Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 219 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 219 The Unexpected Person
Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were quite satisfied with their performance after watching the seven-person individual competition and the two-person competition. It was obvious that the actual combat abilities of these little monsters improved rapidly.

The two of them really didn't have any good ideas on how to improve the soul power level of the Shrek Seven Monsters. Not to mention being a commoner in Flanders, the theoretical knowledge that Yu Xiaogang had access to could hardly involve soul power cultivation.

Because this is definitely the fundamental inheritance of each power, confidentiality is definitely the highest level.

In terms of money and resources, the two of them did not have the ability to raise money, so they could only rely on their own experience to guide the actual combat capabilities of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Fortunately, the seven of them were all dedicated to cultivating their soul power before this. In terms of actual combat, they were as clean as a blank slate. In addition, their talents were extremely good, and they improved significantly with a little guidance.

Ning Rongrong and others only thought that Flanders and Grandmaster's teaching methods were unique and effective, but they did not know that other soul master academies also included actual combat in the large soul fighting arena and physical training, but in a smaller proportion.

On the one hand, there are other aspects of teaching in other soul master academies, and on the other hand, actual combat is the teaching content in the later stage. The teaching focus of almost all soul master academies in the early and mid-term is how to accelerate the improvement of soul power.

On the other hand, the Shrek Seven Devils are extremely talented and have excellent martial arts spirits. They win more in actual combat and lose less, and have high positive feedback. They are like ordinary students of the ordinary Soul Master Academy. They mostly walk in the competitions in the Grand Soul Fighting Arena. Experience the cruelty of a soul master's battle in this form.

In the end, not long after the Shrek Seven Devils joined the academy, after a year and a half, they would find that both Dean Flanders and Yu Xiaogang, the master known as the wisest, would be at their wits end because they only know this. Three axes.

The so-called actual combat training is just a shortcoming that needs to be made up for when a soul master reaches a certain stage in his soul power cultivation. After his actual combat level reaches the standard line, he still has to return to his soul power cultivation.

However, the competition in soul power cultivation is precisely resources and foundation. Shrek Academy is extremely poor, so naturally it has nothing.

Otherwise, why would Flanders have such high requirements for admissions? It's because after entering Shrek Academy, he can only rely on himself and his innate talent to practice his soul power.

If he didn't have talent, Flanders and even Yu Xiaogang wouldn't be able to help him increase his soul power faster!

After watching 1V1 and 2V2, the two walked to the 7V7 arena to prepare to watch and judge. There are many things to teach from actual combat experience. Individual actual combat and team actual combat are different, and the two of them are not completely free of charge.

However, at the entrance to the spectator seats, Flanders was suddenly startled and subconsciously rubbed his eyes because he saw an unexpected person that he had never expected to see at this moment!

In the distance, a young man in his 30s with short black hair was leaving the crowd with a serious expression. Behind him were seven or eight children who were obviously inexperienced in the world, both men and women. They looked about the same age as Tang San.

At the very back of the child, a girl with a height of two meters, wearing black and white mysterious clothes, and dark silver hair followed, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Qin Ming?" Flanders shouted tentatively. Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Qin Ming for 12 years. It was really difficult to recognize him without looking at his face.

"Huh?" The young man in front turned his head excitedly after hearing Flanders' familiar voice, and waved his hands equally excitedly after seeing Flanders.

Yu Xiaogang on the side saw the strange young man and felt that he looked familiar. Flanders punched his arm and reminded him, "Have you forgotten? Shrek's outstanding student back then went to the Star Dou Forest with you to obtain the soul ring. Qin Ming.”

"Oh, it's him. I didn't expect him to be a teacher." Yu Xiaogang was stunned at first, and then his face became complicated.

That period of time was simply the most unlucky for him. First, he was deceived into signing a sky-high price IOU, then he was almost beaten to death on the way to find Flanders for a meal, and the last part of the road was like a beggar when he arrived at Shrek Academy, which was embarrassing. All.

Following Flanders, Zhao Wuji and Qin Ming to hunt for souls in the Star Forest was even more unsatisfactory. His habit of having the same nightmare every time he slept appeared at that time, which is really hard to explain.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that." Flanders nodded meaningfully, and was lost in reminiscing about the past for a while, ignoring the strange appearance of the girl in black and white mysterious clothes behind him.

Because Qin Ming was leading the team and was a little far away from Flanders, he did not come over immediately. Instead, he hurried over after Flanders and Yu Xiaogang found a place to sit down after entering the venue.

"Dean Flanders, how are you? Disciple Qin Ming is here to greet you." Qin Ming, who knelt down on one knee, was filled with excitement. In his eyes, Shrek Academy was his home, and Flanders and his biological son Father is no different.

"I thought you had forgotten me?" Flanders raised the crystal glasses on his nose with a proud face. This student could be said to have given me enough face in front of Yu Xiaogang.

"Okay, get up quickly. I think you are becoming more and more promising, and your soul power has improved a lot." Flanders stretched out his hand to help Qin Ming up, while looking Qin Ming up and down. This boy looks like a He had made considerable progress, and this aura actually made him feel slightly vigilant subconsciously.

