Chapter 233 Night Road
"What, Xiaogang, do you also know this place?" Flanders, who didn't have high expectations at first, was a little excited when he saw Yu Xiaogang's reaction.

Although he knew very well that Yu Xiaogang's self-proclaimed master was mostly in vain, otherwise he would not be regarded as a joke in the soul master world, but he was born in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and spent some time in Wuhun City, so he did know many casual cultivators. Knowledge that is difficult for soul masters to access.

"There may be hope in that place, but it also has unknown drawbacks." Yu Xiaogang hesitated. For selfish reasons, he did not want Flanders to use this method.

But he also knew that if he didn't explain clearly, Flanders, who had no other options, would probably insist on trying, so he still chose to reveal part of the information about Poseidon Island.

"That place is an island where Poseidon is supreme, so it is called Poseidon Island. However, outsiders often call it Devil's Island, because most soul masters who go there never return."

"Is it because of the difficulty of the trial that I never came back?" Flanders asked with a complex expression after hearing this.

"No, the difficulty of the trials there is said to vary from person to person. The more talented a soul master, the more difficult the trial will be, and the rewards will be richer. Deaths rarely occur during the trials."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders staring at him and couldn't make up lies for a moment, so he could only point out the shortcomings of Poseidon Island.

"But this reward is uncertain and cannot be made by individuals. The most important thing is that no matter whether the soul masters who participate in the trial succeed or fail, they must join Poseidon Island and cannot leave. Otherwise, they will be hunted down by Poseidon Island."

"Sneaking away at the speed of my flying soul saint shouldn't be a problem, right?" Flanders asked. As a reward for this kind of thing, he thought that the other party must give out something suitable for the soul master himself, so his hope was not small.

"It's not that easy." Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "In the past, when Wuhun Palace attacked there, it not only failed to take advantage but suffered a big loss. In the end, it was ignored. Although Poseidon Island is just an island, there are so many powerful people in it. , it’s not that easy.”

Hearing this, Flanders also realized the reason for Yu Xiaogang's hesitation. No matter whether he could recover from his injuries after going to Poseidon Island, for them, not coming back was like a meat bun beating a dog and never coming back.

"Forget it, let's wait until their injuries stabilize and wake up first." Flanders sat down on a stool and said slumped, then waved to Qin Ming next to him, "Qin Ming, go back and explain the situation to the other teachers first. When you come back, Buy some food."


The lights in Soto City are not bright everywhere at night, only in a small number of particularly prosperous places. Other places are dark, but there are also sparse lights that bring a little bit of light.

As for the darkness after exiting the city gate, Qin Ming gathered his soul power into his hands, and a ball of fire ignited, lighting up the way forward like a torch.

Ordinary soul masters would not have such luxury, but Qin Ming had abundant soul power as a sixth-ringed soul emperor, and he had learned many tricks at the East Spider Soul Master Academy to use a small amount of soul power without possessing a martial soul.

The night road was very quiet, with only the sound of insects and wind. Qin Ming subconsciously speeded up his pace. First, he wanted to tell the news to the teachers quickly, and second, he felt subconsciously uneasy looking at the darkness around him.

The distance from the city gate to the village where Shrek Academy is located is not far. First there is a stone road, and then there is a dirt road between a forest.

Seeing the forest approaching, Qin Ming subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was too worried.

But at this moment, along with the whistling of leaves, a soft sound made Qin Ming's heart tighten subconsciously, and a familiar figure jumped from the tree to the middle of the road without concealment.

Snow-white silver hair with splashes of ink, black and white mysterious clothes, and boots with metal plates clattering on the stone road. The person in front of Qin Ming was Mijia, holding her black and white gun in her hand. Long sword.

The difference from before is that this long sword is no longer bound by a scabbard. The hilt is pitch black without any reflection, and a white strap wraps the hilt.

There is a round and plump Tai Chi diagram connected to the body of the sword. The color is particularly lively and bright, and it is not a static sculpture, but is constantly rotating at a constant speed.

The blade of the sword was straight, and the whole body was as silver as snow, but the spine of the sword was completely black. Against the backdrop of the night, it seemed as if the sword was hollow in the middle.

"Miga, what do you want to do?" Qin Ming looked at the opponent holding a sharp sword solemnly. The sword that was never unsheathed on weekdays showed its sharp edge. What did the opponent want to do?
As he said this, six yellow, yellow, purple, black and black soul rings appeared on the soles of Qin Ming's feet. His whole body was possessed by the martial soul. His body expanded rapidly and he looked similar to a werewolf.

His hands transformed into wolf claws, his height exceeded two meters and he was equal to Mega. His entire back began to burn with red flames, and his whole body's soul power fluctuated intensely.

His martial spirit is the mutated martial spirit Fiery Wolf, which is somewhat like a low-end version of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit. Not only does the beast martial spirit have outstanding power and speed, but it also has the most explosive fire ability.

