Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 215 The first person

Chapter 215 The Seventh Person

"Tang Hao" waved his hand first, and bright red soul power flowed out of his hand and enveloped Tang San.

Accompanied by the crisp crunching sound and the muscles on Tang San's body squirming and deforming, Tang San clenched his teeth in his sleep and his face twisted, as if he was having some horrible nightmare.

His eyelids tried their best to open his eyes when he woke up from the nightmare, but the bright red soul power kept suppressing him from waking up, and his eyelids seemed to be welded shut with steel, unable to open even a single crack.

In the abyss nightmare where Tang San couldn't open his mouth and scream in pain, Tang San's skin was red, with gray and sticky sweat oozing out from his body.

The smell of those gray filth was very unpleasant, and it seemed to be a mixture of multiple smells, but it was completely isolated by the bright red liquid soul power. Only Tang San's nose was twitching unconsciously.

This smell seemed familiar to him, but it was difficult for him to distinguish it when he was in a coma. When he woke up, the strangeness on his body would be completely eliminated.

God Shura didn't pay so much attention, and the invisible fluctuations of his divine thoughts spread out to survey all the thousand-year-old soul beasts around him.

A thousand-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider came into his sight. Although it was a little older, Tang San at this moment could be regarded as reborn after his "tempering", and refining the soul ring would not be a problem.

And with the blessing of great luck, Tang San should be able to get more benefits from it.

Shura God has a deep research on the way of luck. It is said that times create heroes. Douluo Continent is at the time when the luck accumulated over ten thousand years is flourishing.

At this time, whoever can be famous in the mainland is a hero, and whoever can be favored by heaven and earth will bring great fortune.

His initial investment in Tang San was in the hope that he would perform well and become a true hero, the Son of the World.

In this way, Tang San's mid- to late-stage development does not require additional investment from him. After Tang San develops and gathers the great fortune of the entire Douluo Continent, it will be the time when he, the Shura God, reaps the benefits.

God Shura also threw the seriously injured Man-Faced Demon Spider not far from the camp, and then controlled Tang Hao to turn around and leave. It took a long time, and if he stayed any longer, his plane consciousness would be disturbed.


Three days later,
The jubilant Shrek Academy group returned to Soto City, and Flanders smiled crookedly. This time, the Star Dou Forest group and their group's harvest far exceeded expectations.

Not only did Xiao Ao get his favorite thousand-year soul ring and break through to the Soul Master, but coincidentally, Tang San and Xiao Wu also broke through one after another.

Although there was some danger that night, there were high-level soul masters suspected of being titled Douluo and high-level soul beasts fighting, and the area was in a mess, but not only were their group not injured, but they also gained a lot from it.

They encountered many dying and unlucky soul beasts, and there happened to be two suitable ones.

Xiao Wu also obtained a suitable thousand-year soul ring to break through to the Soul Master. The most surprising thing was that Tang San actually absorbed the soul ring of the top arachnid soul beast, the Human-Faced Demon Spider, and obtained an external soul bone.

It's a good thing that ranks second on the soul master's dream list. Flanders knows what this means, but considering that Tang San is his student, and also Yu Xiaogang's personal disciple.

The most important thing is that his dream of Flanders no longer pursues strength, so he curbs his greed.

It was just that the other five people also took this matter into their eyes at that time. Considering that those students were still young and did not know the value of the attached soul bones, Flanders just told them not to talk nonsense.

What surprised Tang San was that there were two people standing at the door of Shrek Academy, a chubby figure that was particularly familiar to him.


"It seems that you have adapted well to Shrek Academy. Xiaosan, let me introduce to you. This is my nephew Yu Tianheng."

Seeing that Tang San's aura had improved significantly compared to a month ago, Yu Xiaogang nodded with great satisfaction. It seemed that Xiao San had already broken through to Soul Lord, and then he pulled the young man aside and introduced him.

The young man looked older than Dai Mubai, with long black hair. His face was very ordinary like Tang San's, and his face was a little stiff and basically expressionless.

He has a slender body, about the same height as Dai Mubai, and does not look as strong as him. He is wearing a simple blue outfit, and he seems to respect his uncle Yu Xiaogang.

"Tian Heng is 16 years old this year. His soul power has reached level 39 and is about to break through the Soul Sect. He is also one of the top geniuses in our family."

Yu Xiaogang's praise made everyone turn their attention. He was 16 years old and level 39. Although he was older than them all, his soul power level was also shocking.

Among them, Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun are the great soul masters, and even the 15-year-old Dai Mubai is only level 37. And this fair and beardless uncle is Tang San's teacher, the rumored master in the soul master world?
"Uncle, you praise me."

Yu Tianheng was very polite. Although the school here disappointed him, he felt that the soul power of the people in front of him who were obviously younger than him was not weak at all.

Especially the blond man whose face could not be seen clearly while wearing a mask, Yu Tianheng actually felt a slight threat in him.

