Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 235 Yin and Yang Promise

Chapter 235 Yin and Yang Promise
The black and white domain forcefully took away part of the control of the power of heaven and earth from Tang Hao's hands, and then transformed it into the power of the domain with a cold edge and then injected it into the Lichen Sword.

The sword light that the Li Chen Sword swallowed was like substance, and the whole sword seemed to expand several times and then slashed down on Tang Hao's head.

The pale white Killing God Realm was like rough sand and gravel in front of the sword. At the same time, Tang Hao, who was no longer patient, blasted out with a hammer, Haotian Jiujue, Bengzi Jue, meteor radiation, and the mountain collapsed in front.

With a loud roar, the sword light on the surface of the Li Chen Sword collapsed layer by layer, and the core of the Li Chen Sword was thrown directly away.

There was no proud look on Tang Hao's face, but his eyes narrowed as he looked at Miga who reached out to take the Lichen Sword across from him.

The black and white qi around her continued to shrink, and the power of heaven and earth was quickly converted into the black and white qi by the domain, and then quickly condensed into liquid, and finally attached to Miga's body to form a solid battle armor.

The background color of the armor is pure white with a bit of metallic texture, and deep black lines are spread all over the armor. The simple lines wrap around Miga's body layer by layer, even his head is no exception.

But it doesn’t look bloated, and the most eye-catching thing is the pair of Yin-Yang fish that are constantly rotating on Miga’s chest.

The vitality of heaven and earth around Miga was emptied for a while, and the air in the distance was slightly distorted. This was the collapse of vitality caused by the external power of heaven and earth replenishing the vacuum area here.

Use the Eclipse Soul Ascension Pill to forcibly upgrade the basic level to the Soul Saint level, and then use the Martial Soul Advancement Bottle to advance the Martial Soul to completely stimulate the Netherworld White Tiger's talent field. Combined with his own sword domain to condense the surrounding heaven and earth's power domain into armor, this is The limit of strength that Miga can achieve.

Even though the details of her black and white armor at the moment were a little blurry, even though she used the Wuji Demonic Body and the Eight Scenery Gods to help suppress this power that was far beyond her own control.

But she succeeded after all, and Tang Hao, who was opposite him, showed an expression of disbelief for the first time. He actually felt threatened by that black and white figure? !
"Kill!" Miga took the Lichen Sword that rolled in her hand without any hesitation. The collision and explosion just now not only bought her some time, but also tore a hole in the realm of the God of Death composed of pale murderous aura around Tang Hao.

Soul bone skill, flickering.

Five of Swords, kill with one step!

Miga suddenly appeared in front of Tang Hao and slashed at the side of Tang Hao's neck with a sword. Tang Hao, who sensed Miga's attack through his domain, was not caught off guard and instinctively raised his sledgehammer to meet him.

Along with the clear sound of the sword, a white ripple shot out in all directions. The charred forest was once again robbed, and all the trees above one meter were directly cut off.

In the center of the ripples, Miga flew backwards, feeling the numbness in the tiger's mouth and having a clear understanding of the Title Douluo's strength.

Tang Hao, who was standing still, looked at Miga who was taking advantage of the situation to retreat. There was no trace of pride on his face, and the cold murderous aura in his eyes was unusually strong.

He didn't know Miga's identity or her honors, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

What kind of competition champion, what kind of soul-fighting emperor?He was not shocked to the core just now when Miga took the initiative to attack him.

He has long known that the future belongs to young people, because no one in their generation can beat Pope Bibi Dong.

Tang San's twin martial spirits gave him renewed hope, but Miga in front of him gave him a blow to the head.

"Today you will die!" After waking up, Tang Hao raised his sledgehammer and rushed towards Miga. He understood in his heart that perhaps today was his only chance to kill him.

Practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

His strength has long since stopped, but the other party is still in the golden age of rapid growth. If he cannot kill her today, there will be no chance in the future.

The second soul skill, the third soul skill, the sixth soul skill!

Yellow, purple, and black soul rings flashed one after another under Tang Hao's feet. Tang Hao no longer held back, and jumped up in the direction of Miga, using brute force to drive the enlarged version of the Clear Sky Hammer through the air!

Haotian Jiujue, the sealing word Jue, contains like a bow, sealing and solidifying its strength.

Feeling the air that was as thick as glue around him, Miga was also filled with emotion. Who would have thought that a group of guys wielding sledgehammers could actually figure out such a skill that was difficult to work with?

Although it is said that the Haotian Nine Jue was created by Tang Chen, most of the content in it is also a technique compiled by the ancestors of the Haotian Sect.

Compared with casual cultivators, the sect's advantages are clearly demonstrated in this aspect. It is much easier to stand on the shoulders of seniors than to start from scratch, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

It's a pity that only the Haotian Sect has a clear advantage in this regard. The Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which are both the top three sects, are much inferior.

Facing Tang Hao's unreserved attack, Miga's hand movements did not pause at all, and four of the five soul rings behind his head lit up.Liberation of power, liberation of speed, body protection energy, and ghost body.

The huge yin-yang fish phantom appeared on the soles of Miga's feet in conjunction with the realm. Miga also turned the Lichen sword in his hand to point towards the Haotian Hammer that came through the sky. The yin-yang fish on the sword hilt spun like a windmill. The original two yuan has become four yuan.

