Chapter 241 Dawn of Light
A week later, Guang Guang, who returned to the lava hills to set up the array, had a red face. The aura on his body had changed significantly from before, and his eyes were shining with golden light.

"The benefits are huge." Looking at Bibi Dong with questioning eyes, Guang replied happily with a smile on his face.

The Dark Sun was indeed broken, but it also gave the light a chance to devour and digest it. After all, the complete sun, as an immature body of the blazing sun, was not qualified to enjoy it.

"That's good." Bibi Dong nodded lightly. Her mind has been clear these days, and she can feel that the suppressed aura of destruction here is becoming more active, which shows that Austin Griffin is indeed about to evolve.

At this time, the strength increases greatly, whether it is to kill Austin Griffin or to snatch the loot after success, it is beneficial and harmless.

Seeing that the Terror Knight Monarch and other Undead Monarchs were also looking over, Guang didn't waste any time and immediately began to set up the eight-door golden lock air suppression formation.

He did not shy away from anything, and explained the formation to the other undead monarchs while arranging it, because at that time, 8 people would be needed to guard the 8 formation gates.

The eight gates of this formation are Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Kai. Among them, Sheng gate, Jing gate, and open gate have the lowest requirements, Shang gate, Xiu gate, and Jing gate have higher requirements, and Du gate has higher requirements. and Death's Gate are the most demanding.

The Eight-Door Golden Lock Suppression Array is different from the Holy Light Array in that it does not contain any holy light. Its own attributes also change with the domain attributes of the eight guardians.

That's right, even the minimum requirements for the guardian of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Suppression Array are that they need to reach the ninth level of strength and possess the domain. In addition, they also need 10086 metal array bases to connect everyone's power.

Although the requirements are very high, once the formation is formed, the domains of the eight guardians will be merged into a hybrid domain to completely control the lava hills. Not to mention the void, all the vitality of the world will be completely blocked and suppressed.

As long as one-third of the base of the formation remains, Dumen and Death Gate are not broken, and Shangmen, Xiumen, and Jingmen are not completely shattered, this formation will not be broken.

The most important thing is that even if the ban and suppression ability of this formation cannot prevent Austin Griffin from evolving, it can definitely delay its evolution time significantly!

Because the essence of Austin Griffin's evolution is to recover power from the world of the dead, but under the ban of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Suppression Formation, the efficiency will definitely drop significantly.

After listening to Guang's introduction, the other undead monarchs were also quite satisfied. The terrifying knight monarch even asked carefully whether the eight-door golden lock air suppression array could continue to be strengthened?
After all, they still have a large number of undead creatures under their command. It doesn't matter if they are used as cannon fodder. The key is that they can be put to use.

Just looking at its enthusiasm, it also gave a luxury method, which was to let other undead monarchs divide their undead creatures into small teams and station them on 10086 metal formation bases.

There is no need to do anything else at that time, just infuse the power into the magic circle when it is needed.

The ants will bite the elephant to death, not to mention the large number of undead creatures just observing the undead world. After all, they are the remnants of one world, and their power is gathered through the formation base.

The water accumulated into abyss and the earth formed into mountains. The sheer number of them was much more terrifying than the undead monarch.

"How about you and I each pick one Dumen and Death Gate, and you can arrange the remaining six gates on your own?" Bibi Dong said, looking at the terrifying knight monarch opposite.

"But, then I will choose Death's Door." The Terror Knight Monarch is also very satisfied with this. In this way, everyone's strength is condensed into one through the magic circle, which is far stronger than the original loose sand.

In this case, he is also full of confidence in completely killing Austin Griffin.

"Since the Death Gate is important, the Bone Dragon King is still with me. The Lich King, the Shadow Lord, and the Hellfire Lord. You three are responsible for the Hurt Gate, the Rest Gate, and the Shock Gate respectively. The Hateful Lord, the Zombie Lord, and the Wraith Lord, you guys. Responsible for the Shengmen, Jingmen and the Opening Gate.”

"Skeleton Lord, as a reserve team, if there is a crisis in any of the formations, you will help in time or directly step in." Then the Terror Knight Lord turned his attention back to Guang and Bibi Dong.

"I will be responsible for presiding over the magic circle to check for leaks and fill in the gaps. After the magic circle is set up, we can start the magic circle to get familiar with it, and then cancel the magic circle and wait for the prey to enter the net."

Guang gave his suggestion that the magic circle should wait until Austin Griffin and his companions are completely arrested before activating it. On the one hand, this is a strategy of closing the door and beating the dog. On the other hand, opening the eight-door golden lock air suppression array in advance consumes too much time. big.


The plane adjacent to the World of the Undead is generally very similar to the Douluo Continent. It is also a vast continent surrounded by the ocean, and it is called the Holy Demon Continent.

The practice system here is very similar to the predecessor of the World of the Undead. There are no soul ring restrictions. Even if everyone has different professions, they are essentially practicing spiritual power. Compared with soul power, they have different paths and reach the same goal.

Those with spiritual power exceeding one hundred thousand points are considered to be at the ninth level, equivalent to a titled Douluo. Those whose strength exceeds the limit of one million spiritual powers are considered to be in the demigod realm.

