Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 208 Shrek’s Education for the Mentally Retarded

Chapter 208 Shrek’s Education for the Mentally Retarded
Those who were assigned dormitories early went to bed early because Dean Flender would give them their first lesson tomorrow, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Among them, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu shared a dormitory, Tang San and Oscar shared a dormitory, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun shared a dormitory.

The living conditions can only be said to meet basic living needs, a wooden house that is barely protected from the wind and rain, two creaking wooden beds, a rough wooden table and two benches, and not even a wardrobe.

If you are not satisfied, you can purchase a new one yourself. Even Li Yusong, who is in charge of property, has a way to do it, but the price is not cheap.

The next morning, the six people gathered on time.

Flanders looked at the six people who were not late and nodded lightly, "It seems that they all had a good rest yesterday, but my teaching method is a bit special, and different students adopt different teaching methods."

"Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Xiao Wu, the four of you have a good rest today and adjust to your condition. Your first class will start in the evening."

"Oscar, the exception is you and Ning Rongrong. You two come with me."

Upon hearing this, Oscar's face immediately fell. As an old student, he naturally knew what he was going to face next.

He reluctantly walked to Flanders and saluted. When he saw Ning Rongrong walking beside him, his expression became better.

At this time, Flanders waved to the remaining people with a calm voice. Thinking of the two letters in his arms, he had no intention of destroying them.

In the 20 years since Shrek has been running the school, he has also developed some insights, which he can show off to the freshmen.

"Others can go to rest. Remember, make yourself the best before it gets dark, don't blame me for not reminding you. The teaching in this academy is different from other places, and you may even face danger."

Hearing this, the two old students, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, looked at each other and turned away with relaxed eyes. Seeing this, Xiao Wu also chose to leave.

Only Tang San stayed behind with some curiosity, intending to see what was so special about Oscar and Ning Rongrong's teaching?

In addition, he also wanted to increase his favorability with Ning Rongrong on the way to lay a solid foundation for next month's monthly tasks.

Flanders glanced at Tang San and didn't care, and started teaching Ning Rongrong and Oscar directly.

"Everyone has their own cultivation method. Different martial souls have different cultivation methods. In the Douluo Continent, there are almost no identical martial souls. Therefore, what the academy wants to teach you is not how to cultivate martial souls, but How to use Wuhun, how to better preserve yourself and assist your comrades in future battles."

Tang San had heard similar statements from his teacher Yu Xiaogang, and Oscar had long been accustomed to it. Ning Rongrong also nodded pretending to agree.

But if you think about it carefully, Flanders' words are completely out of his mind. Different people's martial souls are indeed different, but the methods of soul power cultivation are roughly the same, which is to meditate and refine the vitality of the world.

There are only three obvious differences that widen the gap between him and other soul masters:
The first is the meditation method. There are obvious differences in the efficiency of refining the vitality of heaven and earth between popular meditation methods, improved meditation methods, and even high-quality meditation methods.

At this point, Flanders himself practices basic meditation methods, and he has nothing to teach and nothing to teach.

The second is the soul power attribute. Each soul master has different soul power attributes due to different martial souls. In an environment with corresponding attributes, the more abundant the heaven and earth vitality is, the faster the soul power will increase.

The most representative example of this is the mimetic practice environment. Those mimetic practice environments that cost a lot of money to build not only have attributes that are basically consistent with those of soul masters, but the vitality of heaven and earth is also more abundant and purer.

There are no other disadvantages except high cost.

The third one is external force, which represents the treasures and medicines of heaven and earth.

There are four kinds of Dharma and Ground for the Wealth Couple. External force corresponds to wealth, not gold soul coins, but resources that can actually improve oneself. Meditation method corresponds to Dharma, and mimicry practice environment corresponds to Earth.

Companions are classmates and teachers who can communicate and improve each other, helping you improve your understanding of meditation and other aspects.

It's obvious that Shrek Academy has nothing to do with anyone.

As for the actual martial arts combat, this is not a military camp. How can any academy let students rush to actual combat on the first day of class without paying any attention to the basics?
However, Flanders didn't do much in terms of basic wealth magic and land, so there was nothing to teach him. It was normal to jump directly to the third level to the final martial arts actual combat.

The impassioned Flanders continued to explain his practical teaching.

"Both of you are auxiliary soul masters. One adds attributes, and the other provides food. Soul masters like you need the protection of your partners, whether on the battlefield or in peacetime. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive.”

"Oscar, tell me, as an auxiliary soul master, how can I better protect myself on the battlefield?"

"Hide behind your partner as much as possible, and use all available terrain and buildings around you to avoid risks. Stay away from dangerous areas as much as possible."