Qin Ming stood with his hands lowered respectfully, "No matter what time, the dean will always be Qin Ming's teacher, and Qin Ming will always be a disciple of Shrek Academy. I wonder who this is?"

"He is my old friend, Master Yu Xiaogang, who is also teaching at Shrek Academy." Flanders became more and more delighted when he saw Qin Ming, who was full of respect for his teacher, and patted the chair next to him to signal him to sit down.

"It turns out that you are the new teacher of Shrek Academy. Qin Ming, a graduate of Shrek Academy, salutes you." Qin Ming looked at Yu Xiaogang's eyes and thought of something. He first bowed respectfully as a disciple, and then sat down cautiously. Next to Flanders.

His back was straight, his back was far away from the back of the chair, and only half of his butt was sitting on the chair. His eyes were always looking at Flanders respectfully.

"I see you were leading someone just now. Are you changing to be a teacher? Is that a student from your school?" Flanders asked curiously. He remembered that Qin Ming had joined Wuhun in Tiandou City. It seems that the Holy Light Courtyard under His Highness has been changed to another courtyard now?

"Yes, they are the third class of students in our academy. They have just completed six years of basic study and are about to go on a six-month practical study tour. I saw that their first battle happened to be in Soto City, so I took the initiative to apply to be a team leader. , thinking of returning to Shrek Academy on the way."

Qin Ming nodded, pointed to the students in the distance and introduced, "But I am not the team leader now. The team leader has been taken over by an outstanding student from the first batch of our college. Next, we will go to the big soul fighting arenas in different regions to study. Actual combat experience against different soul masters.”

"Including sea soul masters from the coast, ice-attribute soul masters from the north, and all kinds of elemental martial souls. At the same time, students can also experience the scenery of the world."

"I've just arrived here with my kids to check in. I'll take the kids to watch other people's soul fighting competitions first. We'll officially register tomorrow. The goal is to have all the kids get silver fighting soul badges by the end of the month."

Before the settlement of the end of the month, Silver Fighting Soul, today is the 3rd, and there are still 27 days left. Flanders and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other, and they said in a loud tone, each of them participated in two games a day, and they wanted Silver Fighting Soul to be the fastest. It also takes 15 days.

The most important thing is that in 1V1 and 2V2, your own people will also have the risk of crashing and breaking the winning streak. A month of silver fighting spirit is not difficult for a capable spirit master, but a seven-person team with all silver fighting spirits is extraordinary. It is your own. In fact, the Shrek Seven Devils did not expect to achieve such results in a month.

Qin Ming doesn't look like he lacks confidence. It seems that the opponent is not simple. The most important thing is that this pass happened to collide with his own Shrek Seven Devils.

Flanders has a government, but Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it and asked directly, "I see that the students in your college don't look big. Are they participating in the soul fighting at the level of a great soul master?"

"No, they all entered school at the age of 6, and they are all 12 years old this year. The participation standard for mainland study tours is level 30 or above, so they are all participating in soul master level battles, and they can easily match Silver Fighting Soul's previous opponents."

Qin Ming shook his head. Although the fighting spirit badges in the Great Fighting Spirit Arena are divided into eight levels: iron, copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby ​​and diamond, there is an upper limit for low-level spirit masters who cannot match the corresponding opponents. .

Generally speaking, a soul master who can reach Silver Fighting Soul is considered excellent, and Gold Fighting Soul is the limit, because a soul master who has obtained the Gold Fighting Soul Badge will have a hard time finding a corresponding opponent even if he goes to the largest Tiandou Soul Arena in the Tiandou Empire. .

Further up the Soul Sect, the Golden Fighting Soul is excellent, the Soul King corresponds to Purple Gold, and so on to Soul Douluo. As for the supreme and noble Titled Douluo, the Great Soul Fighting Arena is not so prestigious.

Reached the standard of Soul Master at the age of 12!Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened. What kind of monster standard was this? He also went to the imperial capital to see the level of Tiandou Royal Academy. He thought that Shrek Academy was already the top of the continent, but he didn't expect this to be even more outrageous.

"Which academy do you work for? Is it possible that they recruit top martial arts spirits?" Flender couldn't help but ask. Before Dai Mubai, Tang San and others, the school history record of Shrek Academy was The 14-year-old Soul Master, and that person was none other than Qin Ming in front of him.

"That's not true. Many children still have useless martial arts souls without innate soul power when they first enter school. It's just that the resources provided by the school are amazing." Qin Ming shook his head with a wry smile.

If he had been treated like this back then, the 12-year-old Soul Lord wouldn't have had much of a problem. However, since the family is poor, his heart for boxing at Shrek Academy would not be shaken.

"You should also know the name of the academy. It is the academy that won the championship in the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition last year, East Spider Soul Master Academy. This year, all ten classes of students have teams to participate in the mainland study tour. In total, there are seven or 80 students. .”

Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy, 12-year-old seventy-eighty soul master, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang only felt as if their brains were struck by thunder, and they were buzzing for a while with only shock.

Seeing the reactions of Flanders and Yu Xiaogang, Qin Ming hurriedly explained again, "Dean, Teacher Yu, the score can't be settled like this. There is a reason why the soul power of the students at East Spider Soul Master Academy has improved so quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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