Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 200: The road is rough, do you have any opinions?

Chapter 200: The road is rough, do you have any opinions?

Ma Hongjun, a fat red-haired man who had been working on the sidelines, had no choice but to stand up. He didn't want to do such a thing.

This kind of half-robbing and half-cheating method can make him lose face, but not a single piece of the money in this box will reach his hands.

Originally this was the responsibility of Boss Dai, but Boss Dai couldn't go out to meet people because of his swollen face, and Xiao Ao was a food-related person, so he, the Evil Fire Phoenix, could only take care of it.

Ma Hongjun stood up and shouted without saying anything, "Phoenix possessed!" Two yellow soul rings emerged from the soles of his feet.

Purple-red light covered Ma Hongjun's body, and his arms grew feathers like birds.

The young man and others were shocked when they heard the word "Phoenix", but when they took a closer look at Ma Hongjun's appearance, they couldn't help laughing.

"What kind of phoenix is ​​this? It's obviously a fat chicken, hahaha!"

Because Ma Hongjun is too fat, and with his erect mohawk and arms covered with purple feathers, he doesn't look the least bit noble and gorgeous like Phoenix.

"Who are you calling a fat chicken?" Ma Hongjun, who had no bottom line, directly launched his first soul skill at the young man and his father.

He raised his arms, opened his mouth, and a thin line of purple-red fire shot out.

Although the scale of the fire line was not large, the intense heat distorted the air. One can imagine its power and the consequences of falling directly on people.

Fortunately, the boy's father was also a soul master. With quick eyesight and quick hands, the spirit possessed him and grabbed the boy away from the place.

Thinking back to the high temperature beside them just now, and then seeing the purple-red flames burning in place, the young father and the young man were sweating profusely. If they really couldn't die a little slower, they would definitely shed their skin.

The old man looked at the father and son and shook his head disdainfully. Do you still want money at this level?
Seeing that there was no hope of getting the money back, the father and son had no choice but to turn around and leave. Otherwise, would they still be fighting for the money?
"Wait a minute." The girl who was originally at the back of the team came to the side of the father and son at some point.

She first looked at the old man, then looked past Ma Hongjun and looked at the father and son, "How did you learn about Shrek Academy's enrollment?"

"It's the flyer distributed near the Junior Soul Master Academy." The young father shook his head helplessly and took out a folded flyer from his arms.

"The flyer said that Shrek Academy has a strong teaching staff, and graduates can become imperial viscounts, and have the endorsement of Wuhun Palace. That's why I took my son and planned to try my luck."

"Can you give me the flyer?" the girl asked.

"Of course." The young father handed the flyer to the girl and reminded her kindly.

"You came here with your younger siblings, right? I feel like there's something wrong with this Shrek Academy. You'd better not stay here and waste the 10 gold soul coins registration fee."

"I know." The girl nodded, "Don't leave in a hurry. I'll help you get back the registration fee of ten gold soul coins."

Hearing the girl's words, the young father was delighted at first, then looked at the girl and shook his head, "Forget it, I understand your kindness, but they are all soul masters, and reasoning is useless."

The girl didn't say anything, but turned directly towards the old man and Ma Hongjun.

The old man looked at the girl with a look of impatience on his face, and looked at Ma Hongjun on the side with a look of dissatisfaction on his face. The great soul master's intimidating power was that the soul master without a thousand-year soul ring could use it, and he had to take action himself.

Thinking of this, he stood up directly. A strong aura radiated from his body, and most people present felt their hearts stagnant.

Rich red soul power light emerged from the old man's body, and a long stick with fine lines appeared on his right hand.

The most amazing thing is that from the soles of his feet, six white, yellow, purple, purple and black soul rings emerged one after another. He was clearly a Soul Emperor!
The old man stared closely at the girl who was walking towards him, most of the soul pressure on his body was given to her, and he wanted to use her as a warning to other monkeys.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the girl's footsteps did not stop at all, and the old man's powerful soul force oppressed her as if it didn't exist.

She walked directly up to the old man, held the flyer and asked him, "Which item on it says that the registration fee cannot be refunded?"

Li Yusong clenched the stick in his hand, and the soul power on his body was suppressed without reservation. However, looking at the girl who was not affected at all, he was full of doubts but did not dare to take action.

"Just because it's not written down doesn't mean it's not written down. How can you write so many exam rules in such a small space in this leaflet?"

"If you can't write a flyer, you can put up a sign here and write down the admissions details of your college. What kind of rule does it count if you didn't mention it in advance? Get your money back!"

The girl's voice was cold and unceremonious, and her clear black and white eyes were not as troubled as the old man's Sixth Ring Soul Emperor.

"No, do you know them? Are you minding their own business?" Li Yusong pointed at the father and son over there who were as arrogant as quails and said disdainfully.

"The road is rough, do you have any opinions?" The girl looked down at the old man and narrowed her eyes, "And, was this leaflet distributed by you?"

