Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 220 The advantage is in me

Chapter 220 The advantage is in me
Qin Ming has been a teacher at Dongzhu Academy for more than ten years, and he is naturally very clear about the advantages of Dongzhu Soul Master Academy compared to ordinary high-level soul master academies.

The biggest advantage is resources. At the beginning of the school year, there are benefits for transforming martial souls, opening up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and advanced meditation benefits.

There are also food supplements and high-end medicinal baths every day, and potions that enhance the three dimensions of physical fitness, soul power, and spirit every week. It is also equipped with various training methods, specialized training venues, and advanced mimicry practice environments.

Not to mention that there are private weapon customization and corresponding training, martial soul optimization, and the back mountain laboratory that Qin Ming is not very clear about.

Logically speaking, these are secrets that cannot be disclosed easily, but Qin Ming has no intention of covering it up when facing Flanders.

However, in the face of Qin Ming's sincerity, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were full of bitterness. Many of these things sounded confusing. It would be difficult for Shrek Academy to plagiarize based on Qin Ming's words.

For example, they can understand the soul power enhancement potion, which is distributed free of charge once a week. According to Qin Ming, there is no limit below level 30, and there are also physical aspects and mental aspects that they have never thought of.

These are all proper abilities, and they must be paired with corresponding training methods. Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were confused when they heard about basic footwork, basic boxing, and basic kicking.

Isn't it the basic meditation method to improve soul power?Correct a few details at most.

Isn’t physical exercise just about running?At most, add weight.

As for spirit, this thing can also be exercised and improved. Flanders and Yu Xiaogang have never even heard of it.

They had long known about the high-end medicinal baths and food supplements and had even used them for three months, but this was how Yu Xiaogang used his remaining wealth.

The conditions of Shrek Academy, the mimetic training environment, are even more unthinkable.

The transformation and even optimization of martial souls, the opening of the eight extraordinary meridians, the customization of cold weapons and related training touched upon the blind spots of knowledge between the two of them. Flanders subconsciously looked at the master Yu Xiaogang next to him.

It's a pity that the strongest person in martial arts theory and the most intelligent soul master also looked confused at this moment. For the first time, Yu Xiaogang felt that he was as stupid as a primitive man. The gap between the two seemed to be an era.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Qin Ming quickly changed the topic to another topic, "It must not be a private matter for the two teachers to come to a place like the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Are the juniors and juniors also coming to participate in the team spirit fight?"

"Ahem, yes, they are the best students in our Shrek Academy, and there are also geniuses who have broken through to the Soul Master at the age of 12. They are currently undergoing actual combat training in the Great Soul Fighting Arena."

"The 12-year-old Soul Master is much better than I was back then." Qin Ming admired sincerely, but he knew very well that his academy had many unique resources that were difficult to obtain from the outside world.

To be precise, this is the real reason why Guang and Bibi Dong are not worried about anyone leaking the secret. The core of Dongzhi Academy's teaching method is resources rather than teaching methods.

"That's right, their martial arts and soul power are both excellent. They are likely to be your opponents in the Great Soul Fighting Arena this time." Flanders also reacted. In comparison, the Shrek Seven Monsters also have great advantages. obvious.

Although Ma Hongjun, a great spirit master, was holding them back, some of the Shrek Seven Devils had an age advantage, especially Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai. At the same time, the advantages of top-level spirits were no joke.

Flanders did not believe that the other party's support could be better than Oscar, the food system's innate soul power, and Ning Rongrong, the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. You must know that the relationship between Wuhun Palace and the Shangsan Sect is very poor, so the East Spider Soul Master Academy will never There may be the best martial arts spirits in the world from these three families.

Even if the opponent is the strongest East Spider Soul Master Academy, if all the members are 12 years old, they probably have just broken through to Soul Master. Our own Shrek Seven Devils have obvious advantages. What if we can win?

Yu Xiaogang and Flanders looked at each other. If the Shrek Seven Monsters at the same age could defeat the team from the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy, which won the last Soul Master Competition, then wouldn’t the Shrek Seven Devils be ranked number one in the continent after rounding off? First level?

After participating in the next two continent-wide youth soul master elite competitions, Shrek Academy will surely shine!
Seeing that Shrek Academy is still brilliant, Qin Ming also solemnly praised Flanders secretly, "It seems that I have to remind my students not to be careless."

"Of course, don't worry, Dean, if I encounter junior students, I will definitely order them not to do anything harsh."

"Qin Ming, you are a thoughtful person. The dean did not misjudge you back then." Flanders nodded with satisfaction. With Qin Ming's support, the Shrek Seven Devils would have a great chance of winning.

The most important thing is that the two sides are about the same age and will definitely be opponents in the continent-wide youth soul master elite competition in the future. If they can win first at this time and overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum, it will definitely be of great benefit to future competitions.

"It's all the dean's guidance. By the way, why haven't you met Vice Dean Zhao Wuji and other teachers?" Qin Ming was very satisfied when he saw Flanders' praise, and he was also looking forward to meeting other teachers and teachers he had never met before. Underclassmen. "Oh, don't mention it. Your teacher Zao Wuji was injured so badly that he couldn't get out of bed within a month. It may take a year to recover from the injury." Flanders waved his hand helplessly. Zhao Wuji was lying on the bed. What's going on? He had to worry about it himself.

