Chapter 245 Trump Card (Watch the game)
Sheng Cai'er took one step forward and faced the gray slashing light. The death sickle in her hand was a pure white light that was completely different from the gray around Bibi Dong.

Death's death, death's purification, death's roar, death's kiss, death's silence, the first five moves of the seven skills of death were used by her smoothly and converged into the sixth move of death.

Coupled with the pure white light of her purifying field, a picture of death unfolds in the void.

The King's Sword held by Long Yating is also an artifact of excellent quality. It can even be said that without the help of this artifact, Long Haochen would probably not be able to pass the test of the Divine Seal Throne.

Golden solid sword light spurted out from the King's Sword. Long Yating's moves were very simple, but the momentum and power of the sword moves were not bad at all, and she had the aura of a great job that was not done by accident.

The two of them worked together to intercept the gray slashing light. As the people closest to Long Haochen, they naturally knew his plan. They not only wanted to stop the other party from attacking Haoyue, but they also wanted to get the opportunity to use his trump card.


There was no explosion, no rumble, no sound or color in the collision between the three.

Whether it was Sheng Cai'er's scroll of the road to death or Long Yating's golden sword, they were all rendered into a dull gray after coming into contact with the gray slashing light, and withered and disillusioned silently.

Even the gray color spread to the two of them along with their attacks. . .


The sound of violent coughing accompanied by the sweet blood broke the silence. The two people who turned from gray to color looked at Bibi Dong in horror, while Bibi Dong in the distance looked at the two of them in surprise.

Her move seemed simple, but it was actually the pure power of death that she realized after analyzing the power of the Death Spider Emperor to its deepest level. It was the first time she used it today. Unexpectedly, the other party only suffered a slight loss, not anything. Hurt to the core.

"Interesting." Bibi Dong looked at the two of them with interest in their eyes, and the speed of walking in the void suddenly accelerated.

When Sheng Cai'er saw Bibi Dong's attack, she couldn't help it anymore and threw the Tower of Eternity into the air with a flip of her hand.

She, Long Yating and Chen Ying'er have a very obvious gap with each other. Once the risk of getting close is astonishing, she has to reveal her last trump card even if she is in a hurry.

Chen Ying'er had just inspected it, and there were quite a few undead creatures nearby, but they didn't show their heads, but were scattered and motionless, not knowing what they were doing there.

And as a Soul Saint, how could she endure such aggrievedness, let alone that she was currently wearing the Soul Saint Cloth, the inherited artifact of the Soul Temple.

Although Void was banned and she could not summon across borders, Chen Yinger set her sights on the magic circle.

Although the Lich King in the distance did not participate in the battle, she had already released hundreds of bone dragons under her command. With the blessing of her spells, the aura of these bone dragons had exceeded level 9, and they were surrounding all directions, ready to attack.

"Let my aunt show you how powerful she is." Chen Ying'er stretched out her hand and murmured a few spells. Three white lights shot directly towards Bibi Dong, but the direction seemed to be slightly off.

Looking at the three white lights passing by, Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes slightly and didn't pay much attention to it because Chen Ying'er's sense of presence was too low. However, the pig that changed its body shape made her a little interested. It might be able to produce good results. Give the soul skills and soul bones to Nana and the others.

But Chen Ying'er didn't feel disappointed at all, but instead looked forward to it. It was the gift of her innate ability from the soul, and the specific effect was not lethal, but. . .


The three bone dragons that were unfortunately hit by the white light behind Bibi Dong suddenly roared loudly, flapped their wings and rushed behind Bibi Dong. They opened their big mouths and fired out three blue ice breaths!

"Huh?" Bibi Dong, who sensed something was wrong with her breath, turned around and raised her eyebrows. Then without any hesitation, she tapped the void with one foot. With a flash of silver light, she appeared in the middle of the three bone dragons the next moment.

The gray blades on both arms popped out quickly like lightning, piercing into their blue-white soul fire one after another.

At the same time, the gray realm of death around her completely enveloped the three bone dragons. After a moment, only scattered gray dust slowly fell around Bibi Dong.

The Lich King's soul fire in the distance trembled. On the one hand, she was angry at the other party's methods, but on the other hand, she was dissatisfied with Bibi Dong's cruelty.

The Bone Dragon King in the distance also let out a mournful cry. In the past 6000 years, he has only had so many people, and everyone is a member of his clan.

The rosy-faced Bibi Dong seemed to have taken some powerful tonic. She didn't care what the Lich King and the Bone Dragon King thought.

The biggest achievement of her retreat this time is that she no longer needs to worry about the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor's ninth soul ring, because she has completely broken away from the boundaries and restrictions of a soul master.

Before reaching the true critical point, she can draw the power of death from others at will. There are no restrictions on soul rings or even soul beasts. After being fully refined, as long as she is willing to put in the effort, she can also master the soul skills she wants.

In the distance, Chen Ying'er, who had already spent a lot of money, turned pale. The opponent's attack was too fast and too cruel. She didn't have time to cut off the soul connection with the bone dragon.A ray of gray spread to her body along the mysterious connection. Fortunately, the inherited artifact Soul Saint Cloth on her body suddenly erupted.