As an old student, Oscar was naturally familiar with Flanders' ideas, and the answers he gave satisfied Flanders. "You're right. But there's one thing you didn't say. As an auxiliary soul master, escape is a must-have quality. An auxiliary soul master who can't escape is not a good soul master. And what is needed to escape? ?What’s needed is physical strength.”

"Although as soul masters, you have your own soul power to assist you, and your physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people. However, the enemy you may face is the other party's fighting soul master. Therefore, as an auxiliary system, Soul masters, you also need to exercise your physical strength. At the critical moment, maybe if you run one more step, you can survive."

Oscar listened below and felt bad, while Ning Rongrong secretly dozed off.

After finishing a lot of long talk, Flanders finally came to the final practical teaching.

"Your lesson today is to do physical training. From now on, run twenty laps around the entire village. If you don't come back before lunch, you don't have to eat lunch. You can use your own martial arts to assist. .Now, let’s go. Oscar will lead the way.”

This teaching is also typical of taking it for granted. It is true that auxiliary soul masters need good physical fitness to make up for their shortcomings, but the emphasis is not on endurance, but on explosive power.

What kind of mentally retarded war soul master would chase an auxiliary soul master for more than 3 minutes?That's a support, not a front tank that uses taunts to control.

Finding ways to assist in seconds is indeed a common idea in team battles, but the key lies in the word "second".

Some fools may say that if the support is alone and has no teammates to support it, wouldn't endurance be very important?

But what's so scary about assisting is that he can make his teammates very scary. What's so scary about not having the support of his teammates?

And while you are eyeing your support, his teammates are also eyeing you.

The auxiliary's position is in the middle or at the end. It is a risky investment to directly attack the auxiliary, because it will lengthen the front line and easily be cut off by the opponent.

Therefore, the best and most common candidate for support is an agility attack type similar to an assassin.

High mobility and high burst are the best prerequisites, but brittleness and lack of durability are also inevitable shortcomings, and there are often only three axes.

Therefore, the auxiliary soul master only needs to practice his explosive power to avoid the opponent's agility assassin's three-axe attack and gain valuable time for teammates to support him.

There are two types of bursts: one is the simplest straight-line burst, which is most suitable for 50-meter running. Its shortcomings are also obvious and easy to be predicted by the opponent.

It is worth mentioning that people who practice sprinting never practice long-distance running, and are not good at long-distance running, and vice versa, because this involves the ratio of two types of muscle fibers.

Human muscles are composed of muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are divided into red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers. When doing long-distance endurance sports, the white muscle fibers rest and the red muscle fibers provide energy. When doing sprint bursts of strength sports, the white muscle fibers provide energy and the red muscle fibers rest.

Therefore, people with a high proportion of red muscle fibers are relatively good at endurance, and people with a high proportion of white muscle fibers are relatively good at explosiveness.

And Flanders asked the support team to use the most mediocre running to exercise. He also chose the wrong direction. It was stupid.

What's more important is that he also deliberately saved money to prevent Oscar and Ning Rongrong from having lunch and exercising on an empty stomach.

Fasting exercise has no positive significance for muscle growth and training effects. The only benefit is to accelerate fat consumption and help lose weight.

Getting twice the result with half the effort and choosing the wrong direction was Ning Rongrong's first lesson at Shrek.

The other is to practice special footwork, such as the ghost shadow step that Tang San is good at, which is fast and irregular and difficult to predict.

But this requirement is very high, not to mention the difficulty of the practice, Flanders doesn't have it and doesn't know it, and Tang San won't contribute Ghost Shadow Mi Trace Bu to his classmates to improve.

However, Ning Rongrong didn't understand the meaning, and since she had just come to Shrek, she still looked like a good girl, so she immediately ran away from Flanders' arrangement.

Oscar, the sensible man, followed with a look of resentment on his face. One lap of the village is at least 3 kilometers, and twenty laps is [-] kilometers. He hasn't had lunch yet, which can be said to be an old sin.

Ning Rongrong was full of confidence at first, because her father arranged for her to do physical training at home, mostly running.

But after she had run with Oscar for a long time before running a lap, she realized after careful calculation that this amount of training was enough for dinner, let alone lunch.

Flanders simply wanted to give Ning Rongrong a blow to make her obedient. He had received Ning Fengzhi's letter, knew Ning Rongrong's true character, and had received a promise from Ning Fengzhi.

So he deliberately quoted a number that even the veteran Oscar had a bitter look on his face. Not to mention that Ning Rongrong was physically weaker as a woman, but how could her pampered character endure such pain?
Flanders had long known that Ning Rongrong would be lazy in his choice, so he had already prepared the second step.

To put it another way, Ning Rongrong was really obedient and ran to the end. Doesn’t that mean that she has good obedience and doesn’t need to be trained?

(End of this chapter)

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