Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 199 False propaganda?

Chapter 199 False propaganda?

"This belt of yours?"

Flanders frowned as he looked at the girl's belt. These 24 pieces of jade looked familiar.

Compared with the one he remembered, the girl's belt was made of black and white metal threads, and there were metal slots on both sides, which was why he didn't recognize it immediately.

But looking at the shapes of the 24 jade stones, they looked more and more familiar to him.

Faced with the doubts of the traitorous shop owner, the girl had no intention of responding, threw the two cards in her hand at him and turned away.

Flanders was also very hesitant when he thought about the belt, so he did not use the method of raising the price again and again. He took the card, glanced at it and nodded.

The Golden Soul Coin Savings Card is really a golden sheep.

To be precise, the girl didn't know the plate crystal. She just roughly saw that the gold in the crystal was not just an impurity.

She is willing to spend 2000 gold soul coins just because of the reaction of the money test. If the yellow one is no more than two digits, she will buy it, if the purple one is no more than three digits, she will buy it, and so on.

And it doesn't matter if she doesn't know the purpose of this thing. After she returns, she will just give it to someone who knows the goods.

After seeing the girl take the crystal, Tang San's eyes were spitting fire, and he almost exploded with anger.

He already said that he liked the plate crystal and had reserved it. Why did that bastard buy the crystal from that profiteer?

Moreover, he also heard the words 2000 gold soul coins in front of the wind. Is she stupid? How can this profiteer boss raise the price?Do you have any backbone?

Tang San looked at the girl's back and his eyes widened, her bloody face looked like a monkey's butt, he was so cruel.

He seemed to see a cooked duck swirling around his mouth, and then flew away directly. This feeling of being about to gain and then completely lose made his mentality completely explode.

He hated the profiteer boss the most, then hated the girl whose name he didn't know, and finally even complained about Yu Xiaogang.

If he didn't have a storage soul guide, he wouldn't have to carry such heavy luggage on the road, and he could carry thousands of gold soul coins with him. Then wouldn't he just take this top-quality plate crystal?
Tang San, who was completely pissed off, had no intention of having dinner and chose to go back to the hotel directly. Tomorrow was Shrek Academy's enrollment time, and he had to adjust his mentality.


Xiao Wu was in a good mood. Although she was dazzled by the bustling Soto City yesterday and couldn't move when she saw the clothing store, she immediately gave up her plan to follow the little Zha San.

But when she finally went back, she saw the little boy coming back with a red face, and he looked very angry, which made her feel better.

And she didn't just eat, drink and have fun that day. She easily collected the information about Shrek Academy just by paying attention.

An exaggerated and somewhat crude flyer, which stated the admission time and location of Shrek Academy.

The most eye-catching thing is the sentence "You can become an Imperial Viscount after graduation", and I heard that this flyer was distributed near several junior soul master academies in the Soto City area.

The time happened to be during the graduation season of the Junior Soul Master Academy. I heard that many people were very moved after seeing it. At the end, there were five small words of Spirit Hall certification.

The shop owner that Xiao Wu asked about said that he went to ask the deacon of Wuhun Palace, and the deacon there nodded to confirm that the leaflet was not false propaganda.

After graduation, you can become an Imperial Viscount, a noble, not just a baron at the lowest level. Xiao Wu was moved when she saw this promotion.

No wonder the little bastard refused the invitations from those intermediate soul master academies. After graduating from those soul master academies, it would be difficult even for a baron.

After discovering Hua Dian, Xiao Wu praised her astute choice but also chose to join Shrek Academy without hesitation.

She spends money lavishly, and the soul master subsidy cannot be saved. She belongs to the Moonlight Clan. If she can become the Viscount of the Empire, she will no longer need to worry about money.

So, the next day,

Tang San, who had barely calmed down, saw his blood pressure spike again at the registration desk of Shrek Academy.

Because he saw two acquaintances, one was Xiao Wu, who had been with him for six years. This guy was definitely in the top five in Tang San's list of ways to die.

Although Xiao Wu looks very cute, in Tang San's eyes she has the face of an angel but the heart of a snake.

First of all, Xiao Wu is a heartless person. She has nothing to do except eat, drink, play, go shopping and go shopping, so she will look for Tang San to cause trouble for him.

It didn't matter that the academy prohibited fighting, she would scold Tang San and ruin Tang San's good mood, and she would also bring a group of younger brothers with her.

Secondly, Tang San firmly remembered in his heart that Xiao Wu was the culprit who caused his teacher to spiral into the sky and cause him to have no descendants.

Although it was Tang San who administered the laxative, if Xiao Wu hadn't blocked the way, he would have definitely rushed into the toilet with Yu Xiaogang on his back.Moreover, the blow that Xiao Wu aimed at his vital point would probably be something that a man would never forget for the rest of his life.

