Chapter 236 Awakening
The dazzling sunlight shone through the glass window into the ward. After waking up from a hazy coma, Tang San looked around in confusion. This didn't seem to be the dormitory he was familiar with.

Tang San, who subconsciously had his back to the light, saw a familiar figure on the bed next to him, half leaning against the head of the bed. That person was Yu Tianheng.

He had a thick white plaster on his right arm and looked quite depressed, while his teacher Yu Xiaogang was patting his shoulder and whispering comfort.

Tang San was just about to reach out and speak, but found that his arms were stiff, and there was a burst of pain when he exerted a little force, and his chin was even heavier, as if he was carrying something, and it was very laborious to speak.

"Teacher, where are we?" The pain made Tang San's chaotic mind begin to clear up, and he instantly recalled the scene of him being beaten violently by the girl with the silver gun before he fell into coma.

Then he saw his hands also wrapped in thick plaster, and the same thing seemed to be on his chin.

"This is the best clinic in Soto City. You were seriously injured last night, thanks to the timely treatment." Yu Xiaogang nodded towards Tang San with a heavy expression, and then quickly asked after seeing Tang San's movements.

"Mistress, don't move. The doctor said you injured your bones. Even if you use soul skills to speed up the recovery, you will only be able to recover. It will take time to recover as before. It will take you and Tianheng at least half a month to remove the cast."

After hearing the teacher's words, Tang San was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly used the Xuan Tian Gong to check his injuries. Sure enough, the bones of his jaw and both arms were shattered, and the most terrible thing was that the Xuan Yu hands were completely broken.

The characteristic of Xuan Jade Hand is that it is as cold as jade and is immune to all poisons. While it inherits the advantages, it also has a corresponding negative impact, that is, the toughness of jade is very poor and it is easy to break.

Therefore, the Xuanyu Hand can be said to be invulnerable within the upper limit of its endurance, but once it exceeds the upper limit, it will be easily broken and broken. Moreover, once the Xuanyu Hand is broken three times before it reaches its peak, the hands will be completely disabled.

More than [-]% of the Tang Sect's hidden weapons were fired and thrown with both hands. Once his hands were disabled, it meant that Tang San's path to hidden weapons was completely cut off.

There was one last chance. Tang San, who was full of fear in his heart, let out a long breath, so that he could barely accept the injury to his jaw bone.

"Xiao San, you are hungry, come and drink the chicken soup to replenish your body, and then have a good rest." Yu Xiaogang handed the bowl in his hand to Yu Tianheng, then scooped out a bowl of chicken soup from the casserole and brought it to Tang San.

First, he was lifted up from the bed, and then warm chicken soup was fed to him who had limited mobility.

"Teacher..." Tang San's eyes were red, and the warm and fragrant chicken soup not only warmed his stomach, but also his heart. The teacher was so kind to him, like a reborn parent.


Just when Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were about to merge into the atmosphere of master's kindness and disciple's filial piety, a sharp scream almost lifted the roof.

Tang San frowned and then turned his head to look to the other side. There were four hospital beds beside the window, with Xiao Wu, Oscar, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun lying on them respectively.

The person who got up and screamed loudly was Ma Hongjun. His shout woke up the other three people who were sleeping.

"Fat man, what are you howling for so early in the morning?" Dai Mubai looked at the dazzling sunshine outside the window and frowned, "Did you not close the curtains when you came back last night?"

"Hmm, where is this place?" Dai Mubai was slightly startled when he saw his surroundings clearly, and then he felt a tightness in his chest.

"Boss Dai, I, I can't feel the soul power anymore!" Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai next to him and stammered. Soul power is like instinct for a soul master. He was the first to be awakened by the sun. It was time to notice something strange.

"I can't feel the soul power, fat man, what are you talking about?"

Dai Mubai got up and felt that his breathing was obviously more laborious than usual. There was still a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. He looked at the white ward and the other 6 people in the room and frowned slightly, "Is this a ward?"

"Ahhh!" A second scream similar to Ma Hongjun's came from the other side of Dai Mubai.

"Xiao Ao, what's wrong with you?" Dai Mubai, who was rubbing his head, turned his head subconsciously. He was stunned until he saw Oscar standing up and dancing with one arm. Then, the painful memories of last night poured out of his mind like a spring. emerge.

"It's so noisy that I can't let anyone sleep." When Xiao Wu finally woke up in a haze, she felt angry. Before she could get up, she felt the stinging pain in her chest that made her frown slightly.

Then she subconsciously touched it with her hands, but there was no familiar softness. What she got was only a flat and rough solid chest strap. With a slight press, she felt the pain in her chest from the outside to the inside.

Then Xiao Wu thought of that nightmarish and terrifying stick, and the pain from that moment reminded her of a familiar feeling. It was when she had not transformed yet, and met the woman who made her hate and fear her.

"Ahhh!" Xiao Wu's sharp voice sounded, and everyone felt the stinging pain in their eardrums.

"Okay, now that you're awake, let's rest quietly. There's chicken soup over there. I'll serve it to you later. After you drink it, have a good rest." Yu Xiaogang put down the bowl in his hand and stood up.

Qin Ming never came back and there was no news. Flanders finally couldn't help but go back to check in the morning. Now he was the only one in the clinic.

The people from the Qibao Glazed Sect followed Ning Rongrong, who had bandaged her injuries, to find a place to stay nearby. Her injuries were only simple scratches and did not require hospitalization.However, after this battle, Ning Rongrong was so frightened when she saw the bloody scenes on the Shrek Seven Monsters that she was in a trance. After all, she was just a 12-year-old girl.

