Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 229 Do you know the consequences of not practicing martial ethics?

Chapter 229 Do you know the consequences of not practicing martial ethics?

Hu Boqing looked at the end of the two brothers Lang and Dalang, their faces as cold as frost.

The two of them were optimistic and raised their fists towards the others, "Come on, educate us both on these shady Shrek guys."

However, when they saw Miga under the ring, the two of them subconsciously shrank their necks and said, "Senior."

Seeing Mika in the audience carrying the two of them up the wall and returning to the auditorium, Amber Qing turned her head again and stared closely at the remaining six Shrek people, subconsciously clenching the spear in her hand.

She was more or less holding back just now, otherwise the direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would be half dead.

But the remaining people in Shrek didn't know the martial ethics and used such a sneaky hidden weapon to attack. The most important thing was the poison on it. She could see clearly that if it wasn't suppressed by the antidote pill, the poison would be fatal.

Which ordinary soul master would carry detoxification pills and disinfectant powder with him?That is to say, my own academy is very careful and brings them all the messy gadgets and storage bracelets, and also specially provides a week-long course to teach them how to use them skillfully.

"Gongyangyu, give me the full power boost, Bei Jiushui, Wang Shoushi, Lang San, the three of you will sweep the formation for me." Hu Boqing raised his spear and leaned it on his shoulder and walked towards Shrek's remaining six monsters.

Hu Boqing is extremely well developed. After being possessed by Wuhun, she is close to 1.9 meters tall. Her shoulders are broad and her whole body is filled with an indescribable cold energy.

Her voice, empowered by her soul power, resounded throughout the entire Soul Fighting Stage, "Do you know what will happen if you don't practice martial ethics?"

Feeling the oncoming momentum, Dai Mubai unconsciously felt his knees and legs weakening and stepped back, then turned to look at Tang San.

Tang San was helpless when he saw the fear on Dai Mubai's face. It wasn't long before Dai Mubai was taught a lesson by Hu Boqing. It was the time when the psychological shadow was the greatest. At this time, it was really not easy for him to face his fear and be on the front line. Reliable.

But when Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and the fat man Ma Hongjun, he shook his head secretly. The two of them, one with agility and attack and a great spirit master, couldn't stand up to each other. We couldn't let him with the control system face the pressure.

Helpless, he could only walk to Dai Mubai's side and say a few words. Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment after hearing Tang San's words, then looked at the auditorium, then at Tang San and Ma Hongjun, and finally chose to grit his teeth. Stand at the front.

At the same time, he called Ning Rongrong and Oscar to follow him, and asked Oscar to distribute the large recovery sausages to everyone. He also quietly asked Oscar to make three flying mushroom sausages for Xiao Wu.

Now that the opponent was fierce and Dai Mubai was in poor condition, Tang San saw that he seemed to be 6 on 5, but excluding the incompetent Oscar, it was still 5 on 5, with little chance of winning.

For this reason, Tang San could only choose to use strange moves, and looking at the opponent's ghostly Chong Chong look, the coldness in Amber Qing's eyes became even stronger, and he took the lead to charge towards Tang San and others.

Dai Mubai directly launched the White Tiger Vajra Transformation and intercepted Hu Boqing head-on. However, Hu Boqing's speed became faster and faster, while Dai Mubai's speed became slower and slower.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ma Hongjun poured all the remaining liquor in the yellow gourd into his mouth, and then sprayed out the scorching hot Phoenix Fire Line again in an attempt to interrupt the opponent's charging momentum, so that Dai Mubai could perform normally with less pressure.

Tang San also followed closely behind Dai Mubai, but Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Flame attacked first, and his Blue Silver Grass was just flying around.

As for Xiao Wu, she was also running very fast on Dai Mubai's left wing. Seeing that she was a speed player, Lang San, who was behind Hu Boqing, chose to catch up, while Wang Shoushi, who was slower, was still behind.

However, all the members of the Eastern Spider Beasts did not pay much attention to the captain Hu Boqing who rushed to the front.

"Hmph!" Looking at the oncoming purple-red line of fire, Amber Qing's face was indifferent and only Dai Mubai was in his eyes. He activated one or two soul skills at the same time to become even faster, and charged back the silver gun in his hand.

But the strange thing is that she is still some distance away from Dai Mubai, the gun seems to be pressed back a little early, and there is no white body-protecting energy emerging from her body.

It seemed that she planned to use her first move to break through Fatty's enhanced version of the Phoenix Fire Line. Seeing this, she used the Purple Demon Eyes to observe Tang San carefully and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Ma Hongjun is just a great soul master. Even with the blessings of strong wine and Ning Rongrong, he is only comparable to ordinary soul masters. It is difficult to encounter the members of the Eastern Spider Beasts 1V1.

If his Phoenix Fire Line could interrupt the opponent's momentum, Dai Mubai would be very confident to withstand the opponent's first wave of attack, and cooperate with Tang San's control to prevent her from dodging.

Tang San had a sneer on his face, he couldn't believe that none of the three people's insinuations would hit 216 poisonous needles in two rounds.

As for why there were three people, Xiao Wu also looked irritated when she saw Lang San coming with the Splashing Wind Knife. Her jujitsu would be at a disadvantage when she encountered an opponent holding a sharp weapon, unless she gathered the fourth soul ring to unlock the invincible gold. Only body and soul skills can make up for this shortcoming.

But when she saw Lang San right in front of her, Xiao Wu suddenly made a face, and then directly stuffed the flying mushroom intestines into her mouth. With the translucent wings gathering behind her, Xiao Wu ascended directly into the sky and rushed towards the ram fish.

With her teleportation, charm, and bowing single-target explosive combination skills, the opponent's mere auxiliary system, even the beast spirit, would be eliminated directly.

