Chapter 242 Arrival
The silver light flashed, and Long Haochen and others, wrapped in a white light shield, came to the world of the dead.

Liu Haoyue, who had arrived at the world of the dead first, was currently crawling on a hill. Seeing the arrival of Long Haochen and others, his 12 big eyes were full of joy, and the subconscious uneasiness in his eyes was also put down.

This time Long Haochen led many more partners than last time, including himself, a total of 11 people.

With the blood contract between him and Haoyue as the core pulling force, Long Haochen directly used the power of the super artifact, the Throne of Eternity and Creation, to directly transport everyone across planes through the epic team equipment Blinking Realm and the connection between partners. Move here.

They are Long Haochen, the leader of the Demon Hunting Group of the Dawn of Light, a ninth-level knight, with the physique of a God of Light, and the holder of the throne of the Seal of Eternity and Creation.

The deputy leader and Long Haochen's lover, Sheng Cai'er, a ninth-level assassin, the physique of a reincarnation saint, the successor of Electrolux, holds the Tower of Eternity, a once super artifact.

Long Haochen's sworn sister, the second blood contract partner, Long Yating, the Elf King of Light, ninth level, wields the Sword of the King.

Team member Sima Xian, a ninth-level priest, is a strange bald man who can't support but only fights.

Member Wang Yuanyuan is a ninth-level warrior and the only inheritor of the bloodline of the Giant Spirit God.

Team member Chen Ying'er is a ninth-level summoner with the physique of a soul saint. Her natal summoned beast is the mirror image of the treasure god pig.

Group member Lin Xin is a ninth-level magician who is good at fire element offensive magic.

Group member Han Yu, ninth level, holder of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Fear and Sorrow.

Group member Zhang Fangfang, ninth level, holder of the Divine Seal of Wisdom and Spirit Throne.

Member Yang Wenzhao, Duanyi, eighth level.

The entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group has been experiencing constant opportunities recently. Their strength has greatly increased and all members have changed their costumes. This kind of success allows them to have enough confidence in themselves and their leader Long Haochen, even if they know the dangers of the undead world.

Many people are even eager to try, planning to take this opportunity of the World of the Dead to test their own strength.

However, contrary to all of their expectations, there were no mountains and seas of undead creatures waiting near Haoyue as they had expected. Even compared to the previous times, the lava hills today were a little unnervingly quiet.


At this moment, Haoyue also yelled at Long Haochen a few times, uncharacteristically, and then devoted herself to evolution with confidence, and then her whole body was wrapped in purple-gold light.

"Haochen, what did Haoyue say?" Sheng Cai'er walked to Long Haochen and asked softly. She didn't know why she began to feel instinctive uneasiness in her heart. This kind of uneasiness was the last time Long Haochen was killed by Demon God Huang Feng. When Xiuyi pointed to kill.

"He said that he needs more time to evolve this time than the previous evolutions. In addition, his premonition is not good, so let's be careful." Long Haochen's voice was also a little solemn.

With a clear mind, he also subconsciously felt a kind of palpitations after coming to the world of the dead. This was something he had never experienced before. This place seemed a little different from before.

However, with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation in hand, Long Haochen is also full of confidence at this moment. In the previous test of the Divine Seal Throne, Long Yating was reborn. It was also at this time that he took out the King's Sword and would stay in it. Long Yating woke up and introduced her to her companions.

The members who were originally a little gloomy were also excited to see the new members. Among them, Lin Xin stood up the most excitedly. The other members were not used to the dark element and fire element environment here, but he was an exception.

"Boss, don't worry, I just want to give my Holy Sun Curse a try!"

He had recently acquired two top-notch fire-attributed immortal-level equipment. The staff in his hand was inlaid with fiery red dragon crystals the size of a human head, called the Immortal Dragon Fire.

The golden and red gradient color robe on his body is even more eye-catching. It is called the Praise of the Glorious Holy Fire. These two pieces of equipment can be regarded as the top equipment among the fire mages in the Holy Demon Continent.

Other team members are also eager to give it a try. They have recently obtained the inheritance and treasures from the major temples, and they all plan to perform well in front of their friends.

Long Haochen was also full of expectations. Isn't it true for him who has newly obtained the throne of eternity and the divine seal of creation?This subconscious self-confidence overwhelms the body's instinctive sense of crisis.

He could feel that there were definitely many undead creatures in the darkness around him, but he didn't know why they didn't rush here, but stayed in place uncharacteristically.

"It looks like everyone is here, let's get started." Along with a cold voice, a sound like water droplets sounded from the darkness in the distance, and a group of dark ripples containing various colors rippled from the void. Come.

"Get up!" An inexplicable sense of depression appeared on all members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Everyone felt as if they had jumped from the sea, and the pressure around them was rising rapidly.

The originally dark lava hills appeared radiant beyond the light of lava fire, and eight huge portals slowly emerged in the void, surrounding the evolving Haoyue and Dawn Demon Hunting Groups in the middle.

