Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 237 Recognize the reality

Chapter 237 Recognize the reality
Yu Xiaogang is actually a very realistic person. He mostly thinks about becoming famous and attracting attention. Emotions are not important in his mind. What he values ​​​​is how many benefits it can bring to him.

He would be more interested in cultivating relationships than the average person when there was a profit to be made, such as his apprentice, nephew, or even the other Shrek Seven Devils.

But once he realizes that he can't profit from it, he will immediately abandon it and not want to spend any more time on it.

In the first half of his life, he actually went to many places and interacted with many people, including the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Wuhun City, Tiandou City, etc.

But after wandering for half his life, he came to Notting College and never had any contact with anyone, including the golden triangle with whom he had "emotionally strong feelings" back then.

After learning that his third sister Liu Erlong was the illegitimate daughter of his second uncle, Yu Xiaogang, who knew that he would not benefit from her at all, had no contact with her in the past 20 years.

He initially fell in love with Liu Erlong for three main reasons. First, Liu Erlong was young and beautiful, and would not reject him even if he was a man.

Secondly, Liu Erlong is very talented and has a high level of soul power. If he marries her, he can become a Phoenix man.

Thirdly, Liu Erlong has a good martial spirit. If there is really no hope for his martial spirit, he can consider entrusting the next generation to realize his dream.

As a result, as soon as his second uncle arrived, Yu Xiaogang knew that there was no hope, because he knew very well that his second uncle's character was essentially the same as him, and it was just a dream to take advantage of him.

As for the eldest brother Flanders, he only found Flanders when he needed the third soul ring. However, after this incident, Flanders, who was good at running camps, finally saw the true face of his second brother, so he could only talk about it. We cannot share our interests, let alone share weal and woe.

. . .

"Sir Tang Hao!" Yu Xiaogang, who walked out of the ward and walked around the corner, was stunned for a moment when he saw the familiar cloaked figure, and then swallowed guiltily, "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Yu Xiaogang, I entrusted you with my mistress because of my trust in you. Is this how you trample on the trust I gave you?" Tang Hao's whole person was shrouded in a large cloak, and there was a hint of emotion in his voice. An irrepressible anger.

Of course, this anger did not actually come from Tang San's injury. In his opinion, a jade cannot be made into a weapon if it is not polished. As long as it is not a serious injury that cannot be cured, he does not really care how much suffering Tang San suffered.

Last night, he really didn't expect that he would bully the junior and fail to take him down, and he would also be caught off guard by the opponent's flying sword.

Although it was true that there were less than two taels of bones and flesh, that position made Tang Hao gnash his teeth. The most important thing was that the other party had amputated his limbs and then minced them all.

His ninth soul skill, Rejuvenation, does not have the ability to regenerate a severed limb, and the dedication soul skill cannot be used on himself.

He didn't come to Yu Xiaogang immediately because he went to Cai Que to bandage the wound first. After learning that the other party was unable to regenerate the severed limb, he couldn't suppress his anger.

After all, the lack of that place will really affect his actual combat ability.

"I, this..." Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth to explain, but feeling the suffocating soul pressure, he chose to shut up and give in. Tang Hao was obviously angry, and reasoning was useless. .

"This is indeed my fault. I shouldn't have let them challenge the Wuhundian team so early."

"There is nothing wrong with challenging opponents of the same age in the Spirit Hall. This is the reality that Xiao San will have to face sooner or later." Tang Hao said angrily, "But what do you do with the teachers from Shrek Academy?"

"Ah?" Yu Xiaogang raised his head and was a little confused. What can they do?
"Why didn't you sit in the front row during that game? Why didn't you take the initiative to stop the team when you saw it was completely defeated? Even if the Great Soul Fighting Arena is a bunch of cowards, you could have jumped onto the stage and forcibly stopped the game!"

Tang Hao was naturally present at the time, and his position was farther away than Yu Xiaogang and the others. However, he had the ability to stop the game in time, but that would have to reveal his strength, which would also mean exposing his identity.

When the time comes, he can wander around the world, but it will be troublesome for Tang San to be suspected of taking the blame by Wuhun Palace.

"This..." Yu Xiaogang lowered his head and was speechless. He knew Flanders's character very well. It would be great if that old man could buy a ticket with a seat. There are so many seats between their position and the Soul Fighting Stage. People, trying to imitate Miga and stop the game is just nonsense.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang was willing to fight like a quail, Tang Hao couldn't take his anger out on him anymore and changed the topic back to Tang San, "I know all about their injuries."

"I also have a rough idea of ​​what you originally wanted to do. Now I want to know what your plans are next?"

Tang Hao agreed with Yu Xiaogang and Flender's plan to let the Shrek Seven Devils participate in the continent-wide young soul master elite competition to become famous.He personally looked forward to the Shrek Seven Monsters overcoming obstacles and achieving top two results, because then he could get a spot to redeem the elders, and then he would have a suitable candidate to take Tang San back to the Haotian Sect's mountain gate to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan. steps.