"What?! Who did this?" Qin Ming stood up suddenly with a stern voice. In his heart, Shrek Academy was the harbor of his hometown. In his eyes, Flanders and Zhao Wuji were his reborn parents. In his eyes, Zhao Wuji was hurt. It was as serious as hurting his father.

"That's the name." Flanders suddenly paused. He suddenly remembered the 2-meter-tall girl in black and white mysterious clothes who was traveling with Qin Ming's team.

That person happened to be the one who bought a rotten crystal stone from him for 2000 gold soul coins. A girl with this kind of dress and height was rare not only in Soto City, but also in the entire Douluo Continent.

Therefore, the person who beat Dai Mubai into a pig's head and the person who seriously injured Lao Zhao were both the same person, and that was Mi Jia from Wuhun Palace.

The mature Flanders did not say Micah's name, but shook his head, "Forget it, this matter has passed so there is no need to talk about it anymore. By the way, how is the actual combat experience of the students in your college? The martial arts should all be top-notch. Martial spirit, right?"

"Hey, they are all newcomers who have never been out of the ivory tower. Soul fighting is also an internal competition within the academy and a competition with Wuhun Academy. It is also their first time to experience actual combat in the big spirit fighting field. Otherwise, I wouldn't know how to do it. Bring them to the viewing area to watch the battle first."

Qin Ming responded clearly to Flanders' questions without any scruples or cover-ups.

"Their martial spirits are not that outstanding, because the four of them are all transformed martial spirits. Although they have just evolved once, they are still a little far behind the top martial arts. The food department is not playing but they are just doing logistics, and the auxiliary department has recruited them this year. A talented male fish and a martial soul rainbow dragon."

"Rainbow dragon?" Flanders looked confused.

"Rainbow Dragon is the top existence among the auxiliary beast martial arts." Yu Xiaogang on the side reminded him. Seeing that Flanders was still confused, he spoke again, "It is said that the auxiliary ability is as good as that of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, but it is far from the best. The Qibao Glazed Sect is prosperous."

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang is very knowledgeable, and I have heard the name of the master for a long time." Qin Ming complimented Yu Xiaogang. Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Yu Xiaogang's stiff face.

"As for the others, Captain Amber Qing is a tiger-striped cat martial spirit. You have to be careful. Although she is of the agility attack system, she is also very powerful. She is usually very hardworking and her actual combat ability is also top-notch."

"Beijiushui is a control-type beast martial spirit, and the martial spirit is the Xuanyuan Spider. The spider silk is afraid of fire..."

"As for the remaining four kings, Shoushi is the Golden Bear Wuhun, who is good at strength and defense... The three brothers Lang Da, Lang Er and Lang San are all Wind Demon Wolf Wuhun, and their linkage bursts are very fierce..."

It can be said that in addition to specific soul skills, Qin Ming talked about the advantages and disadvantages of his students.

After listening to Qin Ming's story, Yu Xiaogang asked with some confusion, "Why are all the people beast spirits? Is it a coincidence or other reasons?"

"Master is indeed thoughtful." Qin Ming praised, "There are coincidences and other reasons."

"The Eastern Spider Soul Master School's inheritance of cold weapons is very good. When equipped with a good weapon, the Beast Martial Soul Master can be even more powerful, and his actual combat ability will be significantly improved."

"And the beast spirit masters who have superior physical fitness in this area are particularly popular, so there are a lot of people signing up. There are also weapon spirit masters, but they are relatively few, and most of them are control and back-line support."

"Even among them, Li Dabao of the food type and Gong Yangyu of the auxiliary type have to participate in the single and double spirit fighting in the big spirit fighting arena. Their actual combat abilities are far from weak. If the opponent underestimates the enemy, they will easily suffer a big loss. of."

The food system and auxiliary system also have actual combat capabilities, and can even participate in soul fighting competitions? !Flanders and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other again. Are they really from the same era?
As for the students, there is no doubt that Shrek Academy has a clear advantage, and the opponent's rainbow dragon martial spirit is more troublesome. Can a tiger-striped cat compare to Dai Mubai's real white tiger martial spirit?Not to mention Yu Tianheng’s Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit.

The other party's control-type spider spirit was exactly what he wanted. Tang San's third spirit ring came from the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and it also had an attached spirit bone. Do you know the nickname of the Man-Faced Demon Spider?Spider King!
As for the martial arts of the Wind Demon Wolf and the Golden Bear, they were just barely touching the edge of the top martial arts. Even those people heard that their predecessors were still wastes without innate soul power. Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were even more relieved.

Although he had zero experience in Shrek Academy in terms of weapons, Tang San's hidden weapons were amazing, and he was already preparing a set of simple and practical hidden weapons for the other Shrek Seven Devils.

It can be seen that I have the advantage in this battle, and the Shrek Seven Devils will soon become famous!
The gap in the academy is really discouraging. Although he doesn't want to admit it, Flanders looks at the crushing gap between the enemy and ourselves, and the profiteer is too shameless to say that a 30-point test paper is better than a full-mark test paper.

The other party can put the students with 0 soul power at the same level as the monster students he selected from Shrek Academy, which speaks volumes.

(End of this chapter)

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