Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 214 Asura Intervenes

Chapter 214 Asura Intervenes
"You have also seen the person named Miga use the magic book before. The magic book also has a flying martial spirit, which is extremely fast and has no time limit."

Ning Rongrong replied in a low voice with an ugly face. She knew about this because Grandpa Jian had suffered a big loss. If she and Flender hadn't dealt with each other, she wouldn't have said such a thing.

"That's also the Spirit Hall, not the auxiliary department." At this point, Flanders shook his head and stopped arguing with Ning Rongrong.

In recent years, all middle and high-level soul masters can clearly feel that the behemoth of Wuhun Palace is becoming more and more unfathomable.

Even the two major empires and other forces became nervous, and they also increased their efforts in cultivating grassroots soul masters, and at the same time actively discovered talents among civilian soul masters.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has not only expanded in scale for successive years, but it is also said that restrictions will be completely relaxed in the next session and will be officially renamed the Continental Youth Soul Master Elite Competition.

Star Dou Forest is much more dangerous than ordinary soul hunting forests. Unless they are particularly confident soul masters, most soul masters who come to hunt for souls choose to eat ready-made cold food.

Because of the large number of people, seven people chose to set up tents. Three tents could accommodate six people, and four boys had to take turns to keep vigil.

The night was dark, and Oscar was on the first shift, followed by Ma Hongjun, then Dai Mubai, and finally Tang San.

Just when everyone was sleeping peacefully, a figure emerged from the tent, passed around Oscar, who was dozing, and disappeared into the dark woods.

Even Flanders, who was always vigilant, didn't notice anything strange. After all, his subconscious vigilance was more about the dangerous aura coming from afar.

However, in the green canopy, Tang Hao, who was wearing a black robe, followed him with a gloomy expression. He naturally recognized that the figure strolling in the forest was Xiao Wu.

How could a serious soul master be so comfortable in the dark Star Dou Forest?

Xiao Wu was already a duck in his eyes, but he couldn't let her fly away like this.

Although Xiao Wu had a high probability of condensing the third soul ring and would come back, Tang Hao didn't dare to bet, because the 10-year-old soul beast transformation was too precious.

. . .

Xiao Wu was in a happy mood while walking in the jungle. It had been a long time since she had returned to the Star Forest.

There are two main reasons for sneaking out this time:
One is that she needs to condense the third soul ring to break through level 30. She is born as a soul beast, so she is naturally disgusted with the behavior of humans hunting soul beasts to obtain soul rings.

Naturally, she didn't like it when the little boy was in the limelight, but she wouldn't force him to help others hunt the soul beast just for such a thing.

As for herself, after 10 years of soul beast transformation, she can self-condensate the most suitable soul ring, which is very convenient.

However, it can be seen from this that she is undoubtedly the one who suffers the most from joining Shrek Academy.

Because the biggest benefit of Shrek Academy is that there are soul saints to look after and help hunt soul rings, soul beasts that are less than [-] years old are relatively safe.

She secretly came out tonight to gather soul rings and break through to level 30. She planned to make up a reason.

Let's just say that when she went to the bathroom at night, she saw a rabbit hit a tree and was knocked unconscious. Then she just broke through to level 30, and she just killed the rabbit and broke through to level 30.

This reason was undoubtedly too far-fetched, so she planned to ask Er Ming to help cover it up.

That's right, the second reason she came out tonight was because of the big guy in front of her - the Titan Ape.

Looking at the mountain-like Titan ape, which was more than ten meters tall, Xiao Wu, who was as small as a baby in front of him, skipped forward without any fear.

"Er Ming, long time no see."

The muscular Titan ape's aura became quite gentle at this moment, and he carefully stretched out his giant palm as big as a house in front of Xiao Wu.

When Xiao Wu lowered her legs and jumped up, she then carefully lifted her flat onto his broad shoulders. Xiao Wu skillfully jumped onto the soft spot on his shoulder and crossed her legs.

She did not feel any discomfort at a height of more than ten meters, but looked at the familiar forest with a face full of memories.

"Alas, the Star Dou Forest is better. Time flies so fast. There is no such thing as good in the human world. Most humans are very disgusting..."

Xiao Wu hung her legs on the Titan Ape's arm and softly told her six years of experience. The Titan Ape mostly listened carefully and occasionally roared softly.

"Human soul masters are actually similar to us soul beasts. Their fists are bigger than their principles. My current strength is pretty good and I am living well in human society. You don't have to worry about me..."

"But Shrek Academy is probably my last stop. When I break through level 40, I will settle in Soto City until I break through level 60."

"At that time, I will be completely transformed and will no longer be subject to any restrictions. Then I plan to return to Star Lake until I reach level 90 to avenge my mother."

"I have also heard about the Wuhun Palace in human society. It is the largest force in human society. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to help my mother and Daming get revenge."

Xiao Wu's eyes were red, and tears were pouring from her pink eyes.

Woo hoo, the titan ape's round eyes like copper bells were also full of anger, and its voice sounded without any obstacles. "Are you talking about the seal of Star Lake? But that will take at least ten years, and..."

