Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 231 A Miserable Ending

Chapter 231 A Miserable Ending
Hu Boqing was very keen in observing. Among all the members of the Shrek Seven Devils, only Tang San knew how to use throwing hidden weapons, while the others holding iron boxes looked like novices at first sight.

So even if Tang San wasn't the source of this iron box, it was definitely related to the source. Therefore, she chose to use the strongest method against the last bastard.

A Qiankun throw with all your strength in one move. If you can catch it, you will live. If you can't catch it, you will die!
The power starts from the ground on the soles of the feet, exerts force on the legs, twists the waist, and finally pours into the released silver gun through the arms together with the soul power.

The powerful force contained in it made the spear fly out with a crisp blast in the air, and the gun had a unique whistling sound like a dragon's roar.

The excellent soul power conductivity of the silver gun itself not only absorbs all the soul power output by Amber Qing, but also spits out pure white gun light on the tip of the gun.

After hearing the sound of breaking wind, Tang San's hair stood up in an instant, and a chill ran down his spine. He no longer thought about admitting defeat, but followed his instinct and turned around. When he saw the white light flickering in the air, his purple devil eyes widened. .

As a master of hidden weapons, he could clearly sense the terrifying power of that shot and the fierce murderous intent contained in it. This move was obviously going to kill him.

The first soul skill, entanglement!Tang San waved his hands, and a dozen thick snake-like bluesilver grasses crossed and intercepted in mid-air.

It's a pity that Tang San's absorption of the Man-Faced Demon Spider spirit ring mainly improved the toughness of the Blue Silver Grass and the toxins attached to it. It was very useful against "super soldiers" like Dai Mubai who could only use brute force, but when faced with sharp weapons The cutting seems very weak.

Previously, Lang Da's wave of the Splashing Wind Knife could easily tear through Tang San's third soul skill, the spider web restraints, but now the white gun light on the surface of the dragon pattern bright silver gun also emits sharp cold light, seemingly luxuriant and abundant blue silver grass. torn and minced with ease.

Then the silver spear emerged directly from the sea of ​​grass with flying blue and silver grass clippings like a dragon emerging from the sea.

Control the crane and capture the dragon!

Tang San, who was waving his hands in the air and intending to perform a spear-catching show with his bare hands, suddenly changed his expression. The opponent's silver spear seemed to be thrown straight away, but in fact it was spinning rapidly.

The weak ability to control a crane and capture a dragon is easily shattered by the spiral energy on the silver spear. It is even more of a dream to try to deflect the enemy or even retaliate in the same way.

Can Xuan Yu's hand grasp the opponent's spear?Tang San felt a chill in his heart, no longer caring about hiding anything, the upper garment on his back was torn directly by eight slender and sharp spider legs, and then the eight sharp legs converged and first pushed against the bright silver spear with dragon patterns.

Tang San, who felt the power for the first time, couldn't believe why the opponent's shot contained power that even his eight spider legs could hardly resist.

The spiral force above combined with the icy cold front was like a dragon's open mouth. The next moment, with a crisp clicking sound, in front of Tang San's pale complexion, the Eight Spider Spears were directly crushed by the silver dragon from the front tip. .

Tang San, who felt the almost twisted and broken pain of his limbs from the Eight Spider Spear, was in no mood to care about anything else, because the power of the silver spear still did not stop, even if it had crushed the front half of the Eight Spider Spear, it still had some power left. .

Xuanyu hand!
Tang San clenched his back molars that smelled sweet and could only see the whistling silver spear. The coldness on his back told him that if he couldn't stop it, he would die from being pierced through the chest.

Not only could this gun pierce him through the chest, but the spiral force on it could directly tear apart his flesh and blood and internal organs. Even if he avoided the vital part of his left chest, he would not be able to escape the fate of death.

Stab it!

Tang San, who was covering the flying knife on his palm, simultaneously used all his strength to move his Xuan Yu hand. With the sad sound of metal twisting, the flying knife made of fine iron mixed with the main body of the iron mother twisted and shattered in Tang San's hand.

The mysterious jade hand that should have been as cold as cold jade and as strong as fine steel also made a clear clicking sound. Feeling the excruciating pain, Tang San knew that it was just a sign that the mysterious jade hand was about to break through its endurance limit and be broken.

But he really didn't dare to let go, because what would be endangered in the future was his own life.

"Finally blocked." Tang San's gold-paper face was filled with relief, and he looked bloodless. His white jade-like hands were now covered with tiny cracks like ice-cracked porcelain.

Even the flesh on the surface of his two forearms also had crack-like bloody red marks, but compared to his hands, they were becoming sparser and sparse from the wrists to his shoulders.

The Xuanyu Hands that had worked hard for 6 years were useless. Tang San reacted with bitterness. This was the second time. If the Xuanyu Hands failed three times before breaking through to the eighth level, not only would they not be able to be rebuilt, but the hands would also shrink and become completely useless.

Now, he has no room for error at all. In the future, Xuanyu Shou will be even weaker after re-training. In actual combat, he can only say that he must be careful.

Between his hands, the silver evil dragon finally lost its strength, spinning slower and slower in his hands, and then fell towards the ring floor.

Just when it was about to hit the floor, a silver boot lifted up, and the silver gun fell back into Amber's pure white hands.

