Chapter 255 Haotian College
Speaking of soul bones, Tang San subconsciously touched the back of his head. This ten thousand year soul bone gave him a completely different texture from the two pieces Yu Xiaogang gave him.

If you have to compare, it is probably the difference between Hotan jade and white pebbles. The difference can be seen on the surface, and the feeling of refining is completely different.

The two soul bones given by Yu Xiaogang did not increase the total amount of soul power as much as the ten-thousand-year soul bone. Moreover, the soul power contained in the ten-thousand-year soul bone was very clear. The soul bone given by Yu Xiaogang was even more powerful. Much turbid.

The most important thing is that after refining this ten-thousand-year-old trunk bone, Tang San not only felt that his physical fitness had greatly improved, but he also felt as light as a swallow.

In contrast, Yu Xiaogang's soul bone had an indescribable feeling of sluggishness after being refined.

Such a huge gap had to make Tang San wonder what level those two leg bones were. They couldn't be century-old soul bones, right?
However, Yu Xiaogang just refused to know about this, and soul bones are inherently rare and precious things, even the smallest century-old soul bones are worth a lot of money.

Tang San didn't complain about Yu Xiaogang, after all, he was pretty good now that he had soul bones to refine, and it wasn't like he was picky or thin.

Is this the soul skill of the ten thousand year soul bone?

Speaking of soul skills, Tang San was also very confused. He had just refined the soul bone last night, but he actually found that this soul bone had three unknown random effects, and he could not choose directly and did not know the specific contents of those three effects.

In addition, the soul bone actually constantly consumed one-third of his maximum physical strength, one-third of his maximum mental strength, and one-third of his maximum soul power, so Tang San didn't try.

"I have refined the soul bone, but I haven't used it yet. I'm not sure of the specific effect yet. I'll show it to everyone after dinner."

The ten-thousand-year soul bone skill must definitely not be bad, Tang San, who wanted to show it off in front of everyone, promised Oscar.

He has heard that the continent-wide young soul master elite competition has begun to warm up. Their Haotian Academy adheres to the principle of the strong first. Although the participating teams have been confirmed, the selection of the captain position has only recently begun.

So for Tang San, this was not just a matter of face, but also a real benefit worth fighting for.

Tang San and Oscar went downstairs together. In the kitchen next to the hall, the two aunts just made breakfast. Today it was fried sausages, fried eggs, lettuce salad, fried meat, toast and hot milk.

The two of them each took their own portions and ate slowly at their seats. Isn't it just to enjoy the food when you get up early?
Not long after, Yu Xiaogang, Yu Tianheng, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu also came down, and Xiao Wu on the first floor opened the door and came out yawning.

Several people greeted each other. Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang sat in the first place on the left, on the same side as Tang San and Oscar. Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu sat opposite with cold expressions. They were not convinced that Tang San could get the ten thousand year soul. Bone is also quite dissatisfied.

The main reason is that Tang San did not reveal his twin martial soul and life experience. As direct descendants of the Haotian Sect, Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu did not understand why the dean and the others would give such a precious thing as a ten thousand year soul bone to an "outsider"?
And this "outsider" is still the Wasted Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass!
The dining table was rectangular, so Xiao Wu sat next to Tang Shi, right across from Tang San.

After a while, Ning Rongrong hurriedly came out and came to Xiao Wu's side with a dinner plate.

"Rongrong, did you not sleep last night?" Oscar asked with some distressed concern from the other side.

Ning Rongrong looked at the peach-eyed Oscar and her face froze. She had had enough of Oscar's hospitality over the past year, but considering that she owed him a favor, she didn't say much.

She originally thought that this guy would realize his interest and leave as time goes by, but she didn't expect that he was as shameless as a city wall, but today she really couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'm sorry, Oscar, you are not my type, and I am a direct descendant of the Qibao Glazed Sect. It is impossible to become a lover with a food type who has no actual combat ability. Do you understand?"

After saying that, Ning Rongrong began to eliminate the food in front of her as quickly and as gracefully as possible. She did not want to go to the morning class hungry.

Oscar's expression darkened when he heard Ning Rongrong's reply, but then he changed the topic to Tang San to cover up his embarrassment.

Hearing that Tang San was going to try his Ten Thousand Year Soul Bone Skill, everyone looked over with interest. The Ten Thousand Year Soul Bone, or the torso bone, must be a pretty powerful soul skill, right?
But Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu still had jealousy in their eyes, and Yu Xiaogang's eyes also had darkness in them. He had been very uncomfortable during the more than half a year in Haotian College.

On the one hand, he was assigned to a idle position in the logistics and could not interfere with the team's training matters. He was usually responsible for some trivial matters. How could this not make his self-esteem feel uncomfortable?
He is a master of theory, and participating in team training is his most suitable position. It is also the best way to gain reputation in front of this group of talented students.