Finally, Tang San's good-looking bastard Xiao Wu was also a deductible in Tang San's mind.

If she hadn't been so good-looking, he wouldn't have had to confess his love to her during his monthly mission, and the probability of success would have definitely increased significantly.

This was also the direct reason why he saw Xiao Wu's blood pressure soaring in the registration team. If Xiao Wu came to Shrek Academy, wouldn't his monthly task still have to confess to Xiao Wu?
Then his mall, his 10-year-old soul bone, the sequelae on his body, and the incompleteness of his extinct descendants, wouldn't it be possible again? ! !
Without the mall, he could only pray, but where would he have time in the academy?
As for the other one, it was the girl from the Rose Hotel. Stealing Tang San's opportunity was like killing his parents. Tang San had already recorded such a deep hatred in his notebook.

But it was obvious that he couldn't beat her. After all, he saw how Dai Shao was beaten, so Tang San could only comfort himself in his heart.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

30 years in Hexi, 30 years in Hedong, don't bully the young and poor.

The little notebook in Tang San's mind that recorded the list of ways to achieve death will definitely be realized one by one in the future!
Finally, Tang San, who was already in a very bad mood, was filled with disbelief when he saw Shrek Academy's true face in Lushan.

In the small village outside Soto City, there was an arch made of wood at the entrance of the village and a tattered plaque that said Shrek Academy was hung. Is this the Soul Master Academy?
In comparison, the Notting Junior Soul Master Academy he graduated from is more than ten times stronger than this!

In addition to the five characters "Shrek Academy" on the plaque, there is a green monster head in front of it. A table is set up under the arch, and an old man with a green monster head badge sitting there, who should be the registered teacher.

He doesn't look very old, but he looks worse than Jack, the village chief of Holy Soul Village, because he looks lazy and his clothes are very casual and not as carefully taken care of as the old Jack.

In front of him, hundreds of children about Tang San's age were lining up under the leadership of their parents.

Xiao Wu was in the middle of the team, and the girl was pulling a timid-looking girl of school age one third of the way behind the team.

Not only Tang San, but Xiao Wu and even everyone in line looked at Shrek Academy's appearance and murmured in their hearts, isn't this really a liar?
The parents of a young man in front of Tang San were following him, and they only listened to the young man's mother.

"Did you make a mistake, is this the so-called soul master academy, or an academy that claims to be a Viscount of the Empire after graduation?"

The boy's father said with some uncertainty: "This is what the Wuhundian said, there should be nothing wrong with it. But this academy is really a bit run-down."

The young man said: "Father, I don't want to go to school here, it's too embarrassing. I'd better go to Soto Intermediate Soul Master Academy. How can I put it, I was considered a genius when I was in the Junior Academy."

The boy's father frowned and said, "Since you're here, just wait a little longer. Maybe this is a test. The real academy isn't here."

There are definitely many similar conversations among the queued crowd, and most of the teenagers and their parents have deep disappointment on their faces.

The young man at the front walked to the table, and the old man pointed lazily to the side, "First pay the registration fee of ten gold soul coins, and just put it in that box."

Next to him was a wooden crate for the money.

The young man's accompanying father put the gold soul coin directly into the box, and then the old man continued to say to the young man, "Stretch out a hand."

Just squeezing the young man's arm, the old man shook his head and said, "You are not of your age, you can leave."

The young man and his father looked at each other in confusion. Just like that, 10 gold soul coins are gone? !

You must know that this is not a small number, especially since the people who come to Shrek Academy are basically not wealthy.

The young boy was at a loss, but his father naturally would not let his half-year's income go down the drain.

I saw him whispering to the old man in a flattering manner, "Teacher, my son just celebrated his 13th birthday. Do you think you can be accommodating?"

The old man waved his hands impatiently. He was the weakest and was in a bad mood to do the most strenuous work. How could he talk to these weaklings in front of him?

"Don't affect the people behind you. Don't you know the rules of the academy? We only accept children under 13 years old. No children over 13 years old will be accepted. You can leave."

"What about our registration fee?" The young father felt very distressed about his half-year income.

Haha, the old man sneered in his heart, what would the college eat without cheating on the registration fee, just relying on three official students?He also gets a share of the money in this box, so it is naturally impossible to pay back the money that comes to his mouth.

"Once registered, it will not be refunded."

When he saw that he couldn't get the money back, the young father couldn't help but burst into anger.

"You guys are obviously cheating money. Refund our registration fee, or we won't leave. If we had known that this so-called Shrek Academy is so dilapidated, we shouldn't have come."

The old man glanced at the weakling in front of him. It was not worth his while to deal with such a thing. He said calmly, "Fat man, someone wants to repay the name fee. Please handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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