Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 213 Running away with a bucket

Chapter 213 Running away with a bucket (Additional update 1)

The so-called one day in the sky, one year underground.

The speed of time in the God Realm and its subordinate Douluo Plane is roughly this.

In the Shura Temple, God Shura, with mottled black marks on his divine armor, walked to the throne with an annoyed look on his face.

Ten days ago, a god-level evil creature appeared in the far west of the God Realm. As the most powerful killer in the God Realm, he, Shura God, was undoubtedly pushed out by the God Realm Committee to take charge of this matter.

It's just that the evil creature's strength is extraordinary, comparable to a first-level god, and it has immortality, as well as many strange methods that he has never seen before.

However, because of his arrogance this time, he did not use the Shura Blood Sword with all his strength immediately. Not only did he fail to decapitate the evil creature, but he also allowed the evil creature to sneak away in disgrace.

He was embarrassed in front of the four great gods of destruction, life, kindness and evil, and felt extremely uncomfortable, but he had no intention of continuing to hunt for that evil thing.

Official matters were definitely not as important as his private matters. When Shura God returned to the throne, he immediately turned his attention to Douluo Continent. The plane consciousness there should have ceased during this period.

"What's going on?!" Shura God's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the Tang family's father and son's thin luck.

Forget about Tang Dachui, the tool man, why was Tang San's rich luck reduced by more than 7%? The luck originally collected from the spirit beasts was already running low, and there were even signs of backlash.

For example, God Shura is a fruit farmer, and Tang San is the fruit seedlings he carefully prepared, and those rich fortunes are the fertilizers God Shura worked hard to obtain.

When Tang San grows up, he will be able to absorb the nutrients from the Douluo plane to grow. Finally, he will grow into a towering tree and bear fruit, which is the harvest for God Shura, the fruit farmer.

Now Tang San, a sapling, is malnourished even before it grows up, and who knows where the fertilizer went?How can this make God Shura not angry?
"Who the hell did this?" God Shura's blood-red eyes exuded strong murderous intent. He was not a fool.

Those fortunes do not belong to Tang San at all, so they are not stable before Tang San absorbs them, and can easily be stolen by other interested people.

But these caring people must also have a very high threshold. Manipulating luck involves the art of destiny, and God Shura himself dare not say that he is proficient in this art.

If you want to cause trouble on Tang San, even without his Shura God to look after you, you have to be at least a second-level god to barely have this ability!
However, the murderer should not be tracked down at this time, the immediate priority was to make amends. God Shura looked at the Douluo plane with gloomy eyes.

There are not many unowned freight forwarders that are easy to operate.

He couldn't move on Poseidon's side, and he even had to be careful to prevent the old boy from seeing anything and reporting it to other god-kings.

The Lord of the Angel God is already dead, but before he died, he lowered his divine status and inherited artifacts to the Douluo plane to suppress his luck. Although he was rigid, it was not easy to operate forcefully, so he could only make some small movements.

On the side of the soul beasts, God Shura turned his attention to the fate of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, which had already been seriously damaged.

Looking at the situation in the Star Dou Forest, it was more than enough to help ripen the saplings. God Shura nodded and looked deeply. He didn't care about the soul beast without a backstage.

The Dragon God has long since died, and the beast gods have long since been cleaned up by the current God Realm. They were either killed and expelled, their bones were refined into artifacts, or they were tied up on a leash and served as dogs.

. . .

The moment God Shura turned his attention to Douluo Continent, the Book of Lies in Tang San's body stagnated for a moment, like a sneaking mouse smelling the scent of a cat.

The Book of Lies at this moment was much thicker than when Tang San had just seen it, and the mottled scars on the cover were quietly repaired.

A line of writing slowly appeared on the title page of the Book of Lies.

"The aura of the indigenous gods has been detected. The level is estimated to be level five. The risk assessment has been raised to B+. It is recommended to immediately recover all luck and escape directly."

. . .

Oscar's cock-crested snake-tailed snake's soul ring was not smoothly obtained, but the problem was not with the soul beast, but with other soul masters.

Snake woman Chao Tianxiang and her 16-year-old granddaughter Meng Yiran.

Meng Yiran was already at level 30, and both Wuhun and Snake Po were snake staffs. Snake soul beasts were perfect, and this crested phoenix-tailed snake was their target.

Even before Flanders and his team captured the crested snake, the snake lady had already targeted it and wounded it.

It's just that the Cockscomb Phoenix-tailed Snake is good at bursts of speed, and the Snake Lady with the strength of the Soul Emperor caught it off guard and let it slip away, which allowed Flanders and the others to take advantage.

Before Oscar could happily give the Cockscomb Phoenix the final blow, the snake lady arrived with people, and the two parties faced off.

Snake Woman looked at Tianxiang, and Flanders frowned at the other party. From a logical point of view, their side obviously had the upper hand in this matter, but the soul master talked about strength, not reason.

Logically speaking, he is the Soul Saint and is stronger than Chaotianxiang, so Chaotianxiang should turn around and leave, otherwise it would not be a problem to kill them both with the speed of his four-eyed owl.

But how could an ordinary Soul Emperor impress Flanders?
The unparalleled dragon and snake, this is what really scares Flanders.

