Chapter 243

"I don't know what destruction you are talking about, and I don't know what Austin Griffin is. I only know that Haoyue is my partner and my brother. If you want to destroy its evolution, you are my enemy."

Although he was a little anxious in his heart, Long Haochen's voice was very calm and he did not waver at all in response to the terrifying knight monarch.

Haoyue was their partner who had gone through many hardships together, not to mention that Haoyue also signed a blood contract with him, and was the only known being who could destroy the Demon God Pillar. He would never be swayed by the other party's words.

Hearing the words of the other party's helplessness, the Terror Knight Monarch and the other undead monarchs also became cold-hearted. It seemed that the other party had stopped crying without seeing the coffin.

"Wait a moment." Behind Bibi Dong, Guang walked out of the portal and looked at Long Haochen and his companions with interest. The description of the other party was very different from that of the Lich King. Could it be that he was similar to the Children of the World? Such roles.

The most important thing is that he can clearly perceive the pure light aura on the other party. In terms of purity, it has reached the pinnacle of extreme light, which is the limit of heaven and earth. It can be said that he is the best chosen one by the God of Light.

"In other words, regardless of the specific cause and effect between Austin Griffin and the world of the undead in the past, you choose to share this cause and effect as his partner?"

Guang's meaning is very simple. There is revenge and resentment. Austin Griffin and this broken world have a vengeance that will destroy the world. It is probably the same as him and Yuan Zhen Realm. The weight of cause and effect can be said to transcend all worldly things. relation.

This cannot be said to be a stalemate, but a hatred that is completely impossible to coexist.

In the past, Austin Griffin's partners could barely cover it up with the saying that the ignorant are not guilty. Now that they have made it so clear, if the other party still chooses to block the way, it means that they and Austin Griffin will share the responsibility. Part of the cause and effect of world destruction.

And the reason why Guang said it so clearly is also his habit. Before starting a fight, he should make it clear that there is still room for it. If a fight really breaks out, there will be no reason to regret midway.

Even if Austin Griffin dies, they will never let go of the light they have chosen to bear the consequences. As long as they have the ability, they will never hold back.

Doing the absolute best in everything is also another sense of not being influenced by cause and effect!
Guang's voice was as plain as Long Haochen's. It was clearly audible but did not emphasize anything deliberately. However, for some reason, everyone in the Dawn of Light felt an indescribable chill rising deep in their hearts.

It seemed that as long as they responded, some terrifying thing would be completely connected with them, not only themselves, but also the entire Temple Alliance and even all the creatures under their leadership.

However, they all chose to trust the leader, Long Haochen, just like in the past years, so they all focused their attention on Long Haochen.

Long Haochen, who felt the eyes of his companions, subconsciously stopped the words that had reached his throat. At the moment he hesitated, the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation on his body also issued a clear warning to him.

With the help of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Long Haochen suddenly seemed to see a huge cause and effect as dark as the sea right in front of him.

Looking back at his friends with trusting faces, he saw Haoyue's six heads blinking at him with innocent big eyes. Long Haochen took a long breath. Haoyue was his closest family member and companion. He chose to believe .

"The ten principles of knighthood are humility, honesty, mercy, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, perseverance, benevolence, and justice."

"If I am timid at this moment because of your one-sided words, then I have lost my bravery, sacrifice and even honor. If I cannot protect my companions and family, then there is no talk of benevolence and justice."

Long Haochen slapped his chest, and a huge throne appeared in the void. The white throne itself released a magnificent nine-color light.

The subtle reliefs on the back of the chair give people an indescribable sense of beauty.At the top are the sun, moon and stars, in the middle are birds and animals, and connected to the seat are scenes of nature.

The armrests of a pair of seats are respectively a statue of a sacred dragon and a twelve-winged angel. After the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation appeared, a small space was opened up for him and his companions in the eight-door golden lock air suppression array. place.

It is true that even the realm of the God of Light cannot be rootless water, but the power Long Haochen draws does not come from himself, but from the small world carried by the throne of eternity and creation.

"Boss is right. No matter what Haoyue has experienced in the past, he is a partner and family member who shares the same difficulties with us. We have taken over all the messy causes and consequences." Sima Xian and Lin Xin looked at each other and shouted decisively. .

Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang didn't say much, and directly released their Divine Seal Thrones to express their attitude.

They are the dark green Divine Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow and the light yellow Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit.

With the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation as the core, and the other two Divine Seal Thrones as assistance, all members of the Dawn of Light finally got rid of the sense of oppression caused by the eight-door golden locks air suppression array.The other members of the Dawn of Light are also well prepared. If they were afraid of shrinking because of the opponent's strength, they would not be where they are today.

