Chapter 253 Beheading Plan
"That guy Tang Chen is indeed the first unstable factor we plan to eradicate."

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong with admiration for this. Although Bibi Dong's soaring strength made him fearful, it also helped a lot in killing Tang Chen.

If they just eradicate the Haotian Sect, they will help Tang Chen remove the shackles of the sect. By then, a peerless Douluo without any worries will definitely be the biggest headache for the Spirit Hall.

Therefore, the first thing to do to destroy the Haotian Sect is to surround and kill Tang Chen. Unless Tang Chen dies, nothing will happen to the Haotian Sect.

"The enshrinement hall here allows Qingluan, Qianjun, and Jiangmo to cooperate. At that time, Jin Crocodile, Xiongshi, and Guangling will be responsible for guarding Wuhun City. The people in the Elders' Hall are also at your disposal."

Qian Daoliu responded very readily to Bibi Dong. Since he chose to completely fall out with other forces and Bibi Dong took the initiative to find him, there was no need to hide anything.

"Just to unify the Douluo Continent, we can't just consider the Douluo Continent itself, there are also overseas matters that need to be considered." Qian Daoliu reminded Bibi Dong with a headache.

"The big sacrifice is about Poseidon Island, where Poseidon is worshiped. Poseidon High Priest Bo Saixi is called the Invincible of the Ocean and it is indeed worthy of fear. But what does the unification of Douluo Continent have to do with Poseidon Island?"

Bibi Dong asked with some confusion. She also knew the general situation of Poseidon Island. Logically speaking, the unification of Douluo Continent did not involve their interests. The ideal situation was that the wells should not interfere with the rivers.

"Douluo Continent Unified Bo Saixi really doesn't mind her own business, but if we succeed in besieging Tang Chen, I'm not sure whether she will come to take a trip into this muddy water."

Speaking of this, Qian Daoliu sighed secretly. He, Tang Chen and Bo Saixi were all at the peak of the same era. He liked Bo Saixi back then, but Bo Saixi had a crush on Tang Chen, and Tang Chen only wanted to break through. , his mind is filled with thoughts of becoming a god.

"Is it feelings again?" Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows. Although Qian Daoliu didn't want to say more, she roughly understood the reason. In other words, it was not enough to kill Tang Chen. She also needed to make plans for the Shanghai Island.

"However, Poseidon Island is located in the ocean, so there is nothing to worry about for the time being. Now we should plan for the relevant matters in a year's time."

Qian Daoliu was actually not sure what Bo Saixi's attitude was towards this matter?After all, she is a sacrifice to the gods just like him. Will she leave Poseidon Island because of personal affairs?How could he know if he wasn't Bo Saixi himself?
"My plan is very simple. Divide everyone into four teams, and take advantage of the chaos and attention caused by Wuhun City to attack the Xingluo Royal Family, the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and the Haotian Sect Tang Chen respectively."

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong also smiled. The greatest advantage of Wuhun Palace was clearly demonstrated at this moment.

There are seven enshrinements in the enshrinement hall: Angel, Golden Crocodile, Qingluan, Guangling, Lion, Qianjun, and Subduing Demon.

There are 12 elders in the Elder Hall, including Chrysanthemum, Ghost, Snake Spear, Agonist, Devil Bear, Ghost Leopard, Tianfeng, Turtle, Spirit Kite, Poison, Holy Dragon, and Fire Dragon.

In addition to Pope Bibi Dong himself, not to mention Guang, Vivian, Lei Ming, Huo Yu, Cao Lao, the Six Demon Chiefs, etc.

There are more than 20 titled Douluo, even if they divide their troops into four groups and still stay in Wuhun City, they still have enough high-end combat power to ensure the success of the plan.

What Wuhun Palace fears most is that its middle and lower-level forces are not enough to radiate to the entire continent. However, Bibi Dong, who has a unique vision, does not dwell on his own shortcomings.

She chose the simplest and most straightforward beheading plan. As long as all the top forces in Douluo Continent were leaderless, it would be destiny for Wuhun Palace to unify the continent.


The Holy Angel is said to be inherited from the God of Angels. The biggest ironclad proof is that the Holy Angel's martial soul can slightly break through the limitations of ordinary martial souls, and its innate soul power can reach up to level 20.

However, even though the Holy Angel Martial Spirit has excellent potential in all aspects, it is still in the category of top-notch martial arts.

After all, if the remaining martial arts could transcend the limits of the world, the God of Angels would not be forced to ascend.

The statue of the angel god enshrined in the core of the temple is said to be carved based on the appearance of the angel god before his ascension. It looks majestic and loving at the same time, and has a sacred radiance on the surface. Most people will know that it is not an extraordinary thing when they see it.

Qian Renxue refines soul bones here, not only to improve her soul power faster, but also to deepen her understanding of the Holy Angel's martial soul.

The most important thing is that Qian Daoliu, as the high priest of the Angel God, can also use this to test Qian Renxue's qualifications to inherit the throne of the Angel God in advance.

The result is naturally very satisfying to Qian Daoliu. Compared with the eight red-level exams he faced back then, what Qian Renxue will face is the genuine nine exams for angels.

