Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 209 Dog Training Master Flanders

Chapter 209 Dog Training Master Flanders

Whether Flanders will teach his students is a matter of opinion, but he will definitely know how to train dogs, because he trains his students in the same way as dog training.

No matter what Flanders said, whether it was right or wrong, reasonable or not, the students under his command could only obey or get out.

Oscar, an old student, was trained very successfully. After having breakfast, he went from the sun just rising to the sun completely setting. His legs were as soft as noodles, and he suffered a whole day of misery.

In the end, he ran twenty laps before dark and found some food to fill his stomach. He didn't dare to add any water in the middle, because he knew the character of Dean Flanders.

As a freshman, he will definitely observe carefully in secret. If he discovers something fishy, ​​he will only suffer double punishment and worse.

If Shrek can't stand it anymore, he can only get out, but Oscar is an orphan, where can he go?
Moreover, Dean Flanders rarely makes such outrageous training requirements recently. I don’t know what’s going on today?Probably a new student?Oscar guessed
In the past, Oscar was really envious of Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, because they were treated much better than him, and Flanders basically wouldn't go crazy with them.

Because Dai Mubai is the financial sponsor, Ma Hongjun is a direct disciple who has high hopes.

Even sometimes when Ma Hongjun's evil fire was strong, Flanders knew that he had no money and would take him to Goulan to put out the fire himself, and enjoy it himself at the same time. It was not outrageous.

As night fell, Flanders, the four-eyed owl, came to the playground after having a leisurely dinner in the office.

Six students were already waiting there. Dai Mubai and the four were in high spirits. Tang San and Xiao Wu looked excited, looking forward to how special the evening class would be.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong have another look.
Oscar looked exhausted, but he did have a loophole to exploit. At least his first soul skill, the big sausage, could keep him from going hungry.

With the support of soul power, his body will not be particularly tired, but now his physical strength and soul power are extremely exhausted.

As for Ning Rongrong, Oscar, who had a good impression of her, was willing to share his sausage, but Ning Rongrong's true character was not that of a good girl.

She is known as the little witch in the Qibao Glazed Sect. Not to mention eating Oscar's weird sausage with a soul curse, she can't even bear to suffer for a day.

But she wasn't stupid, and she tried her best to look tired.

"Oscar, have you finished twenty laps?" Flanders looked at Oscar with sharp eyes. He already knew the situation of the two of them. As he expected, the next step would be differentiation and isolation.

He knew the character of his students. Dai Mubai was not a person who would wrong himself for women. As his direct disciple, Ma Hongjun naturally did not dare to disagree with him.

Tang San was considered an old acquaintance and would not cause trouble.

The only variable is Xiao Wu and Oscar, an old student who has already fallen in love with him. It doesn't matter that Xiao Wu is a newbie, but he only needs to deal with Oscar, who has a tendency to lick dogs.

The method was also very simple. He only needed to use Ning Rongrong's excuse to punish Oscar. When Oscar suffered and found out that Ning Rongrong was ignoring him, he would naturally give up.

Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to drive Ning Rongrong away. He only needed to give Ning Rongrong a choice, or else he would have to smooth things over.

Otherwise, choose to leave by yourself, so Ning Fengzhi will not blame him too much.

He believed that Miss Ning Rongrong would never leave in despair because of her arrogant temper, but she would also never compromise easily.

So he had to work hard on the people around her. People are social animals. When no one around them is on her side, the feeling of isolation will definitely make them panic.

And after investigation, he already knew that the guardians around Ning Rongrong did not sneak into Shrek Academy, and Ning Feng also said in a letter that he would not interfere easily.

So what if a 12-year-old girl has a bad personality?With the option of choosing one of the two coupled with the pressure of a thousand people, he believed that Ning Rongrong would never swallow this breath and leave in despair.

Of course, he had to try his best to avoid this outcome. If Ning Rongrong chose to endure the anger and leave, it would be harmful to Shrek Academy.

It's just that if Ning Rongrong's eldest daughter's temper is not dealt with as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles in the future, and it must be polished as needed.

Oscar coughed and nodded: "Dean, I'm done."

Flanders snorted in response, "I'm asking you, not you."

Then, when he saw Ning Rongrong's eyes hinting at Oscar lying for her, Flanders smiled inwardly, everything was just as he wanted.

Oscar gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, we have finished running."

Hearing this, Flanders smiled sinisterly, "Very good. Oscar, I didn't expect you to be very friendly. Come here."

Oscar, who had already anticipated the outcome, stepped forward with a wry smile.

Flanders was also more cruel than he expected. He punished him for another 20 laps, and he was still not allowed to eat until he finished the race. The important thing was that he sealed Oscar's soul power.

