Chapter 230

In the audience, Miga pulled out the steel needles from Lang Da and Lang Er and wrapped them with black and white soul power. He did not hesitate to see the toxins on them. Even the purple and black on them were eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"As expected, it's the poison from the Man-Faced Demon Spider. You two are lucky." Miga nodded. Although her soul power was overbearing, it was not good at healing others, but since it was spider poison, it was easy to deal with.

As she said that, she took out a purple-gray breast shield from her arms, and then put it on the wounds of the two of them. In an instant, the black air on it disappeared, and the redness and swelling also quickly subsided.

As for the scene on stage, Miga was not surprised. Amber Qing and Ming Jin had already entered the room. Even if An Jin was still in the entry-level stage, there was no problem at all in dealing with Shrek.

Before taking the stage, she also made it very clear that as long as she couldn't be beaten to death, she would fight to death. After all, in the big spirit fighting arena, the basic face had to be given to the other party.

One thing Miga sees very clearly is that the seniors are seniors and the dean is the dean. The teachers in the school are not equal to the school, let alone the people she is close to. The same is true for the people in Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, Qin Ming's betrayal did not cause too many waves in her heart. If she hadn't been worried about the little guy under her, she would have wanted him to look good that day.

But now, she had to wait a little. When these little guys finished their internship in the Great Soul Fighting Arena in a month, she would let the four Soul Saints who came to support take them to the next stop first, while she stayed for a day with Shrek. Do the math.

On the ring, Tang San looked extremely gloomy as he watched Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu being eliminated. Now he and Ma Hongjun were the only fighting spirit masters left. Behind him, Oscar and Ning Rongrong were about to face the opponent's fighting spirit master's surprise attack. The situation was bad. It can't get any worse.

However, he didn't shout to admit defeat yet, but wanted to make a last ditch effort. If it still didn't work, there was no harm in admitting defeat.

"Fat man, let's go together!" Tang San looked ruthless and tried his best to inject soul power into the first soul ring. The dense blue silver grass rose from the side of Hu Boqing and collided with the spider silk falling from the sky.

However, what he blocked was the three directions to the left, right and back of Hu Boqing. The front was open. In this case, he used hidden weapons to cover the area with fire. As long as the opponent was poisoned by the Man-Faced Demon Spider, they would still have a chance.

Hearing Tang San's cry, Ma Hongjun tremblingly took out the small iron box and pulled the trigger twice in succession towards Amber Qing not far away, firing out all 72 poisonous needles.

And Tang San not only had steel needles with innuendos, but his hands were flying rapidly to create layers of phantoms. Yu Xiaogang gave him the nickname Thousand-Hand Silver Grass because his hand speed was very fast, and when he threw the hidden weapon with all his strength, To others, it looks like there are many hands.

Although Dai Mubai had originally planned to reduce his number, Tang San used all his strength to fill his vacancies with bone-penetrating needles.

I just don't know why, but Tang San's seemingly harmonious movements are always a little awkward, and there are even a dozen bone-penetrating needles and insinuating poison needles colliding together to make discordant noises.

Seeing this, Tang San, who had always pursued perfection, looked at his hands angrily. Isn't there a solution to these damn twitching hands?
"Damn it." Behind Hu Boqing, Bei Jiushui felt a little aggrieved. He was restricted by Ma Hongjun at the beginning and was unable to roll out Skynet immediately.

The captain and others behind them were very aggressive and dealt with the opponent very quickly and fiercely. His Skynet still couldn't keep up, but now it could finally be used. As a result, the game was almost over.

That's right, he wasn't worried about Hu Boqing's comfort, but he was helpless that he might have ranked first in the team's rating in this game. After all, even Wang Shoushi had a solo kill, so he could only assist at the end of the team battle.

While Bei Jiushui controlled the spider silk to suppress Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, he also controlled other spider silk to twine towards Ma Hongjun and Tang San himself.

"Spider Spirit Master." Tang San looked at the incoming spider silk and smiled contemptuously. Having already reaped the benefits yesterday, he immediately repeated his same trick. The breath of the Man-Faced Demon Spider from the Eight Spider Spears on the back of his spine surged out, intending to kill the opponent again. The spider silk absorbed just enough to restore the soul power.

But this time, Bei Jiushui's spider silk showed no signs of weakening after touching the breath of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and still wrapped around it fiercely.

Tang San, who was caught off guard and could not react, was still tangled in a spider thread even though he used Ghost Shadow Tracing Step. Ma Hongjun, who was subconsciously hiding behind Tang San, was even more tightly tied up.

Amber Qing, who was facing the needle rain, did not panic. The white body-protecting energy covered her whole body like elegant light armor. The silver gun in her hand was flying, and the gun shadow formed a barrier in front of her with the fierce wind. barrier.

Accompanied by a series of crisp knocking sounds, Amber Qing turned her head to avoid the last three bone-penetrating needles, and the body-protecting Qi on her body was not touched at all.

Looking at the opponent, Hu Boqing shook her head secretly. Just now, she sensed that Tang San's fierce aura seemed to be threatening to her, so she didn't take it too seriously, thinking that the other party had made a mistake.

