Chapter 257 Amazing Rewards
quack quack!
The crow that just flew through the sky was just the beginning. Soon, more than a dozen flying birds gathered in the sky, attacking Tang San like bombers like crazy.

The strangest thing is that this group of birds is like a small moving dark cloud, only moving "rain" on Tang San's head.

The people next to him were shocked and subconsciously stayed away from Tang San.

"Bastard!" Tang San reacted to the situation and immediately became furious. The soul power in his body spurted out, directly blocking the filth falling from the sky. At the same time, dozens of blue silver grass rose from the ground and headed towards the birds above him. Whip past.

Although the height was too high, Tang San's attack had no results, but luckily the birds dispersed in all directions after being frightened.

Seeing that the farce was over, Yu Xiaogang also frowned and stepped forward with concern: "Xiao San, could it be that the failure to release your soul skill caused backlash?"

"No, teacher." Tang San, who felt his condition carefully again, shook his head in confusion, "There is no sign of soul skill backlash."

"Could it be that the effect of Tang San's third soul skill was originally negative?" Teacher Xuefeng on the side gave her own opinion.

"It makes sense. Two positive effects and one negative effect are completely random. This makes sense. Otherwise, if a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone has three soul-skill effects, wouldn't it be stronger than a 10-year-old soul bone?"

Teng Wanchun also nodded in agreement, 2-1=1, which is equivalent to a normal ten thousand year soul bone.

"I just don't know what the negative effect is, attracting birds to attack?" Tang Gang said with some confusion, "Forget it, Tang San, you go and wash up first, Yu Xiaogang will be with you, and the others will train normally. "

Tang San felt depressed when he smelled the fishy smell. His performance in the second half was a complete collapse, and he was completely embarrassed.

Just thinking that there was a lump of bird droppings on top of his head, he didn't care about getting angry, and directly planned to go to the pool on the side to wash up under the guidance of Yu Xiaogang.

And subconsciously, Tang San felt that the clown's effect had no intention of dissipating at all, and it didn't seem to be the effect of directly attracting birds to "rain".

While thinking about it, Tang San turned the faucet, then waved his hand under it twice before he realized what was happening. It was strange, why was there no water?

After two more turns, there was still no water at the end. It must have been broken. Tang San, who was already angry, felt that his anger was even more intense, and he exerted force on his hands.

The faucet exploded, and Tang San was covered with cold water.

Yu Xiaogang on the side looked at Tang San who had turned into a drowned rat and also reacted, "Xiao San, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, teacher." Tang San wiped the water on his body, revealing an expressionless livid face, "I can control my emotions well, isn't it just unlucky?"

Unlucky?Yu Xiaogang was in a trance when he heard these two words, and he seemed to have grasped the clue.

Next to him, Tang San also tried hard to control his emotions, using the water from the faucet to wash his hands and head.

I just don't know why, but the water flow was getting bigger and smaller, left and right, which made Tang San's expression darker and darker, and the surrounding air pressure became more and more depressing.

"Mistress, why don't we go wash in the pool next to it?" Yu Xiaogang suggested. There are many pools for mopping and washing in the training ground, and there is one a few hundred meters away.

"it is good."

Tang San let out a long breath and quickly walked to the pool next to him. This time, the faucet was very smooth, and clear water flowed down. Tang San's expression relaxed a little, and he reached out to wash it.

But at this moment, the water flowing down from the water head quickly shrank, and then dropped and stopped. . .

Looking at the teacher Yu Xiaogang next to him, Tang San gritted his teeth and tried hard to suppress the depression in his heart.

At this moment, another crow flew across the sky, and a drop of bird droppings accurately landed on Tang San's head.


At this time, Yu Xiaogang, who had witnessed the entire tragic experience of his apprentice, looked at Tang San, who was looking up to the sky with a red face and roaring, and put forward his guess, "Xiao San, is the negative effect of your soul skill bad luck?"

Yu Xiaogang's words were like a key. Tang San, who suddenly reacted, finally subconsciously understood the clown's negative effects.

Luck dropped by 33%.

It may not sound like an outrageous drop, but in fact it is already a very large value. Just like a 90-point test paper, 60 points and the [-] points that just passed are probably the difference between being at the top and being at the bottom. .

Therefore, even people who are usually lucky will become unlucky if they are affected by the clown effect, so the series of bad luck that Tang San suffered is not unfounded.The most terrifying thing is that the clown effect lasts not three minutes, nor three hours, but three days. . .

During these three days, Tang San would remain in the unlucky state, and nothing he did would go as he wished.

The only good news is that 60 points is also a passing score. Tang San will only be frustrated simply by bad luck, and will not be faced with a life or death crisis.


Returning to Haotian's second team, Tang San, who had taken care of himself, walked carefully and slowly, like a little girl who had not left the pavilion. The others were a little confused when they saw him, but they all surrounded Tang Gang, and the news here was even more Attractive.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the other six students surrounding the three teaching teachers, Yu Xiaogang was also a little strange.

