Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 204 The Power of Bears

Chapter 204 The Power of Bears (Additional Update 1)

"You are a brat who has no strength but still likes to meddle in other people's business." Zhao Wuji looked at the girl and mocked, "If you want gold soul coins, ask your platinum bishop to come to me and ask for it."

"I am the Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji, the powerful Vajra Bear Martial Spirit. What he is best at is strength and defense."

As Zhao Wuji spoke, he completed the possession of the martial soul. The seven optimal soul ring combinations of yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black appeared. At the same time, his already strong body doubled in size.

His height, which was originally a shortcoming, has also increased by one meter. Now he is taller than the girl opposite him.

Zhao Wuji, who wanted to show off his power and establish authority to the new students, flexed his muscles in front of Tang San and the others, and his words were teasing. He would be happy if the other party took action.

"Haha, Zhao Wuji likes to bully the small and cause trouble. This is the perfect way to deal with a stupid bear like you."

The girl's eyes narrowed, but she dispersed the soul ring on her body, then took off her cloak and put it into her storage belt, and finally rotated the loose belt around her waist 90 degrees.

"What is that?" Tang San, who had the best eyesight, looked curiously at the book-like cube in the girl's hand.

Its whole body is golden with metallic luster, somewhat similar to the fluctuations of a soul guide, but its intensity is far beyond that, and everyone present can feel the overbearing soul power aura.

In fact, Zhao Wuji actually felt that his powerful Vajra Bear spirit was a little flinching, but how could this be possible?The Powerful Diamond Bear Martial Spirit is definitely one of the strongest bear Martial Spirits.

The girl didn't say anything else, she just opened the metal book's title page and heard a clear mechanical sound.

"Seven pages of the magic book, the exclusive identity of Miga is confirmed!"

The title page of the metal book depicts a lifelike and brutal giant bear, the most special of which is its pair of terrifying golden claws.

The girl Miga directly closed the magic book and inserted it into the buckle of her belt.


With a loud noise, a giant golden book appeared behind Miga and opened it. In the pages of the book was a giant bear bound by iron chains.

It has thick golden fur and an extremely strong body. The most striking thing about it is its pair of golden claws, which are ferocious, terrifying and domineering. Even real dragons are afraid of it.

"That's, that's... but how is it possible?" Zhao Wuji's eyes were as wide as bells. He knew the giant bear, but it was because he knew it that he couldn't believe it.

"Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear with Soul Armor!" With Miga's decisive voice, the iron chains were loosened, and the giant bear roared to the sky and rushed out from the page of the book and rushed towards Miga.

In the golden light filled with a domineering atmosphere, the golden battle armor wrapped Miga's whole body.

The armor looks half virtual and half solid. It is a full-body armor with simple lines and no unnecessary decoration. It tightly wraps Miga from head to toe and looks solid and slim without being bloated at all.

The helmet on Miga's head is in the shape of a bear's head. The open bloody mouth corresponds to Miga's face, covered by a blur of golden color.

The overall golden armor has a different color on the chest, which is a slowly rotating yin-yang fish in black and white.

Of course, these are not the most eye-catching parts of the armor. The most eye-catching thing is Miga's arms.

Starting from the shoulder armor on both sides of her, the golden color gradually became thicker. Simple golden lines appeared on the simple armor, and then snaked downwards, converging into ten dark golden sharp edges.

Thick and sharp, even more impressive than a dragon's claw, it sliced ​​through the air without making any sound, and there were even faint black cracks looming.

Compared to the tiger claws used in Dai Mubai's second transformation into the White Tiger King Kong, no matter in terms of size or sharpness, it can only be said to be an exaggerated difference between the dragon-killing dragon abyss and the small pig iron dagger.

The most terrible thing is that the soul power aura around Miga has been directly upgraded to the level of Zhao Wuji. At this moment, she is no different from the soul saint, and she is still the soul saint of the dark gold hole claw bear martial spirit!

"The power of the Soul Saint-level Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is still so charming no matter how many times I experience it." Miga looked at his right paw with relaxed intoxication on his face, and then looked at Zhao Wuji.

"You like to use the big to bully the small, but I won't do what you want. Now we are all soul saints, bear martial souls. Come on, let me see your so-called courage to face the strong."

Zhao Wuji looked ugly. Reason told him that it was impossible for the other party to master the power of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, but the instinctive fear in his body told him that this was true.

His current state can be described in one sentence, "You must be sweating profusely, brother."

. . .

Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun hurriedly moved away from Zhao Wuji. If a fight broke out, the closer these weaklings got, the more dangerous it would be.

"What is that?" Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out as Tang San looked at the drastically changed Miga.

If Miga's soul ring subverted his original understanding, the changes in front of him were completely beyond his understanding.

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu don't care. If you don't know, just don't know. There are a lot of things they don't know.

But Tang San claimed to be his apprentice to Yu Xiaogang. What was Yu Xiaogang's biggest shining point, his erudition? If his disciple didn't know this, then wouldn't it mean that his apprenticeship was in vain?
Could it be that he has twin martial souls like him?This was her second spirit without a spirit ring, Tang San guessed as he looked at the nothing around Miga.But the oncoming soul pressure directly overturned this possibility. This feeling was stronger than that of Teacher Zhao Wuji.