It would be even better if he could defeat the Wuhundian team and win the championship, as it would help him breathe a sigh of relief.

But now after this incident, the original plan was to die before leaving the battle. The Shrek Seven Monsters were seriously injured and needed to recover. Oscar, the food system in the back row, was okay, and the other two front rows were disabled.

If Yu Xiaogang cannot replenish the team in time to form the new Shrek Seven Monsters 2.0, Tang Hao also plans to change his plan.

Feeling the pressing aura around him, Yu Xiaogang's face turned red, and he felt a burst of sadness and anger in his heart. If Tang Hao was only rude to him last time, Tang Hao, who was in a very bad mood now, could be said to have no respect for him at all.

This was the most sensitive part of Yu Xiaogang's life since he was a child. Facing the powerful soul master's power to suppress others, he was weak and powerless and could only choose to submit.

This principle of speaking with fists and respecting strength is actually not exclusive to Wuhun Palace, but Wuhun Palace never hides it.

For example, Wuhun Palace forcibly negotiated with the two empires to provide subsidies to all soul masters below level 40. The purpose was to improve the overall status of soul masters and help weak soul masters grow smoothly.

Is it possible that the two empires also saw the contribution of this move to the soul masters and happily chose to spend huge sums of money every year to actively contribute?But the actual reasons have nothing to do with the benefits of this move.

That was purely a case of a certain pope from Wuhun Palace putting his sword on the necks of the emperors of the two empires and forcefully passing this bill. It was pure power.

The first-class forces such as the Shangsan Sect, even those powerful casual cultivators, and even the entire soul master world actually follow this simple and simple law of the jungle.

This law of the jungle is actually very unfriendly to Yu Xiaogang. His innate soul power is only half a level, and his martial soul is an inferior mutant martial soul.

So Yu Xiaogang first went to Wuhun City when he could no longer stay in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. At that time, he was still young and thought that only the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect only focused on strength and was unreasonable.

I thought that the moon outside was relatively round, and that Wuhun City, as one of the top three cities in the continent and the headquarters of Wuhun Palace, should have a path beyond strength to achieve the corresponding honor and status.

As a result, Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong gave him a loud slap in the face. Unwilling to accept it, he traveled across the mainland again and met Flanders and Liu Erlong. Along the way, Yu Xiaogang felt even more sad. It turned out that the moon and blue lightning outside were The moon of Tyrannosaurus Rex is the same.

If Flanders and Liu Erlong hadn't been protecting him, Yu Xiaogang, who looked aloof and aloof, would have been beaten up by some soul masters who didn't like him. This was also the reason why his master name resounded like a joke among the soul masters. The origin of the world.

After that, Yu Xiaogang expected to become a Phoenix man and hug Liu Erlong's lap. After all, Liu Erlong was talented and his soul power grew very fast.

As the other half, Liu Erlong can protect him and maintain his dignity on the one hand, and on the other hand, her martial soul is also a very good dragon. Even if their descendants are not blue electric tyrannosaurs, they will not continue to deviate in the direction of earth pigs. shift.

After all, if he could have promising children, Yu Xiaogang would not think of taking on a disciple. When he originally pursued Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, the first factor was not the other's beauty, but the other's talent.

In the end, Liu Erlong was disrupted by his second uncle. Yu Xiaogang was filled with grief and anger. An extremely talented female soul master like Bibi Dong Liu Erlong was definitely rare in the world. He was definitely rare to meet. Not three.

He is very old and is no longer the handsome young man he was before, but his soul power is stuck at level 29 and does not move at all.

At that time, Yu Xiaogang was really despairing, not because of love, but because in the end he discovered that everything in Douluo Continent was really inferior, only the soul master was superior!
For ordinary people, Yu Xiaogang is undoubtedly lucky. At least he is a level 29 great soul master. He can receive 10 gold soul coins every month without doing anything, and he has good food and drink without worrying about food and clothing. .

But in Yu Xiaogang's view, being born in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is his biggest misfortune, because people are relatively good.

In a small village, anyone who is a soul master is the top noble lord, but in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Yu Xiaogang is at the bottom of the contempt chain. Even the peerless Douluo Qiandaoliu of Wuhun Palace, if he reaches the gods In the world, he is also the lowest Kuhaha.

Therefore, even at the lowest point in his life, Yu Xiaogang did not intend to return to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which was called his hometown but was actually hell. Instead, he chose a remote town.

In Notting City, even a great soul master like him can maintain basic decency. If it goes on, Yu Xiaogang will lose face. He is also a soul master after all, and has traveled to the mainland and is full of knowledge. How can he go there? What about towns?
This is like the self-proclaimed scholar Kong Yiji, who would never take off his gown.

Feeling the increasingly pressing pressure of soul power around him, Yu Xiaogang carefully chose the option he was most familiar with. He lowered his head and bent down, talking condescendingly about his and Flender's plans, such as Poseidon Island, for example, going to other places with other people. College cooperation, such as continued enrollment.

(End of this chapter)

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