Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 225 Shaoyang Tiangang

Chapter 225 Shaoyang Tiangang
The Great Soul Fighting Arena at night is one of the busiest places in the entire Soto City.

The sky-high lights and the noise of the audience were intertwined. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the soul master on the soul fighting stage. His face was red and adrenaline was surging. It was as if he was immersed in the perspective of one of them.

A ticket worth one Gintama Coin will get you a standing seat, five Gintama Coins will get you a seat, and you can go to the VIP room to enjoy fine wine and more.

However, the VIP rooms are only found in the central fighting spirit arena. From the outside to the separate fighting spirit arenas, there are standing tickets, hard seats, soft seats and chief seats.

Last time Miga and Amber Qing were in the hard seat area. In Miga's words, now that they are out, they have to experience everything that needs to be experienced.

This time, there was no need to buy tickets to watch the battle between Hu Boqing and Evil Eyed White Tiger. Manager Ao personally took them to the chief. The fighting spirit badge set up in the big spirit fighting arena was by no means an honorary decoration.

In other words, the Great Fighting Spirit knows the gold content of the lower five fighting spirit badges better than anyone else. The iron fighting spirit registration means that the bronze fighting spirit is considered senior, the silver fighting spirit is the excellence that needs to be valued, and the gold fighting spirit begins to have privileges. .

Starting from the Golden Soul Fighting Badge, as long as the holder shows his identity, he can enjoy the reception of the Great Soul Fighting Arena for free. At Miga's level, she can even force the Great Soul Fighting Arena to vacate the Central Soul Fighting Arena and prepare it to the highest standards. Various forms of fighting spirit.

Douluo Continent is the world of soul masters. The relationship between powerful soul masters and the great soul fighting arena has always been equal or even reversed.

Because each of them had their own solo spirit competition to prepare for, Flanders was surrounded by Tang San, Oscar and Ning Rongrong watching, while next to Miga sat Lang Er and Gong Yang who had finished the first game early. fish.

"Teacher, second brother seems to have something on his mind, is it okay?" Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang next to him with some concern.

"Dai Mubai, it's not because of other people that his temperament will be affected." Yu Xiaogang shook his head gently, "And as an offensive type, he not only has a high soul power level, but also has a very suitable soul ring."

"The tactics I arranged for him are very simple. He only needs to explode with all his strength and reduce his strength by ten times. His secondary transformation resistance is very high, even if the opponent has any back-ups, he can still deal with it."

Dai Mubai, who was on the field, did not hesitate to possess his martial soul after hearing the start of the game, and activated his third soul skill as quickly as possible.

White Tiger King Kong Transformation!
The swollen muscles directly tore Dai Mubai's coat. Dai Mubai, bathed in the golden light, rushed directly towards Amber Qing on the opposite side. His blood-red eyes were filled with animalistic madness. Ten tiger claws popped out, and the silver-bright edge was swung towards the opponent with a fierce force. .

"The Dai family's three-blade ax has never changed, but it's a pity that I haven't seen the true essence of the White Tiger Demonic Transformation." Miga looked at Dai Mubai, whose strength, speed, and resistance had soared, and the look in his eyes did not change at all.

There were no obvious changes in the faces of Lang Er and Gongyangyu on the side. Although the opponent was menacing, in their eyes, it was just like that. Wang Shoushi's Golden Bear burst was also very powerful, but he was also beaten hard when he met the captain.

When it comes to explosions, Amber Qing has learned some essence from Miga.

The aura of Hu Boqing possessed by Wuhun is somewhat similar to that of Dai Mubai opposite him, but compared to Dai Mubai's muscle expansion, Hu Boqing's body shape has not changed much, except that with a crisp clicking sound, the whole person is taller.

And compared to Dai Mubai's arms that had turned into tiger claws, Hu Hueqing's body had much less traces of animal transformation, except that soft white hair grew on the back of his hands and his ears turned into cat ears.

The most important thing was that the eyes on her mask remained calm, even when Dai Mubai, who was in full swing, had passed half the distance.

When observing her opponent, her heart should be like a bright mirror without any ripples, but when she takes action, her heart should explode like a volcano. This is the essence of practical combat that Miga taught her.

The advantage of the beast martial spirit is to directly improve one's physical fitness, but the loss of human rationality is somewhat outweighed by the gain.

Then she didn't mean to dodge, and rushed directly towards Dai Mubai. At the same time, the storage bracelet on her left arm flashed with silver light, and a bright silver spear appeared in her hand, spinning and flying through the air. It stabbed towards Dai Mubai's chest.

Facing the cold spear point, Dai Mubai's momentum stalled, but he was not afraid because the opponent took out a weapon. He was not afraid of a weapon soul master holding a weapon, let alone a beast soul master. Soul master.

To be precise, it is not that no one thought before that practicing cold weapons with beast martial souls has the advantages of both beast martial souls and weapon martial souls. However, there are two unavoidable shortcomings in this matter.

First, it is rare to find a cold weapon that can resist the soul of a weapon. Especially after level 30, even the "artifact" created by the master craftsman Lou Gao is not enough to support combat above the Soul Saint level.

The second is distraction. The craftsmanship of a beast spirit master is a natural weapon. Instead of spending effort to learn a half-hearted weapon, it is better to polish the spirit.