The first martial soul is the five-ring soul king, and the second martial soul is the seven-ring soul saint?This doesn't make sense at all.

"I probably know what it is?" Ning Rongrong's face turned a little pale, and she remembered the story Grandpa Jian told her before.

"What is it?" Tang San quickly turned around and asked. There was actually a second person who knew it, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

"That should be a soul guide unique to Wuhun Palace, called the Magic Book. It can seal the power of Wuhun and soul rings for use by other soul masters."

"Is it the metal book she took out at the beginning?" Tang San suddenly understood.

"Yes, although she cannot see the soul ring, it does not mean that she has no soul skills. She can activate the soul skills by triggering the book on her waist." Ning Rongrong nodded.

"However, this magic book is also very precious in the Wuhun Palace, and few people are qualified to use it. However, the Soul Saint level and even the Wuhun are top-level Wuhuns that have never appeared. How is this possible?"

Tang San could understand some of Ning Rongrong's words. The Dark Golden Hole Claw Bear had always been a spirit beast and not a martial spirit. It was said that the martial spirit was too overbearing and could not be carried by a human body.

Therefore, it is recognized in the soul master world that the top martial arts spirits of bears are the Golden Bear and the Powerful King Kong Bear without the Terror Claws.

If one were to evaluate the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear based on the quality of its martial spirit, it would be the undisputed top among the top martial arts. The combination of top defense and top attack power would be impeccable.

Can the Wuhun Palace really change a person's Wuhun?
A buried thought resurfaced in Tang San's mind. Duolong was definitely at the top of his list of ways to achieve death.

As an enemy, Tang San naturally studied Duolong a lot. According to the theory of blood inheritance of martial spirits, Dolong's family had never had a dog martial spirit, let alone a wolf martial spirit.

It is obvious that his martial soul is likely to be easier to acquire. This is not a secret. Even the Holy Light Institute openly sells potions that can change the martial soul's practice.

He also talked about this matter with his teacher. Yu Xiaogang's opinion was that this matter was useless. In his opinion, changing from a useless martial spirit to an ordinary martial spirit was a fool's act that was time-consuming, labor-intensive, and thankless.

As for more advanced advanced martial arts and top martial arts, Yu Xiaogang bluntly said that it is very difficult. There has never been a successful example in history. He, as a copy master, has a strong say in this.

It's so difficult to copy him. Wuhundian didn't have the previous methods to create something out of nothing. How could technology develop so fast?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!Yu Xiaogang promised emphatically.

His martial spirit Blue Silver Grass was undoubtedly a useless martial spirit, Tang San had already confirmed this idea in his heart.

So instead of spending so much time on exchanging martial soul improvement potions and improving the martial soul through soul rings, why not just get it right in one step and just change it to a good martial soul?

Even if top-level martial arts are not good, high-level martial arts and even better ordinary martial arts are still stronger than Blue Silver Grass.

However, this idea was quickly dismissed by teacher Yu Xiaogang for three reasons.

[-]. Tang San is already a second-level great spirit master. How to change his martial spirit? Should he use it up and replace it again?

Second, Tang San has twin martial souls, and twin martial souls are a kind of dynamic balance. If the martial souls are replaced, this balance may be broken, and Tang San may be in danger of death.

Third, it's not that Tang San doesn't have a top-notch martial spirit. The Clear Sky Hammer is known as the world's best offensive weapon. Now practicing Blue Silver Grass is a waste of money and courage, in order to add a ten-thousand-year soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer in the future.

But when he saw Wuhundian's skills today, Tang San couldn't help but murmur in his heart, the foundation displayed by Wuhundian was different from what his teacher Yu Xiaogang said.

Even top-level martial arts spirits can be used as soul guides. Is there any reason why the martial arts spirits can't be modified?

And he doesn't want to change the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, he can make the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit evolve greatly.

The mall of this all-knowing and omnipotent book not only requires points, but also requires completing difficult tasks. If it were really easy, this mall wouldn't have been closed for 3 years.

And even now he still remembers that the Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy can open up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians the day after tomorrow.

This was very attractive to Tang San, because the eight meridians of the Extraordinary Meridian were fully accessible, and the level of Xuantian Gong cultivation was basically unobstructed.

Not to mention that you will definitely be able to practice to the ninth level of Xuantian Gong, but you will definitely have no problem at all if you can reach the eighth level, that is, the soul master's soul saint.

Speaking of which, the ninth level of Xuantian Gong and the tenth level of Soul Master are not completely equivalent. Tang San estimated that the eighth level of Xuantian Gong, as a major level, is indeed equivalent to Soul Master.

However, he didn't know whether the ninth level was an equivalent Soul Douluo or a directly titled Douluo, but the peak of the ninth level of Xuantian Gong, where three flowers gathered at the top and five qi came to the Yuan realm, should be the same as the peak of a soul master.

Although there is no concrete basis, Tang San is confident that the Tang Sect's secret knowledge is by no means inferior to that passed down by the soul masters.

(End of this chapter)

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