"The Continental Young Soul Master Elite Competition has been decided. The preliminary auditions will officially begin in three months, and the official competition will begin in five months." Oscar said excitedly as he looked at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang who had returned.

"These are all things that have been decided a long time ago. There is no need for this, right?" Tang San asked.

"Hey, it doesn't matter what the competition format is. The key is that the rewards this year are so generous." Oscar swallowed and looked at Tang San. He also wanted to have a soul bone. Even if it wasn't his turn in ten thousand years, he would still be in a thousand years. Okay.

"No matter how rich it is, it's just soul bones, right?" Yu Xiaogang touched his chin, "The last competition was said to have 5 soul bones as rewards, three for the champion, one for the runner-up, and one for the third runner-up. Could this year be even better than the last one? Is it rich?"

"This year's Wuhun Palace has indeed spent a lot of money, including soul bones, gold soul coins and other precious resources." Tang Gang, who had just received the news, said with emotion.

"Of course, the Haotian Sect behind our Haotian Academy is also part of this, and the Tiandou and Xingluo royal families also have sponsorship."

"In the past, only the top three received substantial rewards. This time, not only have they been extended to the top six, but the rewards are even more generous than last year!"

Looking at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang who were a little confused, Teng Wanchun explained at the side, "It is said that the reward for No. 1 is 7 soul bones alone, enough for each member of the participating team to have one."

"There is also a cash reward of 140 million gold soul coins, as well as seven Purple Heart Breaking Pills that are said to be effective under the Soul Saint. It is said to be miraculous in breaking through large-level bottlenecks. Even if the bottleneck is not reached, it can be improved by 1 to 3 Different levels of soul power."

7 soul bones!Everyone present had just coveted the soul bones that Tang San had obtained, and now their eyes widened when they heard that Wuhun Palace actually gave out 7 soul bones as a championship reward.

You know, even Ning Rongrong and Yu Tianheng, who were born in the Shangsan Sect, are extremely eager for soul bones.

Of course, they will not absorb unsuitable soul bones, but no matter how rubbish the soul bones are, they can get at least a six-digit profit if they are resold at auction.

"By the way, Brother Gang, the soul bone reward for this competition should be funded by the Haotian Sect. Do you know what the specific soul bone is?" Xuefeng, who knew some inside information, asked.

"This, it is said that three soul bones were produced, but those three soul bones are not in the list of championship rewards. Among the rewards for the second, third and fourth place respectively, a ten thousand year left leg bone, a thousand year left arm bone and a thousand year old Right leg bone.”

Tang Gang also said with gritted teeth, "They probably paid for these seven soul bones themselves. This Wuhun Palace is really rich!"

"And they are also very confident." Teng Wanchun added.

"Anyone with a discerning eye knows that these seven soul bones from the Wuhun Palace must be given to their own family, but they dare to openly put them in the championship reward list, which shows that they already regard the championship as their own."

"By the way, teacher, if our Haotian College team really wins the championship, can the dean really give us an equivalent reward?" Ning Rongrong suddenly thought of something and looked at Tang Gang and asked jokingly.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is said to be as rich as any country. It is very difficult to take out the seven soul bones. After all, these things are notoriously expensive and have no market, and they cannot be kept for a long time.

Although the Haotian Sect is said to be the strongest of the three sects, it is hard to say whether it can take out the seven soul bones. Even if it can be taken out, the students of Haotian College are not direct descendants of the Haotian Sect after all. Are they really willing to give it up?
"This..." After hearing this question, Tang Gang hesitated for a moment, and then shook his head, "This is not something you brats should care about, but when the time comes, the dean and the elders of the sect should give an answer. A satisfactory answer.”

"140 million gold soul coins, that's 20 gold soul coins for one person. If you get this, you will have food and drink for the rest of your life." This is also the first time Oscar has heard of 7-digit gold soul coins. This is really a real deal. huge sum of money.

"That's right, how many carrots can you buy with this?" Xiao Wu, who was always silent, rarely spoke up.

"Oh, really precious good things are hard to buy no matter how many gold soul coins you have." Both Yu Tianheng and Ning Rongrong were quite dissatisfied with the gold soul coins. It was obvious that these rewards were not as valuable as soul bones and elixirs.

"However, they should also be giving out golden soul coins for personal enjoyment. After all, Wuhun Palace cannot issue noble titles like the two major empires." Tang Fuhu and Tang Shi looked at the golden soul coins with great envy.

Originally, they had no idea about the Golden Soul Coin when they were living at the gate of Haotian Sect. It was only after they came down from the mountain and saw the colorful world in Fenglan City that they realized how good the Golden Soul Coin was.

Yu Xiaogang on the side was rarely focused on the soul bones anymore, but on the five words Purple Heart Breaking Pill, which had a miraculous effect on breaking through large-level bottlenecks!
In other words, does he still have hope to advance to the Soul Sect in this life?
(End of this chapter)

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