108 elixirs flashed at the same time, and the last ray of gray converged into one of the elixirs. After it turned into ashes, Chen Ying'er breathed a sigh of relief.

But even so, she was heartbroken when she saw the Soul Saint Cloth on her body that was no longer perfect, and her eyes were full of fear when she looked at Bibi Dong's figure.

Just the connection through the air caused her to suffer such a big loss. If he was stabbed in person, she would estimate that the Soul Cloth on Immortal's body would be seriously damaged!
Fortunately, Chen Ying'er's timely action bought time for Sheng Cai'er to activate the Tower of Eternity.

The golden seven-story pagoda expanded rapidly, and Sheng Cai'er followed the Tower of Eternity standing in the void and looked around. The battle situation in the distance was not good.

Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang were able to stabilize their position with the strength of the Divine Seal Throne.

However, the situation of Sima Xian and Wang Yuanyuan is somewhat precarious. Their strength is not as good as the Hatred Monarch and Zombie Monarch. Coupled with the unreasonable suppression of the magic circle, they have no choice but to use their trump cards as their strength increases.

Sima Xian waved the Power Pill of Light and retreated steadily. The obvious suppression of his strength made him feel very aggrieved.

It's not that there is a significant gap between his real power and the Hatred Monarch. After all, he is a priest who can even go berserk. This gap is mainly due to the suppression of the void magic circle.

After all, Sima Xian himself is just a reckless man and cannot use his domain to offset external pressure. In his perception, the air is more annoying than thick glue, and the resistance in the air makes his actions particularly uncomfortable.

In contrast, the Hatred Monarch is exactly the opposite. Each of his attacks does not even explode, and the air resistance is almost zero.

Moreover, the plague field around him was also strengthened by the magic circle. Sima Xian, who was enveloped in it, could only rely on the high resistance brought by his madness and his own epic armor to hold on.

However, looking at his face that gradually turns green, you know that he is not immune to the poison, it is only temporarily suppressed. Once the poison accumulates to a certain level and explodes, he will definitely die.

Wang Yuanyuan has inserted all 7 empty silver crystals into the shield of the giant spirit god. This treasure, said to be passed down by the giant spirit god, has fully exploded with the power of immortal equipment.

It is obvious that the Giant Spirit God belongs to the demigods who were average in ancient times.

As Wang Yuanyuan screamed in a complete explosion, the power of the Sky Silver Crystal completely exploded, and fine red lines spread to the entire Giant Spirit God Shield.

In conjunction with Wang Yuanyuan's blood domain, a silver light door appeared in mid-air, and then the silver light pillar swallowed the light door. She was about to perform the divine descending technique of the giant spirit god.

But the next moment, a silver-white void secret pattern suddenly appeared in the originally empty world. The silver light pillar collapsed before it had time to spread, and the Giant Spirit God's Shield in Wang Yuanyuan's hand also made an explosive sound.

Three of the hollow silver crystals embedded in it exploded directly, and the remaining four were also dim.

The Eight-Door Golden Lock Suppression Formation, as can be seen from its name, is extremely powerful in suppressing the void. Even the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation cannot be easily broken, not to mention that even the artifact is not a giant spirit god. Shield!
Seeing the opportunity, the zombie monarch showed no mercy at all. His dark golden body ejected directly, and his sharp palm stabbed directly towards Wang Yuanyuan's heart.

It also took a fancy to Wang Yuanyuan's body. Not only was he a ninth-level warrior who had been tempered for thousands of years, but he also contained the blood of a demigod. Whether it was transformed into the same kind or digested and absorbed, it was a good thing for it.

As for Lin Xin, who faced the Wraith Lord, it was even more uncomfortable. Originally, as a mage, he was half-disabled under the suppression of the Eight-door Golden Lock Suppressing Formation. Later, he got better with the supplement of elements provided by Long Haochen.

However, his Holy Sun Curse was severely limited when encountering the disembodied Wraith Lord, and he could not touch his opponent's tail at all.

Helpless, he could only use the Holy Sun to protect his body, and relied on the high concentration of fire elements to carry out blind defense to guard against the sneak attacks of the Wraith Lord.

But even so, every scream from the Wraith Lord would make his head hurt, and the Holy Sun, which was already unstable, would fluctuate.

If this continues until his mental strength is overwhelmed, the Holy Sun he has condensed will blow back and explode without the Wraith Lord taking action!

But without the ultimate fire-level Holy Sun body protection, Lin Xin, as a crispy mage, would be like a lamb to be slaughtered in front of the Wraith Lord.

The danger of her teammates was also one of the reasons why Sheng Caier chose to directly reveal her trump cards.

The realm of purification, superimposed on the Tower of Eternity!

Pure white light spurted out from Sheng Caier's body and poured into the Tower of Eternity directly above her. The seven-story pagoda, which was also rendered white by the purifying light, exuded an aura that made all undead creatures fearful.

The next moment, rich purifying light radiated in all directions from the bottom of the Tower of Eternity.

Amplifying the realm of purification that she understands through the Tower of Eternity, an artifact that suits her extremely well, is the biggest trump card that Sheng Cai'er and Long Haochen have prepared to deal with undead creatures!
(End of this chapter)

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