Chapter 239 Preparation
undead world,

This is a dilapidated world where darkness and flames rage. There are no living creatures, only undead souls that appear to be immortal but cannot reproduce. After all, the undead are all transformed from living creatures.

Low-level undead creatures are ignorant, but high-level undead creatures not only have intelligence, but also have beautiful memories of the past in this world.

6000 years ago, there were blue skies and white clouds here, mountains and seas, deep forests and grasslands, the sun, moon and stars rotated through the four seasons, and the vitality that other worlds should have had here.

But, because of Austin Griffin, a born god, a world was turned upside down.

The stars fell, the bright moon shattered, and the dark sun faded.

All life was wiped out of the earth, leaving only ugly black rocks and scorching rivers of lava.

Originally, only the Dark Sun Peak where the Dread Knight King was located could have precious light to dispel the darkness, while the Plain of Eternal Darkness on the other side of the world should always be silent in darkness, unless no one born in the dark race wanted to stay there permanently.

In particular, corpse witches and bone dragons hate it because they are mostly high-level undead creatures with spiritual intelligence and some memories before death.

Even if their bodies do not reject the strong dark elements, mentally they still hope to live in a bright world.

The seventh-level corpse witch Avery sat on the eighth-level bone dragon Long Wu. They originally disliked the Plain of Eternal Darkness the least.

However, some wonderful changes took place there after the change of ownership six years ago. A battle fortress that was as bright as the sun floated into the sky, and the Plain of Eternal Darkness, which had not been exposed to sunlight for 6000 years, regained its light.

Moreover, compared to the monotonous changes of other areas in the World of the Undead for thousands of years, the changes in the Plain of Eternal Darkness also made the two of them very interested, so they accepted the task of going to the Plain of Eternal Darkness every three months.

The core content of the mission is very simple. Go and meet the new monarch to ensure that she is always there. Of course, you can also pass on some insignificant matters.

"Well, Avery, I feel that the dark element aura in the Plain of Eternal Darkness seems to have dropped a bit, do you feel it?" Long Wu, who had just flown over the Fire Smoke River, said with the soul fire in his big skull beating.

The Fire Smoke River is the natural boundary of the Plain of Eternal Darkness. Beyond this river is the territory of the new monarch.

"Perhaps, the Plain of Eternal Darkness is under the direct jurisdiction of the Spider King. She can do whatever she wants." Corpse Witch Avery moved his head to look around, then pointed to the white light on the left, "Look, then The magma lake on the edge has expanded again."

"Yes, it is said that they are mining liquid metal underground. What's the use of that thing? Is it delicious?" Long Wu also looked over, but his flight direction did not shift due to this.

The light from the Holy Sun Castle can only radiate to the area directly below it, which is the Morning Basin, the core area of ​​the Plain of Eternal Darkness.

The other [-]% of the Plains of Eternal Darkness is still in darkness, so other resource extraction points will be shrouded in small holy light arrays, providing basic lighting and transformation of heaven and earth elements.

Long Wu and Avery only needed to take a quick look to know whether the resource extraction points in the Plain of Eternal Darkness had expanded. The direction of the Dawn Basin was also easy to locate. The hazy golden light in the middle of the distance was the light of the Holy Sun Castle.

"I remember that the guy stationed there is called Huo Yu. He has a very bad temper and is very powerful. He is also one of the three commanders under His Highness Vivian. We'd better not provoke her."

Corpse Witch Avery also shook his head. He and Long Wu had suffered losses there before.

Fire Control is already extremely powerful, and now most of her body is located in the magma pool. With the blessing of the environment, she is not afraid of other ordinary monarchs.

This is also the reason why she is stationed at the border of the Plain of Eternal Darkness. Of course, she also likes the environment here.

At this moment, Huo Yu was also lying on his back and bathing in the magma pool. His beautiful face glanced in the direction of Long Wu and Avery and then turned his head.

Since the other party didn't come over, she had no intention of provoking trouble. She just sent the news of the other party's arrival to Queen Vivian as soon as possible.

Along the way, we passed more than a dozen bright lights, most of which were fixed supply points. There were very few large-scale resource collection points like the one where Huo Yu was stationed.

At this moment, the East Spider Academy has completely relaxed the access restrictions to the world of the undead, which is called the Secret Realm of Eternal Darkness. As long as you pay enough price or contribution, you can obtain access quota and obtain the unique resources of the world of the undead.

Avery and Long Wu didn't care at all as they watched the human team with flashing auras hunting down mid- to low-level undead creatures below.

On the one hand, the Plain of Eternal Darkness is under the control of the Spider King, and the other party has complete control and can freely dispose of it.

On the other hand, these high-level undead creatures do not think that those ignorant middle- and low-level undead creatures are their own kind.

Long Wu's flying speed was very fast, and not long after, the Morning Basin appeared in front of them, which had undergone earth-shaking changes from before. The first thing that caught their eyes was a sea of ​​blue and white grass.

