Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 226 Tang San offers a plan

Chapter 226 Tang San offers a plan
There are still [-] gold soul coins. Flender's face turned pale when he suddenly remembered the bet. He regards wealth as his life, and losing so much money out of thin air is like cutting out a piece of flesh in his heart.

Yu Xiaogang was also in a irritable mood. The opponent used a spear, giving full play to his advantage of being one inch long and one inch strong. Dai Mubai's shortcomings were clearly exposed. He was too clumsy.

Apart from his strong physical fitness, he had no other means, and Dai Mubai himself lacked the long-range and close-range means to deal with masters of the same level, so it was easy for him to get beaten up without even touching the opponent.

In comparison, his nephew Yu Tianheng's martial spirit Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is much better. Not only is his physical fitness not inferior at all, but he also has the ability to control lightning and long-range attacks. He can even transform into a dragon with his left arm, which is more powerful than ordinary magic weapons. Even more ferocious.

Originally, the White Tiger Spirit should not have such obvious shortcomings since it is among the top spirits, but Yu Xiaogang knew very well that it was because the White Tiger Spirit could perform the spirit fusion technique Netherworld White Tiger, which had no shortcomings, and most of his fame came from that. Here it is.

Dai Mubai, who does not have a martial soul fusion skill partner, is not technically a top martial soul owner, and Yu Xiaogang also sees Dai Mubai's playboy temperament and has no hope that he can find a suitable partner.

"What should we do, Xiaogang? Mubai lost so miserably that it will affect the morale of the team battle. The key is whether he can spare the energy to participate in the team battle." Flanders rolled his eyes. He was not going to give up. Then 3 gold soul coins.

Anyway, he didn't say at the time whether he was betting on Dai Mubai's solo battle or the 7V7 team battle. If the Shrek Seven Devils won the team battle, he would still be able to get his principal back, even if they had different opinions.

"With Oscar's recovery sausage treatment, Dai Mubai can still recover most of his strength." Yu Xiaogang affirmed. Dai Mubai was forced to release the White Tiger King Kong Transformation state after withstanding the last attack.

"The injuries he suffered before this were all reduced, otherwise he should have passed out directly in the end instead of having the energy to get up and shout surrender."

"It's just that if everyone in the Eastern Spider Beasts has such strength, our winning rate will not be high." Yu Xiaogang hesitated and turned his attention to Qin Ming.

"Hu Baiqing is the captain, and it's normal to have good marksmanship. Although the others are worse, they are at least proficient in simpler sticks and long knives, and the quality of the weapons is very good."

Qin Ming, who was about to react after a slap on the head, explained that these are the basics in the East Spider Soul Master Academy. He has taught there for more than ten years and has not changed his condition in a while.

In his subconscious mind, shouldn't every soul master have a good foundation in physical skills and up-to-standard attainments in cold weapons?So he subconsciously ignored these things.

It wasn't until he saw Dai Mubai's level that he realized that his alma mater, Shrek, still didn't teach this as before.

"Then the hope of winning is very slim." After learning everything, Yu Xiaogang shook his head. The opponent spent half of his six years practicing physical skills and weapons. Compared with the Shrek Seven Monsters who only have a running foundation, this advantage is still too big. Bigger.

"Xiao Gang, don't you have any good ideas? The Shrek Seven Monsters have just been established and they need victory to cheer up their spirits."

Master Yu Xiaogang just shook his head in silence. He couldn't make up for the other person's six years of sweat with just one mouth.

"Teacher, I have a way." Tang San raised his hand proactively, with determination in his eyes, it was time for the Tang Sect's hidden weapons to be famous throughout the world.

"You are talking about your hidden weapon, but the threshold for using it is too high. Even if you are willing to teach it, they won't be able to learn it in this short time." Flanders shook his head aside.

"No, Dean, I have invented a mechanical hidden weapon that can be triggered by a mechanism. It is very convenient to use." Tang San took out a small iron box and said softly.

"The previous Zhuge Liannu still took some time to complete. I only have one in my hand, but I have come up with a hidden weapon that is less powerful but extremely concealable."

"It's this insinuation. You only need to trigger the switch to send out 36 steel needles in front of you. Although the penetrating power is only one-third of Zhuge Liannu's, it can easily break through the Soul Lord's soul protection if you are caught off guard."

"One box can be used three times, and it also comes with a paralyzing poisonous mist. The most important thing is that it contains the Man-Faced Spider Toxin, which will poison you if you are injured."

"As long as everyone has a box of innuendo, as long as they hurt two or three of the opponent, the Man-Faced Demon Spider's terrifying toxin will kill them directly."

Flanders took the small box and exclaimed: "Tang San, your wisdom is really in line with your teacher. I don't know how you came up with such an exquisite thing and made it. This is better than the silent sleeve arrows you showed everyone before. Much more powerful.”

"The cost of Silent Sleeve Arrows is relatively low. I can afford to give them to everyone as gifts, but this insinuation is expensive. I also spent all my savings to make this batch." Tang San hinted with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Hey, how can such a good thing be at cost price? Others can pay whatever they have to pay. Don't worry, your companions are not short of money." Flanders said while skillfully using the insinuations in his hands. Pocket it.

"Mistress, how much does this thing cost? You know me, I don't have much money in my hand." Oscar on the side said pitifully to Tang San.

