Chapter 260 Haze
Forget it, instead of worrying about those illusory things, it's better to think about how to qualify beautifully in the qualifiers.

After gathering her emotions, Yu Tianxin took a deep breath, put a red mark of special attention on the back of the East Spider Beasts, and then set her sights on the last team of casual cultivators.

This team can be said to be the biggest dark horse in the auditions within the Tiandou Empire. It even outshone the Eastern Spider Beasts. However, the two teams did not play against each other due to the draw.

But there is absolutely no doubt about their strength. It is said that half of the members have fourth-ring cultivation, and the most important thing is that their captain is the fifth-ring soul king! ! !

This is probably the first Soul King-level soul master in the Tiandou Division, and he may even be the only one.

It is said that in the last audition, they only played their captain. They defeated the opponent 1V7 and advanced directly. The fighting power was quite terrifying, and the martial arts spirit was extraordinary at first glance.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianheng rubbed his temples and drew three key marks behind the team named Tianji Noumenon.

In addition, I heard that Canghui Academy seems to be hiding some important trump card. With Thunder Academy, there are 10 teams. Fighting for five qualifying spots is full of pressure.

Even though Yu Tianxin was very confident in her martial soul and soul power level, she still felt full of pressure after reading the dossier.

In comparison, the Botanical College of Barak College, which had Soul Sect leaders who should have paid special attention to it, seemed to be much more friendly to Yu Tianxin.

. . .

Compared to Yu Tianxin, the other four Five Elements academies did not have such well-informed information channels. They were all pleasantly surprised by the talents that were rare in each school for hundreds of years, and planned to make a splash in this competition.

For example, take the brother and sister Huo Wushuang of Blazing Fire Academy. The eldest brother Huo Wushuang has a stable character and profound soul power. The younger sister Huo Wu is extremely talented. At a young age, she has mastered the exclusive secret ring-melting method of the Fire Element Academy.

Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng Academy is said to have mastered self-created soul skills and has amazing combat power. Tianshui Academy not only has the best martial arts like Ice Phoenix, but also possesses unique martial soul fusion skills. . .

Looking at the information in his hand, Yu Xiaogang reminded the seven people who had just come out of seclusion.

The roster and itinerary of Haotian College this time have been decided. Haotian Team [-] and Haotian Team [-] will operate separately. Haotian Team [-] will be led by Tang Gang and Yu Xiaogang as their life guide.

Tang Gang stood aside and didn't care about Yu Xiaogang's instructions to Tang San and others. To be precise, Yu Xiaogang was willing to be the instructor, but he was happy to have his leisure time. After all, Tiandou City was much more prosperous than Fenglan City.

Teng Wanchun and Xuefeng looked at each other, and after understanding each other's intentions, they tacitly remained silent.

The seven little guys need to be moderately suppressed when they come out of seclusion in March. Since Yu Xiaogang is willing to be the bad guy, let him do it.

"Well, Teacher Yu Xiaogang, all of us in this retreat have reached at least level 35. Shouldn't we praise such a big progress?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Yu Xiaogang's face with some dissatisfaction. After realizing that the other party was a paper tiger, she could not say the word "master".

In addition, Haotian Academy also spent money on this retreat. The simulated training environment and the soul power-enhancing potions purchased at high prices, plus the seven people's three-month retreat, everyone has improved their soul power by 1 to 2 levels. Is it possible? Isn’t that something to be happy about?

"Level 14 at 35 years old, this is indeed a good result, but your opponents are not inferior to you." Yu Xiaogang's face sank, and he deliberately ignored his age and said.

"In the Tiandou City subdivision qualifiers alone, it is known that 15 participating teams all have Soul Masters at the Soul Sect level, but there are only five qualifying places!"

"Facing them, you soul masters below level 40 are actually lagging behind in terms of soul power cultivation, did you know that?"

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Ning Rongrong and others, who had been relieved after coming out of seclusion, froze, and the sense of urgency returned to their hearts. It sounded like the Soul Master Competition was much more difficult than they expected.

"But I have seen your efforts and progress." Yu Xiaogang, who had achieved his desired goal, saw some doubts in the somewhat disappointed Tang San, and then put on a red face and said in a warm tone.

"Let me tell you about your current soul power cultivation. If any of you have broken through level 40, it is still too late to obtain the fourth soul ring."

Naturally, several people were not stingy about showing off their progress, especially those with the highest soul power levels.

"Tang Shi, level 43 fighting soul sect."

"Tang Fuhu, Level 43 War Soul Sect."

The two brothers from the Tang family were full of pride. They were already at the peak of level 41, and they had been promoted to two levels in one retreat. This should be the biggest improvement among them all, right?

"Yu Tianheng, Level 42 War Soul Sect." Yu Tianheng on the side was a little disappointed when he heard the two people's words. In fact, he was a little older than the two of them.

"Xiao Wu, level 36 fighting spirit master."

"Ning Rongrong, level 36 fighting soul master."