Without the big sausage to pad his belly and regain his strength, it is conceivable that Oscar will definitely be worse than during the day.

Seeing Oscar running in circles honestly, Flanders was very satisfied, and then he encouraged the new students Tang San and Xiao Wu. "Don't you understand why I do this? Why do I let him keep running?"

"Because he lied. Even though he lied for friendship or other reasons, he still lied. You are all still children. Lying is the worst virtue. I hope you understand."

On the surface, Flanders is saying that lying is a bad quality and providing moral education. In fact, the core of Flanders' words is that his orders must be completed without compromise.

As for the moral issue of lying, Tang San, who had experienced Flanders' repeated methods, should know how honest Flanders himself was.

After everything was laid out, Flanders looked at Ning Rongrong, "Tell me, have you completed the lessons I assigned you this morning?"

Ning Rongrong's title of little witch was not groundless. She pretended to be innocent and weak and responded "honestly".

"I didn't, the distance was too long, and I was hungry, so I couldn't hold on."

"So, you ran to Soto City alone. You went to have a big meal and walked around the commercial street of Soto City. You just came back to find Oscar, right?"

Flanders, who was all smiles, was as proud as a skilled old hunter who saw a cunning little rabbit fall into his carefully prepared trap.

Ning Rongrong widened her beautiful eyes. "You spy on me?"

Of course she was not an idiot who deliberately went against Flanders. She deliberately got rid of Oscar before going to Soto City to have fun. But who would have thought that Flanders, as a member of the Soul Saint Society, would not be able to follow a little girl like her.

Flanders was indeed worthless, but he didn't have this kind of free time at ordinary times. The lazy him that Tang San saw at first sight was his true temperament.

As a soul master with the Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Martial Spirit, there is no doubt that he must have inherited his natural animal nature, which is to nap during the day and wake up at night.

But today he specifically set a trap for Ning Rongrong, how could he be negligent?

He had to ensure that every link was perfect so that Ning Fengzhi wouldn't find fault with him and settle the score. Then he coldly said the lines he had prepared long ago.

"As the dean, I am responsible for every student in the academy. If it is excusable to say that Oscar lied because he could not bear to let you be punished, then the mistake you made is unforgivable."

"Leaving the academy without permission, not following the academy's arrangements, and letting your seniors lie for you are not mistakes that an excellent soul master should make. If this is on the battlefield, there is only one result for you, and that is military law and death. That’s all.”

Seeing that the character of the good girl was seen through, Ning Rongrong's expression changed. Since the play couldn't continue, she would simply stop acting!
She frowned, the gentle look on her face gradually disappeared, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and her expression revealed a bit of contempt and disdain, "This is not a battlefield, it's just an academy."

Flanders nodded and said: "Yes, this is just an academy, but this is my Shrek Academy. Now, I'll give you two options. One, pack your things and leave here immediately. You don't deserve to be here." One of the members. Another way, prove to me that you have the qualifications to stay here, and the determination not to break the rules in the future."

Stay and be an obedient dog, or leave in despair, these were the two paths Flanders gave Ning Rongrong.

The only truth he has realized in these years of opening Shrek Academy is two words, obedience.

The kind of uncompromising obedience of the military has no right or wrong, no reason, only obedience.

When a person can achieve this kind of oppressive obedience, the actual effect is actually not much different from self-discipline.

Flanders has tasted the benefits of this high-pressure education. It is easy to get started, easy to get started, comfortable, and the effect is pretty good.

As for the pressure on students, it is training for him and it is good for him. Doesn’t it sound familiar?

Yes, Flanders has indeed realized the true meaning of examination-oriented education and military training. This method is very effective in cultivating middle-level people.

There is no need for any educational methods or special resources. As long as students are squeezed out of their time and asked to work harder, results will naturally come to fruition.

It doesn’t matter if you get twice the result with half the effort. Wouldn’t it be twice as effective if you put in four times the effort?

"Flander, who do you think you are? It's just a little soul saint."

Naturally, Ning Rongrong was not the one who suffered the loss. After being completely torn apart, she resorted to the last resort and revealed her true identity to Flanders.

It's a pity that Flanders is carrying Ning Fengzhi's Shang Fang Sword in his arms. He has long been promised by Ning Fengzhi and is not afraid of threats at all.

Flanders is like a tutor. Ning Fengzhi, the parent, told Flanders that he could educate him, hit him or scold him as he pleased. Of course, Flanders would not be stupid enough to take advantage of it.

But facing Ning Rongrong's threat, it was like hearing her say: "If you dare to take more care of me, I will ask my father to fire you."

Flanders was hired by Ning Fengzhi to take care of him. He was afraid of nothing but this.

(End of this chapter)

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