Under the portal, eight palpitating auras filled the air. Lin Xin, holding the Immortal Dragon Fire Staff, subconsciously prepared the Holy Sun Curse, but the next moment he suddenly widened his eyes and turned his head.

"What's going on? Why did my spell fail?"

Hearing Lin Xin's exclamation, all the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group subconsciously made their own attempts, but soon, everyone's expressions changed drastically, including Long Haochen.

The vitality of the surrounding world is decreasing rapidly. If the original world of the undead was just because of the incompatibility of the properties of the vitality of the world and the earth, it was difficult for them to recover, but now this place has directly turned into a desert of the vitality of the world.

As a magician, Lin Xin is undoubtedly an expert in borrowing the vitality of heaven and earth. In addition to the core part of his spells coming from his own spiritual power, most of his spells rely on the support of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

But at this moment, he is unable to draw any vitality from heaven and earth, so the spell will naturally fail directly, unless his spell is supported by all the spiritual power in his body.

"There's something wrong with this world." Sheng Cai'er also shook her head. As an assassin, she actually felt like she had nowhere to hide.

"Boss, my summoning spell seems to have failed." Chen Ying'er on the other side almost cried. Except for her natal summoned beast, the Mirror Image Treasure Pig, her other contracted summoned beasts cannot be summoned across borders, let alone random summons. Summoned.

As a summoner, she was unable to summon her younger brother in this forbidden void world, so she was considered the most completely defeated one.

But Long Haochen's attention was on the other side. He found that after the change, the purple-gold light on Haoyue's body also collided crazily with the colorful black, and in the end less than half of it reached the sky.

For this reason, Haoyue also raised his head and roared, his evolution speed was much slower than expected.

"Haoyue." Long Haochen, who understood Haoyue's meaning, felt a little anxious in his heart. Then he waved, and the ninth-level sacred unicorn, his second mount under him, transformed into a colorful brilliance after chanting and merged with Long Haochen.

A colorful necklace also appeared on Long Haochen's neck. This was the imitation of a ninth-level sacred unicorn. It had a sacred domain that could transform all attributes into the power of sacred light.

Not only can it comprehensively increase Long Haochen's strength, but it can also bestow the effects of the sacred realm on Long Haochen, allowing him to freely absorb other attributes of heaven and earth energy in the world of the undead and convert them into light attributes to restore himself.

But it is a pity that under the ban of the Eight Gate Golden Lock Suppression Formation, all the vitality of the world and the world here are converted into the power of the magic circle. For the members of the Dawn of Light, it is a complete desert of vitality. No matter how much the transformation is, it is still 0 0.

At this moment, the figure under the eight portals also clearly appeared in front of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Except for the Lich King Long Haochen and others, no one else knew him.

Moreover, looking at the aura, the Lich King was only in the middle of the pack. The auras of the two figures under the two largest portals were the most terrifying. In Long Haochen's perception, they had surpassed all the powerful humans he had ever seen.

One of them was sitting on a huge bone dragon. The aura of the bone dragon was roughly consistent with Long Haochen himself. They were both at the ninth level and the third level. The black armored figure on top was even more unfathomable.

With the help of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation, Long Haochen was able to clearly perceive that the true strength of the Terror Knight Monarch was at level nine and seven.

Another figure was a little out of place with the other undead monarchs. She was wearing a purple-gray battle armor, and her face armor was not closed to reveal an alluring face.

The power of death around her was so pure that it made Sheng Cai'er look sideways, but no one could feel the slightest aura of the undead from her. It was obvious that she was a pure human being.

The most important thing is that Long Haochen frowned slightly when he looked at her. Compared with the terrifying knight monarch, he could not accurately detect the opponent's strength. Even with the blessing of the throne of eternity and creation, his perception was still vague.

The undead monarchs were also very surprised to see that the purple-gold light beam on Austin Griffin's head became much slimmer under the seal of the eight-door golden lock air suppression array.

The leader of the terrifying knight king also subconsciously slowed down his tense body, so that he didn't have to be too anxious. It didn't hurt to communicate with the other party first. His first goal was always to completely kill Austin Grey, the culprit who destroyed the Creation Continent. Finn.

Therefore, as long as those humans are willing to give up their protection of Austin Griffin, he is willing to cooperate with them. After all, he was once a human, and he is also very attracted to the other person's plane.

It is not aggression, but cooperation, because he can sense the extraordinary qualities of the other party, so he is willing to use his own strength to cooperate with the other party in exchange for only a beautiful living space.

"Why do you want to protect the evolution of Austin and Griffin? Don't you know that it is a symbol of destruction and destruction? Get out of the way, the power of the alien plane, otherwise, today will be the time of your destruction. I am the King of Horrible Knights , my words represent all the kings of the world of the dead.”

(End of this chapter)

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