Looking at Oscar's peach blossom eyes, which were even more charming than those of girls, Tang San couldn't help but shudder, "It's okay, third brother, you just need to pay for the materials. You and I don't need to spend this money." "It's just that I'm going to prepare it later. Making more hidden weapons requires the support of a lot of gold soul coins, and I hope everyone can understand."

"More hidden weapons?!" Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up. She didn't care about the price, as long as the hidden weapons were easy to use. She had already tried the Silent Sleeve Arrow, which was very convenient, and she was almost shocked by Tang San's Zhuge Liannu. jaw.

If the auxiliary system could carry more hidden weapons with them, those below level 40 would have excellent self-protection capabilities even without the protection of a spirit master. Tang San's ability was not only needed by her, but also by the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Sect.

If it weren't for the inconvenience that the competition was about to begin, she would definitely talk to Tang San about how many kinds of hidden weapons he had. If she could be used by the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I believe her father Ning Fengzhi would also be impressed by her.

When the rest of the Shrek Seven Devils returned, Flanders arranged for Oscar to treat Dai Mubai's injuries as soon as possible, and at the same time asked Tang San to distribute the insinuations to everyone.

At the same time, Tang San also carefully asked the other six people to remove the silent sleeve arrows, and he also applied the poison of the Man-Faced Demon Spider on the sharp edges.

Yu Tianheng was a little disgusted with this sneak attack method, but seeing that his uncle Yu Xiaogang had no objection at the side, he couldn't say anything.

Ning Rongrong carefully observed the insinuations on her hands with great interest. They were perfectly matched and the craftsmanship was excellent. She really couldn't imagine that this was actually made by a person of her own age.

Xiao Wu on the side was silent. Since the last time they came back from the Star Dou Forest, Xiao Wu has become much quieter and no longer has a venomous tongue towards Tang San.

And Ma Hongjun was very interested in the insidious thing in Tang San's hand. If he had had this thing in the past, he would not have been unhappy about beating him into a pig's head, but would have been unhappy about lying on the ground, so he gave Tang San a mouthful of four... Brother shouted very diligently.

Oscar handed Dai Mubai his big sausage, then sniffed and asked with some confusion: "Dai Lao (Second), no, Second Brother, do you smell a filthy smell?" "

Dai Mubai's face turned red. He just changed into a pair of pants in a hurry. It was inevitable that he didn't clean it up. "If you care about these useless things all day long and you don't hurry up to make sausages and prepare for the team battle, the opponent will be very ruthless. "

As he spoke, he touched the wounds on his back and shoulders with lingering fear. Fortunately, in the White Tiger King Kong Transformation state, he had rough skin and thick flesh. Finally, Dai Mubai's face turned green when he looked between his legs, which was the second transformation. It cannot make up for the key weaknesses.

The opponent's last shot really scared the living thing out of him. He didn't even have cat gall, let alone tiger gall. When he saw Amber Qing, he subconsciously felt chills running down his spine and his legs became weak. It's like seeing a cat and a mouse.

Fortunately, Dai Mubai looked at Yu Tianheng's calm face and breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he was not the captain, the team battle did not require him to fight against Hu Boqing, the captain of the Eastern Spider Beasts. This was also the first time that he felt that Dai Lao's second position seemed Not bad.


Seeing the expressions of the Shrek Seven Devils, Miga gently patted Amber Qing's shoulder, "The other party's mood is wrong. He must be hiding some trump card. Be careful and go ahead."

Hu Boqing turned around and looked at each other with his teammates. Seeing the confidence in each other's eyes, they gave each other high-fives and smiled. Although they were young freshmen who had just come out of the ivory tower, they had enough confidence in the soul fighting competition.

Seeing the seven people walking into the team battle lounge of the Great Spirit Arena to wait, Miga patted Li Dabao from the food department next to him on the shoulder and said, "Bring me a rice bag."

In the teaching of East Spider Soul Master Academy, the food department is not included in the battle sequence of the soul fighting competition at all. Because of the huge power of Wuhun Palace, it can be more detailed.

For example, pure agility types who pursue speed serve as scouts, which is of no use to the soul fighting competition in the ring.

In the same way, the food system's auxiliary combat capabilities are relatively weak compared to the auxiliary system. Take Oscar, who is born with full soul power, as an example. His first three soul skills are recovery, detoxification and short-term rapid flight. For those in frontal combat, The increase is almost 0.
Ning Rongrong, the pearl of the auxiliary system, is just the opposite. The 40% increase in strength, speed and soul power is a real value, and there is no comparison between the two.

But this does not mean that the food system is incompetent, but that the advantage of the food system itself is not in enhancing the combat capabilities of companions, but in the other two aspects.

First, the food system can supply more people. The soul food produced by the food system soul master consumes less energy than the direct amplifying soul skills of the auxiliary system, and can be stored for a short period of time.

Second, the food system is not very good at improving the frontal combat ability of companions, but it can greatly improve the companion's ability to adapt to the environment. When exploring unfamiliar and dangerous areas, a good food system soul master is undoubtedly a great help.

Whether it is the soul fighting competition in the Great Soul Fighting Arena or the continent-wide young soul master elite competition, they are essentially group competitions, which are about actual strength competition, and are actually very unfriendly to food-type soul masters.

On the contrary, in a strange environment like the Star Dou Forest, the soul master team really needs a food system like Oscar as a safe logistics. There is no need to worry about food consumption, and there is no need to worry about unknown common toxins. In critical moments, it can also help you Put on your wings and run away.

(End of this chapter)

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