Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 254 Tang 3’s trunk bones

Chapter 254 Tang San’s trunk bones
Tiandou Empire, Fenglan City.

This city is one of the top ten largest cities in the Tiandou Empire. The most important thing is that it is adjacent to the gate of Haotian Sect.

As we all know, among the top three sects, the Qibao Glazed Sect is the richest, the Haotian Sect has the most high-end combat power, and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect has nothing to do with them.

Although the Haotian Sect has the only peerless Douluo in the Douluo Continent, this cannot generate a large amount of money out of thin air.

In addition, the Haotian Sect's mountain gate is located deep in the mountains, is not well managed, and has severed ties with the four affiliated clans, so the sect cannot be said to be wealthy.

If they still stayed at the mountain gate and stayed at the gate, there would be no problem in being self-sufficient, but they had to prepare for Haotian College.

Land, funds, teachers, and students are all big problems.

The first is the land. This is easy to say. Haotian Sect is the signature of the three sects. It is not difficult to get a decent piece of land for free from the Tiandou Empire.

But the key lies in the mimetic training environment. If the region is rich in vitality, not only will the cost of building a corresponding mimetic training environment in the later period be lower, but the effect will also be better.

But the problem is that such areas are hard to find, and they are all owned early.

Fortunately, Tang Xiao had been a sect leader for several years, and he had no intention of dragging his feet. He was a genuine titled Douluo, and he could make the other party "voluntarily" transfer land for free with his fists.

The second is funding. The land needs to be renovated and repaired, which is a huge expense, and recruiting teachers and handymen is also a long-term expense.

Tang Xiao also came up with a solution for this. On the one hand, he went to the local city lord's mansion and got a subsidy and interest-free loan to the maximum extent. To put it bluntly, he relied on his strength to rob.

On the other hand, he put out the Haotian Sect's sign to recruit students and charge fees in advance.

The third is the teacher. The Haotian Sect itself naturally has no shortage of strong people, but their martial arts are all Haotian Hammers, and the only weapons they can teach are the martial arts of the power attack system. As an academy, this is definitely not enough.

Beast martial spirit, agility attack system, control system, treatment system, auxiliary system, food system, etc. Haotian Academy cannot say that it specializes in everything, at least it must have some.

For example, the specialty of Haotian Academy may be its outstanding teaching of attack-type weapons and souls, but there is no soul master team where all members are of the attack-type.

Not to mention anything else, the agility attack system, auxiliary system and control system are definitely indispensable.

Otherwise, why would the Haotian Sect build a college?Just to make up for its own shortcomings.

Tang Xiao also understands this. The focus of recruiting teachers and even students is the agility, control and support departments.

The final issue of student sources is even more troublesome. If a college wants to recruit students, it must have attractive enough enrollment features.

The endorsement of Haotian Sect is indeed a good sign, and there is no shortage of basic students.

But there was a bet between Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace. Tang Xiao needed to recruit top students and train a team of top soul masters to participate in the continent-wide young soul master elite competition to redeem the title Douluo-level elders.

It can be said that he lost badly in the last competition. Tang Xiao was scolded bloody by Tang Chen. Even if he couldn't beat the East Spider Soul Master Academy, he couldn't beat the Wuhun Academy. In the end, he won the No. 3 consolation prize.

Therefore, Tang Xiao, who has learned from the painful experience, has been worried about discovering top students, but it is really difficult to handle.

Again, the Haotian School's signature attraction attracts relatively ordinary students. As can be seen from the last competition, the Haotian Academy's agility attack, control, and auxiliary departments are significantly better than other opponents. shortcomings.

Tang Xiao, a disciple of our sect, can arrange at most three. Any more will not look like an academy.

It's not that Haotian Academy can't recruit good students with top-level martial arts, but the students who enroll are not stupid. Most of them are strong attack weapon spirits, and they just study for the reputation of Haotian Academy.

Students from other categories such as agility attack department, auxiliary department, control department, etc. are not stupid. They follow the learning method of swinging a sledgehammer?As top talents, they not only have to choose a college, but also a major.

In addition to the appeal of the college itself, the benefits and benefits are also extremely attractive to civilian students.

In this regard, Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace each have their own merits. The treatment given by Tiandou Royal Academy is more towards enjoyment, and is generally in line with the great nobles. If you perform well, you will get a genuine noble title.

The Wuhun Palace is more practical. Except for the settlement fee, most of the other resources are closely related to the development of the soul master itself, allowing the soul master to go further on the path of cultivation.

In addition, Wuhun Hall is spread all over the world and is a very reliable backer, which can provide reliable protection for family and friends.

The Haotian Sect is in trouble. Firstly, it has no money, secondly, it has no special resources, and thirdly, it is difficult to provide practical support to the families of its students.

It is true that the Haotian Sect's hard power is very strong, but its radiation range is extremely narrow. Except for the vicinity of Fenglan City where the academy is located, it is basically out of reach beyond the scope of the province.

Therefore, the agility and attack types are better, while the control and auxiliary types are more difficult to recruit. As for the healing, defense, and poison types, the current Haotian Academy does not pay much attention to them.

