Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 203 The sinister Zao Wuji

Chapter 203 The sinister Zao Wuji (afternoon as usual)
Standing up, Zhao Wuji was not tall, and even the 12-year-old Tang San was shorter. Compared to the girl in black and white clothing, there was an obvious gap in this aspect.

Even though Zhao Wuji's shoulder width was obvious, it could not change the absolute gap of more than 30 centimeters. The closer the two were, Zhao Wuji would have to look up at the girl.

The one who was looking for trouble, Zhao Wuji, who didn't know the girl's details, looked at the girl quite unhappy, but he did not directly conflict, but chose to test normally.

"All four are over level 25. Not bad, not bad. It seems that there are a lot of little monsters this year. This is the last level for me. If you pass my test, you can officially become a member of Shrek Academy."

Zhao Wuji waved his hand to Ma Hongjun and pretended to be fair.

"However, my test is not so easy to pass. Practical experience is something every soul master must possess. What I am evaluating is your ability in this area."

"My name is Zhao Wuji, and I am the examiner of the fourth level. The test is very simple. Now I will give you a stick of incense time to get to know each other and discuss it."

"After one stick of incense, the test begins. The content of the test is for the four of you to work together to resist my attack for one stick of incense. As long as one person can persist to the end, you will pass."

Zhao Wuji, who spoke very generously, was actually very sinister. He was the Soul Saint, and the difficulty of this test was actually controlled by him alone.

He wanted the examiners to pass, even four ordinary people could do it, but if he didn't want them to pass, even the four soul masters and even the soul sect had no hope at all.

But once the other party agrees to the test, he has fallen into a trap. As the examiner, he has the greatest right to consider, for example, put more effort on a certain child.

Another example is to have four people fail the assessment by just a few points, and the one point that failed happened to be a certain child.

Then he can justifiably brush someone off and make fun of them.

It's all because of you that you have brought other people down. You are such a waste. If you dare to criticize Shrek Academy at this level, it will definitely cause a psychological shadow on a 12-year-old child.

At the same time, you can also suppress the arrogance of the other three people so that they can be disciplined in the future. Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Wuji to really kill all four of them, he will pretend to be generous.

It's all someone's stupidity that has brought you down. Shrek Academy is not inhumane and is willing to give the other three a second chance.

When the time comes, he will relax his strength and release some water, and the other three will naturally pass. Such a set is perfect.

Even if the girl in black and white clothes who didn't know the truth got angry and acted unreasonably, it would be self-defense for him to act again. At least in front of the other three people, he, Zhao Wuji, was dignified and upright.

"Ah, didn't you hold a stick of incense in Boss Dai's hand before?" Ma Hongjun's eyes widened, and he turned to look at the other four people with pity in his eyes. These were really four unlucky guys.

"I am the examiner and I have the final say." Zhao Wuji casually took out a stick of incense, and when he pinched it with his fingers, green smoke came out. He threw the incense and planted it firmly on the ground.

"Of course, Fatty, you can tell them all about my strength and characteristics. There is no need to hide anything."

What an arrogant guy. Xiao Wu looked at Zhao Wuji and stuck out his tongue and said angrily, "Fat man, what's the origin of that guy? He's beating four of them one at a time."

"You're in trouble." Ma Hongjun suppressed a smile and said, "Teacher Zhao is the vice-president of our Shrek Academy, a level 76 Beast Spirit Fighting Spirit Saint!"


Seeing the surprised and frightened expressions of the four people, Ma Hongjun looked at the tall girl with a proud face, hoping to see the panic on her face.

But unfortunately, there was a thoughtful look on the girl's face, but no other expression. Tang San, who had been observing silently, was a little confused, isn't the Soul Saint afraid?

His former hometown, Holy Soul Village, was famous for the birth of a Soul Saint. He had lived in Douluo Continent for 12 years, and the strongest soul master he had ever encountered was the dean of Level 42 Noting College.

The vice-president of Shrek Academy has a level 76 cultivation level, which is the eighth level when converted into the realm of Xuantian Kung Fu. He is already among the true insiders in Tang San's previous life.

"Zhao Wuji, the Fudo Ming King, was on the 13th Purple Level Wanted Order, the Martial Soul Powerful Vajra Bear. He cultivated as the Soul Emperor more than 20 years ago and escaped from the roundup of 16 Soul Emperor Bishops. Because of his good strength, he was able to eliminate the wanted order."

The white-haired girl patted the trembling shoulder of the girl next to her to reassure her, and then walked out to face Zhao Wuji.

"I didn't expect that after more than 20 years of living and returning, as a soul saint, I would actually lick my face and say such shameless words?"

"A Soul Saint is shamelessly fighting against four little guys who are not Soul Lords. The four of them combined are not as old as you. You, an old man, have no nerve."

"This is an assessment, so I will naturally act with discretion." Zhao Wuji frowned at the girl who was not fooled, "If you are not convinced, you can join them."

"I'm sure I'll teach you a lesson, but there's no need for the four of them to be in danger." The girl stepped forward step by step, her originally calm aura boiling with her steps.

