Chapter 202 False Glory

"The academy has not received a student for two years. Currently, there are three students studying in the academy including me."

The little fat man looked at the four of them with the pride of a senior. The four of them had to pass the fourth level before they could become official students of Shrek Academy like him.

"That's too little!" Xiao Wu and the others looked at each other and exclaimed, and then continued to ask, "Then how can the college survive? Where will the income come from without students?"

"That's why the college is in the village, and Mr. Dai's family is relatively rich. I heard that there are some subsidies."

Ma Hongjun said sheepishly, then he raised his chest proudly when he remembered the words of his mentor and dean Flanders.

"The dean said that we would rather lack than waste. No matter what time, even if Shrek Academy is closed, we will never accept waste. Only monsters."

"Do you know what the graduation requirements of the academy are? Ours here is neither an intermediate soul master academy nor an advanced soul master academy, because our requirements are different from theirs."

"We only want students under 13 years old, and they must be talented."

"The college's graduation requirements are that you must exceed level 20, and you must exceed level [-] before the age of [-], and you must reach the level of the Soul Sect before you are allowed to graduate."

Before Ma Hongjun and other children could marvel at the specialness of Shrek Academy, the tall girl calmly interjected.

"So this is the truth stated in the flyer that those who graduate can be called Viscount of the Tiandou Empire. Soul masters above level 40 can obtain the title of Viscount unconditionally as long as they are willing to join the Tiandou Empire and serve."

"This?" Ma Hongjun was stunned, and the other children also reacted.

"Isn't this just trying to fool people?" Ning Rongrong frowned and felt dissatisfied. Her original expectations and goodwill disappeared. "So how true is Shrek Academy's propaganda?"

"That's right, Fatty." Xiao Wu also reacted, "It's true that we are geniuses, but the academy and the students are mutually exclusive. Your Shrek Academy has such strict requirements, is there anything unique about it?"

Shrek Academy's material conditions are obvious to everyone, so to make up for it, its advantages must be very obvious to be equal to its strict admissions standards.

"The dean and vice-dean are both soul saints, and the teachers are both soul emperors, right?"

"And then?" Xiao Wu asked.

"The college's fees are not high, and when a soul ring is needed, the dean or vice-dean will personally lead a team to the Star Dou Forest to hunt down suitable soul beasts to obtain soul rings."

"This is good, what else is there?" Ning Rongrong said yes, but in fact there was disdain in her eyes. If she was like this, it wouldn't be much different from when she was at home.

"Well, I'm just a student of the same age as you, how can I know so much?" Ma Hongjun shook his head, and then thought of the glorious school history told by Flanders.

"By the way, the college admitted a total of 42 students, but only fourteen people actually graduated. After these fourteen people left the college, they all became world-renowned figures."

"The most outstanding one among them is now the youngest elder in the Spirit Hall, and his authority is second only to the Pope."

"The rest who haven't graduated are unable to complete level 20 training before the age of 41 and died while hunting soul beasts. The dean said that if you are not level [-], don't go out and embarrass him."

Ma Hongjun said that Dean Flanders was also full of pride and pride on his face. They were both flying martial arts souls, and he was Flanders's direct disciple.

Hearing this, Tang San also understood the teacher's good intentions. It was obvious that Yu Xiaogang and Shrek Academy should have a close relationship and understand each other.

Seeing the hesitation of the other four people before, he also made a short-sighted evaluation in his heart.

"I'm very lucky to be here." Tang San said to Ma Hongjun and Yourong, he must join Shrek Academy, not only because of the teacher's arrangement, but also his own choice.

"Hunting soul beasts leads to death, tsk tsk. The maximum number of soul rings below level 40 is a thousand-year soul ring. What kind of parallel soul saint can't protect his students when facing a thousand-year soul beast? Or is he irresponsible?"

The tall girl asked again, this time her voice contained a rare hint of sneer.

"I said earlier that it is neither an intermediate soul master academy nor an advanced soul master academy. This means that Shrek Academy is not officially recognized and is considered a private pheasant academy."

"Besides, you have to have a certain degree of control when writing stories. Little Fatty, do you know what the elder of Wuhun Palace means? What standards are required?"

The older girl looked at the somewhat confused little ones and whispered softly, "The biggest and only criterion for the elders of Wuhun Hall is that the soul power cultivation level has reached level 90 or above."

"Only titled Douluo who have their own title are qualified to become elders, and only then can they have the confidence second only to the Pope."

"Let me ask you, little fat man, you said Shrek Academy was established 20 years ago, right?"

"Yes." Ma Hongjun looked at the condescending older girl and shrank his neck in fear.

"The admission standard is 12 years old and below?"