Thought in her heart, the movements of her hands were not slow at all. She watched Bei Jiushui wrap Ma Hongjun tightly and stepped towards him.

As for Tang San, he directly used the hidden weapon on his body to cut off the spider thread and turned around and ran away. After seeing Lang San in the distance using his third soul skill, the strong wind was raging around him. Oscar and Ning Rongrong's insinuations were of no use at all. A piece of ice cold.

Oh oh oh!
Seeing the pretty figure Hu Boqing coming in front of him, Ma Hongjun, whose hands and feet were tied with spider silk, naturally wanted to surrender directly, but Bei Jiushui carefully sealed his mouth with spider silk at the first time.

The coldness in Hu Boqing's eyes was the most intense when she looked at this fat man. Her practice in physical skills had crossed the normal boundaries, so like Miga, she was subconsciously alert to other people's observational gazes.She noticed this damn fat guy from the first moment. His eyes kept lingering on the sensitive parts of her, Ram Yu, and even Sister Miga. He would even cast lewd glances at all the plump women around him.

However, no one else was as alert as Hu Boqing and Mi Jia, so they didn't notice Ma Hongjun, who put on a mask to block his crazy expression.

Even at this time, Ma Hongjun's eyes were still subconsciously focused on Hu Boqing's well-developed body curves. Possessed by a martial spirit, she seemed to be showing her adult posture in advance.

If it were other people, they wouldn't notice Ma Hongjun's hidden gaze, but unfortunately, Hu Boqing still accurately sensed the focus of this wretched fat man's gaze.

"You like to be a bitch, don't you?" Hu Boqing laughed coldly and said, and then unceremoniously pulled the silver gun from bottom to top. With the sound of eggs clicking, Ma Hongjun let out a shrill scream.

Even this is not over yet, Hu Boqing probably knows in her heart that because a person like the other party is a great soul master, he may not be limited to just looking at an ordinary girl who is not a soul master.

So she kicked Ma Hongjun without hesitation. The force was so great that even the spider webs that bound him were torn apart. The most important thing was that Hu Boqing used her strength and her position was very special.

Then she no longer cared about Ma Hongjun, who was rolling on the ground, but chased after Tang San.

On the other side, Lang San looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong with cold eyes. The three brothers had a great understanding of each other.

The Shrek Seven Devils actually used deadly poison-condensed hidden weapons to attack his eldest brother and second brother. Naturally, he would not show any mercy.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong naturally chose not to admit defeat loudly because they immediately chose to use insinuations with the intention of dying. When Lang San used the power of the third soul skill Wind Demon to disperse the poisonous needle and rushed towards them, they opened their mouths again. Some are too late.

Looking at Lang San who was attacking with a bright sword, Oscar and Ning Rongrong both turned pale. They had no actual combat ability at all, and their only training was long-distance running.

But their sprinting burst was not strong, and they looked like a joke in front of Lang San who was running against the wind.

At this critical moment, Oscar watched Ning Rongrong grit his teeth next to him, and chose to hold back his trembling and push him away, facing Lang San's blade alone.

He was betting that Lang San would not be too harsh in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. In this way, he could be regarded as a hero saving the beauty, and he should be able to get the ticket to pursue Ning Rongrong, right?

Lang San was also stunned when he saw Oscar's behavior, but he did not show mercy because he admired Oscar's dog-licking behavior. Instead, he chose to fully implement Senior Miga's words because of the injury of his eldest brother and second brother.

With a flash of cold blue light, Oscar's shrill shout echoed throughout the Great Spirit Fighting Arena, and an arm fell from the air to the rough stone slab of the arena with a splash of bright red.

But before Ning Rongrong, who was knocked to the ground by Oscar, could get up and cry out in pain because of the scratches on her body, the arm fell in front of her eyes, and the hot and moist sweetness splashed onto her white neck.

"I give up, help!!!"

The belated referee was very helpless. He was also a well-informed person. How could he not know the news that Dongzhi Baishou was the leader of the Soul Fighting Emperor.

It stands to reason that the Great Soul Fighting Arena does have restrictions on disability in regular soul fighting competitions, but this rule was as if it was not written down in front of the White Emperor who stood behind the Wuhun Palace.

Director Ao and even the people behind him have already spoken. As long as no one dies in the big spirit fighting arena, everything will be fine.

However, he had noticed Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. In order not to cause trouble to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, he finally chose to exercise some referee duties.

Seeing the referee who had stopped in front of him, Lang San suddenly swung the knife, and the blood on it dyed black and red plum blossoms on the dusty floor.

Then he chose to turn around and leave, focusing on captain Amber Qing and the last member of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Tang San also felt a chill running down his back after hearing Ma Hongjun and Oscar's shrill shouts.

Knowing Mingzhe's way of protecting himself, he chose to put down his face from the bottom of his heart and opened his mouth to shout.

But Hu Boqing, who was not far away, threw the silver gun in his hand first.

(End of this chapter)

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