Hearing the progress of the two girls, Tang Gang and the other three were very satisfied with smiles on their faces. In fact, the two of them had advanced to level 4 in more than a year. This progress is really not small, and Haotian College has not made much additional investment. .Xiao Wu is very talented, and even though she is usually quite boring, she is devoted to cultivation, so her progress is obviously the result of hard work.

As an auxiliary system, Ning Rongrong's training was originally slower, but she couldn't afford to spend money. Relying on the high-priced potions supported by the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, this disadvantage was made up for by her ability to use money.

"Oscar, level 35 fighting spirit master."

Oscar is the oldest among the four, and is also the first to break through to the soul level. However, the food system and the auxiliary system have the same problem of difficulty in improving the soul power level, so it is reasonable to be overtaken by the latecomers.

"Tang San, level 36 fighting spirit master."

Tang San's progress sounded very good, but Tang Gang and the others were not satisfied when they heard the number of level 36. Tang Gang was mostly surprised, but Teng Wanchun looked like he had expected it.

Seeing that Xue Feng next to him was confused, he explained in a low voice, "Although Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is not a useless martial spirit, it is not very good in nature. It is possible to perform like this on the one hand because of his own diligence, on the other hand It’s also because of the help from many external forces.”

"It's just that the training of soul masters becomes more and more difficult as you get to the later stages. If Tang San wants to keep up with the others, he will need more external resources."

Yu Xiaogang frowned when he heard that Tang San's soul power had only been improved by level 1. Compared to others, Tang San had absorbed ten thousand years of soul bones.

Throwing away the level 2 soul power boosted by the soul bone, his soul power level should be level 34, which is the worst among everyone, not even as good as Oscar in the food department.

And Tang San's diligence was definitely among the best among the seven. This shows that Tang San's qualifications are different from the other six, and they are not at all what a person with innate soul power should be.

Could it be the negative influence of Blue Silver Grass? Thinking of Tang San's twin martial spirits of Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, Yu Xiaogang also felt a little depressed. Could it be that he was wrong, and the twin martial spirits are not necessarily of the same level?

After all, no matter how you look at it, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit has a gulf-like gap with the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit. Even though Tang San has relied on soul rings and soul bones to make up for it over the years, there are still obvious shortcomings.

"Level 36, tsk tsk, it's such a waste to give you ten thousand years of soul bone." Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu looked at each other with mockery on their faces.

The members of the direct lineage of the Haotian Sect are relatively straight-tempered. If Tang San can perform well, they will naturally be convinced, but if Tang San's virtue is not up to par, they will not talk about being virtuous.

"Ahem." Seeing the two provocations, Tang Gang coughed twice to indicate that it was enough, but he didn't mean to scold him. After all, he also had the same temperament, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with Tang San.

After three months of retreat with full resources, the soul master level has only been raised by one level. Are you being lazy?Tang Gang looked at Tang San and shook his head, "Go back and prepare. We will officially set off for Tiandou City tomorrow."

Regarding his achievement of only improving one level, Tang San's heart was filled with dissatisfaction and anger.

He thought he had worked hard enough in the past three months, but for the first time he felt obvious stagnation and difficulty in improving his soul power.

Blue Silver Grass is a useless martial spirit. Although Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is not in the category of useless martial spirits, it is obviously far behind the top martial spirits.

Perhaps this gap was fine before level 30, but after level 30, this gap was already obvious. This March retreat comparison is ironclad proof.

What made Tang San most uncomfortable was that, if nothing unexpected happened, the gap would only get bigger and bigger, because he already felt stagnation, which meant that the bottleneck was not far away.

Others, relying on their solid qualifications, will not have any obstacles in front of the Soul King.

In contrast, the only thing he could use was actual combat. Tang San clenched his fists. He must perform well in this qualifying and promotion competition and gain as much reputation as possible.

If he could overwhelm Tang Shi and Tang Fuhu, he would not only become the captain, but also eliminate all noise in the team.

The most important thing is that only by performing well enough can you obtain more resources to ensure that your practice will not lag behind.

"Well, your soul power cultivation is indeed good, coupled with your excellent martial arts, as long as you follow my instructions and arrangements, I believe you will be a sure winner in this qualifying competition."

Seeing that Tang San was a little embarrassed, Yu Xiaogang spoke again and continued.

But before he could continue, Tang Gang interrupted him directly, "Teacher Yu Xiaogang, I am the teacher leading this competition. You only have the right to make suggestions, but the decision-making power rests with me."

"Furthermore, the preliminaries are purely a battle between soul masters. It tests the team's tacit understanding and hard power. What does it have to do with us, the teachers who are watching?"

"Teacher Tang, who said teachers are just watching the battle? What's the difference between that and being a guard?" Yu Xiaogang retorted with dissatisfaction, "Others' strategies may not be effective, but my strategy will definitely give Haotian Team [-] a chance to win. Big increase!”

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's rebuttal, the smile on Tang Gang's face faded and he replied calmly, "Then tell me your strategy. Let's all listen to what Teacher Yu Xiaogang has to say."

(End of this chapter)

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