The surging soul power burst out of her body, and five yellow, purple, and black soul rings emerged from the soles of her feet.

"Five-ringed Soul King, what's going on with this soul ring!" Tang San on the side almost stared out of his eyes, how could it be possible?This guy looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. How could his soul power level be so high?

The most important thing is the color of her soul ring. How could it exceed the optimal soul ring ratio? The upper limit of the second soul ring is obviously more than 700 years. How could it be a purple thousand-year soul ring?

The same was true for her fourth spirit ring, which completely overturned the teacher Yu Xiaogang's theory. Tang San couldn't believe it and fell into self-doubt. Could it be that the teacher was wrong? !Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu also looked at each other, and finally turned their attention to the girl who came with them.

"I don't know." The girl whose martial spirit is Ivy just shook her head, "I don't know this eldest sister. It's your Lord's order to cooperate with her."

"grown ups?"

"He is the master of Wuhunzi Palace in Soto City."

. . .

"People from Wuhun Palace!" Zhao Wuji's face darkened, with a hint of panic on his face, "Are you here to settle old scores with me?"

"That's not true." The girl shook her head. Her figure did not change significantly due to the possession of the martial spirit. Only her hair became longer and the ink on it became darker.

"Since you had the ability to escape back then, it's natural that the story has changed. Your name has long been removed from the wanted list."

Black and white air currents appeared around the girl, and the two contradictory auras of strength and femininity were unexpectedly harmonious on her body.

"Then what are you doing here? You are just a soul king, why should you preach in front of me." Zhao Wuji said disdainfully, "I am not bullying the younger ones, I am just teaching my own students."

"You guys, if you are willing to join Shrek Academy, come here. As a soul master, you must have the courage to face the strong. Don't be afraid of causing trouble. If you don't dare to cause trouble, you are just mediocre."

Zhao Wuji waved to the other three people, "What I really wanted to test just now was your will. It's obvious that she was eliminated."

After hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu also hesitated. Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji has a good reputation and is a genuine fighting soul saint. This shows that Shrek Academy's teaching staff is indeed not weak.

Tang San, who had already made up his mind to join Shrek Academy and had a bad impression of the girl, stood up without hesitation at this time.

"Teacher Zhao, I am willing to become a member of Shrek Academy."

"Well, he is a good young man. He knows right from wrong and right from wrong." Zhao Wuji praised him. Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu also moved over when they saw this.

They also have their own considerations. Although Shrek Academy has the majority, there is an irreconcilable grudge between the Spirit Hall and the two of them.

Seeing this, Zhao Wuji became even more proud, "They voluntarily joined our Shrek Academy. Why are you here making trouble?"

Looking at the three children beside Zhao Wuji, the girl's calm face did not change at all.

Everyone has their own ambitions. She has already made clear the actual situation of Shrek Academy. If they are still willing under this situation, there will naturally be nothing to say.

"Zhao Wuji, your Shrek Academy deceived the outstanding local soul master seedlings, and even bribed a few cheating deacons to endorse them with the word Wuhun Palace. You are very brave."

The girl calmly explained the purpose of her trip, "Starting from next year, Shrek Academy will not allow any false propaganda, and our Spirit Hall will also issue a special announcement to clarify the truth."

"Shrek Academy can enroll students normally, but false propaganda is not allowed. Anyone who dares to use Wuhundian's brand will be punished."

"Bah." Although Zhao Wuji was shocked when he looked at the girl's soul ring, he didn't care much. It seemed that the difference between the two was only one ten thousand year soul ring, but in fact it was far different!

He was able to escape from the pursuit of 16 soul emperors of the same level back then, but he could never defeat a soul saint level battle soul master.

Soul Saint is the biggest threshold for a soul master. There is a huge gap in strength between the front and back. The key lies in the seventh soul skill's martial soul avatar.

Wuhundian is indeed number one in the world, but the opponent is just a soul king, so even if he holds a sign, he can't be scared.

"I wonder what kind of punishment you, the little Soul King, can give you?" Zhao Wuji responded disdainfully. As long as he doesn't turn over old movies, Wuhun Palace will not touch him, so what is he afraid of?
"Penalty of ten thousand gold soul coins." The girl touched her belt, and a long sword wrapped in a black and white scabbard appeared in her hand.

"No money." Zhao Wuji spread his hands and said disdainfully. If you want money, you have to have this ability to kill the other party.

"And you can become an Imperial Viscount upon graduation. Someone must have warned you 17 years ago. You still dare to talk nonsense."

"Seventeen years ago?" Zhao Wuji was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly reacted when he remembered the familiarity of the girl.

"Dongzhu! What's your relationship with him?" Zhao Wuji's face suddenly darkened. The biggest loss he had suffered in the past 20 years was that one time.

"Hmph, so what if you are related to him? When he was the Soul Sect fighting the Soul Emperor, do you still want to fight the Soul King and the Soul Saint now?"

"It's really not easy for me to win you down with my own strength." The girl nodded in recognition of the power of the martial soul's true form.

(End of this chapter)

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