Chapter 218 Thousand-Handed Silver Grass (Additional Update 1)

Ever since being targeted by Flanders, Ning Rongrong has been holding back her anger. She is unruly but not lazy.

In addition, Tang San and Xiao Wu, who were only a little older than her, had already broken through to the Soul Master level. How could she be willing to fall behind? In the past three months, even though the special training during the day was hard, she had never slacked off in her soul power training at night.

Moreover, the Qibao Glazed Sect was extremely wealthy. As Ning Fengzhi's only daughter, she naturally had no shortage of resources. Even the rare third-grade Baicao Liquid that was sold at sky-high prices in the market was included in her storage ring.

As long as the gold soul coins can buy things, she will definitely have no shortage of them. With the blessing of resources, and the fact that she has indeed changed her previous lazy temperament, Ning Rongrong opened her eyes with a smile on her face on the morning of the second day of the holiday. She also broke through to Soul Level at the age of 12!


Their teacher Yu Xiaogang has been stuck for decades!
At the same time, Dai Mubai and others also returned smoothly. Tang San raised his head and walked at the front. The other three looked at him with eyes full of admiration and recognition.

Who would have thought that Tang San actually had such a terrifying trump card that he could hide so well? Thinking of the wretched uncle Bu Le who was tied up like a hedgehog, the three of them sincerely praised him.

When he heard the news that Ning Rongrong had broken through to level 30, Flanders couldn't help but widen his eyes, and Grandmaster and Tang San also showed complex bitterness on their faces.

Going from level 3 to level 28 in 30 months means that Ning Rongrong has no bottlenecks when it comes to breaking through to Soul Master. How can others not be envious of this?
Ma Hongjun, in particular, couldn't help but feel extremely stressed when he saw Flanders narrowing his eyes. He was now the only one of the Shrek Seven Devils who was holding back the great soul master. . .

Ten days later, the seven people who returned from the Star Dou Forest finished resting.

And Yu Xiaogang also revealed to them the training location for the second stage - the Great Soul Fighting Field.

how to say?Although Yu Xiaogang's training is obviously more focused, more expensive, and more complicated than that of Flanders, the roots are still running and training and the big spirit battle arena.

There is no time limit, the goal is for all members to win the Silver Soul Fighting Badge, and all members must live in the nearest hotel and provide for their own food and accommodation.

Yu Xiaogang's remaining wealth was completely wiped out in the past three months, so he chose the zero-cost stocking model, and if nothing else happened, he could make back his capital with profits during this stage of training.



That is, everyone must participate in a team battle every day, and then at least one of the remaining 1V1 and 2V2 must be selected to participate. Of course, you can also participate in all to gain points as quickly as possible.

Naturally, the five fighting spirit masters Yu Tianheng, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu didn't care, but the two auxiliary systems Oscar and Ning Rongrong were unable to participate in 1V1.

Originally, they had planned to be lazy, but they were told by the master that it was okay to skip one game, but they had to do physical exercise normally during the day. The two did not hesitate to choose the game, after all, they would not be so tired that they would fall into a coma.

However, considering that the two's supporting abilities are really difficult to score in double queue, Yu Xiaogang also prioritized them to team up with others.

Ning Rongrong was still wary of Dai Mubai, a lewd tiger, and chose to team up with Yu Tianheng, who had the strongest hard power. With her increase, Yu Tianheng's strength, speed and soul power would increase by a huge 40%. .

In this case, Yu Tianheng's strength will be steadily raised to the level of a senior soul sect. One against two will have no problem at all. It is even exaggerated to say that Ning Rongrong only needs to equip Yu Tianheng with three of her soul skills. , she can just jump off the stage and wait for the win.

The effect of the world's number one auxiliary weapon, the Spirit Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, is so simple and crude, full of the beauty of numerical values.

And Oscar can only team up with Dai Mubai, what should I say?

Oscar's soul skills are more functional. The three soul skills are recovery, removal of negative status and flight. The actual combat effects are really average.

Especially when he only has one teammate, his shortcomings in the food system are even more obvious, and he only has three teammates to choose from, Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu of the agility and attack department can be directly crossed out. Xiao Wu's three soul skills, bowing, charm, and teleportation, are very powerful at close range, but it is really difficult to fight one against two.

Originally, in terms of relationship and soul power level, Dai Mubai was Oscar's best choice, but Oscar had just seen Tang San's ability with hidden weapons.

Not to mention his outstanding physical strength, the key point was that Oscar thought that if he could learn from Tang San, he would be able to protect himself somewhat in the future.

Yu Xiaogang did not prohibit Tang San from using hidden weapons, because he and Flanders cooperated just to make the Shrek Seven Devils famous in the continent-wide young soul master elite competition.

Today's competitions basically don't have too many restrictions. The Wuhun Palace team is led by a beast soul master who has a cold weapon, including swords, guns, swords and halberds. Some people are even shameless enough to use shields to resist the opponent's long-range attacks. Soul skills.