"This is naturally distributed by our Shrek Academy." Li Yusong looked at the hundreds of people behind the girl and hesitated.

The registration has just begun. If there is really a fuss, today's enrollment will probably not receive many gold soul coins.Dean Flender does have a lot of money in his hands, but the teachers under them are extremely poor despite being Soul Emperors.

Wuhun Palace has subsidies for soul masters, but it only stops at soul masters. There is no subsidy for those above soul masters. After all, it doesn't make sense for them to be freeloaders after they are above level 40.

The so-called subsidy for soul masters below level 40 is actually the guaranteed resource that Wuhun Palace strives for for civilian soul masters.

With this money, civilian soul masters' fees at the soul master academy will not be affected by other factors and will not be restricted by nobles.

The teacher of Shrek Academy lives in a village on the outskirts of Soto City and is not engaged in production, so naturally he has no other income.

Dean Flender is an old stingy and everyone knows his virtues. Shrek Academy is so bad that it is not even willing to make a new appearance. How much salary do we still expect him to pay to the teachers?
Therefore, these teachers only have one payday every year, which is the day of enrollment.

Never mind how many new students Shrek Academy can recruit?Even if no one is recruited, one cent of the registration fee is enough for them to live a happy life for a few months.

"Okay, forget it, I didn't explain the first one clearly." Li Yusong put away his martial spirit and looked at the girl, "But he threw the money in by himself, and he has to take it out by himself."

"First of all, let's talk about it. This box is an antique of our college and cannot be damaged at all."

After posing a problem for the girl and the father and son, Li Yusong stopped caring about them. He turned to look at the hundreds of people waiting in line at Qi Luck Dantian and shouted, "Listen to me clearly."

"The name of our academy is Shrek Academy because Shrek is a kind of monster, an extremely weird existence even among soul beasts."

"The meaning of our Shrek Academy is Monster Academy. In other words, we only accept monsters here, not ordinary people."

"If you are over 13 years old, or if your soul power has not reached level 21 or above, then you don't need to waste time here."

"In addition, the registration fee is non-refundable." Li Yusong couldn't help but feel depressed when he saw the large crowd dispersing. There were originally hundreds of applicants, but now there are only a dozen left.

However, he has done a good job in cultivating Qi over the years, and he still has a nonchalant look on his face.

But the anger in his heart was unavoidable, so he turned to look at the girl and the father and son to watch the fun. If the wooden crate was damaged, it would be reasonable for him to ask for some compensation.

But the girl put her hand directly on the money slot of the wooden box, and ten gold soul coins flew out of the wooden box one by one and landed on the girl's hand as if they had wings.

Then the girl turned her hand and handed it to the girl's father. Li Yusong on the side was shocked and angry. The soul power was released without any breath leaking out. Such strong soul power control.

"Thank you." After regaining his hard-earned money, the young man's father thanked him and patted the son next to him, "Quick, thank you for this kind sister."

"Thank you sister."

The girl waved her hands towards the father and son to signal them to leave, then turned to look at Li Yusong and continued to ask.

"You said that your enrollment criteria are that you are under 13 years old and have a soul power of level 21 or above?"

"That's right." Li Yusong looked at the girl with a cold face. This guy is here to cause trouble, isn't it over?

"Can you enroll if you meet these standards?" The girl's words also attracted the attention of the remaining ten applicants.

Ten gold soul coins is not a small number, and the registration fee is non-refundable.

If there were other standards, they would just leave immediately after learning that they did not meet the standards.

Li Yusong couldn't hold back at all this time and his face turned gloomy. Is this guy trying to mess with the remaining one hundred gold soul coins?

"This is my standard for the first level. Other teachers will be responsible for the rest. I don't know." Seeing everyone looking over, Li Yusong had no choice but to clear his throat and said solemnly.

"Our Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, not ordinary people. In addition to age and soul power level, there are requirements for martial arts, soul rings and even actual combat experience."

"Of course, the teaching staff of our college is not even the slightest bit wet. It is not convenient for me to disclose the details. I can only say that among the formal teachers of Shrek College, I am the weakest. Our dean and deputy dean are A genuine soul saint."

The weakest teacher is also a Soul Emperor level teacher? !And Dean Soul Saint
Originally, after hearing that there were so many tricks to register at Shrek Academy, most of the remaining dozen or so people had no intention of leaving. However, when they heard what Li Yusong said, their eyes widened and they had no intention of leaving.

Tang San was also excited after hearing this. No wonder the teacher asked him to come to Shrek Academy. The opportunity to receive the soul emperor's sacred words and personal teachings would be unthinkable in an intermediate soul master academy.

When Xiao Wu heard about the Soul Emperor, she was timid at first. After hearing that the two deans of Shrek Academy were Soul Saints, she was relieved. Fortunately, they were not Soul Emperors, otherwise she would have run away directly. .

After hearing that Li Yusong had finished saying what needed to be said, the girl returned directly and lined up quietly next to the girl she had brought.

(End of this chapter)

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