Of course, he also thought about fighting for it, such as criticizing the original teaching plan. For this reason, he did not hesitate to use the second-hand information about Dongzhi Academy that he obtained from Qin Ming.

As a result, those teachers looked at Yu Xiaogang like a fool. Yu Xiaogang was not the only smart person in the world. The Haotian Sect had already sent people to obtain the teaching methods of the Eastern Spider Soul Master Academy.

And can the matter at the Soul Master Academy be called plagiarism?That's called learning.

Of course, in actual practice, Haotian College has also encountered a series of problems such as acclimatization and acclimatization. Many things will be difficult to achieve real results without the core resources of East Spider Soul Master College.

For example, exercising physical skills and mental strength will not only take up a lot of time to improve soul power, but also the lack of elixirs and medicated baths can easily lead to half the effort and sequelae of physical overuse.

As for the East Spider Soul Master Academy, the improvement of soul power is supported by elixirs, which can be compensated for in terms of time. There are also resources and step-by-step classics for physical and mental skills, so you can get twice the result with half the effort without any negative problems.Moreover, the classics circulated in the East Spider Soul Master Academy are all the most basic, and the advanced content that follows is taught based on personal preference and cannot be obtained by others.

But if you just practice the basic classics alone without follow-up, you can only consolidate the foundation, but the effect will be poor.

Because it is easy to copy tigers instead of dogs, Haotian College is currently implementing improved versions of teaching plans.

Although the effects are quite different, there will be no series of problems such as sequelae, half the result with half the effort, half the training and no follow-up.

Yu Xiaogang who jumped out looked very much like them in the past to the teaching teachers, so they skillfully asked Yu Xiaogang about the problems they had encountered.

This made Yu Xiaogang hesitant and gave answers full of errors. As a result, he lost face in front of the seven students of Haotian Team [-] and completely lost the opportunity to teach.

In addition, the change in Tang San's eyes after he obtained the ten-thousand-year soul bone also made him feel uncomfortable. He knew that he couldn't give Tang San and others too good things before the relationship was completely mature.

Because when those little guys saw the real good things, they looked down upon his trivialities and couldn't listen to his deceptive remarks.

This was the real reason why he arranged for Tang San to go to Shrek Academy before.

When the relationship matures, this problem will disappear. For example, Yu Tianheng, even though his treatment at Tiandou Royal Academy is the best, he does not hesitate to believe Yu Xiaogang's attempts to win over him.

Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu had a much different relationship with him, and Tang San, as his direct disciple, was not familiar with them either.

But Yu Xiaogang had no choice. Faced with Tang Hao's unceremonious persecution, he could only choose to abandon Flanders and his two disabled students.

But as a result of betrayal, he was ignored and gradually marginalized in Haotian College.


The curriculum of Haotian College’s advanced classes is very simple and is mainly divided into four parts:

In the first half of the morning, I studied liberal arts in the classroom.

In the second half of the morning, there was actual combat training. Part of the time was internal battles between the soul master teams, and part of the time there were battles between the soul master teams. Sometimes there were even small competitions.

As for the Great Soul Fighting Arena, the participation frequency is once a week, on Friday night.

The opponents are not random, but carefully arranged opponents in Fenglan City's Great Soul Fighting Arena. Although their strengths are similar, they sometimes specifically target the team's shortcomings. Even the core students of Haotian Academy can apply for customized opponents.

On this point, Tang Xiao personally went to the Great Soul Fighting Arena. The managers behind the scenes had to give face when facing the Haotian Sect. This is the benefit brought by strength, and it is also the most important unspoken rule in the soul master world - strength. Be the king!
The first half of the afternoon is for physical training, which is not as diverse as the East Spider Soul Master Academy. Of course, it is not running like Shrek Academy. The training method is swinging a sledge hammer and striking iron. . .

This is the specialty of the Haotian Sect, covering everything from basic to advanced, and the Haotian Academy even teaches the core students the Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique.

Tang San, who had been practicing since childhood, was like a fish in water. His random cloak hammering technique made the training teacher nod his head repeatedly, while the others suffered from old sins.

Especially Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Yu Tianheng and Xiao Wu are both beast martial soul masters. They don't have to worry about strength, they only need to work on their skills.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong were not only weapon soul masters, but one was a weak girl, and the other had a broken arm. It was difficult for them to wield a sledgehammer even in terms of strength, so they could only start with a small hammer. . .

The second half of the afternoon is spent practicing in the mimetic cultivation environment. After dinner, the mimetic cultivation environment is also open to core students.

After all, there is no pill to speed up the increase of soul power, and you can only rely on time to make up for it.

Even recently, Haotian Academy is considering whether to arrange a long-term retreat in a mimic training environment to improve the soul power level of the participating students before the continent-wide young soul master elite competition.

The time Tang San chose to test his soul bone skills was in the second half of the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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