Chapter 250
"Yang Wenzhao, stop remembering!" Long Haochen immediately opened the eternal domain of the Divine Seal Throne to protect everyone, and threw the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield on his arm into the air to enlarge it and block the dark golden sunlight.

Then, Long Haochen activated the power of the Divine Seal Throne to extinguish the dark golden flames on the two members. Under the white light, the dark golden flames slumped but did not extinguish at all.

"Xiao Lan!" It wasn't until Long Haochen called for Haoyue's water-attributed head that the dark golden flame was extinguished. But at this moment, the two of them were seriously burned and their lives were in danger.

The other side of the light stretched out his hand into the void next to him, and a silver door of light appeared. Then he looked at the other undead monarchs and said, "You all should leave, except for the terrifying knight monarch and the bone dragon king."

All the undead monarchs also felt uncomfortable all over, and the bone dragons under the Lich King rushed in after seeing the light door. They all instinctively felt that this place would be destroyed if they stayed any longer.

"What is that?" The terrifying knight monarch who had completed the fusion with the Bone Dragon King said with fear as he looked at the increasingly dense dark golden sunlight in the air after the other undead monarchs left.

At this moment, he could already feel the tendency of his spiritual power to be faintly ignited, but as he was reminded by the light, the surface of his body was already covered with fields with dual attributes of darkness and ice.

"This is the light of burning. Theoretically, all tangible and intangible things will burn. Of course, I am not good at practicing, so now I will only ignite energy and matter." Guang waved his hand, and all the spare power of the Eight-door Golden Lock Suppression Formation was injected into it. To the ten rounds of black sun.

The next moment, the air twisted and faint golden flames emerged. The most terrifying thing was that the earth that was originally purified by the light of purification was ignited like coal at this moment.

The members of the Demon Hunting Group of Light and Dawn on the opposite side also changed their expressions and hurriedly flew from the ground into the air, but even so, there were faint golden flames emerging from their bodies.

Only Long Haochen quickly increased his efforts to activate the Eternal Domain and the Sun and Moon Snail Shield to stabilize the situation.

"There's something wrong with that guy." Austin Griffin gritted his teeth as he looked at the light. "The realm of domainization is something that ordinary demigods cannot do."

"Long Haochen, hurry up and use the super artifact created by that bastard to open a space channel!" At this moment, he was completely anxious and yelled at Long Haochen, without even having time to be polite about the word "master".

"The space blockade here has been strengthened again. I need time!" The face under Long Haochen's mask was also full of anxiety. He had already tried it through the power of the Divine Seal Throne.

If the original magic circle blockade was just an iron fence, then the current space blockade is an iron wall. Not only does it take time, but it is very unclear whether he can break it.

"If we can't open the space channel, we will all die!" Austin Griffin, who saw the two people attacking at high speed in the distance, flew to Long Haochen and said with a solemn expression, "I will buy time, you guys hurry up!"

Long Haochen, who understood the urgency of the situation, turned to look at Lin Xin, who also tacitly took out the latest version of the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill and distributed it to others.

This elixir can burn and enhance the spiritual power of the user, and transfer all the enhanced spiritual power to one person. It is the main elixir used by the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group to fight across levels.

It's just that after the main members of the Dawn of Light reached the ninth level, not only did they have more stringent requirements for the raw materials of the elixir, but more importantly, everyone's cultivation level improved too quickly. Lin Xin's latest version of the conjoined spirit enhancement elixir was still very imperfect and had serious side effects. So they had no intention of taking it in the first place.

But now if everyone wants to open a space channel to survive, they can only rely on it to greatly increase Long Haochen's strength and activate the stronger power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.

"Leave Austin Griffin to me, how about you deal with his companions?" Looking at Austin Griffin who came to block him, Guang turned to look at the Horrible Knight Lord and made a reasonable allocation.

"Okay." Looking at the ten black suns in the sky, the Terror Knight Lord nodded without saying anything. He also knew that he met Austin Griffin and was suppressed by nature. This is an unavoidable nightmare for all remaining creatures in the Creation Continent. .

In contrast, stopping Austin Griffin's companions would be just the thing for him.

Seeing the two people suddenly separated, Austin Griffin reluctantly chose to stop Guang, because the other person was the person he was most afraid of.

Although he knew it was difficult, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, Long Haochen, who was opening up the space channel at this moment, was the hope.


Before the collision, Guang waved his hand towards Austin Griffin, and the secret sword light wheels behind him suddenly dispersed and flew all over the sky, and the ten dark suns projected dark golden sunlight into them.

Next, all the secret swords merged into a golden river flowing in the void and washed towards Austin Griffin.

Breath of destruction.

