Chapter 227 Battle

The position of the Shrek Seven Monsters is the standard position arranged by Yu Xiaogang, with captain Yu Tianheng at the front and Dai Mubai behind him to the left.

Tang San was in the middle, with Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu in front of him, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong behind everyone.

In comparison, the formation of the Eastern Spider Beasts opposite them was a bit strange, with the whole formation forming a triangle.

Amber Qing, who is wearing a cat-pattern mask, is on the left in the front, while the three Lang brothers, who are wearing a wolf-pattern mask, are on the right in the front, and Ramyu, who is wearing a dragon-shaped mask, occupies the last corner of the team.

Wang Shoushi wearing a bear pattern mask and Bei Jiushui wearing a spider pattern mask are in the middle of the triangle.

As the game started, Yu Tianheng's martial soul possessed him and he looked up to the sky and roared first to take action. The generation of Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus and Wuhundian Bibi Dong had a deep hatred.

There is no doubt that he hates and looks forward to the team from the East Spider Academy the most. If he can defeat the team from the East Spider Beasts and the news spreads back to Tianlei Mountain, I believe that not only the elders will be happy for him, but also his uncle Yu Xiaogang. Will benefit from this.

He was already very annoyed when he failed to rank up with the opponent's members in the single and double battles. He didn't expect Dai Mubai, a guy who didn't like him, to be ranked so badly and still lose so miserably. This made him even more angry.

Therefore, at the first moment of the game, he chose to directly use the secret skill of Dragon Transformation. The sleeve of his right arm exploded into ashes. The entire right arm expanded in a circle and was quickly covered by blue-purple scales.

Then, surrounded by thunder and lightning, Yu Tianheng took the lead, sighting the opponent's captain and charging forward. His current soul power can only transform into a dragon, but the strength of his dragon-shaped right arm is even lower than that of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation. Dai Mubai is even taller.

At the same time, the yellow second soul ring on the sole of his foot lit up directly, and turbulent lightning spurted out from his body, turning into dozens of arrows and shooting towards everyone on the other side.

As a control type, Tang San immediately released the blue silver grass to control the field. On Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai, he used his second soul skill in advance to parasitize the grass seeds before they came on stage.

Although strictly speaking this is a violation, in the eyes of the people at Shrek Academy, if the violation is not caught, it means there is no violation.

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu met up with Dai Mubai under Tang San's command, because the reaction of the East Spider Beasts was also not slow.

Almost at the same time as Yu Tianheng, it was not Amber Qing who was opposite him, but the ram fish at the back. Huge wings stretched out from her back, and a rainbow rose from the back of the Eastern Spider Beasts team.

The flowing feathers on the wings of the ram fish are particularly gorgeous, changing from the red on the back to the purple on the feather tips like seven colors of the rainbow, and her flowing short hair also changes into colors.

Although her martial spirit is a rainbow dragon, she looks more like a rainbow bird, but her exposed skin has silver-white scales flashing, and her legs are a bit thicker.

The Rainbow Dragon, also known as the Magic Dragon, is the dragon type that is best at assisting spells in the entire dragon clan. Compared to the Rainbow Dragon in the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, its assistive abilities are not inferior at all, but it also has the ability to fly extremely fast and the physical fitness of the beast spirit. .

As the ram fish ascended into the air, the two hundred-year-old yellow soul rings on the soles of her feet lit up at the same time. She flapped her wings and two rings of light, one red and one orange, rippled and spread from her body, accurately covering all her teammates.

Two rings of halo appeared above the heads of everyone in the East Spider Hundred Beasts at the same time. The first thing to do in the spirit fighting competition was to add boosts. Of course, considering the consumption issue, not all the boosts would be added.

Immediately afterwards, Bei Jiushui unfolded his arms, and pale white translucent spider threads spurted out from his back like a goddess scattering flowers, hanging up out of thin air in the void to interweave spider webs.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda shone brightly, and released the amplifying light of the first two soul skills towards her teammates one by one. She couldn't master distraction control, so she could only amplify each one one by one.

Seeing this scene, Tang San's pupils shrank. If the opponent really succeeds in forming a net, Oscar's flying mushroom sausage will be unable to take off and will be directly disabled. And the opponent's support is tied to the sky, so he can rest easy.


Hearing Tang San's cry, Ma Hongjun took out a yellow-skinned gourd from his waist, unscrewed the lid and poured the high-concentration burning knife into his mouth, and then activated the two spirit rings at the same time.

With the blessing of the second soul skill Phoenix in Fire and high-quality liquor, the phoenix fire line spewed out of Ma Hongjun's mouth was extremely turbulent. Even Bei Jiu Shui, who had used elemental immunity, could only guarantee that the backbone of the spider web would not be damaged for a while.

Feeling the power rushing out of his body and the lightness of his hands and feet, Hu Huiqing, who was possessed by the martial spirit, drew out the bright silver spear with dragon patterns and stepped towards Yu Tianheng. The strength in his hand was strong, and the silver spear turned into little silver flowers in the air. Intercept the lightning arrows coming from her direction.

Blue-purple thunder and lightning exploded and rolled on the cold front of the spear tip, but the alloy spear was also covered with white Shaoyang Tiangang Qi. Although there were ripples, no lightning was transmitted into it.

