Chapter 240 Exchange
lava hills,

The environment here is a standard wasteland terrain of the undead world. The rugged black rocks form a complex hilly landscape, and red magma spurts out from the depths. Under normal circumstances, only low-level undead creatures will wander here.

However, this place is close to the territory of the Lich King, so she was also the first monarch to discover the evolution of Austin Griffin. However, due to timing and her own factors, she delayed two important opportunities.

According to her, Austin Griffin has evolved to the level of 6 heads and 8th level. In addition, it has an aura of destruction that scares all undead creatures. Even the undead monarch is difficult to deal with.

As for his companions from another world, the one with the highest strength is at the 8th level. He can be promoted to the 9th level through a series of means, but he is still much inferior to the monarch.

But it is worth noting that those people are very young, it will be quite troublesome if they can go further, and they may also shake people.

Ten monarchs floated in nine directions in the void. Bibi Dong and Guang stood together. They also took this matter very seriously. After all, the threat of God Shura has not been eliminated.

Although according to the world of the undead, creatures without divine status can only cultivate to the demigod realm, it is also a good reference for how to break through to level 99 Peerless Douluo.

After all, the path to enlightenment is too costly and risky, and not everyone can take it. In contrast, taking the orthodox path of a soul master is also a very good choice if you can break through to the demigod realm and then wait for an opportunity to obtain the divine position.

In addition, the essence of Austin Griffin is a real god. If he can be completely killed, Guang's vision is very profound.

When a whale falls, all things are born.

In the same way, when a true god dies, his legacy is beyond imagination.

"I don't think a cruel god like Austin Griffin has friends. His otherworldly companions must be forced by him."

The terrifying knight monarch who was standing on the neck of the Bone Dragon King said in a deep voice, "So let's explain the truth to them first. If they are willing to avoid it, Austin Griffin will definitely die."

"Of course, if they are stubborn or pretend to be hesitant and delay time, we will not waste time. We will use all our strength to annihilate them and Austin Griffin."

Then the Terror Knight Monarch looked around at the other monarchs and asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any questions? Or if you have any suggestions, you can give them."

There was silence at first. It was obvious that none of these undead monarchs had any better ideas, or that they had known each other for 6000 years.

The only exception was Spider King Bibi Dong. The terrifying knight monarch's eyes finally fell on her and the masked Void Demon King.

The opponent seems to be particularly good at magic formations. Whether it is the magic formation on the Plain of Eternal Darkness or the teleportation formation here, they both look quite good.

Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other, then took a step forward, "I have a question, what if Austin Griffin sees something is wrong and turns around and returns to the other world of his companions?"

The Lich Lord shook his head slightly, "It's impossible. Once Austin Griffin's evolution begins, it will not be interrupted. During this period, he is extremely fragile and can only rely on other people to protect him."

"That's right, only in the world of the dead can he evolve and recycle his broken power. Even if he returns to another world, he will still be six-headed and cannot get around it."

On the other side, the Hellfire Lord also added angrily, seeing that Bibi Dong and the Demon King of the Void were very harmonious. In the past six years, other monarchs have also seen the strength of Bibi Dong, who is definitely a powerful dragon across the river.

In addition, the opponent is not a local strongman in the world of the undead and is not affected by Austin Griffin. This operation requires more efforts from the opponent.

"It's hard to say. You can't be too cautious when dealing with a former natural god. If Austin Griffin uses methods such as self-mutilation to forcefully interrupt evolution and escape with his partners, we will have to wait and see. How much time."

Guang Jingping analyzed, "Also, Austin Griffin's strength will not increase with time if he does not evolve, but his partners from another world are not subject to this restriction."

"The Lich Lord also said that the other party looks very young, and his pure light attribute restrains the undead. If he delays enough time to break through to level 9 with others, it may be quite troublesome."

"What you said is indeed good, so is there any solution?" The voice of the Terror Knight King was calm, and the soul fire under the helmet fluctuated. It was not afraid that the other party would show off, but that the other party would have nothing.

As Guang said, Austin Griffin is a truly terrifying natural god. In the past, more than ten demigods combined with the power of the world could not completely kill him.

Now they can easily complete this important task just by relying on these lingering undead?It itself does not believe it.

"Of course I have a way here. On the one hand, I can set up a formation in advance. When Austin Griffin arrives, I can seal the void and prevent them from escaping."