Looking at Tang San with his lamp gone, Hu Boqing didn't say anything or hesitate with his hands. He turned the spear in his hand and struck Tang San on the chin with the tail of the spear.

Between the broken green mask and Tang San's blood-red teeth, Amber Qing clearly remembered the other person's face before Tang San's jaw shattered, and then swung his spear to shake off the dirt on it.

Then she retracted her spear, clenched her fists and raised her fists high, enjoying the glory of being watched by thousands of people amidst the praises of the referee and the thunderous applause from the audience.

In the spectator seats, Flanders, Yu Xiaogang and Qin Ming were like three ice sculptures, dumbfounded and at the same time exuding coldness all over their bodies. ——————————

"Is this how the Great Soul Fighting Arena handles this matter?" Flanders asked sternly at Director Ao as he looked at the six stretchers in front of him. Yu Xiaogang next to him also had his eyes spitting fire and almost lost his mind.

He and Flanders were counting on the Shrek Seven Devils to make a name for themselves, but now they could be said to have died before they even started.

Looking at the miserable state of these students, there is a big question mark as to whether they can recover as before. Even if they recover, I am afraid that the psychological shadow will be difficult to remove in a short period of time.

Ao Nandou felt the strong soul pressure on Flanders, his face was expressionless, and he spoke calmly without fear or annoyance.

"The poisonous needles you used have been sampled and tested in the Great Soul Fighting Arena for toxicity. They are completely lethal. Therefore, we should not be too harsh on the Eastern Spider Beasts."

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena has decided on a solution. Either the injured members of the Shrek Seven Monsters should go to Dr. Ji Bochang's clinic for treatment. We have a long-term cooperative relationship with them and can reimburse all routine medical expenses, but we cannot guarantee the results of the treatment. ."

"Or we, the Great Soul Fighting Arena, can unilaterally provide you with a subsidy of 3000 gold soul coins out of humanitarianism, and you can treat yourself."

"If you have any dissatisfaction, there is no need for you Shrek to come to our Great Soul Fighting Arena. Our Great Soul Fighting Arena is not afraid of anyone who makes trouble without reason."

"Every grievance has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. We, the Great Spirit Fighting Arena, will not interfere with your grievances against the Eastern Spider Hundred Beasts team, but you should not think about bullying the weak and fear that you will be hard on our Great Spirit Fighting Arena."

Ao Nandou was also tired when he said this. He was just a platform for the Soul Emperor, and he could definitely ask higher-ups to come forward for this kind of matter.

It's a pity that those senior officials above the Soul Saint level are not fools. As soon as they heard the words Wuhun Palace, they immediately turned into quails and gave him full responsibility.

He didn't have the guts to say anything to the Eastern Spider Beasts, and he had nothing to say. Shrek wasn't familiar with him, and he didn't do him much good.

As for Shrek, his idea is to avoid trouble and use money to eliminate disasters. After all, the other party also has a Soul Saint leader, so it doesn't matter if he is a little polite.

As long as he doesn't get involved in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, Shrek's choice from now on will have nothing to do with him.

"Doctor." Flanders suppressed his anger and began to think about making amends. It was obvious that whether it was the Great Spirit Fighting Arena or the Eastern Spider Beasts, they could neither reason nor fight with strength.

Even if treating the serious injuries of the Shrek Seven Monsters was the top priority at the moment, otherwise the hope and future of him and Yu Xiaogang would be ruined.

But the doctors in the Great Soul Fighting Arena were unreliable at first glance, and they clearly stated that they did not guarantee the results of the treatment. If the treatment failed, it would be too late to argue. At this moment, Flanders knew that the point was not to take advantage but to treat the injury.

He glanced at Yu Xiaogang beside him, and it was obvious that neither of them knew any miracle doctor. Finally, the two of them focused on Ning Rongrong, the only one of the Shrek Seven Devils who was still standing upright.

The little princess of Qibao Glazed Sect should be able to find a higher-level healing soul master.

The two people who looked at each other turned their heads, Flanders got 3000 gold soul coins from Director Ao, and the master walked up to Ning Rongrong, "Ning Rongrong, Tang San and the others are your teammates, you don't want them to be seriously injured. Be disabled or even die?"

. . .

Ning Rongrong did have the Qibao Glazed Sect's distress firework on his body. To be precise, the Qibao Glazed Sect guards who had been secretly observing almost screamed out in surprise when they saw Ning Rongrong's dangerous situation.

After seeing Ning Rongrong come out with blood stains on her body and a fearful look on her face, a group of them took the initiative to find Ning Rongrong before Ning Rongrong could pull the fireworks for help.

The leading soul saint then took into account the sect leader's letter to Flanders and did not shirk anything, and directly led them to Cai Que, the strongest healing soul master in Soto City.

Cai Que is a soul king and charges a lot of money, but these are all afterthoughts after treatment.

At this moment, the Divine Doctor Cai was shaking his head helplessly under the close gaze of the two Soul Saints. If he had to cure these six seriously injured patients, he would no longer be the Soul King. The Soul Saints still had some hope.

"Look, you two, it doesn't matter if this is just a scratch." Cai Que pointed at Ning Rongrong, who was having his wound cleaned by a nurse, and nodded, "I can use my soul skills to heal it directly after cleaning."

After hearing this, everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that the little ancestor is fine.

Then Cai Que looked at Flanders and Yu Xiaogang with a look of embarrassment, "These six are in big trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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