Chapter 228 Sneak Attack
The combat ideas of the Eastern Spider Beast are very clear. The auxiliary Ram Fish has fast flight and combat capabilities, so there is no need to worry about her.

The three Lang brothers came and went like the wind and cooperated tacitly. Their speed and burst were outstanding. They did not need to care about the status of other members of their team. All they had to do was to find the opponent's weaknesses and attack crazily.

Amber Qing's role as squad leader means that her personal strength is the most outstanding in the entire team, and she can perform better alone.

As the control type, Bei Jiushui is the one who observes the whole scene and checks for leaks. As for Wang Shoushi, the violent golden bear martial spirit is somewhat similar to Zhao Wuji's powerful golden bear martial spirit. They are both good at defense and strength. They are commonly known as rough-skinned and thick-bodied rams. goods.

He had two options, one was to rush to the front row, and the other was to serve as protection and reserve team beside Bei Jiushui. These two options depended on the choice of his third soul skill.

Currently, one must choose soul skills that can compete with enemy soul masters in close combat, otherwise they will be too clumsy and easily kited.

When protecting, you need to learn taunting soul skills, otherwise you will be easily bypassed by the agility attack system if you are too stupid.

Yutian's constant soul power reaches level 39, and Ning Rongrong's strength speed is increased by 40%. It is also a blue electric Tyrannosaurus dragon martial soul. There is also a third soul skill that enters the berserk state, and finally uses the dragon's right arm to push the soul skill. Thunder Dragon Claw.

This power has completely reached the soul sect level, and it is not only the terrifying power on his dragon claws, but also the blue and white thunder lingering on the dragon claws, like an enlarged version of the thunder dragon claws.

In fact, Yu Tianheng's Thunder Dragon Claw can indeed be released at a short distance, but its power is far less than the strongest blow of his physical body superimposed with thunder.

If Dai Mubai, who is also a beast spirit attack spirit master, were on the opposite side, he would definitely be defeated and turned into a burnt electric grilled cat.

Thunder originates from the power of Heaven and is definitely the most explosive and damaging energy attack.

But even when he saw the thunder and lightning intertwining around Yu Tianheng, Amber Qing still felt calm and his face was calm. However, the gun move in his hand changed. Ten white snakes gathered towards the center, and the illusory gun shadows converged into a particularly eye-catching substance.

The killer move, white dragon.

Looking at Amber Qing who was not retreating at all, Yu Tianheng's eyes were full of excitement. He no longer retained the power in his body, and tried his best to release the soul power into thunder.

Even if the two of them resisted the conflict in terms of strength, how could she stop Thunder's damage?

Energy attack?Hu Boqing naturally knew the troubles. She had encountered many similar opponents in the academy. Of course, Yu Tianheng's Thunder was considered the top level she had ever encountered. It was indeed troublesome in the past, but it was a pity that she had become Soul Master.

The purple soul ring behind Amber Qing lit up with purple light, the third soul skill, body-protecting energy.

The rich white light enveloped Amber Qing's skin, clothes and even the spear in her hand, and then the bright silver spear with dragon patterns in her hand hit Yu Tianheng's ferocious thunder dragon claw like a dragon out of the sea.

Blue-white thunder exploded in all directions, causing mottled cracks on the thick stone slabs on the arena. The air was filled with the heat of thunder, but all the lightning flew as fast as snow when it touched Amber Qing's body-protecting energy. Dissolve.

The pretty face under the amber clear cat-patterned white mask is slightly pale, and a light red mark appears on the tiger's mouth of the hands holding the spear.

The terrifying backlash caused by the unreserved collision between the two made her body, which had been tempered for many years, feel a little too much for a while, and the soul power consumed to eliminate the damage from Yu Tianheng's thunder was real.

The body-protecting Qi can reduce 30% of physical damage and dissolve nearly 100% of energy attacks, but it is not without cost. Amber Qing needs to pay his own soul power in exchange for equal value.

Of course, if the opponent's soul power quality is lower than Amber Qing's, then Amber Qing's soul power consumption will naturally be relatively less, and vice versa. If the upper limit is exceeded, the body-protecting Qi will not be able to support it.

But looking at Yu Tianheng opposite, the lips under the amber clear mask outlined a nice curve.

"How is that possible?" Yu Tianheng stared at his dragon-shaped right arm. In the middle of the dragon claw wrapped in thick dragon scales, a shining silver gun engraved with dragon patterns was stabbed there accurately.

Crushing scales, tearing skin and flesh, and even breaking bones, the 20-centimeter spear head completely penetrated, and the condensed strength really followed the spear head from his hand along the entire length like a dragon. His right arm was overturned all the way,

Yu Tianheng could even feel the pain in his shoulder blades, and his entire right arm was so painful that he couldn't feel it.

Even if Yu Tianheng's right hand had not expanded more than twice after transforming into a dragon, and completely transformed into a dragon claw with greatly increased strength, his hand would probably have been torn apart the moment the Amber Qing spear tip was inserted into it.

"End it." After regaining her breath, Amber Qing took out the bright silver gun with dragon patterns in her hand and swept Yu Tianheng directly to the ground with a sweep. Facing the bright lights of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, the silver gun in her hand No drop of blood sticks to it, and the silver light shines brightly.

As for Yu Tianheng, who was knocked to the ground, bright red wet marks slowly seeped out from the gaps in the scales on his entire right arm. The helpless Yu Tianheng could only reluctantly close his eyes slowly.

