Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 234 Moon Eclipse Soul Ascension

Chapter 234 Moon Eclipse Soul Ascension

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black. . .Continuous soul rings slowly rose from the soles of the gray-robed man's feet. He seemed confident and walked to the stone road at the edge of the woods without being in a hurry to take action.

Miga looked at the man in gray robe and still had no expression on her face, but from the way she subconsciously clenched the Li Chen Sword and the slightly narrowed eyes that stared at him, it could be seen that her heart was not at peace.

The eighth black soul ring was already very profound, and the emergence of the ninth bright red soul ring made Mija's eyes stern. It was not that she had not expected the opponent's ninth soul ring, but a 10-year soul ring. . .

This not only represents the opponent's difficult strength, but also limits the opponent's identity to a certain extent.

It is indeed difficult to know the true identity of a titled Douluo when he or she hides his/her face. After all, the number of titled Douluo in the entire continent is actually not that small.

But the person with the 10-year-old ninth spirit ring greatly reduced the scope. Based on the aura of the person in front of him, who was less than the top and more than the bottom, Miga slowly spoke.

"Haotian Sect abandoned his disciple, Tang Hao?"

The man in gray robe also paused subconsciously, and then pulled down the covering cloak, revealing his slovenly face, "Now that you know my name, you didn't turn around and run away. It's really brave."

Looking at Miga's expressionless face across from him, Tang Hao, who had a bit of a cat-and-mouse mentality, felt a little strange, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Some things can't be avoided without fear." Miga responded softly, taking off the Lichen Sword in her hand and inserting it into the ground. Five soul rings gathered behind her head. The inner ring was yellow, the middle ring was purple, and the outer ring was yellow. The ring is formed into a black nimbus.

"And I won't die today." Miga rotated the belt on his waist 90° again, but this time it was in the opposite direction to the last time he used the magic book.

Although the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear martial spirit is strong, it is still unrealistic to compete with Tang Hao at the soul saint level, and the power of the magic book is a bit rigid after all.

This kind of detail is usually insignificant, but in the eyes of a titled Douluo like Tang Hao, it is a fatal flaw, not to mention that the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is not good at speed.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" Looking at Miga's movements, Tang Hao didn't care. Although his pride had been hit one after another over the years, it was not to the point of fearing a little soul king.

So what if you can kill a Soul Emperor beautifully by leapfrogging the level?When he was Tang Hao Soul Douluo, he could break the legs of Titled Douluo. How could he be afraid of a Soul King now, no matter how talented the other party was.

"The Soul King's soul power is indeed not qualified to fight against the Titled Douluo." Miga nodded and threw a dark purple pill directly into her mouth. The next moment, the fluctuations in her soul power increased steadily.

What is this?Tang Hao narrowed his eyes. It was not that he had done nothing in the past six years, but he found that the four-attribute clan could not be found at all, and all the original contact methods were invalid.

He felt shameless to go back to the Haotian Sect again. He had also heard about the changes in the Wuhun Palace. This time, he targeted Miga. In addition to avenging his son Tang San, he also planned to find out the secrets of the Wuhun Palace from her.

Miga's pupils turned purple, and became deeper and deeper as her soul power increased, until two dark purple crescent moon shadows appeared in the depths of her pupils, and the soul power level around her climbed from the soul king level to the soul saint level. .

For the Eclipse Moon Soul Ascension Pill, Miga took a long breath. Although this pill was warned of side effects, after taking it, he could feel a steady stream of power emerging from his body.

"Interesting." Tang Hao nodded lightly. He could clearly feel the significant increase in Miga's soul power. "It seems that your status in Wuhun Palace should not be low. That's fine. You have many secrets. My The harvest will be richer.”

Tang Hao's body was filled with thick and domineering soul pressure. It was a sense of oppression that made people feel as if they were in the deep sea, with a suffocating pressure.

The flames burning in the woods behind him were completely extinguished at this moment, the chirping of insects and the sound of wind also disappeared, and even the tumbling soul power around Miga was forcibly suppressed.

"You don't think that by using special means to upgrade your soul power to Soul Saint, you can have a chance to escape, do you? Don't worry, I'm not one of those parallel imported Douluo."

"How about, if you surrender and take the initiative to answer all my questions, and if you behave well, I will spare your life?" A huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared on Tang Hao's left hand.

As his footsteps moved forward slowly step by step, the pressure around Miga became heavier and heavier.

"Isn't it true?" Miga stared at Tang Hao in front of him and nodded silently in his mind. There are three thresholds for soul masters that can easily widen the gap in strength, and they are becoming more and more difficult to overcome.

The first is the level 30 soul master threshold, which involves the transformation of soul power from gaseous to liquid state.

The second step is the level 70 soul saint threshold, and the key lies in the seventh soul skill, martial soul avatar.The third level is the threshold of level 90 Titled Douluo. The biggest difference is that the soul masters at this level have already controlled the power of heaven and earth. The biggest feature is that Titled Douluo can control the vitality of heaven and earth and fly in the air.

As for the parallel-imported Titled Douluo in Tang Hao's mouth, it means that the opponent can only control the vitality of heaven and earth to fly and accelerate the recovery of soul power, but cannot control the vitality of heaven and earth for fighting. Such a titled Douluo can compete with it with the sharpness of its soul skills.