This world has a long history, divided into the ancient period 3000 years ago, the glorious age 6000 years ago, and the dark age from 6000 years ago to the present.

The so-called dark age refers to 6000 years ago, when the sun and the moon appeared together, nine stars appeared in a row, 72 demon gods descended, and the demon race was born. Since then, it has been in opposition to the human race, so it is now called the Holy Demon Continent. The key to the 72 Demon God Pillars lies in the 72 Demon God Pillars, not the Demon God.

As the saying goes, the Demon God Pillar is made of iron and the Demon God is flowing water. The Demon God Pillar is the source of the birth of the 72 races of the Demon Clan.

In the first hundred days when the 6000 Demon God Pillars first came 72 years ago, all living creatures, whether beasts, warcraft or humans.Once contaminated with the aura emanating from these 72 Demon God Pillars, it will immediately undergo huge mutations and mutate into demon creatures, obeying the command of the Demon God where the Demon God Pillars are located.

Not only that, the Demon God Pillar can greatly improve the strength of the Demon God, and it is indestructible. Even if the Demon God is killed, a new strongest person from the corresponding Demon Race will appear and refine the corresponding Demon God Pillar to become a new Demon God.

Of course, the 72 Demon Gods are not gods. Even the strongest Demon Emperor Fengxiu's strength does not exceed the ninth level. Most of the demon gods are at the ninth level, and a few of the bottom demon gods are even at the eighth level.

But the situation of the opposing human race is even worse. At the end of the Glory Age, there were three major human empires, each of which was better than the current human race's Temple Alliance.

However, before the arrival of the Demon God, a terrifying being whose strength was equal to that of the gods single-handedly destroyed the three empires. The Age of Glory came to an end. Even if the human race, whose vitality was severely damaged, formed the Temple Alliance, it was far from enough to compete with the Demon Clan.

Even the strongest person in the entire human race is only at level 72 and level [-]. Facing the [-] Demon Gods, they are far inferior in terms of quality and quantity.

Not to mention that every demon god has an incomparably suitable weapon called the Demon God Pillar. 6000 years ago, the human race was indeed close to extinction, but there was hope in the desperate situation.

A sacred and majestic throne fell from the sky, interrupting the demon's offensive at that time.

The human race who saw hope in a desperate situation naturally united together at all costs, but they were frustrated to find that they could not refine this divine throne called eternity and creation.

So they used the materials that came down together to imitate five first-class Divine Seal Thrones based on the shapes of the Divine Seal Thrones of Eternity and Creation, and used this to stand firm against the demonic offensive and maintain a small territory.

Later, the human race was divided into six major temples according to different professions, and the human race territory was divided into six to guard respectively. Together with the alliance headquarters in the center, together they became the Temple Alliance.

The six major temples study six major professions, namely knights who are both offensive and defensive, assassins who are good at assassination, mages who are good at long-range, priests who are responsible for assisting, summoners who are good at crowd fighting, and warriors with the lowest entry threshold.

Knights are the plus version of warriors. They not only have higher requirements in all aspects, but also have cool mount partners.

In this world, Austin Griffin became the mount partner of a human knight despite being mentally ignorant, and even signed the most extreme blood contract.

The young knight's name was Long Haochen, and he named the reincarnation of Austin Griffin, whose name he didn't know, Haoyue.

The so-called blood contract means that if Long Haochen dies, Haoyue will also die, but if Haoyue dies, Long Haochen will have nothing to do, and Long Haochen can also borrow almost all of Haoyue's power.

From then on, with Haoyue's help, the young knight overcame difficulties and grew rapidly. He also met teammates who could support each other, and eventually established the Dawn of Light, the highest-level demon-hunting group in the Temple Alliance.

It is worth paying special attention that the most important criterion for a title-level demon hunting group is to kill the top 36 demon gods.

But what the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group did shocked everyone in the Temple Alliance, because they not only killed four demon gods, but also completely destroyed three demon god pillars.

This is the first time in the 6000-year history of mankind, and the core reason is because Haoyue has an unknown restraint effect on the Demon God Pillar.

But because of this, the demons, who had always been aloof towards the Temple Alliance, directly chose to launch an all-out offensive uncharacteristically after discovering Haoyue.

The Human Race's Temple Alliance did not understand the core reason why the Demon Race did this. In their view, the Demon Race reacted so strongly because they saw that the Human Race had hope of a comeback.

After all, if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three. The 72 demon pillars are the foundation of the demon clan, and the emergence of the Dawn of Light is the hope of the human race.

Their members are all core members of the six major temples. Most of them are the granddaughters and grandsons of the masters of the major temples. They are extremely talented and their strength is growing rapidly.

Not long after they reached adulthood, most of the members of Dawn of Light broke through to the ninth level, and two members were even recognized by two Divine Seal Thrones. Long Haochen became the first person in 6000 years to be recognized by the Divine Seal Thrones of Eternity and Creation. people!
So even though the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is well aware of the dangers they will face in the World of the Undead, they are still confident in their own strength.

For them, Haoyue is not only the partner of the leader Long Haochen, but also the hope that they can break the Demonic Pillar and make the human race stand up, so they must not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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