Suddenly the roaring Titan ape suddenly raised his thick right arm and punched it, and a ball of earth-yellow light wave came out from his meteorite-like fist.

The light wave fell into the jungle, triggering a booming explosion of dozens of meters in radius. At the same time, a slightly embarrassed figure flew out of the jungle angrily.

"The Titled Douluo of Humanity!" Xiao Wu's expression changed drastically. She stood up from Er Ming's shoulder and leaned closely against his neck, gripping the hair.

The titan ape, which had been a little naive just now, now completely revealed its fierce appearance as the king of the forest. With a roar, earthy yellow gravity waves radiated from the soles of its feet to the surroundings.

Trees fell to the ground wherever they passed, and Tang Hao's face, which was also covered by earthy yellow light, changed drastically. Feeling the sudden increase in pressure on his body, his eyes were filled with incredible wonder.

Is this the field? !The 10-year-old soul beast actually had a companion with a Titan giant ape with a domain. The aura was at least 5 years old, and might even be that of a 10-year-old soul beast.

Tang Hao looked at the Titan Giant Ape and felt regretful for a moment. If he had known earlier, he should have captured Xiao Wu before Tang San set off.

The Titan Giant Ape is the absolute top soul beast bloodline, the most advanced forest predator, and can defeat ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts at the hundred-year level.

Compared with human soul masters, ordinary ten thousand year soul beasts are at least as powerful as soul kings to soul emperors.

The Millennium Titan Giant Ape can fight against the Soul Saint, and it can fight against the title in ten thousand years. As for more than 5 years or even 10 years, Tang Hao's scalp will go numb.

Even if he has the world's most powerful offensive weapon, the Martial Soul Haotian Hammer, his level 92 soul power cultivation is not enough. He must at least be level 95 or above to have a chance to win.

As for using the Great Sumeru Hammer, Tang Hao is not stupid. The Star Dou Forest is by no means safe. High-level soul beasts and even passing soul masters are potential threats.

Although the 10-year-old soul bone was precious, he had to live to enjoy it. Just when Tang Hao was about to retreat and reluctantly give up the fat in front of him.

Black and red magic lines appeared on his forehead. The next moment Tang Hao blinked, the aura on his body and the look in his eyes changed drastically.

In the distance, both Xiao Wu and Er Ming felt the chill that penetrated their bones.

. . .

"Tang Hao" who instantly returned to the camp threw Xiao Wu into the nearby jungle. On Xiao Wu's smooth forehead, blood-red lines outlined a vertical eye pattern.

Then he walked straight into the camp, and no one, including Flanders and Oscar, who slept in the same tent as Tang San, noticed his arrival, as if "Tang Hao" was a transparent person.

how so?After carefully checking Tang San's condition, "Tang Hao" narrowed his eyes, and his originally calm face instantly darkened.

Refining two ugly soul bones would only lower his qualifications. Why are there so many acquired impurities in Tang San's body?
If this continues, it will take at least two more years for Tang San to break through to level 30, and he will also be greatly hindered from breaking through to Soul Saint after that.

As for Tang San's lack of men, "Tang Hao" didn't really care. Anyway, in his plan, it didn't matter whether Tang San had any descendants.

Maybe if he didn't worry about this aspect, Tang San could focus more on his cultivation, which would facilitate the progress of his plan.

As for the strangeness in Tang San's arms, "Tang Hao" didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, in the Douluo plane, one is cultivating soul power to inherit the divine throne. As long as it doesn't affect soul power cultivation, it's a minor problem.

"The impurities can be removed, but what about the soul bones? My divine inheritance cannot allow the existence of such garbage soul bones!"

That's right, "Tang Hao" at this moment is the Shura God who ventured into the world. He is obviously much more low-key than last time.

There are two main reasons: First, the Douluo plane consciousness regains its calmness over time.

Second, he had already used Tang Hao's body once, and it was familiar again and again. With the backhand from the last time, Tang Hao was already a suitable tool for descending into the world.

As long as the time is short and the Shura God does not release its power, it will basically not be noticed by the consciousness of the plane.

I have to say that Tang Hao is easier to use than Tang Chen.

After all, Tang Chen was one of the top geniuses in the history of Douluo Continent, and he invented the Haotian Nine Jue of the Haotian Sect based on the experience of his predecessors.

If Shura God Zhang hadn't deliberately blocked Tang Chen's progress in the divine examination, Tang Chen would have even become a god!

He has this ability and talent. God Shura was able to control him to a certain extent before because it was the dark gold three-headed bat king who controlled Tang Chen's body at that time.

Rather than saying that God Shura can control Tang Chen, it is better to say that he can control the Dark Gold Bat King.

"Forget it, when you arrange for Tang San to enter the Killing City in the future, remember to cut off his legs on Hell Road, and then activate his Blue Silver Grass bloodline to regenerate two new ones."

God Shura's eyes were deep and fast and he was calculating rapidly. In addition, it was also a problem for Tang San to start the divine test. It was not a problem for Tang Chen to hold the Shura Blood Sword while he was stuck in the divine test. He had to make plans and set a deadline in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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