Chapter 206

The tuition fee for Shrek Academy totals 100 gold soul coins and is paid once a year.

It is difficult to say whether Flanders' fees are based on the students' soul master subsidies. This also explains the real reason why Oscar and Ma Hongjun are not financially well-off.

After one year, I can only have 20 gold soul coins left in addition to tuition and fees, and the food at Shrek Academy is quite average. If you want to eat well, you can buy it yourself.

Oscar's requirements are not high, and setting up a stall in the village to supplement some of his living expenses is quite acceptable.

But Ma Hongjun was different. To solve the shortcomings of his martial soul, he would either need a lot of gold soul coins, or he would have to rely on his status as a soul master to find some rural girls as temporary girlfriends in the village.

Although country girls are easy to satisfy and spend less money, Ma Hongjun has no control over his martial arts flaws, which makes the other party quite uncomfortable, and they usually don't get along for long.

In addition, the flaw of Wuhun is only strong desire, which does not mean strong energy. Ma Hongjun has no restraint at all, which can be said to be extremely draining. The saying that one drop of blood makes ten drops of blood is not groundless.

For this reason, Ma Hongjun chose to consume a large amount of food to make up for it. However, such overeating not only made Ma Hongjun obese, but also made the deficit deep in his body difficult to recover through conventional methods.

That is to say, he is young, and if he does not restrain himself, the hidden dangers accumulated deep in his body will gradually emerge in a few years.

When the time comes, Ma Hongjun will be unable to recover unless he takes the treasures of heaven and earth to make up for the loss.

After collecting the money, Flanders encouraged the three of them and then arranged for Dai Mubai, the three old students, to take Tang San, the three freshmen, to get familiar with the school building and get to know each other.

As for him, he needs to go to Soto City to find a better doctor for Zhao Wuji.

Of course, the best healing system was too expensive, and Flanders would not pay for it. He would just find a similar doctor to ensure that Zao Wuji recovered without leaving any sequelae.

In contrast, there is not much difference in whether the recovery time is half a year or more than a year.

"Dean, please take a moment to speak." Tang San saw Flanders about to leave, gritted his teeth, stood up and said.

"Well, Tang San, what do you want from me?" Flender looked at this little guy and his heart twisted. He was just afraid that Tang San would hold a grudge, so he reluctantly earned him 100 gold soul coins less. Is it possible that he was not satisfied? ?

After he and Flanders were far away from the crowd, Tang San said softly to Flanders, "Dean, do you know my teacher Yu Xiaogang?"

"Yu Xiaogang?" Flanders was stunned for a moment before he reacted. Then he looked Tang San up and down and his voice was much softer.

"I didn't expect you to be his disciple. He is a proud and arrogant person. As his disciple, I believe you must be outstanding. Come on."

Flanders patted Tang San's shoulder enthusiastically, covering up the flash of indifference in his eyes.

Because of what happened back then, he and Yu Xiaogang had already developed a close friendship. Otherwise, he would not have called Yu Xiaogang just now, but would have just called him Xiaogang.

After all, the golden iron triangle needs the maintenance of three people to exist for a long time. Otherwise, no matter how strong the relationship is, it will slowly become rusty due to time and some dirty things.

"Besides, the store thing makes you laugh. It's all caused by the financial pressure of the college. As the dean, I have no choice but to start a small business to subsidize the gap."

"Is this so? I know that you, Dean, are not that kind of person. You have your own reasons. I think it would be better to provide you with my tuition fee of 100 gold soul coins."

Tang San let out a long breath and was about to take the money from his backpack. He subconsciously chose to believe it, mainly because he didn't have any good choices other than Shrek Academy.

"Well, Xiaogang and I are old acquaintances for a long time. Since you are his disciple, you are my descendant. This money can be regarded as my care for the younger generation as a senior."

Seeing Tang San acting like this, Flanders also stopped his behavior with satisfaction, and then asked pretending to be unintentional.

"How are you doing, Xiaogang? Why aren't you with me?"

"This." Tang San took out a letter and handed it over, "Before departure, the teacher asked me to hand this letter to the dean after I pass the college assessment and am admitted."

"That's fine." Flanders took the letter and put it in his arms without changing his expression, then waved towards Tang San without opening it.

"In this case, I will rush to find a doctor for Teacher Zhao and leave first. You get along well with your classmates. If you have any questions, please see Senior Dai Mubai."

. . .

Dai Mubai?Hearing the familiar name, Tang San turned his head again and looked at the familiar figure and blond hair of the masked man, and suddenly realized, isn't this Young Master Dai who was beaten up by Miga at the Rose Hotel the day before yesterday?

If you think about it carefully, the girl named Miga is simply terrifying. Even Teacher Li, who is a Soul Emperor, is no match. There is no doubt that Dai Mubai was beaten like that.

Judging from the fact that she is 20 years old at most, she is already the Soul King? !Tang San looked in disbelief and looked ugly.

There is no doubt that the soul master's soul power cultivation is getting slower and slower, and there are three particularly obvious watersheds.