Tang Xiao is currently thinking hard about how to get ahead in the next continent-wide young soul master elite competition. This time, he has to redeem an elder no matter what.Under this environment, Tang Hao's arrival with Tang San and others was a double blessing for him.

On the one hand, Tang Xiao had an excellent relationship with his younger brother Tang Hao, and on the other hand, the students Tang Hao brought him were exactly what Haotian Academy needed.

Tang San is the control type, Ning Rongrong is the top support type, Oscar is the top food type, Yu Tianheng is the top beast martial spirit, and Xiao Wu is the top agility type.

In comparison, Tang San was indeed inferior on paper, but Tang Hao did not hide the twin martial spirits, the Clear Sky Hammer, and even the attached soul bone from Tang Xiao.

The most important thing is that this is his nephew Tang Xiao, how could he not take special care of him!

As for Yu Xiaogang, Tang Xiao and Tang Hao have similar opinions. For pure pendants, in such a big college, one more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

Taking into account the age issue, Tang Xiao's arrangement was not to change the original Clear Sky team members, but to form a second Clear Sky team for Tang San and others. He just added two direct descendants of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit to join.

Anyway, Clear Sky Academy lacks everything except students with the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit.

In terms of teaching, he personally took care of it and selected the best from the remaining teachers. As for Yu Xiaogang himself, he arranged a casual position as a life teacher, managing the logistics of Haotian's second team and having no real power to interfere with the training.

Tang Hao himself, under Tang Xiao's strong persuasion, chose to return to Haotian Sect to meet his grandfather Tang Chen.

As a peerless Douluo, Tang Chen was extremely talented. After he returned to Haotian Sect, almost all his direct clan members learned real benefits from him. Tang Xiao didn't want Tang Hao to miss out.

As for Tang Hao's mistakes, Tang Xiao, who had already inquired about them, knew that the sect leader Tang Chen didn't care.

However, because of the agreement between Tang Xiao and Qian Daoliu, Tang Hao still had to go back secretly.


Haotian College,

The early morning sunlight shines into the dormitory through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows. This is a beautifully decorated villa with about 500 square meters on the upper and lower floors.

The six bedrooms on the second floor were occupied by Oscar, Yu Tianheng, Tang San, Tang Fuhu, Tang Shi and Yu Xiaogang. The first floor was occupied by Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and two aunts who cooked and cleaned.

Each room has an independent bathroom and comes with a small study room and balcony. Compared with Shrek Academy, it is absolutely in heaven and on earth.

Tang San was sitting cross-legged on the futon on the balcony, the purple rhyme in his eyes receding, finishing the exercises he must do every morning.

"I have already broken through to the second subtle realm of the Purple Demon Eyes, but I'm afraid the next stage of the Mustard Seed Realm won't be as good as Jiazi Kungfu, so don't have any delusions." Tang San, who carefully sensed the progress of the pupil power, was very helpless.

The Purple Demon Eye is divided into four realms: overview, subtlety, mustard seed, and vastness. According to the records of the Tang Sect, most people can only stay in the subtle realm throughout their lives, and only a few people can reach the mustard seed realm when they are old.

Because the cultivation of the Purple Demon Eye relies on collecting the purple energy of the morning sun every morning to promote it, there is no other conventional method. In a sense, it can only rely on time and water.

And even if you break through the mustard seed realm, according to the seniors, it will only be clearer than the subtle realm, and there will be no other miracles.

So Tang San didn't regret anything too much. After all, for throwing hidden weapons, reaching the subtle realm was enough.

It's a pity that there is still no way to solve the sequelae of his twitching hands. Even his newly refined [-]-year-old trunk bone has no effect. Perhaps only the arm bones can alleviate or even eliminate it.

Okay, it's time to go downstairs for breakfast. After going to the bathroom to wash up, Tang San put on new clothes and went straight out, throwing the clothes he took off into the dirty clothes basket at the door.

"Good morning, Tang San." Oscar, who was opposite Tang San, smiled and greeted him.

"Morning." Tang San responded with a smile, looking at Oscar's arm with some curiosity. I heard that he had just reattached his broken arm, and it looked no different from before.

Oscar didn't mind when he saw Tang San's gaze. Instead, he took the initiative to explain, "Qing Lao's technique is very good. My arm has been completely connected. Although it is still a little sluggish, it is completely fine for normal life."

After speaking, Oscar looked at Tang San with curiosity and envy on his face, "Tang San, have you refined that ten-thousand-year-old soul bone? What is your soul skill? Can you please tell me?"

Speaking of which, the origin of that soul bone is also very strange. It is said that it came from the last elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy five years ago.

No. 3 can also have a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone, and the reward is quite generous.

It's just that the Haotian team at that time failed to obtain the first two redeemed elders, so it would be nice not to be punished. The reward has been sealed to this day, but by chance, it fell into Tang San's hands a few days ago.

It is said that the members of the Haotian team were still very dissatisfied, but Tang Xiao forcefully suppressed the objections. His statement was very simple. If you are not convinced, just work hard in this competition.

As long as you get the top two, not only can the competition rewards be distributed freely, but the academy itself will also give out another equal reward!
(End of this chapter)

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