But even so, Qin Ming still felt more and more flustered as he watched Miga step forward, with five soul rings emerging from the soles of his feet, his figure getting taller and taller, and his aura getting stronger and stronger but not responding to his words at all.

Facing Miga, who had defeated Soul Saint head-on, he only felt a burst of powerlessness and fear. If he couldn't defeat him, he could only run!

Qin Ming, who made up his mind to escape, opened his mouth wide, the purple soul rings on the soles of his feet flashed, and red fire gathered in his mouth and then turned into a raging pillar of fire and spewed out towards Miga.

The fourth soul skill, Roar of Flames.

At the same time, the black soul rings on the soles of his feet shone brightly, and the red fire on his back ignited. His body expanded further, and his eyes were dyed red with blood. It was his second transformation that exploded with soul skills.However, he had no intention of fighting to the death with Mega. Instead, while increasing the power of his fourth soul skill, he closed his mouth, turned around and accelerated his sprint without hesitation.

It was only a few miles from here to the gate of Soto City, and he didn't believe that Miga would dare to fight in the city.

Looking at the red flames condensed into the shape of a wolf in front of her, Mika's plain face turned red under the firelight. She originally planned to come to Qin Ming anonymously because of Teacher Erlong's relationship.

But then he thought about it, and the relationship between Teacher Erlong and Qin Ming was not deep, and when he made the choice to be a traitor and leak the secrets of the academy, he did not hesitate because of Teacher Erlong.

So she overturned her original uneasy plan and chose a straightforward and quick solution.

The soul skills used by the Soul Emperor at full strength are naturally impressive. The flaming wolf in front of him is at least three meters high, and the flame is special and the temperature is far higher than ordinary flames.

But Miga did not stop her faster and faster pace, nor did she have the slightest intention to dodge. Instead, she pointed the long sword in her hand at the flame wolf and slashed it from bottom to top.

The next moment, the wolf split into two, and the torrent of flames passed by both sides of her. The white body-protecting energy enveloped her whole body, and the high temperature and scattered sparks were isolated.

Looking at Qin Ming who turned around and ran away, Mijia's expression did not change. Her pace was getting faster and faster from the beginning. Now at the sixth step, even Qin Ming's second transformation could not open the gap between the two. distance.

Step seven and step eight.

The distance between the two people further narrowed, and Qin Ming felt a chill down his spine. Even the burning fire could not bring him any warmth. The look back just now made him even more shocked and puzzled.

The fourth soul skill he activated with all his strength already had the power of ten thousand years of soul skill, and the grove was already ignited with raging fire, but why could Miga easily break through his soul skill in a leisurely manner?

On the ninth step, the distance between the two was only ten meters.

Qin Ming's face was covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans. He couldn't escape at this speed!
So he chose to turn around and turn around. As the deepest black soul ring lit up, Qin Ming used his strongest soul skill towards Miga. The flames behind him directly twisted into cyan, and a terrifying aura brewed in his chest.

But after taking the tenth step, Miga's figure suddenly disappeared, and then a cold light flashed in front of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming's perspective suddenly flew and tilted, and he even saw a familiar headless figure, that was himself!

How can it be?He is a beast spirit fighting spirit master, and he has spirit power to protect his body. How could the other party be like cutting tofu? . .

With a bang, his head fell to the ground, and Qin Ming fell into eternal darkness in confusion.

There was no pride on Miga's face after taking out Qin Ming. With this Lichen Sword and ten steps to kill, not many people under the Soul Saint could survive.

The Li Chen Sword was made by Guang himself. It is not only extremely sharp, but also has two special effects. The first is Li Chen, which can easily break through intangible energy below level 50.

The second one is Wuji, which can only be triggered by soul masters who clearly understand the power of yin and yang. The effect is very simple. The more yin and yang power Miga injects into this sword, the sharpness and dust-free effect of the Lichen Sword will be reduced. The stronger.

Coupled with the ten-step-one-kill soul skill she created by combining the soul bones of her legs, even the soul saint could die suddenly without directly using his martial soul avatar.

Seeing Qin Ming's separated head on the ground, Mijia ignored the storage bracelet on his body and the belongings inside, and turned back without even looking at it.

The woods were blazing with flames. If no one took care of them, the woods would probably turn into ashes before dawn, but that was not what Miga cared about.

"Come out."

Miga's voice was cold and sure. It was dark at night, and she wouldn't be able to notice it if the soul master completely restrained his aura.

But the flame disturbed someone. Although it was fleeting, Miga still accurately captured the hint of danger, and it had to be at least something that could make her feel a sense of crisis. . .

"I never expected that a monster like you would appear in the Spirit Hall." A gray-robed figure appeared, and with a wave of his hand, most of the blazing fire was extinguished, and thick soul power filled the air.

"Do you think Bibi Dong would be very distressed if you died here?"

The face under the gray robe was full of coldness. The Soul King killed the Soul Emperor with his own hands. How could he allow a genius like Wuhundian to escape from under his nose alive, not to mention that Wuhundian had just injured his son.

(End of this chapter)

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