Chapter 201 Test?Suppress!
"Huh?" Li Yusong looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

This girl is a person, a little over 1.6 meters tall. She is wearing a simple white dress, has short ear-length hair, and fair skin. She looks pure and cute. Ma Hongjun who is watching from the side swallows her saliva.

Of course, Li Yusong wasn't looking at this. He was looking at the martial spirit in the girl's hand after she was possessed by the martial spirit and released the spirit ring. The martial spirit in her hand was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the exclusive martial spirit of the direct lineage of the upper three sects, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"Excuse me, can I pass the initial test?" The girl's voice was soft and sweet, a little less heroic, but it sounded soft and soft, which made people feel soft.

The surprise on Li Yusong's face gradually subsided, and he frowned and said, "Does your family know you're here?"

The girl didn't answer his question directly, but just smiled and said, "It is said that there is no discrimination in teaching, as long as I meet the requirements of the academy, you have no reason not to accept me."

Li Yusong hesitated for a moment, thinking that since he had nothing to do in Shrek Academy, Dean Flender would naturally make a choice when the time came, so he nodded.

"You go there and wait."

The girl turned around, and Tang San, who was a little curious behind her, was able to see her face clearly. It was a beautiful and pure face, with a different style compared to the charming and playful Xiao Wu, but the scores were similar.

This made Tang San's eyes light up for a moment. He was not just greedy for the other person's body like Ma Hongjun, but he thought of the monthly mission of the Omniscient Book.

If this innocent girl also enrolls in Shrek Academy, then Tang San doesn't need to confess his love to the little devil Xiao Wu. If he chooses another candidate, he will directly go from the almost impossible hell level to the ordinary difficulty level.

Li Yusong's requirements were so clear that the remaining applicants would have no problem at least in the first level with him.

Everyone only needs to have their bone age tested by Li Yusong, check the number of soul rings, and then they can wait aside.

Because the stage was very simple and the number of people was small, the little fat boy Ma Hongjun took them to the next test level.

And Li Yusong showed disdain when he saw that the martial spirit of the girl who arrived with the ridiculously tall girl was just an average Ivy. At this level, she would probably be eliminated directly in the second level.

People who are beautiful will naturally attract people around them, not to mention that the two girls were still alone without anyone to accompany them.

If other boys were still very shy and worried about their parents and their own youth, Tang San was thinking about how to make the girl fall in love with him.

That Ma Hongjun was like a wild boar that hurried over to grab food without any regard for food, wandering directly between Xiao Wu and another beautiful girl.

Xiao Wu naturally didn't have the slightest fondness for a guy like Ma Hongjun who looked average, was fat, and had a wretched temperament.

Another innocent girl who looked fair and beautiful looked at Ma Hongjun with obvious disgust in her eyes.

If she hadn't paid attention to her image when she went out and tried to hide her true temperament, Ning Rongrong would have scolded her long ago.

The other registered children and parents on the side also showed their faces when they saw Ma Hongjun's Pig Brother.

It was obvious that this fat little red-haired man was an official student of Shrek Academy. No matter how talented he was as a soul master, there was no trace of moral cultivation in him.

Even if his family didn't teach the little fat guy well, wouldn't it be possible that Shrek Academy didn't teach him either?
If Shrek Academy only teaches soul master cultivation and does not teach moral cultivation, it will be difficult for them to hand over their children to the academy with confidence.

Moreover, looking at the interior of Shrek Academy, there are no surprises. Just like its shabby door, the inside and outside are the same, which shows the difference in hardware conditions.

How can they rest assured that their children will grow up healthily in the academy?

Thinking of this, many parents originally thought about leaving again, but considering the registration fee of 10 gold soul coins, no one chose to give up halfway.

Even if they don't join Shrek Academy in the end, they still have to see their true face in Lushan. If nothing else, they can tell their close relatives and friends about the truth about Shrek Academy.


The second level of the Shrek Academy entrance test,

Located in the open space in the center of the village, it is surrounded by ordinary wooden houses that are identical. From the outside, it is even impossible to tell whether it is a villager's house or a teaching building of Shrek Academy.

The test was no different from Li Yusong at the door. An older teacher had set up a table and lined up for the test.

It's just that there is an extra piece of white crystal on the table to test the specific soul power, and there is a wooden box next to it to collect money.

The content of the second level test is also very simple, including soul power evaluation and martial soul identification.

The appraisal of martial souls mainly depends on the quality of the martial soul itself. If the soul ring is good, it can also make up for it and add points.

As for the specific soul power evaluation, there is a special rule. If the soul power exceeds level 25, you can skip the second and third levels and directly test the final fourth level.

"Isn't this a joke if your soul power exceeds level 12 before the age of 25?" The children and parents who signed up whispered.

