Chapter 211 Pairs
The auxiliary department runs long distances to practice endurance, and the fighting spirit master goes to the big spirit fighting arena to practice actual combat. This is the curriculum of Shrek Academy, which can be said to be without any features or brains.

Compared to casual cultivators who have not joined Shrek Academy, the biggest difference between them and Tang San and others is that they rely entirely on self-discipline and not enough effort.

Under the external pressure of Shrek Academy, obeying Flanders' orders can allow them to achieve an effect similar to self-discipline.

In short, if a person cannot exercise self-discipline, he can spend 100 gold soul coins a year to ask Flanders to be his ancestor and teach him what obedience means, forced self-discipline, forced effort, and forced progress. .

Of course, Shrek Academy also has a practical benefit, that is, under the care of teachers and even the dean, you can hunt for souls in the Star Dou Forest to obtain suitable high-quality soul rings.

Even the students themselves have to be careful and not have too much trust in the teachers who lead the team. After all, in Shrek's school history, there are some unlucky people who died while hunting soul beasts.

In addition to this, Shrek Academy's wealthy couple cannot provide any help at all, and there is no efficient independent teaching.

The Great Soul Fighting Arena is also about self-realization in actual combat, and Flanders occasionally gives some suggestions and comments.

What deserves special attention is that Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have been studying in the Great Soul Fighting Arena for more than a year.

Their learning outcomes are:

Dai Mubai: 56 wins and 29 losses in 27 games, two points.

Ma Hongjun: 33 wins and 21 losses in 12 games, with nine points.

They are all top-level martial souls that Flanders calls them, but in Soto City, a city that is not well-known on the continent, they still do not have a clear advantage when their soul rings are equal.

Where are the practical results of more than a year unknown?

Some people may say that Dai Mubai's defeat was due to his losing streak when he first broke through to Soul Master. Ma Hongjun was also at level 26 and had no advantage when he met level 29.

But aren’t they two top-level attack-type beast spirits?Not to mention fighting across large levels, it is impossible to sweep the same level in a place like Soto City.

Is it because their top martial arts spirits have water?Or is it that Shrek Academy will not help them grow in the final analysis?
Of course, because of the extremely high admissions standards and Flanders' obedience education, it doesn't matter much even if the teaching methods are outdated or even have problems with the direction.

Because of the students' own foundation and hard work, they can achieve good results even with half the effort, but what does this have to do with Shrek Academy?

The rules of the Grand Soul Fighting Arena are also very simple. It is held every night, and each soul master can only play once a day at most. However, the three forms of soul fighting, 1V1, 2V2 and 7V7, do not overlap.

Everyone registers as an Iron Fighting Spirit, with 0 points, 100 points can be promoted to a Bronze Fighting Spirit, and 1000 points can be promoted to a Silver Fighting Spirit. The promotion will be settled at the end of the month.

In Iron Fighting Soul battles, points will be added by 1 for a win, 1 will be deducted for a loss, 10 will be added for each win after five consecutive wins, and 100 will be added for each win after ten wins in a row.

In the Bronze Fighting Soul battle, 10 points will be added to the points for winning a game, 10 points will be deducted for a loss, 100 will be added to each game after winning five consecutive games, and 1000 will be added to each game after winning ten games in a row.

In other words, as long as you win eleven consecutive 1V1 games, you will be promoted to the next rank. In theory, you can be promoted to Silver Fighting Spirit if you win for 20 days in a row.

If you participate in a 2V2 winning streak at the same time, 15 days is enough.

Novice registration requires a registration fee of ten gold soul coins, but if you can win, you can also get a reward of 10 gold soul coins.

Because the four of them did not know each other very well, they did not choose to form a 2V2 team, but each participated in a 1V1 spirit battle.

Because Xiao Wu and Tang San were already at the peak of great soul masters at level 29, and the difficulty of the previous few soul battles was relatively low, they won quite easily. They were quite happy to get 10 gold soul coins.

As long as you have the strength in this place, you can get money very quickly. You can get a month's soul master subsidy in one night.

Moreover, although Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't have much increase in actual combat experience, they still met real opponents of the same level, instead of the little pool in Notting Academy where they rarely even had a soul master.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were already waiting for them at the door. The first lesson of the new semester for the four of them could be said to be a good start, and they were much luckier than Oscar and Ning Rong.

Even Ma Hongjun excitedly asked the two freshmen to go first, and he had to take Boss Dai to Flender's shop.

Alas, he has to worry about his martial soul's flaws again. He, Ma Hongjun, is working so hard. . .

Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun with a strange look on his face. Although he and this evil fire chicken were both essentially sluts, he was more picky.

He couldn't imitate Ma Hongjun's temperament of not being picky about food from age 6 to age 60. However, he hesitated at Ma Hongjun's hint and chose to go with him. He could add money by himself when he got there.

"Tang San, you and Xiao Wu can go back by yourself, don't worry about us."

"You, is this?"

"We are not going to harm girls, we are going to hook up. You are willing to do what I want. It is legal." Dai Mubai laughed.

"Fat man can't hold back his evil fire. Let's vent. I'm old enough. If you are interested in two years, I will take you with me."

