Chapter 217

Dean Flanders has worked very hard on education at Shrek Academy, not to mention other areas, at least in terms of obedience and respect for teachers.

After a long period of exposure, even the most fiery-tempered Dai Mubai chose to compromise when facing the master.

Although he was very angry and very dissatisfied with this airborne master, he still subconsciously chose to obey.

Seeing Ning Rongrong and others subconsciously restrained their laxity, the master at the front also nodded with satisfaction, but in the next moment, almost everyone covered their mouths and laughed out loud.

Under Dai Mubai's sunglasses and mask, he had a miserable face. Purple-black clear swelling basically covered both of his cheeks, looking like overlapping palm prints.

Not only that, Dai Mubai's mouth is still crooked, and his eyes are still slanted, which makes people want to laugh at first sight. Others still have lingering fears after seeing it too much. They touch their own faces and wonder who is responsible for it. Dai Mubai was beaten like this.

There were quite a few people present who knew about this matter. Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar and Ma Hongjun all knew about it, but Tang San and Xiao Wu knew better. They knew clearly that it was the Spirit Hall's Mi Jia who did the beating.

Yu Xiaogang was also shocked when he saw Dai Mubai's ghostly appearance, "You don't look like you were injured by a soul beast. You look like you were slapped. But how many soul masters do you have?" I can whip you, and why don’t I use my soul power to reduce the swelling?”

Dai Mubai glanced at Yu Xiaogang angrily. To him, this sounded like why not eat minced meat?
He is not a fool. He tried using his soul power to remove it, but it was useless because the quality of his soul power was too different from that of the black soul power.

He went to the healing soul master to use his soul skills but had little effect. Finally, he went to Dean Flender, whose soul power was capable of colliding with the black soul power.

But when the two high-level soul powers collided, Dai Mubai felt severe pain in his cheeks, and he might be permanently disfigured, so he failed.

However, there is nothing that can be done. No matter how strong that person's soul power is, it is still water without roots. If he slowly uses his own soul power to grind it, he will naturally return to normal in a month or two.

But looking at the master's abominable zombie face with no beard, Dai Mubai said nothing, but asked him: "Master, why don't you show me?"

"Okay, let me see what's going on with you?" Yu Xiaogang looked at the miserable look on Dai Mubai's face with curiosity.

As he spoke, he raised his soul-powered hands and placed them on Dai Mubai's cheeks, intending to feel them carefully.


As if being pricked by hundreds of needles, Yu Xiaogang retracted his hands and cried out in pain. He really felt a foreign soul power entrenched on Dai Mubai's face.

It's just that compared to Flanders' tyranny, his soul power is far different and similar to Dai Mubai's. The soul power entrenched in him split off directly after feeling Yu Xiaogang's soul power.

Feeling the pressure on his face lighten, the pride in Dai Mubai's eyes flashed away, faster than he had spent a week of hard work.

Moreover, Dai Mubai not only did not feel any guilt at all, but also felt relieved by letting the master in front of him, who had embarrassed him in public, share the joys and sorrows together.

Yu Xiaogang raised his hands, only to see that the palms had become purple-black swollen like Dai Mubai, and they were painful, itchy and uncomfortable.

"You!" After Yu Xiaogang felt the pure domineering power of the black soul, he looked at Dai Mubai and couldn't express his pain. After experiencing it personally, he also knew how powerful the black soul power was.

Only the hard work of water grinding can slowly eliminate it, but this will take almost half a month. During this period, not only will his hands continue to suffer, but they will also be considered useless.

Originally, the amount of black soul power transmitted from Dai Mubai's face was only about a quarter, but Yu Xiaogang's soul power was far less complex than Dai Mubai's, so it took double the effort.

Yu Xiaogang, who suffered the loss of being mute, was naturally full of anger, but he couldn't find a reason to get angry in front of everyone, so he could only wave his hand to signal Dai Mubai to go back.

Then he put his hands behind his back and verbally ordered the other six people to start a soul fighting competition.

During this period, Yu Xiaogang and others also had an intuitive understanding of the strength of their classmates.

The first is Yu Tianheng, the well-deserved boss. His Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit is indeed extremely domineering. No one present is his opponent.

Even if Tang San and Ma Hongjun join forces, it won't work.

Next is Tang San. His third soul skill, Spider Web Binding, has extremely strong single-body control capabilities. It is almost impossible to break away with brute force alone. Only the high temperature of thunder and lightning around Yu Tianheng and Ma Hongjun's phoenix flames can restrain it.

This also made Tang San troubled. After all, his hidden weapons were aimed at vital points and poisoning. Using this in a discussion with his teammates would be too much, and the problem of Bluesilver Grass's poor resistance to elements was indeed difficult to solve.

The master who was watching the battle also frowned, but this was a common problem among most plants. If Tang San's Blue Silver Grass could make up for it, it would have to rely on the strengthening of its spirit rings later on.

In addition, although Oscar and Ning Rongrong's auxiliary soul skills are very powerful, it can be seen that the cooperation between others is not tacit because they rarely cooperate.

After picking out the problems of the six people in the queue, Yu Xiaogang also took advantage of the situation to introduce formal classes and physical exercises to strengthen the body.

This can be regarded as the secret knowledge of the great forces. Soul masters cannot simply focus on soul power cultivation, and physical training is also indispensable.

