Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 221 The White Emperor

Chapter 221 The White Emperor

"Sister Mijia, what is Teacher Qin Ming doing there?" Amber Qing, who looked quite cold with her high ponytail, raised her white and delicate beautiful face and smiled affectionately at the senior sister beside her.

Although she is young and beautiful, her curvy figure is now very obvious.

But she doesn't like it very much, because if it gets too big in the future, it will affect actual combat.

"Him?" Miga, who was just sitting idle but felt a sense of immediate pressure from a sword, glanced at the three of them and didn't care. She didn't recognize Flanders or Yu Xiaogang.

"Maybe they are acquaintances. Didn't Teacher Qin take the initiative to apply to lead the team? This may be his hometown." Then she looked away. Next, she would take over the position of leader of the team, while Qin Ming was only the deputy in charge of logistics.

"Watch the game carefully. Although the soul masters here are not as solid as you, and their soul control and soul skills are not as good as yours, but you must learn from the ruthlessness in their bones."

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena is a mixed bag. It is said to be a competition, but if you are not sure that the opponent has completely lost the ability to fight during the battle, you must not take it lightly. Your level is not at the level where you have room to spare. You must go all out in every battle."

"Understood, senior."

The others looked at Miga and nodded obediently like a chicken pecking at rice. This senior was the object of their admiration and the target of their pursuit. This time she took over and led the team without any objections.

"You were all pumped up when you arrived at the competition. I heard that only 4 of you in the entire grade passed the emergency test of the crossbow before you left, and only [-] of your class passed."

Miga's voice was not polite. She did not reject arrogant people, but she was so arrogant that she showed her corresponding skills.

"That is to say, the eight of you can only survive half of the sneak attacks by ordinary people. The methods on the entire continent are all kinds of strange, and most of them are hidden."

"The purpose of this study tour in mainland China is not just to see the scenery and play soul fighting games, but to understand the world in an all-round way."

Looking at the junior students, Miga seemed to see her former self, and a sense of intimacy arose spontaneously. While she and the junior students watched the competition, she told them some experiences from traveling on the mainland.

Just like the way my seniors used to take her to travel across the mainland.

. . .

On the other side, Qin Ming and the two teachers were also chatting animatedly.

When he heard that Qin Ming had reached level 34 soul power at the age of 66 this year, Flanders did not hesitate to praise him. In 12 years, Qin Ming had improved by a full 25 levels, which can be said to be a pretty good achievement.

"By the way, Qin Ming, is that tall girl in your team also your student?" Flanders narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally asked casually, "She looks very young."

"Although I am a teacher and she is also a student of the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy, I have never taught her, so there is no sense of teacher-student status." Qin Ming said with a bitter smile.

"Her name is Miga. She should be 18 years old this year. She is the Five-Ring Battle Soul King. She is the earliest student of the East Spider Academy and the most outstanding student in the history of the East Spider Academy. Although she is young, she is very capable in actual combat. , I’m afraid I’m no match now.”

"How could it be?" Flanders really didn't hold back this time, his face was full of shock. Qin Ming was the student he brought out with his own hands. The mutated martial spirit Fiery Canglang, in terms of combat effectiveness and explosive power, is not inferior to other top martial arts. .

The 18-year-old Soul King was already beyond the knowledge of Flanders and Yu Xiaogang. It would be even more outrageous for such a powerful Soul King like Qin Ming to say that he could not defeat a Soul King with less than one soul ring.

"Miga is very different. She is the kind of perfect genius who is talented, trains hard, and has natural ruthlessness in actual combat." Qin Ming looked solemn.

"In the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition three years ago, at the age of 3, she led her teammates of the same age to defeat the dark horse team of Haotian College in the semi-finals."

"You know, the competition in the last competition was very fierce. The captain of the team sent by Clear Sky Academy was not only a Clear Sky Hammer spirit, but also a fighting spirit king. As a result, Miga, who was still a spirit sect, suppressed him throughout the whole process and couldn't hold his head up."

"After that, she broke through to the Soul King. After training in the academy for a period of time, she chose to go to the Secret Realm of the Undead to train. Last year, she chose to travel around the mainland for training. She stayed in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena for three months. Do you know what level her Soul Fighting Badge is? ?"

"The purple and gold badge is normal, it can't be the sapphire badge, right?"

"No, she has won 108 games in a row in single combat. The ruby ​​badge she holds is second only to the diamond badge." Qin Ming shook his head with a bitter look on his face. He and Miga had never played against each other before, and he naturally believed that he was no match for him. It is well-founded.

"Is it impossible for the Soul King to obtain the Ruby Soul Fighting Badge?" Flanders shook his head in confusion, "Even the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Tiandou City will not provide her with opponents with the Sapphire Badge to increase her points!"

unless. . .Flanders and Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of a possibility. They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"Yes, normally it is impossible for the Soul King to obtain the Ruby Badge because there is no matching opponent."

Qin Ming nodded and said the answer, "Miga participated in the soul emperor level soul fighting in the last month. She faced the sapphire badge level soul emperor opponents and won thirty games in a month." "Even in the end. One day she defeated a Soul Saint. Although it was not at the ruby ​​badge level, it was still a sapphire badge, and her strength was by no means a parallel import."

