Chapter 256 Three Clowns
"Tang San, do you need to go to the training ground? You can test the power of soul skills more accurately there." Hearing that Tang San was going to test the power of the ten thousand year soul bone skill, the three teaching teachers of Haotian's second team also gathered around.

One is Tang Gang, who possesses the Haotian Hammer, a powerful attack weapon. He is a genuine Soul Saint. He is one generation younger than Tang Xiao in the Haotian Sect. Strictly speaking, he is Tang San's older cousin.

One is named Teng Wanchun, a control-type plant spirit Ivy, a level 68 fighting spirit emperor, and the oldest.

One is called Xuefeng, agility attack beast martial spirit spirit wind phoenix bird, level 65 fighting spirit emperor, and the only female teacher among the three.

The three of them are very satisfied with the students of Haotian's second team. They have the Haotian Hammer, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and the top martial arts spirits from the three sects, as well as the rare innate full soul power of the food system.

Of course, they looked at Yu Xiaogang who was following him with barely concealed disdain on their faces, but they didn't explain that Yu Xiaogang wasn't going to have any trouble.

"Then I'll trouble you, teacher." Tang San couldn't figure out the specific status of his soul skills. Normally, the general effects of soul skills can be known even without experiments, but his soul bone skill was a little special, and it actually had three effects.

All Tang San could do was inject soul power to activate soul skills, but he didn't know exactly which effect was activated.

Arriving at the training ground, Tang Gang and the other three were also ready, "Okay Tang San, let's start. If you want to test the speed, just go to the track to test. If you want to test the strength, there are standard weight dumbbells there. If you want to test the power of the soul skills, there are also different ones. A target of strength.”

Facing the curious gazes of the other ten people, Tang San also activated his soul bone soul skills for the first time.

In an instant, he felt that his torso bones were like a black hole, swallowing up one third of his soul power. He suddenly felt his body was weak and his head was dizzy, and the same huge physical and mental power was also sucked into it. .

Then, Tang San, who looked exhausted, knew the effect he was currently triggering.

Peak moment: Each attack will have a 3% chance of triggering a triple attack effect, lasting 3 minutes.

Tang San, who understood the effect of soul skills, walked directly to a wooden target, wrapped his hands with blue silver grass while punching, dong dong dong!It was beating on the wooden target in front of it like a drum. Although there was an obvious dent, it was far from damaged.

Others don't know why. It doesn't look like anything special. It looks like ordinary boxing. Can this be regarded as a soul skill?

Until there was a loud noise, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the wooden target that was directly blown up by Tang San. What happened?Is there anything they missed?
And Tang San, who fired that punch, truly understood the specific reason. At that moment, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from deep inside his body and poured into his fist, and then the attack power of his punch directly hit his fist. Increased to 300%.

The most important thing is that not only his strength has been increased to 3 times, but the soul power wrapped on the surface of the fist has also been increased to 3 times of attack power. This allowed Tang San's hands to remain unscathed while hitting the wooden target in front of him. Explode.

"Teacher, this is the peak moment of one of my soul skills."

After hearing Tang San explain the effects of his soul skills, everyone present swallowed their saliva. Good guy, 3 times the attack effect is equivalent to increasing the attack by 200%.

The most peak Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda auxiliary soul master can only increase a soul master's attack by 80%, and this value is already the pinnacle of the auxiliary system.

If Ning Rongrong breaks through level 40 and her fourth spirit ring increases her attack, wouldn't it be possible for Tang San to deal 350% critical damage? All forms of attack have trigger possibilities.

Although the probability is a bit low and the time is not long, if the effect is really triggered, even the three teachers will suffer if they are caught off guard.

Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu even turned red with envy. Tang San had blown up the wooden stake with his bare hands. What if the two of them were able to refine their soul bones to trigger their peak moment, activate their Clear Sky Hammer spirit, and activate their attacking spirit skills.

300% critical hit damage is extremely terrifying when you think about it.

"Although the probability is relatively low, the effect of this triple attack is really amazing. If the probability were raised, it would be even more terrifying than the legendary 10-year-old soul bone."

Tang Gang said sincerely that for him, the 10-year-old soul bone was not an unattainable legend. At least he knew the range of power of the 10-year-old soul bone skill.

"Tang San, congratulations. With this soul skill, it will not be difficult for you to fight across levels." Tang Gang congratulated very sincerely. He had also heard his cousin Tang Xiao roughly reveal Tang San's identity. .

Although he didn't know that Tang San was Tang Hao's son, he knew that Tang San was of the same generation as him, and also had the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, so he took care of Tang San in his daily teaching.

Faced with Tang Gang's praise, Tang San knew what he meant. The triple attack effect of Bluesilver Grass was a bit useless, but the Clear Sky Hammer was different!