Yu Xiaogang, who intended to build a good relationship between his disciple and his nephew, turned to look at Flanders with a smile on his face when he saw the two of them getting together, "Boss Fu, long time no see."

"Xiao Gang, it's been a long time indeed. It's been 12 years since we last met." Flanders also smiled and came forward to say hello. "Yes, I have been waiting in Notting City for more than ten years, and finally I have my favorite disciple, Xiao San. If I don't work hard, I will really have no chance."

Yu Xiaogang's face was full of emotion, and his words meant something.

"Yes, at our age it's really time to fight for the last time." Flanders nodded with approval, "Come to my office and have a good chat."

"Okay, Tianheng, you come with me." Yu Xiaogang waved to his nephew, looking at the six students of Shrek Academy and sighing at the wonder of fate.

The spirit battles in the Soul Master Competition are all 7-person team battles, and unexpectedly it turns out to be just right.

"Mubai, take the juniors and juniors back to rest." Flanders turned to Dai Mubai and ordered, then walked enthusiastically to Yu Xiaogang, "Xiaogang, go this way."


No one knows what Yu Xiaogang and Flender went to the office to talk about. They only know that 16-year-old Yu Tianheng broke the rules of Shrek Academy for the first time and became the first transfer student to become a monk halfway.

Dai Mubai was undoubtedly dissatisfied with this airborne senior. Although he was younger and had lower soul power, he believed that his White Tiger Spirit could smooth out this disadvantage.

Tang San and his teacher Yu Xiaogang studied his third spirit ring and the attached spirit bones of his eight spider legs together, and found that the effect was very powerful, even super-model.

Forget about the spider web restraint, it will gradually become obsolete in the future due to the difficulty in increasing the power of the soul ring due to its age, but the soul bone will grow with the soul master.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San named the attached soul bone on his back the Eight Spider Spears, and Yu Xiaogang carefully told him to keep it secret and regard it as his biggest trump card and not to show it to others easily.

Even during daily training, you should be careful to avoid the eyes and ears of others and train alone.

After arranging for the students to rest for a day, Flender restarted the Shrek Academy courses, but there were obvious changes compared to the planned courses.

early morning,

In the open space, Flanders stood in the middle, Yu Xiaogang stood next to him, behind him were three teachers who were quite familiar to Tang San and others, and seven students stood in a neat line opposite him.

Flanders introduced the three teachers behind him in turn. From lowest to highest cultivation level, they were Li Yusong, Lu Qibin and Shao Xin.

Li Yusong is a warrior spirit emperor of the power attack system, armed with a martial spirit dragon-patterned stick.

Lu Qibin is the control type war spirit emperor, and the weapon spirit star is Luoqi.

Shao Xin is the food-based fighting spirit saint and the martial spirit jelly beans.

Coupled with the recuperating future power-attack type war spirit Saint Zhao Wuji and his agility attack type war spirit Saint Flanders, the teaching configuration of Shrek Academy can be considered as complete as a sparrow, at least all aspects of the soul master are covered. .

In the end, Flender unceremoniously pushed Yu Xiaogang out to show off.

Although his friendship with Yu Xiaogang was not very deep, he would not fail to give face to Yu Xiaogang this time when he came to work with him to pursue common interests.

"The last person I want to introduce to you in detail: He is Mr. Yu Xiaogang, who has developed the top ten competitive martial arts spirits. He is known as the strongest soul master in martial arts theory and the most intelligent soul master in the soul master world. He has the reputation of being a master.”

"At the same time, he is also Tang San's teacher. Of course, he is also my old brother. We have known each other for decades. Maybe you don't know his name very well, but I think you all should have heard of his title. From now on, You can just call him master."

Hearing Flender's praise, Yu Xiaogang felt happy. For many years, he had not heard much praise in the small place of Notting City. In his memory, he always laughed and joked.

Especially when he saw the seven boys and girls below who could be called real geniuses looked at him with respect, he felt a sense of intoxication rising in his heart.

Tang San couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw the respectful gazes that other people looked at their teacher Yu Xiaogang. He was the master's only direct disciple and the last one to close his doors.

Originally, Xiao Wu, who had always been at odds with Master Tang San, should be a bit strange and unsociable, but as a result, her dull pink eyes kept staring at Tang San subconsciously, and her usual venomous tongue became very silent.

Seeing that the atmosphere was very good, Flanders continued: "The master's surname is Yu. You should also have a rough idea of ​​his birth. Yes, he comes from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, one of the three powerful sects."

"His nephew, the new student Yu Tianheng, is also extremely talented. Not only is he about to break through the Soul Sect, but his martial spirit is also called the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is known as the world's best attacking beast martial spirit."

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex!The other six students subconsciously opened their mouths, especially Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai.

Ning Rongrong was from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect of the Third Sect, and she was the most aware of the tyranny of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit among everyone present.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was shocked that his White Tiger Spirit was outmatched. In this case, he would most likely not be able to defeat Yu Tianheng.

(End of this chapter)

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