But Tang Hao is obviously not, because he has the Killing God Domain!The terrifying pressure that Miga felt, like falling into the deep sea, was actually the realm of perfection triggered by Titled Douluo's ability to control the vitality of heaven and earth.

Titled Douluo with a domain are truly terrifying existences. Soul masters below Titled Douluo can only use their own power, while Tang Hao uses the power of the surrounding heaven and earth.

This is also where domain-type soul skills are truly valuable. It is the key to a titled Douluo's ability to significantly master the power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, this also means that soul masters below the level of Titled Douluo cannot fight against Titled Douluo even if they have a domain, because they essentially use their own soul power to promote the operation of the domain, which not only consumes a lot of money, but also the power of the domain will Therefore it is severely limited.

"If you want to compete with it, you must have a domain." Mija's eyes were sharp, and he stretched out his hand to hold the Lichen Sword. An unspeakable sharp energy rose into the sky, and he could barely hold up a square circle in Tang Hao's Killing God Domain. Rice’s little world.

"Field?!" Tang Hao was very surprised when he looked at the cold three-foot sword field around Miga. "And it's a field that you have mastered yourself. How is it possible? How can you master the field of swordsmanship if you don't even have a weapon spirit?"

Tang Hao's wide eyes were filled with disbelief. He, a Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit who was over fifty years old, could not comprehend the Hammer Realm. Why should the opponent, a girl who was only twenty years old?
If he had understood the Hammer Domain and combined it with the Killing God Domain, he might have been able to defeat Qian Xunji without A Yin's sacrifice. Even if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been defeated by Bibi Dong using domain suppression and lost A Yin's grass seeds and soul. bone.

"Aren't you going to surrender?" Thinking like this, Tang Hao's face became more and more gloomy, and his voice became more and more angry, "I have changed my mind. I am going to hammer all your muscles and bones into a pulp bit by bit. What will happen to you then?" Everybody will tell you.”

This rough field alone was not enough. Miga looked at Tang Hao opposite and laughed, "Sister An said that your soul power has been retreating instead of advancing over the years. Now it seems that all your abilities lie in your mouth."

"Humph, rude junior, I want to see what you are capable of?" Tang Hao's heart tightened when he heard Miga's words. Could it be that he has been discovered by Wuhun Palace in recent years? No, Qian Daoliu is really discovered. Just hit him in the face.

Tang Hao, who did not continue to think deeply, clenched the sledgehammer in his hand. Why should he think too much?Wouldn't it be better to let the kid opposite him say it himself?
"Let's give it a try." Miga knew that it would not work when he held up the Three Feet Sword Domain. He put his hand directly into his arms and tore off the pendant hanging around his neck.

It was a small cylindrical metal bottle, made of black and white. Mega, who was holding it, did not hesitate to pour soul power into it and then inserted it into his belt without hesitation.

"Martial spirit promotion, Netherworld White Tiger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Miga's figure grew slightly taller again. The white hair on his head grew to below his shoulders, and the ink splashing on it became deeper.

Her body still hasn't turned into a beast, but strange black stripes appear on her skin, especially on her face. There are three horizontal lines on each cheek, and a deep character "王" appears on her forehead.

The most peculiar thing is that the black and white Qi around Miga spurts out for the first time in a real way. The black and white Tai Chi-like realm expands from the soles of her feet, and the three-foot sword realm around her also merges directly into it.

This time, the black and white domain expanded rapidly like a swimming dragon facing the pale white God of Death domain. Not to mention resisting Tang Hao's chamber, it occupied at least [-]%.

"Netherworld White Tiger?!!!" Tang Hao looked at Miga, whose aura seemed to be earth-shaking, and his heart was beating wildly. Isn't that the Xingluo royal family's trump card martial soul fusion skill?How could someone from Wuhun Palace do this, and moreover, he was alone?

The most important thing is that Tang Hao had seen the Star Luo Empire's spirit fusion technique when he was young, and the aura was quite similar to the current Miga!

"Let's fight!" Miga grabbed the Lichen Sword next to him, and the black and white soul power was quickly poured into it. The yin and yang fish on the sword hilt changed from a snail's speed and turned so fast that it was almost impossible to see the difference between black and white.

The next moment, Mijia took the initiative to take steps in the direction of Tang Hao. There was no fear in her eyes, only excitement and eagerness. She would draw her sword when encountering an enemy. The brave one would win if they met on a narrow road!

Miga's Li Chen Sword was raised high above his head, and the black and white domain swept over the power of heaven and earth. The white sword light of Li Chen Sword kept spitting out, and it struck down with a three-foot-three sword light.

Tang Hao, who was on the opposite side, saw his face darken when he saw Miga's reaction. He swung the sledgehammer in his hand and had only one thought in his mind: This child must not be kept!

He knew that he had neglected his cultivation over the years, and his strength was not advancing but retreating. Except for the big Sumeru hammer that exploded rings in one hand, he had nothing outstanding.

If you want to fight against the Spirit Hall, you can only hope that the next generation, that is, Tang San, who is still young and has twin spirits, will go further than him in the future, but the opponent in front of him, Tang Hao, is gritting his teeth.

The other party's talent is already inhuman, if he grows up, there won't be any hope for Tang San's generation!
(End of this chapter)

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