So the people of Qibao Glazed Sect took their little ancestor to find a good place with beautiful scenery and fresh air to rest. The group of seriously injured patients in the clinic was still too depressing.

"Master, I, I, I really can't feel the soul power in my body."

Ma Hongjun, whose face was full of anxiety, chose to possess the martial soul. The form like a fat chicken was still there, but there was no flame on his body at all, and the two yellow century-old soul rings on his body also turned into dim gray.

Looking at Ma Hongjunyu Xiaogang, who looked like a local chicken, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. With his Dantian destroyed, he was naturally a complete waste. His mutated martial spirit still had good value, but his inability to have children made this kind of Greatly reduced value.

"Your Dantian has been destroyed and your soul power has been exhausted. Please rest peacefully for now. Dean Flanders said he would think of something for you."

The master's words made Ma Hongjun feel as if he had been struck by lightning. He was stunned and turned to stone. His soul power was gone. Doesn't that mean that he is no longer a soul master, but has become a martial soul similar to the native chicken in the village? Are you an ordinary person?

The other five people also turned their heads in surprise when they heard the master's words. Their first reaction was to sense the soul power in their bodies. Then they collectively breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked with pity on the red figure who was bathed in the golden sunshine but seemed to be in hell. Fatty.

"In addition, the necrosis of your lower body is too serious and easy to get infected, so the doctor directly removed the rotten flesh, so you don't have to think about the evil fire problem anymore."

Yu Xiaogang scooped the chicken soup into a bowl, and then placed it on everyone's bedside one by one. When he arrived in front of Ma Hongjun, he added directly without any scruples.

"Down there?!" Yu Xiaogang's words once again aroused the attention of others. Ma Hongjun woke up from his sluggish state with a buzzing sound in his head, and grabbed it directly with both hands.

Empty? !In disbelief, Ma Hongjun subconsciously exerted force with his hands. He couldn't be dreaming, could he? !Yes, he must be dreaming, and then he gave himself two big mouths without hesitation.

It hurts so much. It's not a dream, it's real. When he reacted, Ma Hongjun's face collapsed, tears and runny nose bursting out at the same time.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Looking at Ma Hongjun, who was mourning for the exam, Dai Mubai swallowed his saliva and asked softly to Yu Xiaogang, who was bringing him chicken soup.

"It's just what you think. He will always know what he should know. It's only a matter of time to face the facts." Yu Xiaogang shook his head, with a bit of ruthlessness in his voice, "As for your injuries, they are not serious. Your heart is injured. Here The doctors are helpless."

"My heart?!" Dai Mubai widened his eyes and said in disbelief, feeling his chest tightness and shortness of breath.

"That's right, Dai Mubai, I know you are the White Tiger Martial Spirit with a good background. If you have anything to do with it, use it immediately. The lungs are the respiratory center and the starting point for the explosion of physical energy. If you can't solve it, you, the evil-eyed white tiger, will have to Changed his name to Sick Tiger."

After speaking about Dai Mubai, Yu Xiaogang brought the chicken soup to Oscar, who looked worried. This time his voice was much softer.

"Oscar, your broken arm has been frozen. This time you risked your life to block the knife for the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect. I believe that even if the Qibao Glazed Sect cannot solve your injury, it will give you enough compensation. For you who are from the food department, Saying that a broken arm will not affect your future as a soul master."

Yu Xiaogang's meaning was very clear. Compared to Ma Hongjun, who was completely ruined, and Dai Mubai, who had a bumpy road ahead, Oscar was relatively lucky.

Moreover, he was born as a commoner. If he was clever and joined the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect by taking advantage of the opportunity to defend Ning Rongrong, it would be a blessing or a curse.

"Xiao Wu, your ribs and sternum were broken. Fortunately, your internal organs were not injured. Just like Tianheng Tang San, it was a bone injury. You need to rest for half a year, so you can rest in peace and recuperate."

After delivering the chicken soup, Yu Xiaogang returned to Tang San, picked up the bowl and prepared to feed him the soup.

Tang San's head was buzzing when he heard about other people's injuries. Compared to Oscar, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, his injury can be considered lucky?
"Teacher, is Ma Hongjun really this?" Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang across from him in disbelief, and the others also turned to look at Yu Xiaogang.

After all, they had been teammates for more than three months. Ma Hongjun was deposed and even made an eunuch. In their hearts, a kind of sadness emerged in their hearts.

Especially Tang San, who looked at Ma Hongjun especially sympathetically when he was also empty, and looked at Xiao Wu with indelible hatred hidden deep in his eyes.

"That's right, the East Spider Beasts are too ruthless, and they are from the Soul Hall background. The Great Soul Fighting Arena didn't say a word of justice. Instead, they tried to argue with you about using hidden weapons first."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San in front of him with lingering fear. This was not only his hope of becoming famous in the mainland in the future, but also Tang Hao's only heir.

If what happened to Ma Hongjun happened to Tang San, he simply couldn't imagine the consequences.

Even Yu Tianheng, Ning Rongrong and even Dai Mubai, I am afraid it will be difficult for him and Flender to explain it. It can only be said that the unlucky one is Ma Hongjun, a fat guy with no background at all.

But Yu Xiaogang never expected that Tang Hao, who was worried about him, was in the corridor outside the ward at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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