"Let's get rid of this." Tang San watched the duo of lewd men leaving very speechlessly. His Xuantian Kung Fu was a real Taoist internal skill, and even for the sake of cultivation, he couldn't join these two guys.

"Hey, little bastard, you're still pretending. Your teacher is a pervert. I don't believe you can get anywhere clean. I'm the only one here, so you don't have to pretend to follow me."

After saying this, Xiao Wu twisted away with a look of disgust on her face. Who are the people in this college? On the first day of school, half of the boys went to Goulan, and the dean took the lead.

Tang San, whose face was green and white, couldn't help it anymore, "Xiao Wu, don't go too far, my name is Tang San, and I'm my teacher..."

"What's wrong with your teacher? I've wronged him? He's as fat as that Ma Hongjun, with big ears and a greasy face." Xiao Wu waved her hand in disgust, "If you have any opinions, just hold it in, can you not let me tell the truth? "

"If you continue to be so venomous and insult me ​​and the teacher, don't blame me for fighting with you!" Tang San took a step forward with sharp eyes. He was no longer the same person as before. Now wearing a hidden weapon, he was not afraid of Xiao Wu at all. .

"Then let's give it a try." Xiao Wu didn't have a good temper either. She looked at the big spirit fighting arena behind her and reacted, "Anyway, we have all signed up here, so we will definitely run into each other then."

"If you lose, don't blame me for calling you little Yakuza." Xiao Wu originally wanted to bet something, but thinking about Tang San's character that he couldn't afford to lose, he shook his head and chose to leave directly.

"Xiao Wu, if you lose, you have to apologize to me and the teacher in front of all the classmates." Tang San said loudly.

"Let's wait until you win." Xiao Wu disappeared into the night without looking back. She would not go back with the little Yakuza.

. . .

Xiao Wu walked quickly in front. Now that it was getting so late, she had to go back and rest early.

When she walked to the door, she saw Ning Rongrong and Oscar under the bright moonlight.

Ning Rongrong sat on a rock and swayed her white calves, looking at her expression that she had calmed down.

Oscar, on the other hand, looked ugly and glanced at Ning Rongrong from time to time with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

"Ning Rongrong, are you planning to leave Shrek?" Xiao Wu looked at her and asked. She felt that this college was not very good, but she had just paid the tuition of 100 gold soul coins and had no money. She just had some thoughts about leaving. .

"Of course I'm staying. How can I just leave such a fun place?" Ning Rongrong, who had already taken off her good girl clothes, released her nature and looked at Xiao Wu who came back alone with some doubts.

"By the way, why are you the only one coming back? Where are they?"

"The two prostitutes Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun went to hook up with the dean, and the dean was with them." Speaking of this, Xiao Wu's face became very ugly, "You know, little bastard, that I don't have a good relationship with him, and so do you. No need to wait any longer here.”

"Pfft, I thought Flanders had such a high moral standard?" Ning Rongrong sneered and did not call Flanders the dean.

"Rongrong, Dean, he is taking Ma Hongjun to solve his evil fire problem." Oscar defended from the side.

"Yes, yes, this is all hard training. How come Ma Hongjun is so fat but Flanders arranged for him to run dozens of laps on an empty stomach to lose weight?" Ning Rongrong mocked.

Then she turned her head and looked at Oscar and said disdainfully: "Who are you? Can you call me Rongrong?"

"You, don't go too far!" Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong in disbelief. He undoubtedly fell in love with Ning Rongrong, mainly because Ning Rongrong was very beautiful, and the obedient female character she displayed at the beginning was right. His appetite.

As he gradually saw Ning Rongrong's character clearly, his rational mind kept reminding him that it would be difficult for the real Bai Fumei to like him.

Even if he licks her with all his strength, he is just a hot sheep and has no chance of becoming a boyfriend.

"Tch, it's boring. I'm going back to the dormitory." Ning Rongrong stood up and followed Xiao Wu back to the dormitory.

She didn't know why, but she felt a sense of loneliness in Shrek Academy, especially when Flanders was condescending and accusing her, and there was no one to help her speak, so she subconsciously wanted to find a companion.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were two sluts, and Oscar made her sick. Only Xiao Wu and Tang San, both freshmen, were left. However, the two had deep conflicts and could not date at the same time. After a moment of equilibrium, Ning Rongrong chose Xiao Wu.

On the one hand, Xiao Wu was in the same dormitory as her, and girls of the same age also had similar hobbies and topics. On the other hand, Tang San seemed to be related to Flanders, which she was very disgusted with.

Xiao Wu also chose to hug Ning Rongrong for warmth. She and Ning Rongrong had similar senses and similar temperaments. They were quite strong and had little awareness of empathizing with others and respecting others.

Normally the two would not get along very smoothly, but under the pressure from the outside world, both of them subconsciously softened their attitudes, and their relationship became much closer.

Tang San and Oscar both returned to the dormitory. They were not in a good mood and did not speak to each other. They just sat cross-legged and meditated on their respective beds, turning their grief and anger into strength.

In the middle of the night, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun happily returned to their dormitory and slept soundly.

The next day, the second class at Shrek Academy became a special class.

(End of this chapter)

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