This is Tang San's plan. First, the three of them will resist the pressure head-on, and then Xiao Wu will deal with the opponent's support. In this way, with Ning Rongrong's sole support, their paper strength will be better than the other's, and only in this way can they win. Chance.

Seeing Xiao Wu ascending directly into the sky at extremely fast speed, Lang San raised his head and was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously grasped the wind-splitting knife and prepared to hit her hard.But something occurred to him and he gave up the idea again. Not only did he not choose to back up, but he aimed at the opponent's two back rows and accelerated the charge.

"The speed is so fast. Is it the opponent's food-type soul skill? It can actually make teammates fly at such a terrifying speed. The opponent's talent should not be underestimated."

The male fish was a little surprised when he saw Xiao Wu flying towards her so fast. This speed was [-]% faster than her fastest flying speed. Even if he added speed increase to himself, he would still be a bit slower.

But judging from the other party's soul power level, his soul skills cannot be unlimited, either due to side effects or duration.

If he encountered him alone, he would have to turn around and run away. However, the male fish turned his attention to Wang Shoushi who stopped below. Why do you think Wang Shoushi, whose combat power is second only to the captain, is still firmly in the midfield? ?

"Get down here!" Looking up at Xiao Wu who was about to pass over his head, Wang Shoushi, who was as strong as an iron tower after being possessed by the martial spirit, patted his golden chest and shouted.

Then the purple thousand-year soul ring on the sole of his foot lit up directly, and a golden chain that was half virtual and half solid shot out from his chest and directly hit Xiao Wu in the sky.

The third soul skill is an unparalleled challenge.

Send out an incorporeal chain to challenge the target. If the distance between the two exceeds five meters, it can only be shortened but not lengthened, and both parties will be subject to a continuous pulling force equivalent to one-third of Wang Shoushi's current strength.

During this period, all the amplification effects received by Wang Shoushi will be increased by 15%, including the improvement of his own soul skills and the improvement of his soul skills.

Moreover, the unparalleled challenge can link multiple opponents, and the increase effect can be superimposed, up to 60%.

As everyone knows, power is mutual. Wang Shoushi cannot fly upward, so the pulling force he receives will also be borne by Xiao Wu.

If Xiao Wu in the sky wants to continue flying upward, he will have to be affected by Wang Shoushi's own gravity plus two-thirds of his current strength.

Although Oscar's flying mushroom sausage allows the eater to fly at the flight speed of a cockscomb snake, it also has clear requirements for load-bearing.

Otherwise, when the Shrek Seven Monsters fought against the Mad Sentai yesterday, only one person would have eaten the mushroom sausage and the others would have caught that person.

After suddenly bearing such a straight downward pulling force, the translucent wings on Xiao Wu's back exploded directly. Then, with nowhere to rely on in the air, she could only fall straight down towards Wang Shoushi directly below in the posture of a meteor landing on the ground.

At this moment, Wang Shoushi, who had already expected it, slowly took out a spiked mace weighing 66 kilograms from his storage bracelet, and prepared it underneath as if he were playing baseball.

Fortunately, the top tip is round and not sharpened. The stick will not be damaged by the blow, but it will inevitably fly out of the ring and lie in bed for three to five months.

But Tang San in the distance had no extra energy to care about Xiao Wu's danger. His eyes were wide with purple meaning at the moment, with disbelief on his face.

A silver light flashed across Amber Qing's body, who was about to be enveloped by the phoenix's line of fire. He suddenly appeared in front of Dai Mubai across the distance of five to six meters and stabbed out with a spear, as if a light and shadow passed by.

This was the shadow of a spear. Hu Boqing looked at Dai Mubai who had his right chest pierced in front of him, his expression unchanged. She used the flickering soul skill of her leg bones in this move.

But it's not easy. You have to maintain a good state of perfect connection before and after the flash to be able to use this trick. But as long as you learn it, you can definitely achieve success with one strike.

People who have never seen this move will never have the slightest chance to react unless they have attainments in the void or have extraordinary intuition.

"The sick cat still dares to go to the Soul Fighting Arena. Aren't you afraid of death?" Amber Qing's voice was cold, and he used his strength to swing his silver gun at the referee who was rushing to the Soul Fighting Arena. Dai Mubai, whose eyes were getting dark, was sliding in the air. After crossing the arc, bright red blood dripped.

Is that teleportation? !
Tang San, who had seen similar soul skills from Xiao Wu, reacted, but he could see clearly with his Purple Demonic Eyes just now. The three soul rings on Hu Boqing's body didn't light up, which meant that the opponent had soul bones!
The East Spider Soul Master Academy is a direct lineage school founded by Pope Bibi Dong, and having a soul bone does not seem to be a difficult thing to understand.

After reacting, Tang San gritted his teeth, damn, why couldn't he go to the East Spider Spirit Master Academy back then?Just because he is an alien in the Blue Silver Grass and has innate soul power, it doesn't work? ? ?

If he were a normal Wasted Martial Spirit Lan Yin Cao without innate soul power, he would probably be eligible to enter the school. At this time, with all eight extraordinary meridians, he would definitely have a much higher soul power level than his current one, and he would also have a chance to obtain soul bones.

The most important thing is that he will not have the problem of twitching hands and the pain of becoming a eunuch.

He can also have everything that Amber Qing has now. . .Tang San, who was thinking wildly, didn't feel his chest was depressed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

At the same time, Xiao Wu in the distance flew into the sky again. Although she used the teleportation soul skill to avoid Wang Shoushi's charged attack, the chains of Wushuang's challenge were not removed. Even if she could avoid the first grade of junior high school, she could not avoid the fifteenth grade .

Hu Boqing turned to look at Ma Hongjun and Tang San in front of her. Lang San had already rushed to Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

(End of this chapter)

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