Chapter 249 The Truth
The Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation indeed gave Long Haochen nearly endless power, and even the entire Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group needed the eternal light it radiated to restore its own spiritual power.

But just like the overwhelmed Sheng Cai'er, Long Haochen also needed mental power to control this majestic power, and now his mental power was almost exhausted.

If he continues to fight fiercely, Long Haochen will not consume the recoverable mental power, but the soul power, which is more difficult to recover than vitality.

A person can still become an undead without vitality, but if a person exhausts the power of his soul, he will truly perish completely.

Although his heart was filled with hatred and he wanted to fight to the death with the other party, his reason told Long Haochen that he could no longer bear the risk of losing his companions or even his lover.

Their condition is too bad, but the opponent is still showing no sign of decline. If the anger in his heart is allowed to go unchecked, the Demon Hunting Group of Dawn of Light will most likely be expelled today!
He had no choice but to withdraw. Long Haochen gritted his teeth unwillingly. If the fight continued, he might not even have the strength to escape.

"Haoyue, how is your evolution?" Long Haochen turned to look at Haoyue who had grown a new head and asked.

"In a hurry, we can only sacrifice the eighth head, Xiaojin, to let Xiaolei be born first." Haoyue arched his seven heads with a tone of reluctance in his voice, but he also saw that the situation was not right, and knew that it was now the 7th plan. On the count.

"That's good." Long Haochen took a long breath and forced a smile on his face, but a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, "Haoyue, do you really not remember your past?"

Haoyue's seven heads looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion. It only had the memory of this life, and other information came from the instinct deep in the blood.

Before Long Haochen could ask any more questions, the light in the void took a step forward, his eyes fixed on the seven-headed chimera that had already broken through the ninth level.

He ignored the waiting Demon Hunting Group of the Dawn of Light. He first looked at Haoyue and nodded as if he was completely confirmed. Then he turned his attention to Long Haochen, to be precise, his Eternal Armor and Eternal Sword.

"Austin Griffin, if you haven't regained consciousness before, then why are you hiding now that you are awake?"

Guang did not take action, but looked at Haoyue and said, although the seven-headed guy in front of him obviously has seven consciousnesses, he is not Austin Griffin.

"We will never let you go today, so just give up."

"What do you mean?" Long Haochen, who originally planned to burn his spiritual power to activate the Divine Seal Throne and take everyone across space to escape, hesitated after hearing the words of the black-haired young man opposite him, and looked at him and asked.

Originally, he had made up his mind to ignore Haoyue's past, but now that Yating is dead and the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group are in such a critical situation, he can no longer pretend to be confused like before.

"A treasure with creative attributes is such a blessing, but it's impossible to escape with a cooked duck." Guang shook his head, and golden light spurted out from his body.

A head of black hair was instantly dyed with a translucent golden texture. Starting from the center of his eyebrows, ten sun patterns were lit up in sequence. Golden sharp edges rushed out from his cuffs, and finally gathered into a golden halo behind him.

The rich burning aura directly dispersed the aura of destruction in the air, directly pressing against the seven-headed bright moon.

Long Haochen originally wanted to support his own Light God Realm, but for some unknown reason, his own Light God Realm failed to be released directly, leaving only the Eternal Realm that comes with the Divine Seal Throne.

"You are not from the world of the dead!" Long Haochen looked at the extremely strong aura of the sun on the other party and said in disbelief, "Why are you coming to trouble us?!"

"Of course it's because of Him." Guang stared at Austin Griffin and ignored Long Haochen.

The other undead monarchs also followed up, looking at Guang's strong burning aura and the soul fire beating violently. They had never seen that Guang was so strong before, and he still restrained the Sun attribute of the undead more than the light attribute.

"Master, let's run." Looking at the light that was not afraid of its own destruction, Austin Griffin instinctively felt uneasy. The eyes of his seven big heads were dyed with a layer of gray and shouted to Long Haochen. .

The newly awakened He could feel the disgusting breath of creation on Long Haochen's body. Although he hated the God of Creation and his legacy, it was obvious that that thing could help him escape at this moment.

"Well, no, what did you say?" Long Haochen suddenly turned around after reacting and stared at the seven-headed Haoyue, "Xiao Huo, what did you say?"

"I, I said."

"Okay, Austin Griffin, stop pretending, isn't it boring?" Light's voice interrupted, "Is the so-called God of Punishment a coward?"

"Hmph!" A strange voice that Long Haochen had never heard before came from Haoyue's seven heads. The seven pairs of eyes quickly dyed gray, and their expressions were the same.

