Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 212 Tang Hao’s hesitation

Chapter 212 Tang Hao’s hesitation

Flanders' so-called second lesson was Oscar making his soul skill sausage, which the other five people ate.

This course was originally very simple, but because the other five people were young but not efficient, nausea was inevitable due to psychological factors.

This level is impeccable. After all, Oscar's soul skill is sausage. If he doesn't want to eat it, how can he form a team of soul masters and participate in 7V7 in the big soul fighting arena?

Flanders even hopes that this new generation of Shrek Academy can participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition and become famous!
But what everyone didn't expect was that Oscar broke through level 30 after a night of practice after experiencing a broken love.

Flanders was also very satisfied and said that Shrek Academy intends to form a team of all students for development, so the sausage-eating course is inevitable, and tomorrow he will personally take the six of them to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring for Oscar.

Because of Flanders' shock yesterday, everyone chose to accept it.

To be fair, the soul power sausage made by Oscar is definitely the top among food system soul masters at the same level in terms of effect and taste. It is no joke to be born with full soul power in the food system.

It is this psychological factor that needs to be overcome. Everyone also has the attitude of getting it right once and then getting used to it. If we start today, it will not be so difficult to accept when the actual battle begins.

It was just that Oscar's eyes were shining as he watched Ning Rongrong eating the sausages he had made with a lewd look on his face. The smarter people next to him knew that this kid was still evil.

Come to think of it, Shrek's three sluts, and Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's two sluts, can they still escape the mire and remain untouched after being together for a long time?Oscar is also someone who has several ex-girlfriends.

Tang San looked at him with deep eyes. Ning Rongrong's character was clear to him. It would be very difficult for someone like Oscar to confess his love like a licking dog and have a chance of success.

So he planned to change the approach. Aren't they going to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt the Millennium Soul Beast?He planned to show off his muscles in front of everyone.

Lan Yincao, a useless martial soul, couldn't handle it. His unique method in the soul master world, a hidden weapon, would surely shock and admire everyone.

Moreover, as an auxiliary type, Ning Rongrong's ability to protect herself was very weak, and mechanical hidden weapons could make up for her shortcomings very well. When the time came, Tang San's use of seduction would also be a powerful means.

With a two-pronged approach, there was no need to worry about Ning Rongrong's confession being unsuccessful.

After all, it's not like marrying Ning Rongrong, it's just a successful verbal confession, and there's no need to face the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect behind her, so the difficulty level is still very low.


The Qibao Glazed Sect's people are not as powerful as Soul Saints, so naturally they cannot sneak into Shrek Academy quietly.

After all, Flanders' strength is close to that of Contra, and his Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Spirit has an inherent advantage in vigilance.

But what everyone didn't expect was that even so, there was still a figure in black robe observing the teachers and students of Shrek Academy in the dark.

This man Tang San's father Tang Ri, ahem, to be precise is Tang Hao.

He has not been a responsible father since Tang San was a child. His concern for Tang San is entirely because of Ah Yin.

Because there were no details about A Yin or himself before Tang San was 6 years old, so he was no more interested in Tang San than the dogs in the village.

Tang Hao, who knew that Tang San's martial spirit had awakened and saw the Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer again, truly recognized his son.

After explaining to Yu Xiaogang, he went directly to Guyu Forest to ask Blue Silver King about the awakening of Blue Silver Grass.

Yu Xiaogang's words "There are no useless martial arts spirits, only useless soul masters" can only deceive ignorant children, and he, Tang Hao, is not stupid.

Blue Silver Grass was not classified as a useless martial spirit just because it could not practice. Even if it could be practiced, its foundation was too poor and it was not qualified to compete with the top martial arts.

Unexpectedly, his heart was broken again there, and not only was he seriously injured, but that person seemed to be related to Ah Yin.

Tang Hao, who had just made up his mind to take the initiative, now withered again. He found a new place to recuperate and was depressed again for more than five years.

It wasn't until I heard about the graduation ceremony of the Junior Soul Master Academy a few days ago that I suddenly realized that Tang Hao seemed to have a son. . .

He had arrived at Shrek Academy for three days. When he saw Miga, he originally wanted to take action, but he was concerned that Miga's strength would be difficult to win silently. If the news leaked and attracted the attention of Wuhun Palace, it would be troublesome. .

And his attention was quickly attracted by another piece of news. That familiar aura, that feeling of déjà vu, Tang Hao's eyes widened as he watched the little girl who was confronting Tang San tit for tat.

Another 10-year-old soul beast transformed? !
For a moment, Tang Hao not only rubbed his eyes again, but also looked at the little girl to confirm carefully that yes, the second 10-year-old soul beast had transformed.

But, is there something wrong with the records in this family's classics? Is this the ten-year soul beast transformation that has been rare for hundreds of years?It doesn’t feel like it’s very rare.

Tang Hao covered his head and was very confused, but using his brain has never been his specialty, so he quickly put the matter aside for the time being and carefully considered the benefits that this matter could bring.

Although he thought he had a deep relationship with Ah Yin, it was only limited to Ah Yin, not because he had a special hobby for soul beast transformation.