It's not that Douluo Continent doesn't have geniuses of this level, the key is that this is Soto City, a big city that doesn't even have the main martial soul hall, and it's not Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Emperor.

When opening a college here, you should consider the actual local conditions. How many students can be admitted per year based on this standard? Is it a college recruiting students or someone recruiting apprentices?Many parents murmured in their hearts.

In Shrek Academy's past situations, this kind of special case is indeed rare, but this year is a bit special.The first is the fair-skinned girl who looks quite elegant and has a strong aristocratic aura. She always has a spring breeze-like smile on her face.

The voice is also soft and beautiful, completely opposite to the tall girl's heroic spirit, with a soft and soft style.

"I think I can be that special case." The girl picked up the white crystal with confidence, and a soft light shone from the crystal.

The crystal was surprisingly bright, but still a little short of fully lit.

"Soul power level 28, very good." This older teacher seemed to have a much gentler attitude than Li Yusong in the first level.

"Anyone else with soul power above level 25 should also come and test together. When the time comes, let Ma Hongjun take you directly to the fourth level."

She had taken the expensive Wuhundian potion to reach level 28 so quickly. How could anyone catch up with her?

Ning Rongrong turned around with a smile on her face, ready to enjoy this unique specialness and honor.

But it was a pity that three people came forward to test the specific soul power.

The second one is Xiao Wu, who is half a head taller than Ning Rongrong. The white crystal in her hand is as bright as a diamond, and even the details and corners are completely lit up.

"Level 29 is only one step away from the Soul Master. It's very good." Shao Xin, the senior teacher, praised sincerely.

Seeing the envy and exclamations of other children and parents, Ning Rongrong raised her eyes and felt a sense of dissatisfaction, but she quickly covered it up.

The third one was the little girl led by the most eye-catching tall girl in the audience. She also had a very delicate appearance, but there was still a clear gap between her and top beauties like Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu.

But the white-haired girl in black and white clothing is really too attractive. Although her appearance is not painted with makeup, she is extremely heroic. With her ridiculous height of two meters, there is a natural oppression wherever she looks.

Moreover, she actually remained unmoved despite the pressure from the first pass, the Soul Emperor teacher, which was enough to show her hidden horror.

But what is her soul power level?Everyone present has this curiosity to some extent.

The white crystal shines brightly. Although it is bright, there is still a clear gap between it and the previous two.

"Level 26, not bad." Shao Xin nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Tang San expectantly. There were so many geniuses this year, it seemed that the academy could finally be more lively.

The one who appears last is usually good. Tang San faced Xiao Wu's provocative gaze and calmly picked up the white crystal.

"Another level 29, which is good." Shao Xin nodded. It seems that Shrek Academy is likely to have double the number of students this year.

As a college teacher, he naturally knows the fourth level. It is not so much a test as a showdown arranged by Dean Flender.

If you can pass such strict admissions requirements, then the new student must be a true genius.

But geniuses all have arrogance, and it is difficult to discipline them. Let them suffer some losses and suppress their arrogance to facilitate future collection and management. This is the real core of the fourth level of practical testing.

The 12-year-old kid just graduated from the Junior Soul Master Academy, where does he get any practical experience?Shao Xin shook his head. If it was perfect, why would he come to the academy to study?

Therefore, the pass rate of the fourth level is not to say 25%, but it is almost the same. There is no precedent for children with soul power above level [-] to fail.

Those children will definitely suffer a big loss in the fourth level, but this does not prevent them from successfully enrolling in Shrek Academy.

Shao Xin sighed in his heart. He knew very well what Dean Flanders was like, and he also knew that Dai Mubai had an accident.

The fourth level this year is that idiot Zao Wuji. Even a peerless genius cannot take advantage of the Soul Saint at the age of 12. No matter how strong he is, it doesn't matter.

To put it bluntly, the stronger the children tested, the more excited Zao Wuji would be, because he would be able to have less energy and have fun.

Of course, Shao Xin didn't intend to care too much, he was just a teacher.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun was chatting with five other people.

Although he is not likable, others still want to get some detailed information about Shrek Academy from him.

Ma Hongjun didn't hide anything. He was a student of Shrek Academy, and he was naturally proud of the academy's glorious history.

The third level is to test the candidates' application of their own martial arts, and the fourth level is the actual combat assessment, because the dean has said that no one is allowed to be pampered.

The assessment was so difficult, so naturally someone asked about Shrek Academy's admission rate and official students.

Speaking of this, Ma Hongjun puffed up his chest very proudly.

"Our Shrek Academy has admitted a total of 20 students in the past 42 years since its establishment. On average, we only admit a little more than two students a year."

(End of this chapter)

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