystal.

Its preciousness will exceed that of amethyst because of its practicality.

When the number of threads in the hair crystal gradually increases and gathers together in the crystal body to form a gold plate-like appearance, such a hair crystal is called a plate crystal.

Because of the large number of crystals and their regular arrangement, plate crystals are the best among hair crystals and the most precious existence among crystals.

The crystals in front of Tang San were of the highest quality, but the impurities on their surface covered the precious crystals inside, causing the pearls to become dusty.

But in the eyes of Tang San, who was running the Purple Demon Eye, these impurities were no hindrance.

According to his estimate, the number of crystal hairs in this plate crystal is at least tens of thousands, which is a miracle that can only occur if the plate crystal has existed for at least 10 years.

Jingfa, also known as hair gold, is a natural domineering hidden weapon.

Ranked eighth among the Hundred Solutions to Hidden Weapons of Xuantian Baolu, it specializes in destroying the powerful energy of the inner family.

Dragon Beard Needle requires sufficient internal strength to activate, attacking the enemy unprepared and inflicting huge pain on the enemy.

However, it is difficult to obtain materials and consumes a lot of internal force. It needs sufficient internal force support to be used continuously.

If Tang San gets this hair crystal, he will be filled with excitement, and he will obtain a hidden weapon of the highest quality currently.

Because the Dragon Beard Needle is naturally golden, the biggest advantage compared to other top ten hidden weapons is that it does not require processing.

And looking at the amount of golden hair in this plate crystal, Tang San estimated that he wouldn't have to worry about the Dragon Beard Needle in his life.

The only regret is that Tang San's Xuantian Gong internal strength is average at the moment, and it can only activate the Dragon Beard Needle within three meters at most.

However, it was very easy for Tang San to hide one on each of his ten fingernails, which would definitely become the most ruthless weapon in his hand.

Taking that young master Dai as an example, even the defensive power of the second transformation of his thousand-year soul skill cannot resist the overbearing armor-piercing force of the Dragon Beard Needle.

With the Dragon Beard Needle, Tang San, who had basically no chance of winning against Dai Mubai, was able to cross a large level and defeat him. This shows the power of the Dragon Beard Needle.

"Boss, how much does this cost?" Tang San asked the store owner on the recliner with a tight face, trying hard to keep his voice calm.

Even if he bought this plate crystal for tens of thousands of gold soul coins, he would still make a lot of money, but Tang San didn't have that much money, and he wanted to pick it up.

The seemingly sleeping boss opened his mouth and answered directly, "Not expensive, one hundred gold soul coins."

His lazy voice was hoarse and magnetic, and a little vague, but the shop was very quiet, which didn't affect Tang San's hearing clearly.

The strangest thing is that the boss didn't open his eyes. It's not like he has the ability to perceive things externally. It's just that everything in his shop has the same price when asked.

If a poor guy can't even get 100 gold soul coins, it's not worth opening his mouth to deceive him, ahem, no, just to make business.

100 gold soul coins are indeed not a small price in Soto City. They are a 10-month subsidy for a great soul master or a one-month subsidy for a soul master.

This is also the cleverness of the shop owner. If the customer is still hesitant after hearing the 100 gold soul coins, it means that he really wants that thing.

Afterwards, the store owner will make a counter-offer based on the customer's reaction. If he hesitates, he will say a few words to help the customer make up his mind to buy.

If guests. . .

"Okay, I bought it." Tang San nodded in agreement, then took out a bulging money bag from his backpack and handed it over. There was exactly 100 gold soul coins in it.

The ears heard that Tang San barely hesitated, the shop owner's mouth curled up, the fat sheep was coming.

Facing the money bag handed over by Tang San, the middle-aged shop owner didn't even open his eyes. He didn't take it and count the amount, but spoke again.

"You don't have enough money."

Tang San was stunned, "These are 100 gold soul coins, yes, you can count them."

"But my crystal costs two hundred gold soul coins." The middle-aged man's vague voice sounded again.

That's right, when he sells something, he doesn't look at the item itself at all, but rather based on the customer's reaction when setting the price.

(End of this chapter)

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