Chapter 246 Why? (4000 words)
The World of the Undead, this broken world destroyed by the God of Scourge, has been in unchanging ruins for 6000 years.

Eternal darkness shrouds, eternal fire continues, there are never buds surging under the ruins, and there is no light of hope.

The world is hopeless. Many undead monarchs have lived in confusion for 6000 years without realizing this fact. But Guang, who has been here for 6 years, has already understood the key to the matter.

The God of Divine Punishment is immortal and the elements of the world cannot be reversed, so the hazy vitality, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and even the sun, moon and stars will never appear.

Note that it is the God of Scourge who is immortal, not Austin Griffin.

In the high sky where no one is paying attention, that is, at the top of the eight-door golden lock air-suppressing formation, the light stands there, sighing like this.

He didn't pay attention to the battlefield below, because he knew Bibi Dong's strength, and there would be no problem with her there. He kept his eyes fixed on the purple-gold beam of light.

The beam of light rising from Haoyue's body into the sky was a beam of light that even the eight-door golden lock air-suppressing formation could not block.

A purple-gold six-pointed star appeared in the sky. In the eyes of the light, the divine power of divine punishment that pervaded the entire world of the undead was rioting and converging in this direction.

This is the source of Austin Griffin's power, a power that transcends the extremes of the world and can easily change the world.

It is also an indispensable trait for achieving super-dimensionality, and it is also the fundamental reason why the world of the undead has never been able to return to life!

Why does he always use holy light cautiously in Douluo Continent?Because he knows that once the Holy Light is transformed too much, the result will be the same as Austin Griffin's essence of destroying the world.

It may not be as dilapidated as the world of the undead, but it will also remain monotonous and lose the infinite possibilities for the future.

Although he did not succeed in achieving a super dimension, he did not fail completely either. He already possesses certain qualities that are indispensable for super dimensions, but they are not enough. . .

As for why the emphasis is on God of Wrath instead of Austin Griffin?
Because even if he and Bibi Dong had not come to this world, it would be useless for the Undead Monarch to work together to kill Austin Griffin's ninth reincarnation.

What they destroyed was only the individual consciousness named Austin Griffin, rather than shattering his most fundamental qualities.

As long as his power remains intact and his characteristics remain intact, the God of Scourge will never disappear.

Even after the death of Austin Griffin, the divine power of the undead world will lose its restrictions. They will spontaneously gather and condense, using the broken world of the undead as a hotbed to rebirth a new god of divine punishment!
It's just that the god of punishment will be a new consciousness, no longer Austin Griffin.

The so-called Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Formation, and the so-called method of killing Austin Griffin by killing him nine times are true, but they are only half the truth.

This is a way to bypass the destructive qualities of the God of Scourge and simply strip away the consciousness of the dead Austin Griffin.

Just why?

Guang frowned slightly. This was the only thing he couldn't understand. Killing Austin Griffin was obviously a useless effort.

Even if the Undead Monarch and the demigods who arranged the God-Destroying Formation of Ten Earths and Nine Heavens didn't know about it, the creator of this plan should be well aware of it.

Because this kind of trick is too difficult, it requires the cooperation of the entire world, and most importantly, a sufficient understanding of the God of Scourge.

Paying such a tragic price just for the current individual consciousness of the God of Punishment?The person who made that plan would not have known the result.

The best way to deal with the God of Scourge is never destruction. There are only two ways: passive expulsion and active escape.

Forget it, don't want that much anymore.

Just looking at the purple-gold color gathering in front of him was not anxious. Compared to the Undead Monarch, he was not anxious at all. Even Bibi Dong, who was following the sound transmission, was slower to move.

The correct usage of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Air Suppression Formation is never to have the eight defenders exit the field directly, but to directly integrate the domain powers of the eight defenders for mixed sublimation. The power will be far beyond simple addition.

But Guang didn't do this. Not only did he allow the undead monarch below to attack in the stupidest way, he even chose to let go of Austin Griffin's ritual.

The eight-door golden lock air suppression array cannot completely isolate Austin Griffin's power of evolution, but it can undoubtedly do better.

Guang is waiting, waiting for Austin Griffin to absorb the divine power of divine punishment and recover to a certain extent. Only after he breaks through a certain limit will the complete prototype of the trait be re-condensed in his body, so that he can hope to harvest a complete trait.