Of course, some of the supermodel gadgets in the Wuhun Palace itself are expressly prohibited. For example, the magic book is definitely prohibited.

There are also some vaguely defined gadgets that are also banned because of Wuhundian's unique technology, such as soul-powered lightsabers, firearms, and three-dimensional jet devices.Tang San was also very satisfied with the team he was in. Considering that everyone would cooperate for a long time in the future, he also planned to purchase a batch of mechanical hidden weapons to enhance the personal strength of the other six people.

While improving the relationship, it also enhances his personal prestige.

Tang San really had no intention of spreading the secret weapon techniques of the Tang Sect, but machine-type hidden weapons did not pay attention to this. In Tang San's previous life, machine-type hidden weapons were the best business for the Tang Sect to make money every day.

Silent sleeve arrows, insinuations, tight-back flower-mounted crossbows, flying knives between boots, and even Zhuge's crossbows. The power of these things is not bad. In addition, ordinary people who have never appeared in Douluo Continent have no idea of ​​the dangers and are caught off guard against threats. It can be said to be huge.

Oscar chose Tang San, Yu Xiaogang frowned, and since Oscar was a loser, it was very difficult for Tang San to win, but considering that he had said that everyone should be treated equally, he still didn't say anything more.

Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun are the only three left. Because the 2V2 soul fighting match depends on the person with the highest cultivation level, no matter who matches with Ma Hongjun, he will encounter a dual soul opponent, so Ma Hongjun, the only great soul master, chooses Give up the two-person station and only participate in individual battles.

Moreover, he needs more time to solve the evil fire problem at night than others, so he personally has no objection.

In addition, in order to avoid trouble, Yu Xiaogang asked the seven people to keep their identities secret and wear green Shrek masks to participate in the soul fighting competition.

And everyone cannot use their real names to participate in the competition, but must have a code name, and they have to spend ten gold soul coins to change their original name to a code name in the Grand Soul Fighting Arena.

"Remember, talk less on the field and don't reveal your respective ages." Yu Xiaogang warned while handing out green masks to the seven people.

"Then I'll call you Thunder and Lightning Dragon." Yu Tianheng said with reference to his own martial spirit. Such nicknames are usually associated with martial spirits.

"My name is Evil-Eyed White Tiger." Dai Mubai patted his chest. He, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, as the earliest Shrek Three Bastards, had already had their own names.

"My name is Sausage Monopoly."

"My name is Evil Fire Phoenix."

"Well, your nicknames sound pretty good. As for the mistress, let's call her Senju Silver Grass. What do you think?"

No one else objected, and Tang San himself would naturally not reject the teacher's opinions, so the nickname was decided.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong frowned slightly when they heard Tang San's nickname. There was already a naughty tiger, a naughty chicken, and a silver grass. This master's naming ability was really worrying.

So in order to avoid being given weird nicknames, they quickly raised their hands to express their thoughts.

"My martial spirit is the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, so let's call it Qibao Glazed Pagoda."

"My name is Soft Bone Charm Rabbit, which sounds good."

The Shrek Seven Monsters attracted quite a bit of attention when they registered as a team at the Soto Grand Soul Arena. After all, all six of them were soul masters. Not to mention rare in Soto City, they were definitely among the best.

Not to mention that the martial arts registered by several people were more and more outrageous, especially the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. The always professional registrar couldn't hold back his expression and looked shocked. What the hell, three sects teamed up to abuse food?
These two people even signed up for 2V2 under the name Glazed Thunder Dragon. It can only be said that they were purely bullying, in every sense of the word.

Just imagine, if you are a duo opponent with Glazed Thunder Dragon in the queue, will you still have the will to fight after hearing the opponent's martial spirit?

Even if you have the strength to compete with him, who would dare to attack with all his strength?The world of soul masters is not all about fighting and killing. There is still a sense of worldliness. Except for the real stupid young man, who would dare to offend two sects and three sects at the same time?

However, the registrar and the people in the Soto Spirit Arena knew the details of the Shrek Seven Devils, but others did not. However, the Shrek Seven Devils' unique green mask costumes still attracted a lot of attention.


Tang San and others went to participate in their own games, while Flanders and Yu Xiaogang bought tickets to enter the spectator seats to watch the game. In addition to watching the game, there was also legal gambling here.

This is also the most direct way for them to get extra money. They can bet. If others don't know the strength of their little monster, how can they not know it.

After successfully winning 5 individual matches and 3 double matches, the seven people gathered together again and then went to the common room for the seven-person team battle to prepare for the battle.

There are 5 team spirit fights tonight, Shrek Seven Monsters is the fourth, and the waiting time is not short. The lounge here is very spacious, and there are also a lot of people. Before the Shrek Seven Monsters joined, there were about thirty people. .

(End of this chapter)

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