Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 205 Dark Gold Terror Claw Split

Chapter 205 Dark Gold Terror Claw Split

"No, I don't believe that a human body can control the power of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear." Zhao Wuji looked at the nothingness around Miga and affirmed. Without a soul ring, he must be just a bluff.

"Vajra Palm!"

Feeling the growing panic in his heart, Zhao Wuji knew that he could not delay it any longer, so he chose to take the initiative.

As the yellow soul ring flashed, the door-sized Vajra palm print burst out of Zhao Wuji's hand. The soul power on it was as thick as substance, and the golden light was very attractive.

Zhao Wuji used all his strength in this attack. He only had one palm. Compared with the usual powerful Vajra Palm, he injected three times the soul power. In terms of power, it was no worse than the ordinary ten-thousand-year soul skill.

Faced with the powerful Vajra Palm pushing towards her, Miga didn't care. Seeing that Nina and the others behind her were already far away, she directly slapped the magic book on her waist.

This is not her own strength. Although she likes it, she tries her best to restrain it. The right way is to make a quick decision and resist the temptation.

"The sixth soul skill is loaded, Dark Gold Terror Claw Splitting!"

There are two types of grimoires made by light:

The first one was made by a soul master, it was a real magic way, and all the soul rings and soul skills were inherited from that unlucky soul master.

This kind of magic book has no other advantages except that it is relatively simple to make, because the original owner's strength is mostly average, the combination of soul rings is very disappointing, and the martial arts development has no special features, so the finished magic book is naturally not much better.

The second type is made entirely from soul beasts or the blood that has been purified and cultivated.

With reference to the new technology developed by Ah Yin's 10-year-old soul beast transformation and self-concentrated soul ring experience, all soul skills come from the martial soul itself.

In terms of compatibility, it is definitely the best soul skill that can maximize the power of the martial soul.

However, it is not completely without flaws. Without the intervention of external soul rings, a major opportunity to improve the martial soul is lost.

Naturally, it doesn't matter if a top-level martial spirit has almost no shortcomings, but if a martial spirit like Lan Yincao is completely derived from one's own body, it is simply unrealistic to obtain powerful soul skills.

Coupled with the fact that the cost is not low, Guang will not choose to waste energy on making something that is not cost-effective.

Besides, the dark gold magic book in Miga's hand definitely ranks among the top three in terms of potential and concentration on the magic book in Hikari's hand.

The reason why it is still at seven pages is that I don’t want to waste good things and plan to improve the craftsmanship and fill in the last two pages.

On the other hand, Miga's current five-ringed soul king uses too advanced magic book, which puts too much burden on his body and is not conducive to his growth.

But when it comes to whether Miga's strength is adequate at the moment, Zao Wuji, who is opposite him, knows best.

As the pages of the book on Miga's waist were opened, the shadow of a dark-gold Dreadclaw bear appeared behind her and roared.

Dark golden ripples radiated in all directions along with sound waves, and the domineering aura from the dark golden Terrorclaw Bear filled the entire place. This was the true supreme bear, and a pair of Terrorclaws could tear apart a real dragon.

As if he felt the fear buried deep in his bloodline and in his genes, Zao Wuji's substantial Vajra Palm suddenly blurred and suddenly disintegrated in the air.

As for Zhao Wuji, Tang San and others in the distance, after hearing the heavy bear roar, their bodies and souls inevitably stiffened to varying degrees.

This kind of stiffness lasts very short, but it has a very high priority and can interrupt most preparations and charging soul skills.

The dark golden Terrorclaw Bear behind Miga turned into a dark golden stream of light after roaring and focused on Miga's right claw.

The slightly larger dark golden fear claw expanded again. While the dark golden color on it became darker and darker, dense ant-like secret patterns also appeared on the sharp claw quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, the dark golden luster covered up the secret patterns deep in the claws, leaving only the smooth blade and the dark golden edge.

The sharp claws on Miga's right hand were once again lengthened and enlarged. Each exposed sharp blade was nearly one meter long and was comparable to a horse-killing sword. The heart-stopping sharpness of his hand made even the space emit a fragile whine.

Miga raised his hand and took a step forward. The soul bones of his legs flickered and he appeared directly in front of Zhao Wuji with his sharp claws raised.

The powerful Vajra Bear, known for its defense and strength, was as fragile as paper in front of the terrifying claws. Five cracks appeared on Zhao Wuji's body without any hindrance.

Zhao Wuji's instinctive desire to survive allowed him to raise the fur defense and soul defense on the surface of his body to the extreme in an instant, but these were of no significance to the Dark Gold Terror Claw that truly unleashed its power.

This claw can hurt real dragons and kill banned titles. No one in the entire Douluo Continent is willing to hit the Dark Gold Terror Claw at close range.

Five bright red streams flowed in the air, and the dark golden Terrorclaws at the source were gorgeous and bright.


Zhao Wuji is not dead;
It wasn't until Mi Jia took off Zhao Wuji's storage bracelet and turned around to leave with the girl that Tang San dared to step forward to check. He could feel that Zhao Wuji was still alive.

After carefully checking the injuries, Tang San discovered that the five ferocious cracks had all avoided the real vital points of the body.

The crime of running a school by a profiteer is not punishable by death, not to mention that Zhao Wuji is only the vice president. If Miga really wants to kill Zhao Wuji, he doesn't have to worry about the vital points. If the fear claws on his hands are not released, Zhao Wuji will directly become 6 pieces.