"In other words, the elder you are talking about is less than 32 years old this year? Do you want to look up the history of Douluo Continent? Are there any titled Douluo under the age of 32? What is his name?" "This?"

For a moment, not only the little fat man, but also the other four children including Tang San were dumbfounded.

The older girl continued, "A great soul master at the age of 12 and a soul sect graduate at the age of 20. Even if he is promoted to 8 levels in 20 years and 4 levels in 10 years, the most soul saint is at the age of 32."

"Not to mention that it becomes more difficult to improve soul power in the later stages. There are completely different worlds between those above the Soul Saint and those below the Soul Saint."

"The school history you mentioned is full of loopholes and flaws. Did the editor have to be over his head?"

Facing the older girl's condescending questioning, Ma Hongjun crouched like a quail in her tall shadow.

"This is what the dean said. How do I know if what you said is true?"

"She is right, I know the youngest titled Douluo in the continent." Ning Rongrong stood up and confirmed.

She bit her lower lip and said with obvious fear on her face, "That is the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong. It is said that she broke through the Titled Douluo when she was 35 years old, and was the first person under the age of 40 in history to break through the Titled Douluo. Luo’s genius.”

"Does this mean this is a liar academy?" Xiao Wu spread her hands and sighed.

"You can't say that." Tang San stood up and objected loudly, "There is no doubt that the two deans are at the soul saint level, and the faculty of Shrek Academy deserves recognition."

"As for the elders, there must be some misunderstanding. I believe in Shrek Academy. If you don't believe it, just give up."

With that, Tang San walked to Ma Hongjun, "Let's go, senior, let's go to the fourth level for the test."

"You're all here, let's go and take a look." The older girl patted the girl next to her on the shoulder with a deep look. She didn't come here to send people to school.


The fourth level is still an open space, about 50 square meters. This time there are no tables. There is only a strong middle-aged man in his [-]s dozing on a chair.

"Teacher Zhao, I have brought people to take the fourth level assessment. They are all exempt from the second and third level tests." Ma Hongjun said carefully to the middle-aged man.

"Huh? The fourth level is here again this year? There are still four." The middle-aged man opened his hazy sleepy eyes and looked at the four young men and women in front of him with some surprise, as if he had encountered something incredible.

Then he set his sights on the tall girl. His instinct told him that this person was threatening to him, and this feeling seemed familiar.

"That's right, Teacher Zhao." Seeing his vice-dean beside him, Ma Hongjun instantly gained confidence and energy, and said to Zhao Wuji in an exaggerated manner what he just said.

"Those two of the five of them came to our Shrek Academy to stir up trouble. Not only did they drive away most of the registered students at the first hurdle, they also forced Teacher Li to return the registration fee."

"And they also made wild claims, saying that our school history of Shrek Academy is all forged, that Dean Flanders is a liar, or that you are all not good people."

"Is that so?" Zhao Wuji glanced at Ma Hongjun meaningfully. He naturally knew who this fat man was, but even if it was an exaggeration, at least the context should be correct.

But he didn't get angry directly. Instead, he looked at the older girl carefully. Her white hair with ink embellishments was very special.

The two-meter-tall, golden-proportioned figure looks impeccable. There is no trace of the thinness unique to women, but it gives people a sense of impeccableness.

Her clothes and demeanor didn't look like she came from a small place, not to mention the familiar feeling of threat.

Zhao Wuji raised his eyebrows as to which of the big forces I had seen when I was young was similar to hers. I heard that the Haotian Sect's force clan was completely finished, not them.

The direct descendants of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect are all blue-haired. The Qibao Glazed Sect is a support and not a threat. Could it be that it is the Spirit Hall?
Forget it, Zhao Wuji, who couldn't figure it out for a while, looked at the other three children. It would be great to have new students.

As the vice-president, he knew the details of the college very well. Basically, he had no ability to continue operating. He relied on Dai Mubai's extravagant wealth to make ends meet, but this only stopped when these students graduated.

That guy Flanders has always hoped that students can make him famous, but unfortunately, Shrek Academy has never had more than five students.

With less than 7 people, it is impossible to form a team of spirit masters to participate in the most common 7-person group spirit fighting in the Grand Spirit Arena, and there is no hope of participating in the elite competition of the continent's advanced spirit master academies to become famous.

Of course, Shrek Academy is not officially recognized, and it was not originally qualified to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Later, it was useless to relax the standards and allow private teams to compete freely. That guy from Flanders was very stubborn and did not want to let his students make wedding dresses for others.

It's okay for others to cooperate with Shrek Academy and compete in the name of Shrek Academy, but not the other way around or under Shrek's name.

But Shrek Academy has neither money nor power. Most of the time, there are only two big cats and two small cats, and the students are not in the same year. Only a fool comes to cooperate with Flanders, a stingy man.

(End of this chapter)

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