Dragon Duke Meng Shu, Snake Woman is fragrant towards the sky.Flanders naturally doesn't care that Snake Po is just a Soul Emperor, but Duke Long's strength has probably reached that of Soul Douluo.

The most terrible thing is that the two people known as the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake can perform martial soul fusion skills, and there is basically no opponent under the Titled Douluo.

And it is said that Duke Long and Snake Lady have a very good relationship. Since Snake Lady and her granddaughter are here, Duke Long is naturally not far away.

Facing the four-eyed owl Flanders, Chao Tianxiang, the snake woman, also secretly cursed the bad luck. Flanders was not only a flying soul saint who was good at speed, but also a member of the Golden Iron Triangle.

She is obviously at a disadvantage when facing Flanders alone, and the reputation of the Unparalleled Dragon Snake is inferior to that of the Golden Iron Triangle.

The only advantage is that Duke Long is also in the Star Dou Forest, but he is trapped by another soul beast and will not be able to come for a while.

Snake Woman herself had no chance of winning against Flanders, so she had no choice but to come up with the idea of ​​letting Meng Yiran and Oscar fight to decide the ownership of the soul ring.

However, Oscar was from the food department, so Tang San, who happened to be focused on performance, seized the opportunity and stood up confidently to fight Meng Yiran.

Flanders considered that Tang San was a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, and seeing that he was so confident, he must have a trump card, and the difference in soul power by one level was not a big problem, so he agreed.

After that, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit and soul power were still obviously not superior to Meng, but he still won the competition with the advantage of Xuantian Kung, and everyone's evaluation of Tang San went up a notch.

But before Tang San could enjoy the joy of being praised by others, his eyes widened and his expression changed drastically. He felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

The others just thought that Tang San's soul power had been consumed too much, and hurriedly asked Oscar to make a few more of his sausages and stuff them into Tang San's mouth.

Oscar then gave the Millennium Cockscomb Phoenix-tailed Snake the final blow, crossing his legs to absorb the soul ring.

Tang San, on the other hand, was sitting under the root of the tree, his face dull and his eyes straight. Where was his book of omniscience and omnipotence? ! ! !

Although Tang San always denounced this book as a profiteer with questionable probability, he also got tangible benefits from it, otherwise why would he bother to complete the task?
Needless to say, there are soul power enhancing potions and martial soul improving potions.

Tang San's 10-year-old soul bone has already lost one third of its value.

In addition, the sequelae of his arms and the lack of men under his crotch need to be cured by the omniscient and omnipotent book.

Not to mention that he had worked so hard to accumulate tens of thousands of points because the 20 bottles of soul power enhancement potions he had saved after breaking through to level 4 had no effect.

Now, even the things and the book are gone, as if the book was just an illusion and never appeared.

So what does his hard work in the past six years count?Tang San's eyes refocused and his anger ignited, he knew that this book was definitely not a good thing! ! !

However, Tang San could say that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years, but what could he do with this broken book that had disappeared without a trace?

Just now, in order to complete the task of breaking the book, he worked hard to gain favorability in front of everyone and thought about how to successfully confess his love to Ning Rongrong.

Now, Tang San felt hopeless. Before, he thought Oscar being dumped as a licking dog was a joke, but now he saw that the clown was actually himself!
By the way, Tang San, who seemed to have thought of something, quickly moved his hands to perform hidden weapon techniques, one, two, three. . .Until that familiar twitch appeared, Tang San felt like his lungs were going to explode.

That broken book is gone, why is the effect of this twitching hand still there! ! !
On the other side, Oscar successfully refined the third soul ring, and used the soul skill Flying Mushroom Gut, which resulted in him flying at the speed of a crested phoenix-tailed snake for 1 minute.

Everyone praised this skill after hearing it, and Flanders was also very satisfied.

Flying is a rare ability. Although Oscar's flight time is short, the crested snake is extremely fast.

Moreover, Oscar is a food-type soul master. The flying mushroom sausage can be eaten repeatedly to extend the time, and can also be eaten by teammates. It can be said to be a very good auxiliary soul skill.

Although Tang San's face of lost Sima was very eye-catching in this cheerful atmosphere, Oscar had a very good attitude towards this classmate in the same dormitory.

Tang San had just fought for him to capture the Cockscomb Phoenix-tailed Snake, otherwise it would have taken some effort to get this spirit ring.

"Okay, now that Oscar has obtained the third soul ring, let's prepare to return." Flanders looked at the sky and shook his head.

"First find a place to camp for the night. Tomorrow we will leave the Star Forest and return to Shrek Academy. You can also try the effect of Xiao Ao's flying mushroom sausage on the way."

"You are also lucky. When you meet a top supporter like Xiao Ao, the feeling of flying is completely different from that on the ground. Normally, except for flying soul masters like me, only Titled Douluo have the ability to fly in the air. .”

Flanders looked at Ning Rongrong and pointed out something.

"The ability to fly is indeed rare, but there are other ways." Ning Rongrong subconsciously shot back at Flanders.

"Oh, I didn't hear that the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit has the ability to make people fly." Flanders looked at Ning Rongrong and replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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