However, with the severity of Zhao Wuji's injuries, he would definitely die within an hour if no one took care of him.

The five huge, ferocious wounds were like ravines, and they had already been filled with blood. The remaining dark golden soul power in the wounds was preventing the wounds from healing.

Fortunately, Tang San simply bandaged it, and Ma Hongjun quickly found Oscar and Shao Xin.They were not of the healing type, but they were also of the food type that could help Zhao Wuji survive. They were a second-level soul master and a seventh-level soul saint. Their martial souls were sausages and jelly beans respectively.

With the help of the two people, the semi-conscious Zhao Wuji finally stopped bleeding after eating a large amount of soul food, and was carried to a wooden house to rest by several people.

Not long after, Li Yusong, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, also came crying.

Mijia did not leave directly. Instead, after seeing all the remaining dozen candidates eliminated in the third level, Mijia took them to the first level and beat up Li Yusong, and then refunded all the registration fees to the original owner.

He also publicly stated that the propaganda content of Shrek Academy's flyer was false, and Wuhun Palace issued a severe warning and punishment for this matter.

Finally, Miga asked all candidates and parents to go back and publicize the matter, and the Wuhunzi Palace in Soto City would also publish a detailed announcement on the bulletin board for a week.

Lu Qibin, who followed from the side, also looked frightened. He was the third-level assessment teacher.

When Li Yusong was beaten, he hesitated and did not take action. After seeing the miserable state of Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, he was glad that his decision was correct.

"That Miga from the Spirit Hall is truly a genius. It seems as easy as the other way round for a fifth-ring soul king to defeat a six-ring soul emperor."

According to Lu Qibin's description, Miga did not use the dark golden magic book to beat Li Yusong, but simply relied on martial arts and physical skills.

Even the long metal sword she took out was not unsheathed, and was only used to block Li Yusong's dragon-patterned stick.

After a while, Flanders, who looked as gloomy as the bottom of a pot, and Dai Mubai, who was wearing a mask and had no face to see anyone, arrived. Everyone in Shrek Academy was here.

Two deans, three teachers, three old students, and three freshmen, these are all the official members of Shrek Academy now.

In the wooden house, Flanders frowned as he looked at Zhao Wuji, whose face was as golden as paper. The injuries on his body made him feel frightened.

You must know that although his soul power level is higher than that of Zhao Wuji, and he can take advantage of Zhao Wuji by taking advantage of the flying system, his defense and strength are obviously inferior.

This attack can bring Old Zhao to the verge of death, but he would definitely die if it were for him!

"Wait for you to go out, I will talk to Old Zhao alone." Flanders said in a deep voice to the others, the expression on his face calmed down, but his eyes paused slightly at Tang San.

. . .

It was unknown what Flanders and Zhao Wuji had communicated with the person outside the room, but Tang San had obvious surprise on his face.

The dean of Shrek Academy whom he was looking forward to so much and the bastard profiteer he cursed a hundred times in his heart yesterday were actually the same person!

This was completely beyond his expectation and somewhat difficult for him to accept. After all, in his mind, the profiteer had no credibility at all.

Logically speaking, Tang San should have the same reaction as Miga at this moment, thinking that most of the glory of Shrek Academy was fabricated by Flanders, a profiteer with no credibility at all.

But it was not without reason that Tang San had always been the first to stand up and favor Shrek Academy's side.

Because of his teacher Yu Xiaogang, he subconsciously regarded Shrek Academy as his side.

Many people have double standards, and Tang San's concentration is particularly pure. Tang San has a flexible bottom line for his own and others' moral requirements.

However, this profiteer was actually the dean of Shrek Academy. Tang San couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. The people on his side were definitely not as important as himself.

In other words, it was unknown whether Flanders, who could make Tang San suffer, was counted as one of his own.

Thinking of this, Tang San narrowed his eyes and silently made a decision in his heart.

Not long after, Flender walked out of the wooden house and pulled Ma Hongjun, Shao Xin, Lu Qibin and Li Yusong into the corner for questioning. Finally, he came to Tang San and the others.

The three of them are all 12 years old, Tang San and Xiao Wu are level 29, and Ning Rongrong is level 28 and still has the best auxiliary weapon spirit in the world. Flanders is naturally very satisfied with the three of them.

It can be said that in Shrek's 20-year school history, the three of them are definitely at the top. If you add Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, they are only one person away from a complete soul master team.

Not to mention other things, the current students of Shrek Academy are not only about the same age, but also have a good structure. There is one auxiliary department, one treatment department, two power attack departments, one agility attack department, and one control department. The remaining gap can be easily filled.

Maybe Shrek Academy still has hope, Flanders felt excited.

If a student from Shrek Academy can excel in the Soul Master Competition, he can not only make Shrek famous, but also attract investment.

It was just that the uninvited guest from the Wuhun Palace was something he never expected. He originally used a tiger skin to make a banner, but the tiger came over and slapped him with two big mouths.

Fortunately, the people from Wuhun Palace didn't seem to want to pursue the matter further, but they just had to make Lao Zhao lie in bed for a year and a half.

Flanders, who was in a complicated mood, watched the three people in front of him calm down his frustration and cleared his throat.

"Children, although there were some accidents, your response to emergencies was very satisfactory, so you will pass the fourth level directly. Congratulations on becoming an official student of Shrek Academy."

"In addition, Tang San's performance is particularly outstanding. The college will grant him a tuition exemption for the first year. The other two students invited me to pay the first year's tuition."

(End of this chapter)

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