Then Amber Qing's eyes flashed coldly, and the light on the two yellow soul rings suddenly lit up. More terrifying power surged out of her body, but her movements became lighter.The silver-white spear waved out ten unclear phantoms, aimed at the vital points of Yu Tianheng's body opposite him, and shot out like a cold python.

Spear skills, ten snake bites!

Amber Qing has always been strict with herself and has never slacked off in her own training. Her physical fitness is naturally very good, and her martial soul has increased much more than that of ordinary beasts.

Moreover, she also has a double speed increase for herself and the ram fish, plus a double power increase, and the power promotes speed.

This bright silver spear with dragon patterns pierced the air and made a sharp sound like the hiss of a python. In Yu Tianheng's eyes, the speed of the spear was even faster than a real python probe.

Yu Tianheng was unable to dodge and had no ability to dodge the ten gun shadows of Paul Yu Tianheng. Moreover, with the power and speed that Amber Qing was exploding at this moment, Yu Tianheng would be easily overtaken even if he retreated.

The same is true for heaven, unless Yu Tianheng can teleport soul skills, escape from the ground, or virtualize soul skills.

You can't dodge, you can only hit hard!
However, looking at Yu Tianheng's appearance, he had no intention of dodge. Although he could feel the chill all over his body, he still had no intention of dodge.

The third soul skill, Thunder Fury!
The surging blue-purple thunder all over Yu Tianheng's body completely wrapped him up. At this moment, he directly entered a state of rage, with his attack power increased by 50.00% and his soul power increased by [-]%.

Moreover, he directly waved his dragon-shaped right arm to display his first soul skill, the Thunder Dragon Claw. The originally thick dragon claw expanded again, and with the lightning wrapped on it, it was almost as tall as a person!
With one claw down, Yu Tianheng's eyes were filled with madness that overshadowed his rationality. Regardless of the reality of the opponent's gun shadow, he directly used attack to attack and force to attack the gun!

On the other side, with three unified wolf howls, the three brothers of the Lang family burst out at a speed even more outrageous than the agility attack type and attacked Ma Hongjun, who was breathing fire.

The Splashing Wind Knife in their hands is curved and as long as a forearm. The blade is a full hand wide at the handle, and then slowly narrows. There is almost no sound of breaking the air when the long knife is swung.

Ma Hongjun, whose Phoenix fire line was only a few dozen meters at most, immediately became anxious when he saw the knives in the hands of the three people. He didn't care about restricting the other party's control system and quickly drank another drink. A purple-red fire line was like a long whip. Sweeping the same way, trying to restrict the three people from advancing.

Seeing the scorching high-temperature fire whip sweeping towards them, the three brothers did not panic at all. The leader, Lang Da, waved the long knife in his hand, driving the airflow around him to slash forward. The condensed shock wave directly cut the flames in front of him into pieces. Two halves!
Dai Mubai sensed the sharp blade on the opposite side and unconsciously slowed down. He was just a wounded man and rushed forward, not suitable for a one-on-three fight.

Xiao Wu was able to teleport in time, but her first and second soul skills were all single-target, and they were only powerful one-on-one.

Seeing that Ma Hongjun was about to be chopped down, the helpless Tang San's second soul ring flickered, and the parasitic blue silver grass pulled out its branches and met with the blue silver grass that Tang San stretched out his hand to throw out.

Then Tang San exerted force with both hands, and Ma Hongjun was forcefully pulled back by his Xuan Yu palm. He waved his hand towards the opponent, and a ball of green light was thrown directly towards the opponent, and the soul power in his body was also emptied.

This is his third soul skill, Spider Web Binding. It consumes a lot of energy but the binding is extremely strong. As long as one person can be restrained, he and Ma Hongjun can temporarily block the attacks of the remaining two people. Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu can then block them. Counter siege.

Seeing the green light turning into a large net, Lang Da remained calm, his yellow soul ring shone, green light surged around his body, his speed increased visibly, and the Splashing Wind Knife in his hand transformed into five afterimage blocks. in front of me.

The blade of the Splashing Wind Knife, which was already capable of breaking with a blow, spit out three inches of blade light. With a slight tearing sound, the green blue silver grass that looked like a spider web was cut apart.

The speed of the three Lang brothers did not slow down at all, and the blades in their hands were pointed directly at the control type Tang San and the second-level soul master.

Over the past six years, the transformed martial soul soul masters of the Gale Wolf and Wind Demon Wolf lineage have already summarized the best tactical strategy. They work in groups of three, come and go like the wind, and only move towards the weakest soul master and soul master in the opponent's team. The rear auxiliary system control system starts.

Don't be afraid of going deep behind enemy lines, and don't be afraid of being isolated and helpless. As long as they are fast enough, their opponents will only have a few weak chickens in front of them. Not only are they easy to deal with, but the weak chickens have no ability to entangle their footsteps.

The enemy's teammates can only fight behind them. If the opponent mobilizes more troops to surround them, then naturally the original formation will be completely disrupted, and your teammates can smoothly advance forward.

Oscar's three kinds of soul power food were distributed to his teammates as soon as possible. At this moment, he was eating his own big sausage to speed up his recovery, and at the same time handed it to Ning Rongrong beside him to restore her soul power.

But even if Ning Rongrong gave priority to Ma Hongjun and Tang San by releasing the third soul skill, the soul power increase, the two of them were at a disadvantage visible to the naked eye. Yu Tianheng on the other side seemed to have suffered a loss in the confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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