Chapter 222 Elder Order
"Look at the two attack systems at the front of Shrek Academy, one dragon and one tiger. The dragon is stronger than the tiger. The soul power is estimated to be level 39, and the martial soul is also more advantageous. In addition to the physical fitness of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Powerful, thunder and lightning are also the most aggressive elemental attacks.”

Listening to Miga's evaluation, Qin Ming hesitated and chose to listen. He didn't know Miga's level, so he just wanted to hear the difference between what she said and what he thought.

"That sick tiger is just full of brute strength. The control department can just put some effort into restraining it."

"Then there is the control type of the blue grass blade. His aura is very mixed. It is obviously a plant type martial spirit but full of animal aura. It should be a problem with the soul ring. The spider aura on his body is the most powerful and rich, probably His third soul ring."

"It doesn't matter, just give him to me and I'll let him know what a real spider is." Bei Jiushui is a boy with a mohawk. He is tall and thin, with black spider lines painted on his bare arms. .

"You?" Miga glanced at it and shook his head, "The spider aura on you is worse than him, so it's probably better if you don't get counter-restrained."

"How is it possible? My Xuanyuan Spider should be the strongest spider martial spirit among the top martial arts." Bei Jiushui stared in disbelief at the soul master manipulating the blue blades of grass below. Is it possible? Does the opponent's martial spirit have an advantage?

"Well, he most likely absorbed the soul ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Your Xuanyuan Spider martial spirit will still be a bit shorter when it encounters the Thousand-Year Man-Faced Demon Spider. When you wait for the Soul King, you shouldn't have this problem. .”

Miga hesitated for a moment and threw a dagger to Sailor Beijiu, using his belt, "Hold this carefully so that you won't be suppressed by the other party."

It was a purple-black dagger with a curved blade, a metal handle, and a sharkskin sheath.

Bei Jiushui held the dagger in both hands and raised his head when he felt that his martial soul seemed to be inspired by something. The soul power in his body was more active than before. He couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Senior, what is this?"

"Just take it, don't use it, just keep it in your arms. Remember to return it to me when you leave." Miga waved his hand without saying anything more, but looked at the other members of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

"Needless to say, the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in the back row will give priority to hitting targets. Let’s look at his soul skills in the food department."

"The agility and attack department also depends on her soul skills. As for the great soul master, just ignore it. It's just a joke."

Miga has rich combat experience. She recognized the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, White Tiger and Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial souls at a glance. Another characteristic of these three martial souls is that their early and mid-term soul skills have all been fixed, so there is no Need to care too much.

Just focus on other people's soul skills. The functionality of the food system and the burst of the agility attack system are areas that require special attention, especially their thousand-year soul skills.

"Miga, even if the opponent is a great soul master, you can't underestimate the enemy like this, right?" Qin Ming's expression turned gloomy as he listened to Miga's indifferent comments. How could his junior fellow student from Shrek Academy be so despised?

If anyone else spoke, he would definitely reprimand him, but it was Miga who said this, so forget it if he is not as strong as him. Miga is still leading the team in name, so he can only be reasonable.

"Haha, that fat man has no thousand-year soul skills, and his soul power is only level 27. He has no explosiveness or functionality. Moreover, his lower body is weak and his kidneys are deficient. We don't expect him to have any attainments in physical skills. What should we pay attention to?"

As soon as Miga finished speaking, Ma Hongjun below used his purple-red flames to burn away the spider webs compiled by the Spider Spirit Master of the Mad Battle Team. Qin Ming pointed and retorted.

"You see, although the opponent is a second-level soul master, his flames are sharp and he has great control over Bei Jiushui's web control."

Mi Jia looked at Qin Ming carefully and shook his head, "Teacher Qin Ming, if you don't teach Class [-], I won't say anything about you. Bei Jiushui, tell Teacher Qin what your second soul skill is?"

"Teacher Qin, my second soul skill is elemental immunity. When the soul power is suppressed at a high level, unless the opponent has the ultimate attribute, it will not cause obvious damage to my spider web."

"It is indeed worth noting that the control system is easily restrained by elemental martial arts, but only if it is a soul master of the same level." Miga looked at Qin Ming who was a little embarrassed and said nothing more.

on the ring,
The powerful force of Tang San's third soul skill, Spider Web Binding, made Hu Boqing and others' eyes slightly condensed. The control system restrained the power attack system. To be precise, it was the power attack system that could only use brute force.

Xiao Wu's third soul skill, the teleportation soul skill, is equally eye-catching. If she is teleported close to her, the burst damage will be truly astonishing.

This set of tactics is extremely easy to use. Bibi Dong uses it, just use it, and all soul masters with the flickering soul skill leg bones can use it, including Miga himself.

However, Miga didn't mean to remind her in this regard. In her opinion, Xiao Wu's outburst was just like that. It was enough to deal with ordinary soul masters, but Hu Boqing and the others all had physical defense skills. Xiao Wu's threat was not as good as when they were prepared. not tall.