Austin Griffin, who felt his heart pounding, did not dare to hold back. Seven big heads opened their big mouths at the same time. The breaths of the seven elements spurted out and merged together, merging into a gray breath with a strong aura of destruction to meet the golden breath. river.

Feeling the impact of the explosion behind him, the terrifying knight king also accelerated his speed. He held the heavy sword and poured the spiritual power in his body into it without any reservation. A huge black sword light roared out and shot towards Long Haochen who was closing his eyes and trying his best to open the space channel.

At this moment, most of the members of the Dawn of Light are in a weak state due to the conjoined spirit enhancement pill. Only two people still have strength left, and that is Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang, who also have the attached Divine Seal Throne.

Among them, Han Yu is not only Long Haochen's retinue knight, but the Divine Seal Throne he owns is the first Divine Seal Throne under eternity - the Divine Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow.

What this Divine Seal Throne is best at is defense.

Zhang Fangfang's Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit is good at the spiritual field.

Seeing such a dangerous situation, the two of them looked at each other and took the initiative to fly out together. Han Yu raised the shield of fear and sorrow to face the overwhelming row of sword lights and the heavy sword that followed.Zhang Fangfang, on the other hand, launched interference and attacks in the spiritual realm against the Soul Fire of the Terror Knight Monarch. When faced with danger, they had to step forward.


In another dimension of the Eight-door Golden Lock Suppression Formation, Bibi Dong sat cross-legged on the white sea of ​​purification. Behind her, the huge gray shadow of Death made the same movements as her.

But in His palm, a small white tower was spinning smoothly, not daring to disobey in the slightest.

Under Bibi Dong's body, a pure white halo gathered and formed, and with the influx of purifying light below, it was dyed with a ray of golden light at an extremely slow speed.

However, Bibi Dong's mind was not here. Most of her consciousness was swimming in this rough sea of ​​purification.

God and man are essentially different.

God means non-human.

It's not just more powerful or faster.

As a life nurtured by the world, human beings have inevitable limits.This limit is the world itself.

Even if the world's consciousness is dim, it will not be stupid enough to breed a race that can threaten itself.

Except for the acquired gods, all innate gods actually do not originate from the world. They are born together with the world and are at the same level as the world.

Therefore, if you want to become a true god or enlightened person, you must pay a price in the world.

Likewise, one must change from human to non-human.

Bibi Dong, who felt the majesty of the Sea of ​​Purification, understood this very clearly. Her body could not even contain this energy, let alone digest the world through rituals.

Using the world as firewood and rituals as the furnace, you are forging not only the qualities necessary for enlightenment, but also your future body.

One Qi transformation is the answer.

Since the ordinary body is not enough, then the body should be dispersed and merged into the ritual together, giving birth to an immortal body that is unpredictable in gathering and dispersing, and then use this body to capture the immortal gold in the ritual to condense the true characteristics.

Of course, the trait is just Guang's personal statement. It can also be called the divine source or the Tao source. Only by relying on this thing can we ensure that the new body transformed from one qi is truly immortal.

Therefore, Bibi Dong's condensation of the ninth soul ring is only a secondary matter. The key thing is that she must try to transform her body into half energy.


Han Yu, who once again suffered a blow from the terrifying knight monarch's heavy sword, turned pale, his mouth was full of sweet smell, his hands holding the shield were shattered, and even the palm bones were cracked by the blow.

It is true that the Throne of the Divine Seal of Fear and Sorrow is best at defense, but the gap in cultivation between him and the Terror Knight Monarch is too great.

The auxiliary throne that imitates the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is far less magical than it. It can sustain for a moment only by putting it aside to interfere, but more by his lifeless obstruction.

In the distance, Austin Griffin was screaming in agony. His whole body was covered with burnt black sword marks, and dark golden chains bound him tightly.

The 36 secret swords have their blades facing outward, forming a standard circle like sunflowers. Then, driven by the dark golden light, they swallow the sword energy and spin crazily.

The countless dark golden haloes were flying around Austin Griffin like small chainsaws, and each pass would take away a piece of his flesh and blood.

But Austin Griffin's seven heads didn't have time to care about this, because the light holding two golden heavy swords was swimming around. The two huge gaps on one of Austin Griffin's necks were his masterpieces.

Long Haochen, who sensed all this, was also filled with grief and tried his best to activate the Eternal Sword in his hand in an attempt to tear through the space blockade.

It was as if he felt the critical situation Long Haochen was facing, or that Long Haochen had finally reached a certain standard after burning with all his strength.

The originally extremely simple Eternal Sword in Long Haochen's hand finally changed. The nine-colored light on it burned brightly, and then nine vague runes appeared on the hilt, representing water, fire, earth, wind, and light. , darkness, ice, thunder and space nine elements.

This is the true form of the Sword of Eternity - the Sword of Eternity and Creation!

(End of this chapter)

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