Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 210 There are far more than 6 students in Shrek Academy

Chapter 210 There are far more than 6 students in Shrek Academy (additional update 1)

It's just that no one else present knew about the exchange between Ning Fengzhi and Flanders. Therefore, in the eyes of other students, it was quite extraordinary that Flanders dared to be so stubborn despite the threat of the Qibao Glazed Sect. A wave of fame.

Ning Rongrong's claws were numb after she ran out of cards, but she still refused to accept it and stood up with her hands on her hips. She didn't believe that Flanders really dared to take action!
Of course, Flanders didn't dare to make a move against Ning Rongrong. He would be a fool to believe anyone who could hit or scold Ning Rongrong casually. However, he also had other means to suppress Ning Rongrong.

He chose to skip this topic and compare other students at Shrek Academy with Ning Rongrong, and the meaning was obvious.

You, Ning Rongrong, will not have a good future if you don't obey the school's arrangements. You see, the obedient and dog-like students under me are better than you, who spends three days fishing and two days drying nets.

But Ning Rongrong really fell for this, because she was the one with the highest talent and the best performance among her generation in the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Even though she spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, with her talent and Ning Fengzhi's resources, her progress in soul power cultivation was astonishingly faster than that of her peers.

"Impossible. Our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda's martial soul is the best in the world, no one can compare. Why am I inferior to them?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes were completely red. She was so excited that it was difficult for her to think rationally.

"Because of your heart. Because of your impetuousness and arrogance, you think too highly of yourself. Even your father would not think that you are the best in the world."

"If he is not accompanied by an excellent partner, even an ordinary soul master can kill him. And with your character, do you think you can find a partner who can completely hand over your back to him?"

Flanders, an old Jianghu man, has sharp eyes. He sharply pointed out the biggest flaw in Ning Rongrong's character.

She is too arrogant and does not know how to respect others, so it is difficult for her to make close friends. Most of the people around her are fearful subordinates.

This was also the real reason why Ning Fengzhi chose to let Ning Rongrong out for training.

Is Ning Fengzhi able to become the master of Qibao Glazed Sect because he is good at dancing?Or because his cultivation reached the Soul Saint terminal point early.

No, the key is that he has a close relationship with the two titled Douluo.

The scary thing about assisting is that the teammates he assists will be even more terrifying. The two titled Douluo are amazingly strong with the support of Ning Fengzhi.

To be honest, Ning Rongrong's soul power cultivation is not important in Ning Fengzhi's eyes. The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda martial soul can only be cultivated to level 79. The so-called eight treasures are just a joke to make Ning Rongrong happy.

Ning Fengzhi, who was less talented than Ning Rongrong, had already reached the Soul Sage level early and then had no way forward.

Ning Fengzhi knows very well that his daughter Ning Rongrong will continue to fish for three days and dry the nets for two days. She will definitely reach the peak of Soul Saint before the age of 50.

He just hopes that his daughter can suffer some disadvantages in society, change her character, and most importantly, find companions who are trustworthy and talented enough.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are not immortal, and the sect needs new offerings to replenish new blood.

Moreover, Ning Rongrong had another advantage over him. He was a beautiful woman. If he could find a son-in-law who was talented enough to be able to practice as a titled Douluo, he would be satisfied.

So Ning Rongrong, who had heard similar words from her father for a long time, was stunned when faced with Flanders' accusation. Although she was a little witch, she still listened to her father Ning Fengzhi's words.

It's just that she has two big backers, Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone, so Ning Fengzhi is powerless to discipline her.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong was speechless, Flanders continued to pursue the victory. He first pointed at Dai Mubai.

"He is 15 years old this year. He is a white tiger with a martial spirit. He is a combat-type soul master. He is born with double pupils and is level 37. He has two hundred-year soul rings and a thousand-year soul ring. He is the youngest student in the history of Shrek Academy to reach the level 13 soul master. . When he reached Soul Master, he was only 13 years old. Do you think you can break through the bottleneck of level [-] at the age of [-]? "

"If there is anyone who can surpass Mubai, it is definitely not you. Tang San and Xiao Wu have already reached the level of 12th-level great soul masters at the age of 29. They are the ones who can possibly surpass Mubai. In terms of genius , they are all stronger than you."

Flanders said this to bully others. The soul power cultivation of the auxiliary system is relatively slower than that of the battle soul master. Moreover, Ning Rongrong is also level 28 now. It is hard to say whether he can break through level 13 at the age of 30.

And why doesn’t he bring up the 14-year-old and 29-level Oscar at this time?
Ning Rongrong seemed to feel that something was untenable, and Ning Rongrong was not convinced either. Flanders pointed it out to his favorite protégé Ma Hongjun.

"Ma Hongjun, he is about the same age as Tang San, Xiao Wu, and you. He entered Shrek Academy at the age of 11. Although there are flaws in his martial spirit. However, the mutated martial spirit he possesses is a unique top-level beast martial spirit. In terms of martial arts alone, there are not many people in the entire continent who can match him. Although his soul power is inferior to yours, this is because he spends part of his energy on making up for the shortcomings of his martial soul. .”