He believed that his soul power was in no way inferior to that of his opponent, but the quality of the bright silver gun with dragon patterns was beyond his expectation. He felt that even weapons of the same level had strong souls that could not match that gun.

Moreover, Hu Boqing's shooting skills that could gather all the strength in one place were beyond his imagination.

The overlap of the two was the direct reason for his tragic defeat.As for Amber Qing, she only consumed part of her energy and soul power, and did not cause much damage. Moreover, due to the advantages of her own martial arts and meditation methods, she recovered her energy and energy very quickly.


Tang San in the distance looked gloomy. The parasitic grass seeds he had planted on Yu Tianheng had been reduced to ashes under the full-scale firepower of the opponent's thunderous fury.

The confrontation between the two was a foregone conclusion, Yu Tianheng's aura plummeted, and Hu Boqing's last wave of his hand was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Moreover, in front of him and Ma Hongjun, the three brothers of the Lang family carrying a 33-pound wind-splitting knife were already close at hand, and they were the only way to save the situation. . .

"Fat man, Xiao Wu, and second brother, let's do it together!" Tang San gritted his teeth and shouted, if they could deceive the opponent's three main forces, they would still have a 5-on-4 advantage even if they threw away the incompetent back row.

The four of them took out the same small iron box at the same time and pulled the trigger on the three Lang brothers.

Chichichichichichichi——, a series of low whistles accompanied by a puff of light yellow mist drifted out, and 72 steel needles coated with purple-black poison were shot towards the front of the three Lang brothers.

More than ten meters behind them, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu also made the same move and shot out steel needles.

Wolves are very alert animals, and the three Lang brothers are among the few who have passed the tight-backed crossbow test. In the end, Miga specifically reminded them before participating in the competition, so the three Lang brothers did not take it lightly even if they had the chance to win. the meaning of.

Especially the boss Lang Da, he knew very well that the three of them went deep behind enemy lines and seemed to come and go with ease, but in fact they were walking on a tightrope on a cliff, and they couldn't be careless in the slightest.

So when he saw Tang San and others taking out unknown objects, the nerves in his hands tensed up. The moment he heard the sound, his pupils tightened subconsciously and shouted: "The second brother and I are in charge of the front, the third brother is in charge." Back.”

Before the voice could finish, Lang Da and Lang Er used the wind-splitting knife technique they had practiced so hard against the dense cold light in front of them. The knife in Lang Da's hand turned into six phantoms in the air, accompanied by cyan air currents. Sweep forward.

Lang Er's sword skills were inferior, and there was one less shadow of the sword. Lang San, who turned his head in time, saw that the distance between the two of them was not close in the distance, so he did not foolishly choose to resist with his sword.

Instead, after the two brothers blocked the hidden weapon from the front, they directly grabbed their shoulders to dodge. The two of them also moved sideways along with each other's strength. The green air flow around them lifted them up, making them as light as a swallow.

Lang San, who was about to land, was still frightened, "Asshole, I really wish Senior Sister was right, bastards like Shrek actually use dirty tricks."

Lang Da was very calm. Seeing that Lang San was fine, he looked directly at Lang Er, "Lao Er, are you okay?"

"Hey, I'm no longer good at learning." Lang Er raised the back of his left hand and shook his head. The three steel needles had already penetrated into the skin. Although they were not in critical areas, they were swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then Lang quickly took out a packet of powder from the storage bracelet and sprinkled it on the wound. Then he took out a pill and swallowed it together with the wax paper, then spit out the wax paper.

It's a pity that his two-pronged approach only stopped the black swelling from spreading, and showed no signs of getting better or dissipating.

"Damn, what kind of poison is this?" Lang Da was very surprised. The poison looked simply terrifying.

Bang, Miga's pupils shrank slightly and she slapped the handle next to it and it fell apart. In the panic of the people around her, she jumped over the fence in front of her and walked to the soul fighting stage. "If you are poisoned, give up immediately."

"It's okay. At worst, I'll go and be trained first. Boss, Lao San, you and the others just need to be careful." Lang Er had no intention of holding on.

First, the daily teachings of the East Spider Soul Master Academy are to teach Mingzhe how to protect oneself, without talking about honors and contributions, and to practice one's own nature. Neither Guang nor Bibi Dong intends to hide this.

Second, the opponent's captain has stepped down, and his absence will not affect the team's win or loss.

"I'm afraid I have to go down with you for training." Lang Da also raised his sleeves with a wry smile. He also received a shot on his left arm. He also neatly applied powder on it and took the general detoxification pill.

Miga's behavior of jumping down from the auditorium and almost walking to the soul fighting stage was naturally against the rules, but Director Ao, who was watching from a distance, was watching his nose, his nose, his mouth, and his mouth, so he pretended not to have seen it.

He just waved his hand and signaled the referee next to the soul fighting stage to pull down the unconscious Yu Tianheng and give it to Shrek's people for first aid.

Seeing the other two sent away, Tang San heaved a sigh of relief. The opponent's captain was able to eliminate Captain Yu Tianheng beyond his expectation.

However, looking at the situation just now, the opponent's captain Amber Qing must have spent a lot of money. The 6 of them had a clear advantage against the opponent's 5.

You know, his Eight Spider Spear trump card has not been used yet!

(End of this chapter)

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