Although it is not obvious now, in the future, a better body will not only allow the soul master to withstand the soul ring for a longer period of time, but also avoid the bottleneck of cultivation caused by a weak body.It's just that a lot of Yu Xiaogang's knowledge is theoretical. He only knows how to exercise, but he doesn't know the specific training methods, so he adopts the same training method as Flanders.

It’s still running, but you are not allowed to run with soul power and carrying stones on your back. And because the Shrek Seven Devils are a team, no one can escape the exercise.

Because of breakfast, Yu Xiaogang lowered the long-distance running distance from the planned 65 kilometers to 50 kilometers, but he was still not allowed to have lunch until he finished the run.

The most important thing is that because he deliberately emphasizes the team awareness of everyone, it is useless for one person to complete the training. In the end, even if only one person does not complete the training, the other 6 people will also be considered incomplete and will be punished.

Although it was a bit reluctant, because Yu Xiaogang lowered the standard on the first day, the seven people finally finished before nightfall.

After that, their life was the same as the first day, first with more than an hour of practical guidance, and then with weight-bearing running. In addition to flat roads, there were also more strenuous cross-country running and mountaineering running.

Running is indeed a form of physical exercise suitable for all ages, but its limitations are also obvious. It can only exercise part of the body.

For example, Tang San's martial arts in his previous life, even the physical training in the outer courtyard of Shaolin Temple, cannot be summed up by running around carrying water. There are different training methods for fists, feet, shoulders, elbows, head, back, knees and even the five internal organs, etc. There are different.

From the outside to the inside, the flesh, tendons, bones, blood and marrow all require unique secret techniques to be exercised. Otherwise, how could the preciousness of Xuantian Baolu be revealed, and Tang San even had to steal and learn it even if he broke the rules.

Even if you become good at running, you can't go beyond its limitations. Even if a bald man becomes a strong man, he doesn't just rely on running. He also exercises push-ups, sit-ups and squats.

The special training arranged by Yu Xiaogang was indeed effective, but it could only improve the physique of the seven people who usually lacked exercise. No more could be expected.

However, compared to before, Yu Xiaogang still spent a lot of money to purchase medicinal materials and meat. In addition to improving the food, he also prepared medicinal soup to relieve muscle fatigue.

Although the training of the seven people was extremely hard, it was not physically draining.

Such devilish training lasted for three months, during which the injuries on Dai Mubai's face finally recovered, but he no longer had the strength to compete with Yu Tianheng, or perhaps the way he competed was reflected in the intensity of training.

Yu Tianheng, on the other hand, found his uncle Yu Xiaogang a little anxiously. Shrek did not help at all in soul power cultivation, and the wealthy couple did not occupy any of the four aspects of the law.

Wealth, there is no soul power enhancement potion.

There is no one who can guide and help meditate to improve the efficiency of practice.

Dharma, there is no modified meditation technique.

There is no mimetic practice environment.

At this point, even Yu Xiaogang had nothing to do. He could only tell his eldest nephew helplessly that he had no choice in this regard. Money was needed for both property and land. He had to spend thousands of gold soul coins to pay for food and medicinal materials at the moment. It was paid in advance from the family's financial resources.

As for Ling Hefa, his soul power level is not as good as Yu Tianheng's, so this aspect is not his strong point.

Seeing that his uncle was indeed in difficulty, Yu Tianheng, who had a deep relationship with him, also expressed understanding and took the initiative to use his own private wealth to subsidize his lack of funds.

During the three months of training, Ma Hongjun looked like he was being squeezed dry every day. He had no energy to vent the evil fire, but he never suffered from evil fire.

Obviously, there are other ways to solve the evil fire problem in him, but Ma Hongjun prefers the original way of venting. He has even formed a habit and is unwilling to change his lustful habit even if he does not have the evil fire problem.

So he chose to go to Soto City as soon as the master finished the first stage of training and gave them a break. He said he wanted to solve the problem of evil fire, but in fact everyone knew that it was just about eating the marrow and knowing the taste.

Most of the others chose to take a good rest for a day. After all, everyone has accumulated too much fatigue from the nearly hundred days of training. Even soul masters are not invincible.

And Yu Xiaogang also saw that the endurance of the seven people had mostly reached the limit, and he really didn't have a better way to exercise, so he planned to start the second stage of training like Flanders.

Just as the other six people were going for a walk and having dinner after a beautiful day's rest, they saw Ma Hongjun, who had gone to the grass nest to vent his evil fire, come back with a purple pig's head on his head.

There is no twists and turns, that is, a superb golden phoenix suddenly emerged from Caowo. Ma Hongjun and the other looked at it together.

In fact, Ma Hongjun has no reason to take advantage of this matter. He is neither dead nor disabled, and the soul master talks less about reason and more about strength. There is nothing to say about his inferior skills.

But for Dai Mubai and others, they were companions who had suffered together in the past few months, and Ma Hongjun didn't want to cry shamelessly, so they chose to help him vent his anger.

It was indeed troublesome for the other party to be a control-type soul sect, but their large number of people was not a problem. Dai Mubai, Oscar and Tang San, who planned to use hidden weapons to show off, chose to go together.

Yu Tianheng, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong all looked disgusted upon hearing this. If they had such leisure, they might as well practice hard to improve their soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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