"You're talking nonsense. He's just an evil idiot, not a real phoenix!" Ning Rongrong, who was so excited, no longer tabooed anything, opened his mouth and cursed angrily.

As for Ma Hongjun spending part of his energy to make up for the shortcomings of his martial soul, this sentence sounds nice, but in fact, his specific behavior is to check the bar every now and then to enjoy himself.

Compared to Oscar who was as tired as a dog running laps, Ma Hongjun did expend a lot of energy. If he didn't have many gold soul coins in his pocket, he would have spent more.However, when he heard the word "grass chicken", Ma Hongjun immediately turned cold, the greasy Brother Zhu disappeared, and Flanders nodded secretly.

He knew that Ning Rongrong was a big trouble, and he didn't want his direct disciple to suffer because he was too close to her.

"People cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. Ma Hongjun's flames are real thorns. If you don't believe me, just ask Dai Mubai." Old God Flanders spoke for Ma Hongjun on the ground.

"Yes, Fatty's flames are indeed difficult to deal with."

Flanders said calmly: "Ning Rongrong. Have you heard it? Are you asking yourself which one of them is better than you? Here, you are already the worst existence."

"What qualifications do you have to be proud of? I dare say that as long as you leave me, in 20 years, each of their achievements will be much greater than yours."

Ning Rongrong, who was dizzy with anger, didn't realize that Flanders was comparing everyone's strongest points with her weak points, so she directly targeted Oscar from the food department.

14 years old and level 29, what can Flanders say now?But unfortunately Oscar is gifted with soul power in the food department.

The auxiliary system and the food system are generally more difficult to practice than the battle soul master, and even the innate soul power is relatively weak. There has never been a person with full innate soul power in history.

Ning Rongrong thought that her ninth level of innate soul power was at its peak, but she didn't expect that she would be overwhelmed by that disgusting sausage shop.

Ning Rongrong, who had no words to refute Flanders for a moment, was so angry that she burst into tears and ran towards the dormitory.

Speaking of this, Flanders also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from his poor personality, Ning Rongrong was really talented. At the age of 12 and level 28, he was still the best auxiliary weapon in the world.

If he hadn't used tricks to make her lose her cool, and then used Tian Ji's trick of horse racing to compare Ning Rongrong's shortcomings, it would be really hard to say anything about her.

Not to mention anything else, just by putting these five words "Qibao Glazed Pagoda" here, Ning Rongrong can crush everyone present, including Dai Mubai's White Tiger Spirit.

With the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master as a support, as long as the gap between teammates is not obvious, even a dog can win.

To be honest, among the three freshmen, Ning Rongrong is the one whom Flanders values ​​the most.

Therefore, after achieving the purpose of beating her, Flanders had no intention of letting Dai Mubai help Ning Rongrong pack her things and drive her away.

Instead, he was worried that if he hit her too hard, she would go away, so he turned around and ordered Dai Mubai.

"Do you really want this girl to leave? Although Ning Rongrong is a little spoiled, she is not bad in nature. Just let her think about it for herself. Go and call Oscar back. Say that I will exempt him from punishment and let him Go comfort Ning Rongrong."

After this happened, Xiao Wu, who had a very outgoing personality, subconsciously acted accordingly. Ning Rongrong, who was even more domineering than her, didn't even take advantage of Flanders. She didn't want to take the initiative to get into trouble.

Flanders, who saw this in his eyes, was also very satisfied. Using Ning Rongrong to establish his power could also have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. In this way, the framework of the new student's obedience was established in one day.

"Okay, get ready to go. You have also seen the results of Ning Rongrong and Oscar. If you want to stay here to practice, you must abide by the rules of the academy. Take every class well. My words here are orders. Next, you will start This is your first class at Shrek. Each of you will complete your own class independently. Don’t blame me for not stating in advance that if you don’t do well enough, you will have to shed your skin even if you don’t die.”

When Dai Mubai came back with Oscar, he took the four of them to Soto City to start the first class of the Battle Soul Master at Shrek Academy.

On the way, Xiao Wu looked at the night streets of Soto City with curiosity. Fortunately, Flanders had just established his authority, so she would not get lost.

Dai Mubai and Tang San followed closely in Flanders' footsteps.

As for Ma Hongjun, how else could he be said to be a chicken rather than a phoenix? Along the way, his eyes were fixed on all the women who came and went.

From the age of six to the age of sixty, Ma Hongjun's eyes were almost never let go, once he saw someone with a plump figure, he would immediately swallow his mouth water.

Seeing that Xiao Wu also disliked Ma Hongjun, she subconsciously stayed away from him, and Flanders had no intention of disciplining him.

Soto City Great Soul Arena!
This is the course that Flanders is preparing for. Before graduation, he will at least get the Silver Soul Fighting Badge, which is euphemistically called actual combat training.

This course is wonderful. It can be seen that there are more than 6 students in Shrek Academy, and there are all the soul masters in the entire Great Soul Fighting Arena. They don't have to pay the annual tuition of 100 gold soul coins.

(End of this chapter)

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