"It has never happened before that a Soul King can defeat a Soul Saint head-on. Although my strength is at the top of the Soul Emperor level, I have no chance against the Soul Saint in his true form."

Qin Ming, who smiled bitterly, looked at the two teachers and laughed at himself. He was not making up lies. In fact, Miga's strength had indeed reached an appalling level.

"Because this incident was too shocking in the Great Soul Fighting Arena at the time, some good people gave her the title of Soul Fighting Emperor. Moreover, she liked wearing white light armor at that time, so they all called her White Emperor."

"Originally, this name was tabooed by the Tiandou royal family in Tiandou City, but behind Miga was Pope Bibi Dong, and there was even a titled Douluo to support him that day, so the name White Emperor spread. "

"It's just that the Tiandou royal family also wants to save face, so the scope of the spread is limited to the vicinity of Tiandou City and the well-informed high-level soul masters. However, I heard that the name on her ruby ​​badge was forced by the accompanying deputy principal Lingyuan Douluo. The field was changed to the words "White Emperor", I don't know whether it is true or not."

Seeing that Qin Ming was sure that this student would never make up nonsense to fool him, Flanders reluctantly accepted the fact. After all, I heard that guy Li Yusong was also beaten by Miga, "What kind of martial spirit is she?"

"Well, I really don't know. I heard that Miga was one of the first soul masters to transform martial souls, which means she was once a useless martial soul without innate soul power."

"What did you say?" Yu Xiaogang said in disbelief, "How can a useless martial spirit possess such terrifying strength that even the top martial spirits cannot match?"

"I suspect that she should be an unknown third-stage martial spirit, which is the ultimate type of transformed martial spirit." Qin Ming hesitated, but when he saw Dean Flender's eyes, he still ignored the confidentiality agreement.

"East Spider Soul Master Academy has three choices for soul transformation. Each direction has three stages, which are divided into basic type, evolutionary type and the final ultimate type."

"Basic martial souls can only be said to be good. Compared with advanced martial arts, they are still a bit mediocre. The intensity of the evolved martial souls is close to the top martial arts, while the ultimate martial souls are genuine top martial arts. Apart from Miga, the academy Never heard of the second person.”

"Are you saying that the transformed martial souls of Dongzhu Martial Spirit Academy are not only different from ordinary martial arts, but can also continue to improve in quality?"

Yu Xiaogang's face turned red and his eyes widened. If he had gained even a little bit of this knowledge back then, how could he be a native pig martial spirit now?

He is the direct bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. If he can evolve, he will definitely become a dragon. Even if he is not a Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, he can be a fire dragon like Liu Erlong.

"Yes, the four team members I led this time are all evolved martial arts." It seemed that he said too much, and Qin Ming stopped elaborating.

Flanders on the side also knew that going too far was too much, so he changed the topic and chatted with him while watching and commenting on the game.

It happened that the Shrek Seven Monsters came on stage to fight against the Mad Battle Team. Seeing the best soul ring ratios of the juniors and juniors, Qin Ming was full of praise. Seeing that the time was quite long, he discussed with Flender to meet again later.

It was unjustifiable for him to be away as the deputy team leader for such a long time, not to mention telling two teachers so many details about his team.

Although Qin Ming would make the same choice again, Qin Ming felt somewhat regretful when he came back.

It happened that the underclassmen were playing against Team Madness, and Qin Ming planned to take this opportunity to teach his subordinates about their actual combat experience and show off to the underclassmen.

But before Qin Ming opened his mouth, Mi Jia recognized Dai Mubai who was possessed by the martial spirit at a glance, "It's the little sick tiger. It seems that the injury is healed."

"Sister Mika, do you know the soul master of the White Tiger Martial Spirit?" Hu Boqing's eyes froze after looking over, his hands gripping his pants, his voice trembling unconsciously, that's the White Tiger Martial Spirit!
"Well, we met once. That kid picked up a pair of twin sisters and planned to book a room. However, he tried to steal the room I booked. I beat him up and threw him out." Miga looked at him with an obviously strange look. Amber Qing raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you familiar?"

"Not sure, but it should be." Hu Boqing looked at the approximate figure of the blond man in the mask and compared his age with the one in his memory. Logically speaking, he could never be in the Tiandou Empire, but she could feel it. A subconscious sense of familiarity.

This familiarity comes from the compatibility of blood, so she has basically determined the identity of the other party in her heart.

"That kid is just a libertine. Have you thought about it? If you think about it, I can tie you up to your room today." A rare smile appeared on Miga's simple and uncertain face, and his red lips raised in a smile.

"Sister Mika." Amber Qing's face turned red and she lowered her head to cover her face.

"Ha, you're kidding." Miga patted Amber Qing's shoulder, "Why do you like that kind of stuff?"

"But among the eight teams tonight, the Shrek Seven Monsters have the strongest overall strength. The Mad Fighting Team is far behind. As the captain, you should take a closer look and try to win better points."

"Because the inland great spirit arenas are actually the friendliest to you. The great spirit arenas along the coast and in the far north have regional characteristics and are very unfriendly to outside spirit master teams."

Miga looked at a row of little guys and reminded them.

(End of this chapter)

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