The Angel God is no longer here. As the high priest, Qian Daoliu knows this very well. He has not heard the voice of the Angel God for a long time.

He could even feel the vacancy of the angelic throne, and the Nine Angel Examinations could be opened for suitable inheritors at any time. Unfortunately, he was not qualified back then, which was also the reason why he lamented his lack of talent.

With the Holy Angel Martial Spirit, he undoubtedly has an advantage in inheriting the divine throne. However, Tang Chen, who does not have this advantage, received the divine inheritance test while he did not. Isn't the difference clear at a glance?
Fortunately, Qian Renxue's talent far exceeded his level back then, so he could safely pave the way for her.Although he cannot tamper with some basic processes, he can already interfere to a greater extent in the Angel Nine Exams because the Angel God is no longer around and he is the examiner.

"Level 78." Qian Renxue opened her beautiful golden eyes and exclaimed. The three soul bones directly increased her soul power by an additional 6 levels, and she even felt that she had not yet fully digested it.

If nothing else goes wrong, she will be able to break through the level 80 bottleneck in about a year. This improvement speed is simply outrageous, but she can also feel that this improvement comes purely from the soul bones and the sacred angel statue behind her.

"Very good. If you can break through level 80 within a year, that would be great." Qian Daoliu looked at the slim Xue'er and said with emotion. The best thing his bastard son did during his lifetime was to keep Xue'er. This direct granddaughter.

"Grandpa, do you have any plans in one year?" Qian Renxue asked curiously.

"That's right, your mother Bibi Dong came to see me just now. We have determined that the unification of Douluo Continent will officially begin in one year. You will be the protagonist in this event and will be crowned as a god step by step."

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue with satisfaction. He was going to start the Nine Angel Exams for Xueer immediately. When the time comes, the Divine Examination and the contribution amount would both be the same, killing two birds with one stone.

"Mother." Qian Renxue's expression was a little gloomy. Over the years, the only problem in her heart was her mother. Of course, she had also confided this to her seniors, Nana, and Xie Yue.

But Guang's answer to her was very clear. Bibi Dong didn't owe you anything. She gave birth to you out of helplessness. If you really think about it, it was Qian Renxue and Qianjia who owed her.

So Bibi Dong is the creditor, and she has the freedom to deal with the cause and effect at will. Since she chooses to be a stranger to you, Qian Renxue and others can only choose to respect it.

As for what happened back then, others are not qualified to find out in detail.

Although Qian Renxue didn't know clearly, she could tell from Qian Daoliu's reaction that her father Qian Xunji was absolutely unreasonable.

"Okay, let's not continue the mistakes of the past. We should look forward." Qian Daoliu patted Qian Renxue on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

"Grandpa is going to reveal to you the biggest secret of our Qian family. After listening to it, you will know that it is not an empty lie that you will become a god after taking the nine angel exams."

Qian Renxue's Qian Daoliu Nine Examinations for Angels has been drafted. She broke through level 80 in the first exam and was rewarded with the second god-given soul ring.

To be honest, he was really curious about Bibi Dong's secret, because in his perception, Xue'er's physical strength had surpassed most titled Douluo, and the seventh soul ring was enough to carry a 10-year-level Soul ring.

As for the first god-given soul ring, it was Qian Daoliu's private possession. If there were more, he really wouldn't be able to get it out. Fortunately, Xue'er was brave enough to open the Nine Angel Exams, so that he could openly use all the secrets of the Angel Secret Realm. resources.

As for the remaining eight tests, the last test is to inherit the divine throne without any doubt, there is another test to obtain the recognition of the Angel Holy Sword, one more test to break through to level 90, and one more to break through to level 99.

In this case, there are only four exams left. Qian Daoliu plans to use them in Wuhun Palace's battle to unify the continent. Passing the divine exam can also gain merit and reputation, and can also train Xue'er. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

He doesn't need to worry about Xue'er's strength. Holy Angel Spirit Masters above level 80 already possess the strength of an ordinary Titled Douluo.

Not to mention that Xue'er still has more than three soul bones, two 10-year soul rings, and her abilities that he doesn't even understand. It will be more than enough for her to be assigned to any of the four teams. .

However, Tang Chen had better forget it. Qian Daoliu, who was worried, shook his head secretly. It would be troublesome if that bastard pulled Xueer on his back when he saw that there was no hope of survival.

How about the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect? Over there is Yu Yuanzhen, a titled Douluo. Although he is level 95, I heard that he hasn't been doing well since he was severely injured by Bibi Dong.

Compared to the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Xingluo Imperial Family, this is an easier bone to chew, and the merits of the above three sects are not bad at all.

Moreover, when Bibi Dong attacked the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, it seemed that he had a very poor sense of their senses. Xueer could also ease the relationship between the two by finishing things off.

Although Bibi Dong is resolute and does not want to have any mother-daughter involvement with Xueer, the relationship in other aspects can be developed from scratch.

On the one hand, it can make Xueer feel much better, on the other hand, it can also make Bibi Dong less resistant to Xueer's advancement.

The mature Qian Daoliu can still see things at this point. If Bibi Dong really disliked Xue'er, he wouldn't have let her study at the East Spider Soul Master Academy for more than ten years, let alone acquiesced to it. Her many benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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