For that little girl, there was no life at all in his eyes. Even the walking 10-year-old spirit ring and spirit bones were blessings sent from heaven. That kid Tang San was also considered blessed.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao also suddenly realized whether his brother, father and sect elders also viewed A Yin in this way.They didn't have the slightest affection for Ah Yin, and regarded her as a soul ring and soul bone, and then praised Tang Hao as a descendant who was really lucky. This was lower than the probability of falling into a pie in the sky, and the rewards were also better.

Thinking like this, Tang Hao observed carefully for two days and found that the relationship between the soul beast named Xiao Wu and Xiao San was on the same level, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

I just don't know why, but besides the relief, there is also an unspeakable complex bitterness in his heart. You can't lie to yourself. He always knows that he is sorry for Ah Yin.

But there was no way. In his heart, the clan was greater than Ah Yin, Ah Yin was greater than Tang San, and Tang San was greater than the four-attribute clan.

After sorting out his mood, Tang Hao began to think about how to deal with Xiao Wu to maximize his profits.

Soul bones are easy to talk about, but the key is soul rings.

First of all, he himself had no soul ring space left, and he didn't have any promising descendants in the Haotian Sect, and Tang San and Tang Hao frowned.

He seemed to know how the Haotian Sect felt about Ah Yin back then. Now Tang San was only level 29, and he was still 90 levels away from level 61.

This would take at least 40 years. Tang Hao calculated that the time period was too long and the risks were too high.

The most important thing is that Xiao Wu is at the same level as Tang San. If she breaks through to level 60, she will become a human completely, and her soul bones and soul rings will be useless.

Therefore, he could only do the same as the Haotian Sect back then, either find a way to get Xiao Wu's cultivation stuck, or capture him alive and imprison him.

Of course, there is also the most ideal situation, which is to let Xiao Wu and Tang San fall in love, and then deliberately create dangerous situations, so that Xiao Wu can be guided to sacrifice to Tang San.

Sacrifice is an extremely special ritual. Tang Hao, who has experienced it personally, knows that there is no need to bear any pressure when making sacrifices. Even Tang San can bear it now.

Just thinking of this, Tang Hao's face was extremely tangled. He realized that the person he thought of was the kind of person he hated the most at the beginning.

what can we do about it?Tang Hao was very hesitant. He found that there was no good soul ring match.

It is true that a 10-year-old soul ring is at the top of the list of soul masters' dreams, but there are very few people who are truly qualified to refine it.

Only level 90 quasi-titled people are eligible to try, and not everyone can succeed. A 10-year-old soul ring puts great pressure on the physical body, so the physical requirements of the soul master are very high.

Not to mention the soul masters Tang Hao was familiar with, even looking at the entire Douluo Continent, there are probably only a handful of soul masters who meet the requirements.

Otherwise, leave it alone for now. She is still far away from level 60 anyway, and Soto City is a relatively remote place. Soul Saint City is extremely rare, not to mention Contra.

To put it most realistically, if there was Contra near Soto City, Flanders would not have chosen to open an academy in Soto City.

Originally, Tang Hao planned to leave first to contact the four-attribute clan that he had not seen in 12 years and ask them to find out if the Haotian Sect had any talented Contras.

But seeing that Shrek and his group were going to the Star Forest, Tang Hao looked at Xiao Wu and hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to go with them.

When they successfully hunted for the soul ring and returned, it wouldn't be too late for him to leave. Mainly because of the mixed fish and dragons in the Star Dou Forest, Tang Hao was not at ease.

. . .

Because Zhao Wuji was in bed recuperating from his injuries, Flender chose to take the six of them personally to hunt for souls in the Star Dou Forest.

With him, the Soul Saint, leading the team, the journey was naturally smooth, and they met people from Canghui Advanced Soul Master Academy on the way.

However, the reputation of Four-Eyed Cat Eagle Flanders is much higher in the soul master world than Zhao Wuji's Fudo Ming King, because he is also blessed by the reputation of the Golden Iron Triangle.

The teacher at Canghui College recognized Flanders, and the conflict was naturally resolved.

Flanders still feels a little regretful about this. He knows that fighting together is definitely one of the best ways to enhance relationships.

Otherwise, why would Oscar need a soul ring? Why would all six students show up? Isn't that just to cultivate feelings while hunting soul beasts?

Flanders is as clear as a mirror, he is just here to tell the truth, and the specific task of helping Oscar hunt for the soul ring still requires the cooperation of six people.

However, there is one thing that he is very satisfied with during this journey, that is, everyone's rejection of Oscar Sausage has become very light, and he believes that it won't take long for him to fully adapt to it.

Even after entering the Star Forest, they had good luck. It took almost no effort to find the Millennium Cockscomb Snake suitable for Oscar.

Tang San also used this to reveal the knowledge about soul beasts he had learned from the master, and Dai Mubai and others also expressed their admiration for Tang San and the teacher he called him.

Not only did Tang San have the label of erudition on him, but he was also a little more curious about Tang San's teacher. Only Xiao Wu frowned slightly when she looked at the little Yakuza who was so showy.

However, she was in a good mood when she returned to the Star Dou Forest, and she had no intention of confronting Tang San. In fact, she was much more knowledgeable than Tang San in terms of soul beast knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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