But it's obvious that Amber Qing, who has talents, weapons, and entry-level skills, is not a dabbler.

Facing Dai Mubai's move to slap the gun barrel sideways, a cold light flashed in her eyes, the first soul ring, the release of power.

Hu Boqing's right hand suddenly burst out with majestic force under the support of soul power. The power was transmitted by the gun shaft. The silver gun body first bent upward into an arch shape and then suddenly tightened and stabbed Dai Mubai's right chest.

Looking at the cold light, Dai Mubai subconsciously knelt down on his right knee and leaned down.Tear!

Bright red bloodstains appeared on Dai Mubai's right shoulder. The severe pain made his blood-red eyes a little unbelievable. If it weren't for his reaction speed that was enhanced by the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, his shoulder might have been pierced.

Before he could show his anger, Hu Boqing's second soul ring flashed, and his speed was released. His whole figure blurred and his speed suddenly increased. He followed the gun barrel with his left hand, his feet were in the air, and he kicked Dai Mubai's side with one foot. cheek.

The first soul skill, the white tiger protects the body!

Dai Mubai, who was wrapped in a sense of crisis, was covered in white light, turning into a spherical shield. She was not surprised at all when she saw Dai Mubai's soul shield amber clear. The next moment, her boots were wrapped in white energy similar to Miga's.

Shaoyang Tiangang Qi!
Click click!

Large cracks clearly appeared on the white soul shield, and then it exploded, revealing Dai Mubai with a surprised face underneath. How long had it been before the shield was broken in less than two seconds?
Hu Boqing, who passed by Dai Mubai, was not polite. She grabbed the gun barrel with both hands and pressed down directly. With an explosion, the silver gun in her hand was drawn out in the air like a whip.

The spear head wrapped in white gas struck Dai Mubai's back harshly.

Dai Mubai felt the sharp pain in his back and felt a sweet taste in his throat. Logically speaking, his defense was greatly increased after using the White Tiger King Kong Transformation, so he shouldn't have to bear such damage.

But Amber Qing's Shaoyang Tiangang Qi condensed her strength into one bright energy. The entire strength was devastating and Dai Mubai's swollen muscles could not disperse it to reduce the damage.

It was like being hit by a large iron-clad wooden stake that struck a bell. The force went straight through his internal organs. If it weren't for the body-protecting soul protection of the White Tiger King Kong, Dai Mubai felt that his liver and gallbladder would burst.

But it would be too embarrassing to lose to the opponent in public like this. Thinking of this, Dai Mubai braced himself against the pain and twisted his head back. As the yellow second soul ring on the sole of his foot lit up, Dai Mubai's mouth lit up. If there is a violent white light, it will spit out white light waves.

But how could Hu Boqing, who was very familiar with the White Tiger Martial Spirit, not know Dai Mubai's plan? Before he even landed, he used his spear to support Dai Mubai and accelerated towards Dai Mubai. The moment he turned around, he hit him with a kick. jaw.

With a muffled sound, Dai Mubai's cheeks that were forced to be tightly swelled up suddenly. Before they could explode, Hu Hueqing kicked him in the lower abdomen with another foot. He rolled in the air for two and a half times and then landed with a crash. Roll and lie down directly on the edge of the soul fighting platform.

Then Dai Mubai coughed twice and spit out two blackened white teeth and struggled to get up on the stage. The White Tiger Vajra Transformation that he activated immediately was indeed effective. At least now he is very resistant to beatings.

Hu Boqing, who was on the spot, raised his spear and seemed to be preparing to throw it at Dai Mubai.


Accompanied by Flanders' roar and Dai Mubai's frightened face, the bright silver spear flew through the air and was inserted straight into the floor between Dai Mubai's legs.

Dai Mubai, whose face was pale and sweating profusely, looked at the buzzing silver spear in front of him and trembled all over. He opened his dark mouth and was speechless. He was almost speechless. He was just a little weak. I want to become a companion with Tang San.

Seeing Hu Boqing strolling towards him, Dai Mubai shouted without hesitation, "I surrender!!!"

His urgency could be heard from his broken voice, but Hu Boqing walked up to him and pulled out his spear, only to say, "A sick cat."

Then she walked to the middle of the soul fighting stage and raised her spear facing Miga and her teammates in the audience. The referee next to her shouted: "Congratulations to newcomer Amber Qing for winning!"

Off the stage, a relieved Dai Mubai finally relaxed his tense nerves and muscles. As a feeling of moisture spread between his legs, a fishy smell entered his nostrils.

Dai Mubai reacted suddenly and had no time to stop anything. He could only get up and rush off the ring quickly. The only thing he was lucky about today was that he still had the upper half of the mask on his face, so his shame would not be lost to the whole Soto City.

On the stage, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang looked livid, and they agreed that the advantage would be mine?Dai Mubai lost too quickly and miserably, and this was without the opponent's third soul skill being used.

And Qin Ming was also very embarrassed. As the saying goes, a stick for a year is worth a sword for a lifetime. Most people in the East Spider Soul Master Academy choose sticks and long knives, and there are not many students who are good at using them.

Guns are hard to come by, but no one would have thought that Hu Boqing could use them so skillfully, as if her martial spirit was a gun.

In addition, Dean Flanders boasted about the quality of students recruited by his college. He thought that the college had made great progress in recent years and had some trump cards, so he did not say anything depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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