This was the Clear Sky Hammer, known as the world's number one offensive weapon spirit. Even if Tang San didn't have a spirit ring attached, he knew the power of that hammer. If it could trigger three times the attack effect at its peak, its power would be unimaginable.

"Teacher, I feel that this is not all the effects of my Soul Bone Skill. I plan to try it again." Seeing the envious looks from the people around him, Tang San was also quite a little carried away.

Being top-notch in a small place like Notting Academy certainly wouldn't give him any sense of accomplishment, but enjoying the admiration of other talented students at Haotian Academy, Tang San undoubtedly felt comfortable.In addition, the consumption of the soul bone skill was only one-third, so he planned to try the second effect again.

Hearing Tang San's explanation, the three teachers were also amazed. This was the first time they had heard about the soul bones with the effects of the three soul skills. Today was an eye-opener.

Yu Xiaogang and others were amazed at the power of the ten thousand year soul bone. The first effect was so amazing, but the second effect did not require high expectations.

At the same one-third maximum consumption of soul power, physical strength and mental power, Tang San felt a little weak in his legs. This soul bone skill was still good, but it consumed too much.

It is still a constant maximum ratio, which means that as his soul power increases in the future, the consumption will still be small.

"How about it, Tang San, what is the effect of this soul skill?" Oscar came over curiously, he was actually a very shrewd person.

When he followed the master to betray Shrek, he basically had no hesitation, because the academy run by the three sects of Haotian Sect was much better than Shrek Academy no matter what.

And in the atmosphere of Haotian Academy, he could also feel the preferential treatment Tang San received in subtle ways, which made him, who had no foundation, take the initiative to get close to Tang San, just like when he hugged Dai Mubai's thigh in Shrek Academy .

"The effect of this soul skill is called Happy Smiling Face." Tang San felt warm all over his body, and the consumed soul power, physical strength and even mental power were rapidly recovering.

"The specific effect is recovery: there will be a 33% chance of recovering 3% of the lost physical strength, mental and soul power every second, and the duration is 3 minutes."

"It sounds very good. It can just make up for the excessive consumption of your soul bone skill." Teng Wanchun felt the two sudden drops in soul power fluctuations in Tang San's body and nodded. This soul bone skill seems to consume a lot.

"Since it's a soul-restoring skill, third brother, let's try the last effect." Ning Rongrong on the side also suggested enthusiastically.

She calls Tang San Third Brother because Tang San is a little older than her and has a much higher level of soul power. Of course, three does not refer to Tang San's age ranking in Haotian's second team, but his name. Tang San himself doesn't like other people. Call him Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother.

"Yeah." Tang San, who was enjoying the sweetness more and more, smiled broadly, "But these three soul skill effects can only be triggered randomly. I can't control it, and I don't know if the third unknown effect can be triggered."

"Is it random?" Teacher Xuefeng frowned slightly, "The uncertainty of your soul bone skill is too great."

"Normally, if the effects of three soul skills can be controlled, wouldn't it be equivalent to three soul skills, one soul skill more than a 10-year-old soul bone." Yu Xiaogang stabbed Xue lukewarmly beside him. Phoenix sentence.

"Then I have to give it a try. Even if it doesn't work this time, I can continue. After all, isn't the second effect definitely a recovery effect?" Teng Wanchun, as the direct teacher who taught Tang San how to practice Blue Silver Grass, was undoubtedly the most curious one.

"Tch, the random effect, maybe not only the probability is random, but also the quality of the effect may be random." Seeing Tang San's proud look, Tang Shi muttered to Tang Fuhu in a low voice with the mentality of sour grapes. road.

Other people's opinions did not affect Tang San himself, and the teaching teacher Teng Wanchun's statement coincided with his.

Now his physical strength, soul power, and mental power are all above two-thirds. Unless the first effect is triggered all the time, he will definitely be able to detect the effect of the third soul skill today.

Thinking like this, Tang San activated the trunk bone soul skill again. Perhaps God heard his wish, and he activated the third soul skill effect as he wished.


Tang San felt it all over his body and didn't understand what the clown, the third soul skill effect, meant.

However, Tang San, who activated three effects at the same time, also knew the name of this torso bone's soul skill, which was called Three Clowns.

"Xiao San, what is the effect of this third soul skill? Is it faster running or higher defense?" Yu Xiaogang coughed lightly and planned to gain reputation by predicting the effects of a successful wave of soul skills. .

"It feels like the effect has been triggered, but I can't feel what it is exactly?" Tang San, who was moving his whole body, asked with confusion on his face.

Along with a crow, a crow flew across the sky, and Tang San suddenly felt the top of his head sinking slightly, as if something had fallen on it.

As soon as Tang San stretched out his hand, he saw a sticky mess. When he took it into his hand, he saw a fishy smell. Tang San looked stiff. This was bird droppings, and it was still thin.

Most importantly, this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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