Then the Lichen Sword in Miga's hand seemed to have special traction, and the Yin-Yang fish on the soles of her feet quickly shrank and merged into it like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Six of Swords, the rotation of yin and yang!
In front of the Clear Sky Hammer, which was already one person in size, the Li Chen Sword looked a little slender, and then the two inevitably collided.

What's strange is that there was no fierce collision sound. Under the shadow of the Yin Yang Fish, although Miga's Lichen Sword made a grinding sound, it also drove the Clear Sky Hammer to move sideways.

Tang Hao was most surprised when he felt the shifting force on the Clear Sky Hammer. He knew very well that the power of his hammer was enough to crack mountains and crack the earth, so how could it be controlled by a sword?

The next moment he activated the soul bone skill on his arm, and the new strength made the power of the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand increase again!
At this moment, Miga's Lichen Sword could no longer hold up. Clear cracks appeared at the tip of the sword, and then cracked layer by layer, from the sword body to the hilt, to Miga's arm wrapped in the armor, and even his body.

Um?Tang Hao was a little hesitant when he saw this scene. He didn't use the word "Zhen"?

Then, Miga's whole body and the Lichen Sword exploded into pieces, turning into deep black energy and exploding.

"Huh, you are indeed a Titled Douluo. Your Clear Sky Hammer is much stronger than the guys from Clear Sky Academy." In the dark and netherworld-like depths, Miga walked out with an unhealthy paleness on his face.

"I can deflect their Clear Sky Hammer directly towards others or even themselves. I can't even deflect your Clear Sky Hammer to one side."

Looking at Miga in the distance, whose aura had dropped slightly, Tang Hao's face darkened, "How many times can you use the substitute soul skill?"

"It seems that we can only fight hard." Mi Jia looked at Tang Hao and shook his head without answering. Now she is still unable to face Tang Hao.

If she hadn't secretly informed Hu Boqing and others to leave urgently to buy time for them, with the power of the Netherworld White Tiger, it would not be difficult for her to retreat at night.

Looking at Tang Hao, who was swinging the heavy hammer again, Miga's eyes flashed, and the Yin-Yang fish on his chest spun faster, and the power of the surrounding domains accelerated and condensed in it.

Under the black and white armor, the Wuji Demonic Body carries increasingly turbulent power, secret techniques, and Yin and Yang Wuji. Theoretically, as long as she continues to invest energy, her strength can grow without limit!

The pure soul power transformed by the Wuji Demon Body was injected into the Lichen Sword without reservation by Miga. The yin and yang fish on the sword hilt accelerated again at this moment, changing from four yuan to six yuan.

The Wuji characteristic of the Lichen Sword activates the Lichen characteristic and its own sharpness, and at this moment, it is already spitting out a biting cold light on the sword's edge, and it is no lie to split mountains and rivers!


Mi Jia looked at Tang Hao with stern eyebrows and a plain white face full of cold murderous intent. If the other party wanted to kill her, then there was no way he could live alone!

Her sword had no intention of blocking the Clear Sky Hammer, but instead threw it directly towards Tang Hao's chest!
Sword Seven, flying sword through the air!
A soul king dares to fight me. Tang Hao showed disdain. His ninth soul ring, as a 10-year soul ring, has two soul skills. There is a reason why he never uses it in battle but instead uses it as a ring-exploding material.

Because these two soul skills are life-saving soul skills and are not good at fighting, the first one is rejuvenation. Before his soul power is exhausted, all injuries on his body will have a super-speed recovery effect.

The second soul skill is dedication, which can instantly heal all injuries of other soul masters and restore 50% of the maximum soul power and physical strength, but as a price, Tang Hao's soul power level will be permanently reduced (at least one level, the opponent's soul power level The higher you go, the more you drop.)
The first soul skill was pretty good for Tang Hao, but the second soul skill was completely useless to him.

Not to mention how many ounces of flesh this sword can cut off from him, is the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand so big just a decoration?
Tang Hao, who believed that the opponent had used a faint move, continued to use the Nine Arts of Haotian without hesitation. The best move of the Haotian Hammer was the method of stacking force. Each hammer was harder than the last. The opponent's substitute soul skill was just Just drink poison to quench thirst.

The words are absolutely perfect, one breath is coherent, and the attacks are overlapping!

Along with the distortion of the air, bursts of explosions were heard one after another wherever the Clear Sky Hammer passed. Tang Hao's purpose was very clear. He would first knock away the opponent's hand-free sword, and then switch to Zhen Zi Jue to use shock damage to restrain the opponent's stand-in type. Soul skills.

"Breaking through the sky!" Seeing that the Li Chen Sword was about to hit the violent Haotian Hammer, Miga's eyes flashed with silver light, and he pointed his finger at the Li Chen Sword and shouted.

The Li Chen Sword wrapped in silver light suddenly disappeared in mid-air. The core secret of the air-piercing flying sword is naturally to break through the air. The difficulty of the flying sword from the hand is very low, but the difficulty of making it break through the air a second time is extremely difficult.

First of all, Miga is required to master void soul skills, and her understanding and mastery of the void must also reach the threshold. Only then can the flying sword that leaves the hand at high speed break through the air and accurately hit the target.

"Ah!" The next moment, Tang Hao suddenly heard a shrill cry.

(End of this chapter)

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