With the advantage of soul rings and even soul power, the Mad Battle Team quickly fell into decline when facing the Shrek Seven Monsters, until Master Ruyi Pan launched the Mad Battle Team's special skill and all members went berserk.

I never thought that Oscar's third soul skill, Flying Mushroom Sausage, could fly, but the madness of the Mad Sentai could only be incompetent and furious when faced with the Shrek Seven Monsters in the sky.

Although the madness of all members of the Berserker Team is powerful, it has a time limit of 3 minutes and has huge side effects.

Oscar's flying mushroom sausage was not enough to sustain all members of Shrek for 3 minutes, but it was no problem for captain Yu Tianheng to stay until the end.

Even if the last spider soul master in the Mad Sentai team retained 39% of her soul power, she would still be unable to save herself from the level [-] Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Soul Master.

"Have you thought of a strategy?" Miga asked, looking at Amber Qing and the others. "It should be no problem, we plan to." Amber Qing subconsciously said to let Sister Miga see what's wrong with the tactics.

"Stop!" Miga stretched out his hand and shook his head, "You don't need to say anything to me, just go into actual combat. If there are any problems, they will naturally show up during actual combat. It doesn't matter even if you lose because of it. It's enough to gain something."

"That's right, winning or losing is not important." Qin Ming on the side also agreed, "There is another thing that I ask of you. If you meet a member of the Shrek Seven Devils, no one is allowed to kill or even maim or maim anyone. opponent."

"Why?" Hu Boqing and others looked at each other. Such words were completely different from their usual teachings.

What does Hu Boqing want to ask before?Mi Jia waved to her not to interfere, then walked up to Qin Ming and asked condescendingly and coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about, Qin Ming?"

Qin Ming smiled bitterly. He could forcefully suppress his subordinates, but Qin Ming knew clearly that he must give a clear answer to the question raised by the team leader Mi Jia.

"Just think of it as a favor to me, okay? It's limited to the Shrek Seven Devils team."

"Shrek Seven Monsters, Shrek Academy, what does it have to do with you?" Miga's eyes swept over Qin Ming like two sharp knives, and something wrong with Qin Ming finally attracted her attention.

Miga didn't care before, but now it's really different.

"That's my alma mater." Qin Ming hesitated and chose to tell the truth.

"Then the two people before were also from Shrek Academy?"


"Will the spirit masters of the Shrek Seven Monsters spare their lives?"

"This..." Qin Ming hesitated and nodded, "Yes."

"Is this your wishful thinking or the promise given to you by the leader of the Shrek Seven Devils?" Miga's question was as cold and sharp as her eyes.

"Well, Miga, you're asking too many questions. Just tell me if you can give me face on this matter." Qin Ming suddenly raised his head. He was not a good-tempered person, not to mention that he was the one who asked this question. It became increasingly difficult to speak.

"In other words, it's your wishful thinking." Miga's eyes became more and more dangerous, "One more thing, you didn't leak the basic information about our team members, right?"

"Sooner or later, we have to know about Wuhun." The eyes on Qin Ming's irritable face unnaturally avoided Mi Jia's downward gaze.

"How much did you say?"

"If you don't give me face, I won't give you face. Are you asking so many questions because you don't trust me, Miga?! I have been a teacher at the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy for more than ten years, and I have been a student for almost as long as you. Why do you ask like this now? I?"

Qin Ming's eyes were blazing and he shouted at Miga. He just wanted to give some convenience to the junior students at his alma mater. Is there any problem?Moreover, the students of the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy have had a smooth journey, so what’s wrong with giving them a little setback education?

However, why not give this good opportunity of frustration education to the Shrek Seven Devils?Probably it was the close relationship in Qin Ming's own heart.

"Based on this, Qin Ming, either answer my question, or I will fire you on the spot now!"

Mijia looked at the furious Qin Ming, whose face remained cold and unchanged. She touched the jade on her belt with her left hand, and a token engraved with six patterns appeared in her hand. This was not a papal order, but an elder's order.

To be precise, the actual authority of the presbyter's decree and the papal decree are similar, but in name the papal decree is more noble than the presbyter's decree.

The Pope's Order is limited to six pieces, but the Elder's Order has no limit. All titled Douluo affiliated to the Wuhun Palace are directly controlled by this token.

Moreover, the Pope's Order is blank, while the Elder's Order has unique marks corresponding to specific elders. Miga's Elder's Order is special, because this Elder's Order is not someone else's, but her own.

She used her strength to prove that she had the potential to become a Titled Douluo, and Bibi Dong was not stingy with rewards. He issued an elder order for her in advance and recognized that she had the same rights as other elders.

Although this matter was quite outrageous, no one objected, because Miga's age, soul power level, and even strength were unique in history. Even Qiandaoliu didn't have the slightest objection, and even Bibi Dong issued an elder's signature Very satisfied with one thing.

If Bibi Dong wanted to push Miga to be a saint with the right to succeed the Pope, he would frown.

(End of this chapter)

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