Of course, Light wouldn't let him completely evolve. It would be much fun if he escaped with his greatly increased strength, so he kept an eye on Austin Griffin's evolution progress bar here.

After all, although the 8-headed Austin Griffin is not a god, he is not far away from it, and because of some restrictions that Hikari has to follow, his holy light characteristics can only be sealed, or borrowed in a very limited way at most.


The seemingly soft and pure purifying light radiates around, and this time the scope of the field far exceeds everyone present.

This is not only the amplification effect of the Tower of Eternity's all-out effort, but Sheng Cai'er below also has a face as golden as paper. Her pale face shows that at this moment, she did not hesitate at all and chose to pour almost all the spiritual power in her body into the Tower of Eternity. tower.

She was extremely fragile at this moment, and she was only protected by Long Yating, who was holding the Sword of the King.

Long Haochen in the distance gritted his teeth when he saw this. Unfortunately, most of his power came from the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and he was not in the Holy Demon Continent now. The favor of the world could not be transformed into substantial help at this moment. .

So at this moment, his strength did not explode with emotional fluctuations like before. In addition, the Dread Knight Monarch and Bone Dragon King opposite him were not just decorations, so he could do nothing to deal with the danger Sheng Cai'er faced.

This was not the original plan. Considering that the most indispensable thing in the world of the undead was undead creatures, Sheng Cai'er originally planned to use the domain skill Prosperity Lotus to find opportunities to purify the undead in large numbers.

The large amount of ownerless purification power generated by purifying the undead can be burned as firewood and become the key to unlocking the final trump card.

It's just that the other party put too much pressure on the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, and Sheng Cai'er couldn't find a chance to kill a large number of undead.

Because almost all the undead except the undead monarch did not participate in the frontal battlefield, but were distributed throughout the lava hills to provide extremely abundant energy for the eight-door golden lock air suppression array through 10086 formation bases.

Apart from this, there are only bone dragons wandering in all directions, but those bone dragons are a bit far apart, and their strength has temporarily increased to the ninth level.Sheng Cai'er was not sure how many bone dragons his domain skills could purify. After all, the Lich King who commanded the bone dragons from afar did not participate in the battle.

Although Guang and Bibi Dong deliberately worked hard to delay, they did not choose to cause trouble for their teammates, nor did they intend to give the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group any chance.

As long as the Eight Gate Golden Lock Air Suppression Formation is not broken, Long Haochen and others have no chance of winning.

If you want to break the Eight-door Golden Lock Suppression Formation, you must meet one of the three harsh conditions mentioned by Guang.

Destroyed more than two-thirds of the formation base,
Or kill the Hellfire Lord, the Shadow Lord, and the Lich King,
Or kill one of the terrifying knights Monarch and Bibi Dong.

The Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group didn't know this, but they also prepared their own trump card - Sheng Cai'er's purifying power.

Purification is one of the ultimate directions of the path of death and the nemesis of undead creatures. It can not only easily purify and annihilate the core of undead creatures - the fire of the soul.

Moreover, the soul fire can be converted into the same power of purification, which means that the destruction of undead creatures in the purification domain is not only not consumed, but will generate more purification power.

Therefore, the realm of purification is completely released in the world of the undead, purifying low-level undead creatures to generate more purifying light, thereby increasing the power of the realm of purification, and then purifying higher-level undead creatures, and so on. ,

In this similar chain reaction, it is not just as simple as purifying a single undead creature, but purifying the entire undead world.

Just like a fire ignited in an ancient forest that had endured drought for a long time. If the fire could not be extinguished at the beginning, the entire jungle would be doomed to be engulfed in flames.

But now, Sheng Cai'er chose to open that Pandora's box.

With the Tower of Eternity as the core, circles of soft white light spread in all directions as much as possible. The Tower of Eternity not only enlarges the scope of Saint Caier's purification field, but also adds a soul-soothing special effect to the purifying light.

All undead creatures, regardless of their strength, as long as they are less than level 7, will directly enter a state of immobility as long as they are covered by the purification field. Then, their soul fire will be quickly ignited like a torch in the light of purification.

All kinds of past lives, all kinds of memories, everything will be annihilated into nothingness, and then the soul fire will explode directly, turning into the same purifying light and injecting it into the purification domain.