They are level 30, level 70 and level 90 respectively. Not only are these three watersheds particularly prone to soul power bottlenecks, but the speed of soul power improvement will also decrease significantly even if one breaks through.To be precise, it is not that the speed of soul power improvement has dropped, but that the amount of soul power that needs to be improved at each level has increased.

The same increase in soul power can increase a low-level soul master to seven or eight levels, while a high-level soul master can only reach two or three levels.

Therefore, Tang San estimated the speed at which his soul power was improving. Under normal circumstances, it was basically impossible to break through level 20 before the age of 50.

Why is there such a big gap?Is it a resource?Tang San thought that the Baicao Liquid sold by Wuhun Palace must be better for him, and he might even have other methods.

That's right, Tang San nodded and affirmed, the people in Wuhun Palace must be relying on resources to expand their advantages, rather than the gap in their own talents.

Apart from anything else, if he could open up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians at the age of 12, Tang San would be at least 20% more likely to be able to break through to the sixth level of Xuantian Technique, which was the Soul King realm, before he was [-] years old.

It was a pity that the teacher Yu Xiaogang and Wuhun Palace seemed to have quite a conflict. As far as he knew, Yu Xiaogang's delay in Notting City was due to a debt dispute with Wuhun Palace.

What's more important is that Tang San wants to join the Spirit Hall, and the Spirit Hall doesn't like him, a useless spirit from Blue Silver Grass.

Tang San had no illusions about the good things that the Spirit Hall would do, but since the teacher Yu Xiaogang from Shrek Academy praised it so highly, there should be some merits to it.

Even if there is no potion to enhance soul power, there is no secret method to open up the eight extraordinary meridians. . .There are probably other unique teaching methods, Tang San was looking forward to them in his heart.

Seeing Tang San return, Dai Mubai also recognized Tang San and introduced himself to the three junior students with some embarrassment.

"Hello everyone, my name is Dai Mubai. I am 15 years old this year. I am a Martial Spirit White Tiger and a Level 37 War Spirit Master. I am also known as the Evil-Eyed White Tiger. You can just call me Boss Dai."

Dai Mubai's outfit is indeed a bit eye-catching. A large white mask completely covers his face, and he also wears pure black large-lens sunglasses above the bridge of his nose.

He looks like a well-covered star. Coupled with his strong and neat long blond hair and luxurious clothes, the first impression is indeed acceptable.

Especially in comparison with Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong's impression of him was acceptable.

But Xiao Wu looked at Dai Mubai with a strange look in her eyes. At that time, she followed Tang San to Soto City, and she could see the unlucky appearance of this young master Dai.

Moreover, when he took a pair of twin sisters to a place like the Rose Hotel to book a room, Xiao Wu had a rough idea of ​​what he wanted to do.

She was not the eldest sister of the Notting Junior Soul Master Academy for nothing. She had been to the red light streets with that pervert Yu Xiaogang.

There is no doubt that Dai Mubai is also a pervert and a sick tiger at the same time. She still agrees with Miga's words.

Even if Miga is a soul king, he is not much older than Dai Mubai. What's more important is that Miga didn't even activate his martial soul when he beat Dai Mubai.

However, Dai Mubai's level 37 strength is indeed much stronger than her level 29 level. It is not unacceptable to call Boss Dai before his strength catches up.

"Hey, it's my turn." Oscar watched Dai Mubai finish speaking and then took the initiative to move forward.

"My name is Oscar. I am 14 years old. I have a martial soul sausage with level 29 soul power. I am known as the Sausage Monopoly. You can just call me Oscar."

His voice lacks rigidity and is close to a female voice. Coupled with his peach-blossom eyes, he has a talent for being a friend of women. Oscar, who has shaved off his beard and reorganized his image, looks really good.

Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's first impressions of him were all good.

However, when he was treating Zhao Wuji before, the three of them saw the way he used his first soul skill and chanted the soul curse. They didn't dislike him at all, it was just awkward.

That's right, all of Oscar's soul skills require chanting soul spells, and his first soul skill is to restore the big sausage.

When casting, you need to recite the soul spell "I have a big sausage".

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, except for some experienced adults, but I don't know why 12-year-old Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong all obviously knew the implication.

The third person to stand up was Ma Hongjun. His eyes directly ignored Tang San and looked at the other two school girls. Shrek Academy was finally going to say goodbye to all the boys, and he was the most excited one.

"My name is Ma Hongjun. I am 12 years old. I have a martial soul phoenix with level 26 soul power. I am known as the Evil Fire Phoenix. You can just call me Ma Hongjun."

"You, 12 years old?" Xiao Wu looked at Ma Hongjun with a greasy face in disbelief. With his temperament and his two mustaches, some people would believe him even if he said he was twenty.

"Phoenix Martial Spirit?" Ning Rongrong also frowned. The phoenix, also known as the colorful bird, is the first of a hundred birds. It is not only powerful, but also synonymous with nobility and elegance.

But Ma Hongjun's "revelation" of a fat mouse with a greasy face is as absurd as a white swan marrying a toad.

Moreover, they had seen Ma Hongjun perform martial arts in the first level before. He looked like a fat chicken. Except for the purple-red flame, which was indeed different, the rest had nothing to do with the phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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