"Ten principles of knighthood." Seeing the other party's reaction, Guang didn't show the slightest anger, but pondered over the other party's words, "The truth in the world is always relative. From our point of view, aren't you violating humility and honesty?" and principles of justice.”

"Forget it, since you and the world behind you are willing to bear this cause and effect, I hope you won't regret it in the future." Guang's eyes looked strange at the throne sealed by the God of Eternity and Creation.

Then he looked at the three thrones that were attacking the space blockade of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Suppression Formation and shook his head gently. The colorful black in the void became more and more intense.

This not only restricts the opponent from breaking the space blockade and escaping, but also prevents them from replenishing themselves by absorbing the power of chaos outside the small world communication plane.

The two inferior imitations were relatively good, and the bright white throne in the middle really had this ability.

The opponent's equipment was more luxurious than he expected, but the origin of the Eight-door Golden Lock Air Suppression Formation was also extraordinary. He learned it from the Eight Extremes Ancient Immortal Formation back then.

Coupled with the support of the undead monarch and other undead creatures, the upper limit of endurance is extremely high. The most important thing is that the core of this formation is. . .

"Leave him to me to solve it." The purple-black soul fire in the eyes of the King of Horrible Knights jumped wildly, and he went directly to the one who seemed to be the most troublesome. Since the other party chose to bear the cause and effect of Austin Griffin, then There is nothing more to say.

"His light attribute is very pure. If nothing else happens, you will be suppressed by the attribute. Are you sure?" Bibi Dong looked at the indifferent attitude of the terrifying knight king. She didn't mind if the other party wanted to gnaw on a hard bone, but she still reminded her politely. One sentence.

"It's just a ninth-level and third-level one, leave it to me." The ninth-level and seventh-level terrifying knight king shook his head disdainfully.

With the blessing of the magic circle, he felt that his dark attributes were purer, and he thought that he would not be much worse than his opponent. Coupled with his more than doubled spiritual power suppression and the Bone Dragon King at his feet, if this still could not solve him What dignity does he have as the head of the undead monarch?
"I think that guy with a bald head looks good, and his body looks very muscular." The King of Hatred pointed at Sima Xian and said.

"I choose the one with the shield." The zombie king is also an honest undead, so he approached the second strongest Wang Yuanyuan.

As for the shrewd Wraith King, he fell in love with Lin Xin, who was obviously not used to it.

The Lich King, Hellfire King and Shadow King are also interested in making moves, and they have their eyes on the other two rivals for the throne.

"Lich King, in order to prevent accidents, all three doors have been broken, so you don't have to take action." Guang appeared next to her and shook his head and said. The Lich King looked like a crispy mage at first glance, and he had a good relationship with the terrifying knight king. It wouldn't hurt if she took it easy.

"Then I'll just get rid of the rest of them." Bibi Dong's face was covered by the armor, and eight sharp spider legs came out of her back. At the same time, the same spider legs popped up on the armor on both arms. Sharp blade.

Seeing the opponent take action, Long Haochen did not hesitate to attack the most powerful terrifying knight king and the bone dragon king below him.

Facing the bone dragon king's breath of darkness and ice, a sun-moon snail shield shining with colorful light appeared on his left arm.

With the infusion of spiritual power, the seven-colored light above became brighter and quickly expanded into a shield with a diameter of two meters, completely guarding Long Haochen himself.

Immediately after Long Haochen made a move with his hand, the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation behind him emitted terrifying pressure and suddenly disintegrated into 13 balls of white light, covering Long Haochen's body and turning into battle armor, sharp swords and spinning around him. of three light groups of different colors.

Super artifact, it was generally clear that the terrifying knight king with the white throne level was not careless in his heart. The dark field turned into billowing black mist and charged towards Long Haochen. He himself wielded the purple-black heavy sword and slashed at him.

His thinking is very clear. His greatest advantage is his cultivation. As long as he fights head-on with the opponent, what if the opponent has a super artifact?
The Bone Dragon King below him understood him and took the lead in using his domain skills before he collided with Long Haochen.

"Roar, roar, roar -" The Bone Dragon King roared three times in a row, and three strands of ice-blue breath were sprayed out at the same time, but they were not sprayed towards Long Haochen. The three breaths formed a triangle in the air.

Ice blue light shot out from each of them, connecting the fulcrum formed by the three breaths, and then, an extreme chill appeared on Long Haochen's body.

In the center of the icy blue triangle, a dark blue black hole appeared, and a bit of blue light flickered. In the next moment, a dark blue light that seemed to be only as thick as an arm shot towards Long Haochen's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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