More light of purification not only further enhances the power of the original realm of purification, but also further promotes the realm of purification to spread in all directions, to the entire lava hills, and even to the entire world of the undead!
Moreover, even undead creatures of level seven or above do not dare to expose their soul fire to the light of purification. They only have the ability to temporarily isolate the light of purification.

Even the undead monarchs feel numb when faced with the increasingly intense purifying light, because even if they stay in the realm of purification for a long time, they will only transform into oversized torches.

As long as they cannot reach the ultimate state of the undead, which is also the state of the gods that reverses life and death, they will have no resistance to the power of purification!
This is Long Haochen's plan and purpose.

Don't the undead in the world of the undead keep saying that the evolution of Haoyue is not about your death or my death?Then he threatens that all the undead in the entire undead world will now perish!

Although this plan is vicious, it goes to the core. Are the undead monarchs who want to kill Austin Griffin at all costs really to avenge the destruction of the world?

There must be some, but it is by no means the core reason. The core reason is because they are afraid that Austin Griffin, who has returned to the throne of the God of Scourge, will seek revenge on them.

They have killed Austin Griffin eight times, and the hatred between the two sides is definitely two-way!
If Austin Griffin is really reborn and regains his power, even if they want to die happily, it will be a luxury!
The entire Creation Continent 6000 years ago couldn't stop Austin Griffin in his heyday, let alone the three of them.

If Austin Griffin cannot be stopped from evolving now, if Austin Griffin cannot be killed today, then they will be the ones who will perish in the future.

This is the real reason why the Undead Monarchs want to kill Austin Griffin at all costs!

He talks about righteousness, but in fact he thinks more about interests, even for the undead.

And Long Haochen grasped this point. Which is more threatening, death now or death in the future?

There is no doubt that this is reality because the future is uncertain.

Of course, in order to prevent the undead monarch from having the radical idea of ​​dying sooner or later, Long Haochen also prepared a painted carrot in addition to the big stick of purifying the "nuclear bomb".

As long as the Undead Monarch compromises and Haoyue completes the eight-headed evolution, then the initiative in discourse will be transferred from the Undead Monarch to Long Haochen. There is no doubt about this.

The pure white light covered one-tenth of the lava hills in just a moment, and the trend of expanding towards the surroundings was getting faster and faster.

Countless undead creatures followed their instincts in fear and fled quickly with their backs to the Purification Domain, especially the winged bone dragons and other flying undead creatures that ran the fastest.

When other undead creatures saw the surging purifying light, they were so frightened that they ignored the undead monarch's orders and began to directly abandon the formation and flee into the distance.

Looking at it, the Purification Domain is like a huge wave raging in all directions, and the undead below are running around in terror.

The Undead Monarch no longer had any intention of besieging Austin Griffin. They all gave up on the good situation and chose to evacuate quickly, mobilizing areas strengthened by the magic circle to barely protect themselves.

The strongest terrifying knight king was also frightened and angry when he saw such a scene. Standing in the light of purification, he looked at the white surroundings and the undead being purified every moment and couldn't bear it anymore.

He and the Bone Dragon King at his feet, who had the same mind, used the fusion skill without hesitation. He with 70 spiritual power and the Bone Dragon King with 30 spiritual power combined to have a million spiritual powers.

Of course, the realm of demigods is not just a simple addition of spiritual power, but it also allows him to temporarily possess terrifying strength second only to the ninth level.

Then, the Terror Knight Monarch no longer cared about Long Haochen. He raised the enlarged heavy sword in his hand above his head, and a black-blue sword light shot out of the air towards Sheng Cai'er!

The Three Swords of Eternity revive all things.

Seeing the actions of the Terror Knight Monarch, Long Haochen stood in front of him without hesitation.

Among the three light balls lingering around the Eternal Armor, the green one was integrated into the Eternal Sword.

The next moment, a picture of grass growing and orioles flying, and all things revived unfolded from Long Haochen's hands, blocking the attack of the terrifying knight monarch.

Long Haochen, who holds the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, seems to be cheating. Even those with higher strength than him will have difficulty posing a real threat to him as long as they have not reached the demigod level of one million spiritual powers!
(End of this chapter)

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