Guang opened his hand and looked at the other monarchs and said, "On the other hand, even if an accident does happen, I can also set up a reverse space teleportation array based on the space fluctuations when they came, and take the initiative to go to the world when they came to hunt down Austin Ge. Riffin.”

"The most important thing is that the Lich Lord said that Austin Griffin's companions are living humans, and their world must also be a beautiful world."

Douluo Continent certainly cannot let these undead souls cause trouble, but in another new world, it would be good to let these undead monarchs go there and test it out.In the past six years, the World of the Undead feels that it has almost been managed. It is time to consider the adjacent new world, but it is better to be cautious.

Because there is generally not a big gap between adjacent worlds. The world of the undead is a broken and withered world, but its predecessor had more than a dozen strong demigods and even natural gods.

In the same way, Bibi Dong and Guang were cautious about the unknown new world, taking things slowly and not in a hurry.

Such an obvious hint made the other nine undead monarchs stunned for a moment, and then the soul fire began to beat violently. They were not born undead. They also wanted to live under the blue sky and white clouds.

"What's the price?" The Terror Knight Monarch asked calmly, but the pie the other party drew was too tempting, and its voice unconsciously contained a hint of urgency.

Seeing that the other party was very understanding, Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other and nodded to each other with great satisfaction. If the other party was willing, they wouldn't mind mutual benefit.

"The formation will do its best to help surround Austin Griffin. We have two conditions. First, we want the first choice of the trophies. Second, we also want a deposit."

"Okay, what do you want for the deposit?" the Terror Knight Lord asked.

"For the magic circle, we can just bring our own materials. You don't need to worry about it. As for the deposit, we want the broken dark sun." Guang said, hiding his desire.

A real sun in the world cycle, even if it is broken, is of extraordinary benefit to him in understanding the way of the blazing sun. Coupled with the ritual, the light is sure to directly catalyze the body of the blazing sun to a mature body.

"Dark Sun..." The Terror Knight King hesitated. Although this broken Dark Sun was crumbling in the air of Dark Sun Peak and the light it emitted was very dim, it was also his memory of the past.

"What do you mean by the space teleportation circle at the back?" The Terror Knight King turned around and asked Guang another question.

"The price for this is also very simple. Since you have gone to the New World, you no longer need the territory in this broken world. We can take it over as payment."

"Where's the time?" The Lich Lord asked immediately, and the other monarchs also turned their attention. It was obvious that she and the other monarchs were very interested in the new world.

In contrast, only the Hellfire Lord looked indifferent. As an elemental life, it was not very interested in the new world.

"You can build it directly after siegeing Austin Griffin. If you are worried, you can teleport one by one. The other world is not far away. I believe you can also contact us to determine the reliability of the teleportation array."

Guang also takes the initiative to show sincerity. When there is no direct conflict of interest, he still prefers a mutually beneficial cooperation model.

"That's okay." The Terror Knight Lord nodded lightly. If he could go to the new world, there would be nothing to miss in the broken world of the undead.

Although their life forms have long been irreversible, it is enough for him to be able to return to the world of birds and flowers.

"Then I'll collect the deposit first. A week later I will bring my own materials to set up the array. It will be completed in about ten days. At that time, I can also activate it first for you to test its power."

"Okay." The terrifying knight monarch was also very satisfied with Guang's words. Compared with other undead monarchs who didn't know anything, the methods of visiting visitors from this other world were much more rigorous.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Guang was also happy to see that the transaction went smoothly. He planned to take a look at the goods first, and then determine the use.

Guang arranged for the main body to come through the teleportation array, and went to the Dark Sun Peak with the Terror Knight Lord, while the Void Monster Chief returned to the Plain of Eternal Darkness to let his men prepare the materials for the magic circle.

There is no need to laboriously transport it from Douluo Continent. Just use the metal ore stored in the mining site here to process it and build more formation bases.

Guang Guang also had a plan for this in advance. He needed a solid enough formation base for Austin Griffin. Generally speaking, things are not safe and good things will cost money.

Therefore, he planned to let other undead monarchs serve as the core of the formation to set up an eight-door golden lock air suppression array, so that as long as the undead monarch sitting in charge was still there, the formation would not collapse.

Bibi Dong and the other seven undead monarchs found places to station themselves near the lava hills.

He is not impatient with waiting for everyone, but is focused on adjusting his condition with all his strength. After all, his opponent is a god of scourge who is in charge of destruction.

Even if the opponent has lost most of its power, even if the opponent has only one last chance, no one dares to be careless.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, not to mention that the opponent is still a young dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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