Different from the deep and dark rocks along the way, the ground near the Dawn Basin was covered with white soil and covered with blue and white grass.At this point, Long Wu also folded his wings and landed, and both he and Avery felt an instinctive sense of depression.

This depression does not come from the air mixed with various elements in the sky, nor from the blue-white grass, but from the white soil that exudes a little fluorescence.

As if sensing the arrival of Long Wu and Avery, the blue silver grass dancing in the wind separated a path, and an old man with a blue beard walked out of it.

He was short in stature, wearing a blue and white robe, and his aura was particularly deep, and he was vaguely consistent with this sea of ​​blue and silver grass. They also knew this Long Wu, who was one of the three commanders, Cao Lao.

"Lao Cao, we are here to invite the Spider King to the Lava Hills under the order of the Terror Knight Lord. The Lich Lord has already cast a great prophecy, and Austin Griffin's next evolution will be within a year."

Avery jumped off Long Wu and bowed and said politely. The other party's aura was obviously better than the two of them, and they were on someone else's territory, so they were naturally cautious.

"So the Terror Knight Lord plans to summon all the monarchs to prepare in advance in the lava hills and discuss practical plans together."

"Well, since it's business, you can go in directly. Remember to follow Chenguang Dove directly to the Holy Sun Castle in the sky and don't walk around randomly."

Cao Lao's face remained unchanged and he nodded gently. He originally didn't like the desolation of this world, but he would follow the queen wherever she went.

Moreover, the Queen's plan to rejuvenate the dead land also inspired him, and he was willing to work hard for it. The large sea of ​​blue and silver grass outside the Dawn Basin was his masterpiece.

And for some reason, Cao Lao brought the blue silver grass to thrive in this new world, and unknowingly, the shackles of his own bloodline slowly melted away.

Although it is not in the direction of the orthodox Blue Silver Emperor, it can clearly feel the steady improvement of its cultivation, and the Blue Silver Grass has also transformed and evolved in the direction of the Queen.

After hearing what Cao Lao said, Avery flew to Long Wu again, and a dove condensed by holy light also appeared in front of him.

Long Wu snorted and followed the pigeon to fly up, crossing the sea of ​​blue and silver grass. He did not climb over the mountain and enter the Morning Basin, but crossed the white light barrier and rushed straight to the Holy Sun Castle, which exuded golden light in the sky.

From the outside, the Holy Sun Castle looks like a dark golden sun. That's because a dark golden spherical light shield surrounds the entire Holy Sun Castle. Only Long Wu and Avery can see it beyond the light shield.

The style of the Saint Sun Fort is very simple. Below it is a hemispherical black metal base. The circular platform expands outwards, and three layers of thick golden fortresses are stacked on top.

Further up, there is a flat square where three pure white circular palaces overlap. Where they overlap, white vines with golden patterns emerge like the branches of a big tree.

The white and gold world-eating grass finally formed a canopy-like dome covering directly above the palace.

Following the guiding morning dove, Long Wu and Avery landed in the square, where the last leader, Thunder, was waiting for them and took them to see Queen Vivian.

Although the Plain of Eternal Darkness is nominally the territory of Spider King Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong, as the pope, naturally cannot stay in the world of the dead for a long time, so the highest permanent resident here is Vivian.

Long Wu was too big to enter the palace. Only Avery followed the three-meter-tall Lei Ming into the palace, where Vivian wearing a white gold robe and Guang wearing a mask were waiting for it.

After listening to Avery's words, Vivian turned to look at Guang. She knew that Guang had just calculated the next evolution time of Austin Griffin. After all, Bibi Dong also needed to make time to resolve this matter.

"We have also calculated the next resurrection time of Austin Griffin. To be precise, it should be within one month, or within half a year." Guang did not hide anything from Avery.

"Even most likely it should be after March."

Avery was obviously stunned when he heard Guang's words, and the soul fire in the skull pulsed, "Sir, are you serious about this?"

"Probably nothing will go wrong." Guang nodded lightly, but he was not speculating on fate. In the process of deploying the array to draw energy, he could also detect the power fluctuations of Austin Griffin in the world.

According to the King of Horrible Knights, when Austin Griffin collided with the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation, the terrifying collision of power destroyed the world. At the same time, Austin Griffin's power also dissipated into the world.

The so-called evolution of Austin Griffin is actually recovering and digesting the power he lost in the world of the undead, so just by detecting the fluctuations and changes in Austin Griffin's power in the world of the undead, it will naturally become clear that Austin Griffin probably evolved time.

Even using this to calculate its next evolution time is much more reliable than calculating its illusory fate.

"So let's set the party for next month. We'll see you at Lava Hills."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Avery also nodded suddenly. As for not seeing the Spider King, he naturally didn't say much because he was interested.

(End of this chapter)

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