"The God of Scourge is not a turtle! But, how did you see it?" Along with the bright moon, no, the real Austin Griffin appeared, and his huge dragon body exuded purple-gold brilliance.

The gray field of destruction expanded under the intersection of seven colors, forcing back the dark golden field released by light.

Hearing the familiar voice in their memory, all the undead monarchs, including the Dread Knight King, subconsciously took two steps back, their soul fires fluttering in fear. "You, you are not my Haoyue!" Long Haochen looked at the unfamiliar Haoyue and said in disbelief. The other members of the Dawn of Light also had shocked and angry faces.

"The bright moon is just my original consciousness before I awakened, and now I have awakened the true self that was lost when I was reincarnated. After all, eight failed reincarnations severely weakened my consciousness, which is why I awakened so late."

"Haoyue is me too, and Austin Griffin is me too."

Austin Griffin shook his seven big heads. Looking at Long Haochen, his eyes were still soft and his eyes were still wary. The gray in Austin Griffin's original six heads' eyes dissipated.

"Brother!" Long Haochen's familiar voice sounded as he looked at the familiar Xiaoguang and Xiaohuo in front of him. . .Long Haochen and others also felt relieved.

"So you are Haoyue's awakened past consciousness." Long Haochen took a long breath when he saw the familiar eyes of the other heads, but he felt a headache looking at the gray eyes of the last head.

Looking at the Undead Monarch again, his face was complicated. It turned out that what the other party said was true, but why did he feel so awkward?

As a family member and companion, you must accept everything about him, whether it is good or bad.

Long Haochen agreed with this sentence, but when he really faced it, he found that there was something more than just a fluffy sentence.

"You and I have signed a blood contract. I will not harm you. It is obvious that the other party and us are already fighting to the death, so let's work together to break the space and return to the Holy Demon Continent."

"After I go back, I can share my power with you through the blood contract to improve your cultivation, so that you can have the strength to lead the Temple Federation to fight back against the demons."

Austin Griffin looked at the undead monarchs reacting in fear across from them and couldn't help but speed up his speech and persuade them, "It won't be too late to come back to seek revenge on them after our strength increases greatly."

"That's the only way." Long Haochen nodded with a complex expression. Having lost Yating, he could no longer make peace with her, so cooperating with this half-strange and half-familiar Haoyue was the only option.

"Then I'll buy time." After getting Long Haochen's affirmative reply, Austin Griffin opened his seven big mouths and roared at the same time. With one move, seven elements peeled away the chaos and blasted directly towards Guang and the other undead monarchs.

"Austin Griffin, he's revived."

Feeling the familiar aura of destruction, all the Undead Lords, including the Terror Knight Lord, felt their bodies become heavy unconsciously, as if recalling the nightmare of 6000 years ago.

They had indeed killed eight reincarnations of Austin Griffin, but none of them had more than six head evolutions and seven levels of strength. This gave them the courage to kill him.

Now that Austin Griffin has returned to the ninth level, even the Terror Knight Monarch has cold hands and feet, and the soul fire is trembling in fear subconsciously.

Looking at the unused teammates next to him, I finally understood why the Terror Knight Monarch and the others wanted to cooperate with Bibi Dong. With this combination of virtue and strength, it was good to be able to achieve [-]% of the performance.

Fortunately, Guang didn't count on them. It didn't matter that Bibi Dong couldn't spare time for the time being. He hadn't tried the mature Ten-Yang Body yet!

"Suppress." Guang waved his hand, and a black chain with colored light spread out from the void, colliding with the bright purple light of chaotic elements.

Then the ten sun spots on his body emitted dazzling light, and ten dark golden spherical shadows separated from his body and shot straight into the sky.

"Ten Yang Burning Heaven Realm!"

Massive, colorful, dark streams of light in the void continued to merge, ending with ten shadows of the sun. The shadows continued to expand and solidify as they rose upwards, until ten black suns reappeared in the dark sky.

The sun has colorful but extremely deep light, and a dark golden corona condenses around it, and finally the dark golden sunlight shines in all directions.

Long Haochen, who was shrouded in the ten rays of light, instinctively sensed the crisis, but under the protection of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he did not immediately notice the crisis.


The screams that sounded almost at the same time attracted everyone's attention. The voices came from the only members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group below the ninth level, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi.

At this moment, dark golden flames ignited on their bodies, and they subconsciously wanted to use their own spiritual power to extinguish them, but the flames became even more raging!

The flames were so violent that even the fire mage Lin Xin was terrified when he saw them. He could feel that the intensity of the nameless fire was almost the same as the condensed fire of his Holy Sun Curse.

(End of this chapter)

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